In biological aging, there can be great concern about the encroaching onset of menopause and its plummet of estrogen (the core biochemical feminine essence); how will it affect your wellness, beauty, health, influence and allure factor…
Will it literally ‘dry things up’ when you already weren’t satisfied with what was possible on all levels in your life to date? Do things have to be depressing? If you’re married; will he change how he relates to you? Will there be a sex life?…
How will it affect your relationship to the masculine or partner? How about your levels of receiving-ness spiritually, financially and otherwise? Will you still be valued if you are single and in the marketplace? How about even receiving a new Lover-King if this is you and you’re single?
All are legitimate concerns…Even Rod Stewart has been dealing with his wife’s menopause.
Literally more of your natural ‘inner beauty’ can significantly DROP at menopause and then the reliance with traditional Beauty is to mastery the superficially extrinsic and the skin-deep. Yes; you may be more mature in many ways but what about all the other important things?
What can REPLACE the estrogen drop (besides estrogen hormone therapy)?
What can prepare you BEFORE menopause so that you can THRIVE in authentic true self embodiment and expression with great feminine vitality into your 80’s even?
What is a healthy and better strategy than just superficial beauty maintenance, serums, creams, botox and make-up that is related to wellness, well-being, feminine truth AND literal beauty?
It’s literally to have and run Beauty essences which are flavors of signature subtle light and vibe-truth chi that ARE the divine feminine and Her consciousness.
Yes these are very real and I can give you 100’s of examples (a great one again being Sly Stallone’s wife who has great archetypal Muse embodiment).
(If she is post menopausal you wouldn’t even know!)
Although I haven’t worked with the Stallone’s yet 😉 I do work with clients all the time who are at this age and you can’t even tell their estrogen has dropped BECAUSE they are running practical divine feminine essences with and through their energy body, aura and residing IN their actual chakras. They RADIATE.
Yes; it’s possible to be radiant, beautiful, alluring and to age gracefully. This is the work.
And fortunately, any spiritual or wellness work may indirectly help at very best, but we can now work on all of this directly with these/my sessions. The foundation of course is energetic health which includes deconditioning the chakras so that you have more room to run vital, immortal beauty frequencies with and through your energy body mixed alchemically WITH estrogen or on their own after the estrogen drops.
The women who thrive with ‘inner beauty’ after menopause…well, this is the best secret and it doesn’t have to be happenstance anymore.
The men in your life and the world could use MORE of your vitality and radiance (as well as your maturity) as you get older…there’s definitely no lost hope!
By now everyone knows who Blackpink is and their latest release ‘Pink Venom’ brings a potent ‘on-brand’ signature style and vibe as a very catchy release.
But what is really going on underneath? How can they have such awe-inspiring-ness just from standing on the red carpet?
What other elements are part of their performance and the MV itself that makes it so amazing, aspirational and influential?
Well; this is where The Vixen archetype comes in as an aspect of the impersonal and immortal Feminine and Blackpink?
They’ve played with Her before in some of their other MV’s but now She’s coming through more strongly.
Vixen fits with their Girl-crush branding and image.
But….What IS the Vixen? WHO is Vixen?
And who embodies this lesser known feminine archetype? Why don’t we hear enough about Vixen anyways? Is She part of why k-pop is so hot?…
Well…You’ll be glad to hear that most recently Lisa & Rose from Blackpink embody Vixen as expressions of their presence and performance in ‘Pink Venom’.
Jennie does too btw but the other 2 stood out to me the most.
Because of ‘Pink Venom’; I predict that Vixen may be having a breakthrough culturally…also because Vixen Herself wants to make a bigger breakthrough and impact. She provides a very powerful, seductive and influential aspect of feminine consciousness and sexuality; a very empowered and liberated one but She is more ancient than just being constricted to a feminist lens.
Vixen has highly refined, sensitive Eros, but Her Dark Aspect is also very cut-throat and energetically lethal.
She might just steal your jewels (or Heart) in the night and carries this energetic, edgy truth-vibe about Herself.
I also I noticed yesterday that ‘Vixen’ is mentioned in the ‘Build a Bitch’ song with Rosé:
Vixen is a lesser known, yet highly sexual and sensual feminine archetype who has Light and Dark aspects. A nd actually, there wasn’t much out there on the Vixen previously (I researched) and I was vaguely aware of Her before, but it’s actually the ‘Pink Venom’ video and a freeze-frame I took of Lisa as Vixen-Muse that She connected with me and the codes started coming through opening things up.
