The Missing Ingredient of Thriving, Vital

Post-Menopause Beauty

Shouldn’t you be able to look and FEEL beautiful at any age?

At an age where menopause kicks in (and beyond) and where you stop ovulating, you may feel you outright aren’t ready to just ‘give up’ on beauty itself. 


Fortunately you don’t have to, but there’s MORE to the story of what’s possible than what Beauty magazines cover.


With a lot of focus on anti-aging, wellness and vitality in addition to the normal focus on style and fashion…aging gracefully SHOULD be a thing for women your age. 


Unfortunately a lot of ‘mature’ beauty is focused on the superficial aspects including anti-aging; albeit where anti-aging is limited to skin creams, serums and botox on a literally superficial level. 


Sure a healthy diet and exercise (as well as generic ‘wellness’ in general) can help but doesn’t it seem like something’s MISSING?


What about the ‘missing’ part of the post-menopausal beauty equation itself?


That’s what doesn’t get talked about much when it comes to mid-life and beyond beauty.


Do you know what that is?




There can be great concern about the encroaching onset of menopause and its plummet of estrogen (the core biochemical feminine essence); how will it affect your wellness, beauty, health, influence, relationships, desires and allure factor…


Maybe you’re actually in that experience now.


Sure; new chapters are opening but will menopause literally ‘dry things up’ when maybe you already weren’t satisfied with what was possible on all levels in your life to date? 


Do things have to be depressing because of this apparent ‘loss’ of prime value of your feminine essence that the world cherishes?


How will it affect your relationship to the masculine or partner? Your attractability?


How about your levels of receiving-ness spiritually, financially and otherwise? 


With so much universal focus on youth and beauty; will you still be ‘valued’ if you are single and in the marketplace? 


What if you’re past your socially popular ‘due date’ for being single and desirable?


Of course you don’t have to ever believe it but how do you FEEL about it inside? How are you SHOWING UP in your beauty or not?


How about even receiving at Lover-King if this is you?


What if you’re not ready for the ‘crone’ archetype just yet?


How can you really MAXIMIZE not just your superficial extrinsic beauty but your inner beauty as well in ways that vitalize you and people feel?


As you may know, literally more of your natural ‘inner beauty’ can significantly DROP at menopause and then the reliance with traditional Beauty is to master the superficially extrinsic and the skin-deep. This can literally create a void of feeling unfulfilled. 


It can allow a great festering insecurity about your beauty and confidence when that biological feminine essence of estrogen itself drops.


But you are MORE than just bio-chemical in feminine essence.


Yes, in life; you may be more mature and experienced in many ways, but what about all the other important things? 


After all; you DO value your beauty and vitality.


It may leave you feeling emptier and unfulfilled as the core bio-feminine essence dissipates…even feeling ‘less like a woman’…or even just a ‘shell’ of one where the focus is more on your personality and apparently diminishing physical features.


There might even be a depressing sense of doom on an unconscious level because of ‘beauty fading’.

"We Value Beauty Because It Fades" -Camille Paglia (paraphrased)

Again; you may be concerned about even being loveable to a partner, etc.




As far as true INNER BEAUTY that affects your literal visual presence and social media;


What could REPLACE the estrogen drop (besides hormone therapy)?  


What can prepare you BEFORE menopause so that you can THRIVE in authentic true self embodiment and expression with great feminine vitality into your 80’s even?


And what if the same thing could also be your DIVINE FEMININE Beauty inheritance?!


So if you’re not going to do hormone therapy;


What is a healthy and better strategy than just superficial beauty maintenance, serums, creams, botox and make-up? What is the ‘big missing piece of the puzzle’ that the Beauty industry infers and tries to associate advertising to but is actually the real thing that is related to wellness, well-being, feminine truth, inner beauty, divine feminine beauty AND literal visual beauty?




I mean literally, your soul and divine feminine beauty chi essences which exist beyond your physical body yet also show up in your professional IMAGE b/c image is multi-dimensional light (you are more than just your body). Now we’re talking SOUL-BASED and archetypal divine feminine beauty.


And that’s also why you can take information from a heterosexual male like me on your post-menopausal beauty; because I’m a specialist and not ‘just’ a man.


I’ve done over 1000 client sessions working with beauty essences and many female clients approaching and in menopause. I’m something of ‘the’ authority on all of this.


Let’s view it this way; the core of it is that estrogen is the feminine body’s bio-chemical essence; it thrives when you are in cycles of menstration and ovulation. 


But you also have LIFE FORCE ENERGY aka chi aka ‘essence’. This is also why beauty itself is being taken to new heights with today’s beauty influencers who are consciously or non-consciously getting into ESSENCE WORK that then MIXES WITH their bio-chemical estrogen.


And chi life force essences are the vital and spiritual essence of you that literally can also course through your multi-dimensional energy body even if you have very little estrogen. This actually bridges us into beauty consciousness and the vibe and light-truth ESSENCES that can be embodied literally in your chakric psyche centers ‘as true’ (ie. Goddess embodiment or Vixen embodiment at any age!).


Now; we do have to look outside the lens of Western medicine and its INCESSANT focus on ONLY physical beauty, but that’s what fills the missing gap in. 


Eastern traditions have known of chi for 1000s of years. But there’s more than just yin and yang chi essence. It gets far more specific than that with 100’s of known beauty essences now as signatures of vibe and light-truth prana or life force chi.


With the West only focusing on the 3rd dimension ‘physical’ body, sure we have your bio-chemical estrogen but then we have the corporal, superficial and literally skin-deep body which is what Western Beauty values and focuses on.


What isn’t covered is the CONSCIOUS reality that your image itself IS literally light energy and light itself is multi-dimensional. Your presence and image is not merely a reflection of your physical body’s surface but gives light-truth information about your vibrational (4th dimensional) and light essenced self (soul, archetypal and siddhic qualities of essence). These qualities DO come through (or not; to varying levels) in EVERY film, photograph or instagram video of every single person (you can get into my energy reading on the blog, etc.).


So if you want THRIVE in post-menopausal beauty and are NOT working with the life force signature beauty essences like goddess, queen, peace, majesty then it might feel like something is missing!


I can assess all of this with where you or any woman is ‘right now’ (including celebrities).




You can discover more about reading energy on-site and in my blog but the point is that you are more than just your body. Your image gives a snapshot of your multi-dimensional energetic health, your soul, your karmic history, your archetypes and your siddhic or gift beauty essences (aka ‘divine feminine’ qualities). We simply have to read the truth of your image beyond the superficial or skin-deep body.


In other words;


Your vibrational and light bodied self is compromised of ESSENCE. Of different signatures of life force chi. This is the entire other ‘half’ of ‘beauty itself’. There’s 3rd dimensional beauty and then there’s 4d and 5d + (Light essenced) beauty; ALL of which comes through in all of your images. That’s why some people have so much more INFLUENCE from their beauty because …




We can now work professionally in the realm of ESSENCED BEAUTY.


So….what could REPLACE the drop in your physical body’s ESTROGEN?




We just have to look BEYOND the physical body to embrace the entirety of you; soul, divine feminine spirit and how life force feeds the organs and then we can see that it’s life force chi itself.


Your spirit-body and astral vibe-truth can run divine feminine and SOUL essence/s beyond menopause and the estrogen plummet.


Image the SPIRIT of Aphrodite coursing through your veins into your 70’s for example! Yes, it’s all possible and THAT epigenetic essenced prana/chi can nourish your organs itself and renew your vitality to FEEL good however you do have to make space for Her.


So, to replace any estrogen drop post-menopause;


It’s literally to have, replace and run epigenetic (nurture or environment based) Beauty essences which are flavors of signature subtle light and vibe-truth chi that ARE the divine feminine and Her consciousness mixed through your soul’s embodiment and expression! And it’s to practically embody the beauty of YOUR SOUL in presence and also your professional image at any age.


And the thing also with ‘getting older’ is that MOST people have all kinds of energetic blocks (including women) that are not only aging them faster physiologically and affecting their organs by blockages of chi but also preventing them from even embodying their soul essence or archetypal beauty essences that allow people to FEEL them!


Yes these are very real and I can give you 100’s of examples (a great one again being Sly Stallone’s wife embodying Muse essence, consciousness and feminine vitality even being at a post-menopausal age). You can check out the blog for more examples on-site.

Plenty Of Archetype Readings On-Site

I work with female clients all the time who are at this biological age bracket and you can’t even tell their estrogen has dropped BECAUSE they are running practical divine feminine ESSENCES with and through their energy body, aura and residing IN their actual chakras. 


They RADIATE and they radiate archetypal, immortal feminine beauty and soul essenced beauty. It’s now an opportunity to explore and CURATE your essenced beauty!


But you’re not going to get this conscious competence with the Beauty industry yet; it’s going to be more skin-care superficial focus and that has its place; just consider that Essence and Allure magazines don’t yet speak the light language of essence and allure itself…they’re still marketing to and from a paradigm of Beauty 1.0; the superficial body. That’s ok; it’s just where they’re still at cerca 2023 but this is the future and it’s here now:


ESSENCED BEAUTY consulting and makeover.


And Sexy Chi is THE source brand.