After re-experiencing ‘Pink Venom’ in my devotional session time, there was a window in which Vixen designated me to bring Her codes through in a transmission (of an alchemical attunement).
She also guided me to obviously pick the woman who embodies the most Vixen that I know of to be Her channel as well.
Although Muse has guided me (and after years of tribulation) and granted me full archetypal access, it was just the timing (b/c of Blackpink) for Her to come through even more.
Vixen was present and itching to get Her codes out more consciously in the public (after all Vixen can be potent medicine for a lot of women). From here, even more women and artists can work with Her beauty and consciousness codes.
Here at Sexy Chi; we work directly with the archetypes to embody and express them in your authentic presence and allure; exactly what Lisa was doing for example in ‘Pink Venom’.
So what’s going to help K-Pop move into even further mastery is CONSCIOUSLY working with the archetypes; embodying and expressing them more potently and CONSISTENTLY and having more of that control over their own performance (also because different music videos may require different archetypes to be present – even in a live stage performance).
Even with Lisa, I’ve seen her embodiment of Vixen be variable but here we can really see Vixen coming through
Can you sense Her signature tone? Even literally how Lisa’s eyes change (and I’m not talking about how they reddened them in that other shot either).
And don’t forget Rosé! She’s channeling some Dark Vixen.
And Yes; we can actually gauge the archetypal power (masculine) and feminine (4D+ beauty) chi that is embodied in anyone at any point in history on a 0 to 10 scale.
For example Lisa’s most powerful embodiment of Vixen in ‘Pink Venom’ I’d say is at this freeze-frame:
General Vixen (Light/Dark) embodiment: 9.1 (which is VERY strong and alchemical)
In fact; that’s the shot where Vixen codes started pouring in for me.
Lisa’s line in an earlier release “I’m Foxy” is Vixen consciousness (which includes vibe, swag and attitude that’s authentic and congruent).
So with all archetypes you can learn to ‘tune in’ and read their signature light and vibe truth.
ANd then you can compare this to Blackpink member’s more consistent, normal self and look for differences.
So another sign of archetypal embodiment is when Lisa doesn’t look or even ‘vibe’ like her normal Maiden-Muse self and yet most of beauty consulting focuses on the literal superficial skin, make-up and style so that can’t quite explain things otherwise (which is where Sexy Chi image consulting and transformation comes in).
From an archetypal lens we can look at the primary and secondary archetype embodiment of any artist.
See; Lisa doesn’t look like her normal self (she is now more often Muse-Goddess)…she not only ‘looks’ more vixen-y, she IS more vixen-y and that’s why this work is so powerful and influential.
Here she is more Muse-Goddess:
This work is all about the actual authentic ESSENCES of Beauty (and how it comes through in professional image and beauty).
Jennie btw has very refined Sexy Chi so She can and could channel very clean archetypes but that extends this discussion.
In this case, Lisa has more Muse-Queen with Anne Hathaway. Notice the difference in her allure quality and presence?
(Aren’t archetypes fascinating?!)
Having awareness AS an artist and working directly with the archetypes will bring more image, beauty and performance mastery (including for all live and studio performances, campaigns, etc.)
Muse btw is the main actual secret of K-Pop but that’s an extended discussion.
So…much of this work and artistic mastery becomes about how to consistently carry or hold the AUTHENTIC archetypes (this is where all the street-cred, swag, influence and power is at) more consistently.
Often times the set design and styling will all help to influence the archetype indirectly but we can work more directly than that!
This is what I (Rion) help to facilitate ‘directly’ with clients after doing 100s of paid archetype embodiment activations for transformational ‘makeover’ allure and charisma (as well as consciousness).
So; like other archetypes, Vixenalready has very signature beauty codes, light-truth, vibe-truth and consciousness; the artists simply becomes VESSELS for Her but it’s done as an aspect of their expanded soul expression. We don’t want an evil entity to take over them (which is possible and happens sometimes); we want the pure archetypal beauty and power chi embodied and expressed in someone’s energy body.
In otw; Vixen is painted through Lisa’s other image-relevant factors such as her soul signature, her Human Design chakric and auric definition, allure factor and mixing with her amount of conditioning in each chakra as well as mixing with other beauty essences – but let’s just keep it simple for now…
Vixen shows up a LOT and pretty richly in Pink Venom however there could be even MORE Vixen richness which Blackpink members could embody and I’m not even talking about other energetic qualities in how to improve their allure like how Jisoo’s energy could literally be more expressed beyond the camera more often.
So do you still want to know more about Vixen?
Well…since there wasn’t much out there, I just went to the source since Muse has gratefully given me carte blanche access (including with Dark Goddess).
So what I did instead was just download Vixen codes directly (like literally into my 8th chakra and sealed it, then grounded it @ a 5:55 pm when they were just calling to come in).
Then I unpacked the codes naturally in the process of producing the Vixen Powerliminal. Hurriicane also channeled and transmitted Her own ‘clear channel’ message.
Simply being attuned to Vixen and respecting Her transmission, it allowed me to follow Her guidance and channel Her transmission while Hurriicane also received Her own EMBODIED transmission while I took on the voice of Eros (Vixen’s beloved). And btw; Vixen isn’t just for Blackpink performances…She may work with you IF you can give yourself permission and are ready to take on Her consciousness and Beauty…it’s very powerful magic with real alchemy and men might start going craZy over you (which happens with a lot of my clients who give themselves that permission and get activated).
So you might be wondering what ARE the authentic aspects OF the Vixen archetype and maybe how can I have more of that for my own beauty and swag/allure?
I can answer that to an extent here but the BEST answer would be to immerse in the Vixen meditation (attunement) and the Vixen embodiment attunement with that Vixen embodying colleague of mine.
This will really help you to really feel, know and tune in to Vixen’s beauty much more and even have Her start working Her magic with you.
Vixen activations are available on the Appointments page! Just book a session and we can consult at the start to confirm what session is best.
I’ve already done about 7 of them since this Vixen window opened up (I really think in the Collective itself)!
Update: YES, this same information is on our official Charisma Codes Transmission but I’m also just going to cover this in this blog post.
Sure; we kinda know the effect of what charisma is and surely you’ve experienced someone in a room or party who ‘had it going on’ and had that big influence from their presence that can have powerful attraction, open opportunities and expand your network, etc., right?
But what IS it? What is Charisma?
This is the BIG question (again before we can get to the ‘how’, etc.).
Because if we answer it from a more limited, lower truth understanding it is going to limit our ability (for years even decades) to REALLY do miraculous transformation in this realm and have good authority over it all.
And really I was always wondering ‘what is charisma’ as well when I was growing up and seeing certain movies stars have it (and later discovering how this cross-relates with women and their Beauty/allure btw).
‘WHAT is charisma?’
‘How do THEY have it (and not me)?’
‘How can *I* have it and experience that kind of effortless influence?…’
You could like FEEL their impact and awesomeness when they didn’t DO anything even – but no one could really get a grip on saying what it is.
Well….the popular, current collective awareness definition in the dictionary is this;
noun: charisma; plural noun: charismata
1. compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others.
“she enchanted guests with her charisma”
2. a divinely conferred power or talent.
More popularly, people generally describe it as ‘influence of someone’s presence or image;…a special ‘quality’ about them that makes them magnetic or appealing’.
But this is SummerCamp Masterclass – (is your freeze pop melting 😉
WE want a highest/higher truth definition of what charisma REALLY is, right?
Yep..after all, I always sought a DEEPER and more conscious TRUTH about it all.
(And after years of work and now returning ‘officially’ to men’s work in this revival with these breakthroughs);
Here’s MY 2022 definition (subject to even further improvements and clarity);
“The emanating expression of masculine vibe and light essences in, with and through a man’s presence and thus (multi-dimensional) image”
Yes; it is about a man (or pre-dominant masculine-essenced being) and the overall breathing-ness of his light (5D) and vibe (4D) essences IN his presence and image. There is a similar feminine version definition for ‘allure’ btw.
We’ll dig deeper into it but you have to understand that your presence and image is NOT just literally skin-deep 3D. AND you already know that the men you are secretly envious of; they’re not literally ‘DOING’ anything…they’re just vibing and emanating ‘something else’ without effort. So bear with me…
You practically exist on the 4th, 5th and beyond dimensions (if you’ve taken plant medicine you know this) and your literal image itself is communicating MORE frequency, truth, codes and information than we normally perceive from our 3D based vision and the visible ROYGBIV light spectrum (you know; that visible, skin-deep focus which the fitness and Beauty industry thrives upon).
So….in order for YOU to be ahead of the Behavioral Charisma Consultants (trust me; this will save you YEARS of time in not really knowing) – and to start capitalizing on gaining charisma and more influence in YOUR truth and image, we’ll dig in more with this masterclass (now distilled on the Charisma class on-site).