To master and curate your visual beauty beyond menopause, it’s just best to focus DIRECTLY, consciously and competently on ESSENCE itself. Having a great diet and exercise can HELP support your pre-natal inherent life force chi but you STILL may have all kinds of energy blockages so even that is best to work on directly (which we do in this PMBeauty Makeover).


Women who thrive in post-menopausal beauty;


They have essentially replaced any estrogen bio-chemical essence drop with spiritual chi vital essences (many of them indirectly and non-consciously but they’ve done it somehow). 


So you want to maximize your internal pre-natal chi life-force (what you were born with) and cultivate post-natal or epigenetic, environmental chi like beauty essences.


Fortunately there’s no limit on the archetypal quanta (spirit-chi) that you could embody (just reference the emanant beauty of starlets). It’s an opportunity to be your best embodied self and to showcase your TRUTH to the world so that people can feel your soul quality. That’s the secret to where beauty influence is going anyways (it’s this essence based work). And this is so centrally critical if you are in a self-branded business.


You do want to optimize your pre-natal chi esp. if you are post-menopausal to slow aging and maximize vitality with clean, healthy chakras and meridian flow. We work on that and the post-natal chi actually further allows the organs to remain healthy and nourished as well (as per Tao philosophy). Yes; you can literally bring in more ‘life force’ and qualities of it into your multi-dimensional embodiment (that’s what stars and starlets are anyways).


Yes; it’s possible to be radiant, beautiful, alluring and to age gracefully. This is the work; maximize your physical beauty potential with make-up, creams, diet, nutrition, style, haircare, etc. but also work on your ESSENCED beauty itself.


You don’t have to metaphorically ‘dry up’ inside at all when you have stopped ovulating. It can be a time to really embrace divine feminine beauty consciousness; like what archetypes do you want to EMBODY more so that others can feel that truth from you?


Queen, Lover, Eros at any age?


If Helen Mirren can do it, you can too.


Yep.  We can do that.

That's In The Realm of Essenced Beauty!

So what should you do if you are either approaching menopause age OR are already well into it and want to THRIVE in your beauty and feminine essence even though your estrogen (bio-chemical feminine essence) has dropped?


I’d work directly on cultivating your ESSENCED Beauty on top of your energetic health itself.


And fortunately, we can now work on all of this directly with my work and if you want my BEST recommendation that just gets right to it; it would be the post-menopausal beauty makeover package I’m presenting here that is now re-named as the ESSENCE THERAPY MAKEOVER!


It’s formatted the same as the Allure Makeover Package but more custom to your valuation of getting your life force chi THRIVING in place of estrogen drop.


With the Essence Therapy Makeover package, I’m going to work with you wherever you are at and we get results (I’ve got 100’s of overall testimonials).


As I mentioned earlier; some women have YEARS of energetic health issues especially as they get older; issues which are literally affecting their physiological and physical health itself.


Chi after all does affect the organs directly and if your life force is BLOCKED or mitigated in meridians or chakric psyche centers, that’s actually creating entropy in your physical health, stress and aging you even faster.


So we work on your energetic health doing restoration and repair which actually helps you to biologically anti-age (and yes that’s a real thing).


Chronological anti-aging is basically impossible without a time machine. Biological anti-aging however is a real thing and I do it all the time with clients in my sessions. Having energetic health vitality that is more optimized can help you BE literally younger than your age.


We work on this throughout the package because really; energetic health is the FOUNDATION for beauty essences (again; flavors of life force signature chi like vixen, queen, peace, universal love) to run through your energy body. If your chakras are too conditioned, weak, fractured, blocked with trauma, miasma, etc. it’s going to constrict how much divine feminine essence you can embody and expression in your chakras and aura.


As we restore your chakric health and remove years or decades of energetic blocks and conditioning, you’ll have more room to run epi-genetic life force chi (post-natal) in your system (kind of like how starlets can take on so much more vibe and light force chi into the power of their presence).


Yes; the Light of a Majestic Queen for example can attune DNA to vibrate differently and in resonance with it.


Essenced Beauty itself has greater influence so your visuals also go through a makeover; where people FEEL your vibe and light emanation rather than don’t feel anything and ‘she looks good’.


Your expanding allure helps others to literally feel you (this is the movement OF essenced chi through your energy body’s presence). Oh – and it’s your divine feminine inheritance of mystical beauty!


So in the Essence Therapy Makeover package, the foundation of course is energetic health which includes deconditioning the chakras so that you have more room to run vital, immortal beauty frequencies (as chi) with and through your energy body mixed alchemically WITH estrogen or on their own after the estrogen drops.


As we work on your energetic health and boost vitality through each session; you will be effectively anti-aging (and can get this tested), but we’ll also be working on getting your soul essence more embodied and cultivating your divine feminine beauty from the spectrum of archetypes and siddhic qualities!