We just have to be more aware of the practical TRUTH of things and what’s being communicated visually and THIS my friend (stick with our masterclass);
Is THE juicy juiciness you’ve been waiting for (that no one else in the world could define or show for me) – well that and HOW to directly do it for real makeover transformation into the self of your dreams!
There are VERY specific things we can literally name and work with now; dream stuff that my teenage self is THRILLED BY.
Imagine not just having suns out guns out, but REAL SWAGGER (and divine masculine sex appeal that women are actually MISSING from men).
Remember that with ‘natural’ attraction; women can respond to YOUR presence and when you have charisma – your field HITS them energetically – it’s far easier for them to notice you and trigger a natural response and then you just have to look for their non-verbal signals to see if you WANT to approach them and connect or not (b/c they’ve already given you the signal off of your vibe and light).
Boom – all risk of rejection is virtually gone…Charisma ALSO represents your social status ; it’s like your vibe-truth homing beacon that works for you – even in silence (and 24/7 on social media!).
Much more coming up (and a lot to ‘cash in on’ if you’ve been doing Natural Grounding and Powerliminals)!
If you know me from how I tore apart the weak paradigm of inner game into greater social and natural truths of attraction; this is on par with that game-changing shit.
If you’re too ‘stuck’; what is the *biggest* kind of transformation possible?
I’ve mentioned somewhere before that if things just aren’t working for you and it’s time for a MAJOR change; the MOST powerful thing you can do is identity level transformation.
In this case; it may be time to change your identity itself and work on that deepest level (you know that I even changed my name legally and then changed it again later to more match my soul resonance).
It may be time for a massive makeover (and you want to shift the inner consciousness and psyche, not just outer).
It’s not always necessary but this gives you bigger shifts in who you are, who you are allowing yourself to be and how you show up in the world…who you define yourself as.
Identity; it’s your true foundation itself (although for most people; conditioning has taken over and runs the show while their soul self remains largely dis-embodied).
You know who is GREAT at this kind of deep transformation so much so that it shifts their vibe and how others relate to them? Professional actors.
Actors and actresses give themselves PERMISSION to take on, embody and explore different ways of being, living, experiencing and expression. That includes the PANTHEON of archetypes and archetypal consciousness and beauty/charisma.
I’m thinking I’m about ready to finally take on Hollywood soon enough.
Now; if you’re a man – it’s not that you have to become an actor (or rockstar), but if you sense that you’re many years behind your ideal higher timelines (and have been ‘stuck’ in a pattern of self-identity), it may be time for a more SERIOUS transformation or makeover itself.
I’m not just talking a style makeover like with alpha m.; we want to go deeper.
You’ll want to do IDENTITY level transformational work and you’ll probably have to work with masters like me or someone else in order to bring in tremendous experienced leverage to get out of your own ‘inner game’ constructed ego-identity rut itself (but you have to be sharp enough to even recognize that).
I know that for myself and MY identity change over these years; attracting masters and initiations helped ME to make quantum leaps as I’ve been cultivating my powerful, embodied true self. And that includes immense archetypal charisma and consciousness which I’m already showcasing on my main FB profile friends only story-feed.
The Charisma Makeover Package (and Allure MP for women) is actually a perfect support for such a transformational shift. Getting divine masculine (or feminine) initiations, embodying archetypal CONSCIOUSNESS and vibe-truth codes of warrior, lover, eros, prince will shift your reality fast when it’s the real work (and this is exactly what we do in the CMP).
You might be wondering what are more specific details about the individual masculine archetypes that you could work with (remember; archetypes are impersonal, immortal and iconic aspects and truths of consciousness and presence from what we know of them in the collective un/conscious).
Although the Archetype Activations work directly with each of their signature qualities (I can consult on any of these in person btw), our G7 (Guided Yang Attunement 7) Powerliminal series goes deeper into details with 13 different masculine archetypes.
You can also find out more basic information on our Masculine Archetypes Overview for reference. (Divine Feminine archetypes also listed on-site).
Archetypes hold unlimited practical power and consciousness for identity expansion, presence and charisma when you can work with them effectively.
I’ve done 100’s of paid archetype activations by now with the main work I’m doing (available in individual, 3-pack or Charisma Makeover Package sessions).
I also carry a lot of archetype codes b/c I’ve been working on my consciousness and initiations for many years.
Around the site I may share some Arch series charisma photos that will help you to tune into the different signature qualities of their charisma (also on my friends only main FB page).