So; to recap….how can you replace the drop in estrogen to truly have inner feminine beauty at any age that you and others can FEEL and know as REAL?


Work directly on your essenced beauty because that additional embodied life force essence effectively replaces your estrogen…it’s like a more natural-spiritual form of hormone therapy when it relates to your physiological health as well as feeling and looking beautiful. 


That’s also why many younger women have super-natural beauty; because they’ve got INTO the essenced beauty (ie. archetypal chi) mixing WITH their bio-essence estrogen.


Physical beauty fades so they say, but you’ve also got the immortal beauty of your soul and divine feminine inheritance which is PRACTICALLY life force signatures of beauty essenced CHI that you can embody.


Imagine; now you’ve got the whole spectrum of divine feminine life force chi and its corresponding beauty consciousness-truth to potentially work with!


So…if you’re ready for a makeover, you can book below and we’ll start our first session when it’s scheduled!


What does the Essence Therapy Makeover Include?

It includes the $2500 retail Biostar session itself (also available on-site separately and which you can find out more about here).
This 1 hour power session is a major energetic health OVERHAUL and restoration to get your system in alignment. 
This includes years worth of powerful detox and organ repair. At your age, we want to have a foundational reset to attune your body and its energetic support much closer to where it should be.
So we’ve got:
*  1 Biostar Session
*  1 Human Design & Gene Keys Reading 75 minutes audio
This practically and enlightening session will help you explore your auric design as well as deconditioning challenges and introduce many beauty essences
*  5 Beauty Essence Embodiment Activation Sessions
*  1 x 45-minute consulting block with me for further integration
*Psychic session notes and energetic/beauty essence assessment details that also supports your progress as we move along.
*On-demand feminine archetype embodiment reading (before and after each)


"Women in their 20's keep asking me where I've got my plastic surgery; I haven't done any - I do energy work (with Rion)" -Biostar Florida Client 2022

Booking Details:


Fortunately (and unlike some sessions and archetypes); you can self-select and invest in the Essence Therapy (Post-Menopause Beauty) Makeover for yourself or as a gift from here without further pre-qualification!


After purchasing via paypal either paid in full or starter deposit (with agreement to complete the package payments), you will be redirected to schedule our first session.


Remember however that all energy based service sessions are non-refundable.


You are in sound mental health by experiencing the session and abide by the agreement on the Appointments page (that prevents you from making any claims afterwards). You also agree that doesn’t replace medical or hormonal treatment nor make any medical promises.


If you do have some questions, Rion can offer a free fb chat or 10 minute call to confirm it’s a fit (no obligation to book the PMB from here). Schedule below and Rion will reach out.


Just pay first in full (or starter deposit) if you know you’re ‘in’ for the Makeover




Book a time from here (10 minute consult) and Rion will connect with you then!


Not sure? You can also reach out to Rion on FB before scheduling for a 10 minute connect or fb chat to see if it’s a fit (pre-qualified).

Book Your Essence Therapy Makeover

Or Start With A Deposit & Pay As We Go Along Here

p.s.  At whatever your age is; consider what the cost is of NOT having your energetic health optimized esp. if you’re not doing hormone therapy for support.


Remember that you also have an ENERGY BODY whether all of Western science has caught up with it yet or not. My Chinese Grandmaster was a medical chi kung practitioner but it wasn’t sourced in Western medicine.


You could be dieting and yet still have all kinds of chakric and meridian blocks or trauma that are literally stressing and aging your physiological body faster alone.


For that reason alone you might want to get the package to optimize your energetic vitality with results you can feel and see; literally being biologically anti-aged through our session work (and literally LOOKING and feeling younger).


So what’s the cost of not doing that? Of aging faster than your age?


And what’s the cost of leaving it up to chance to somehow end up with essenced based beauty when you know now that you CAN work on it with a master at this?


Want to LIVE and BE more vital, healthy and beautiful living as your truest embodied self?


I’m a very experienced energy master. Invest in the Essence Therapy Makeover today and we’ll get started!


(Expense will show up as Essence Therapy Makeover from Dreamcore Productions btw). Service packages are always non-refundable yet transferable

""I feel like my light is shining brighter..receiving wonderful attention from men..insight and clarity too" -Biostar Client 2022

There are so many reasons you may be called to get the Bio-Star Activation (as part of the Post-Menopause Beauty Makeover aka ‘Essence Therapy’ Makeover)…


*Powerful energetic health maintenance (you may visit physical doctors and yes nutrition is also important but are you taking care of your energetic health which always then AFFECTS the physical?)


*Biological anti-aging literally before and after (ie. 1/2 week of integration time) (No medical promises are made but there are bio anti-aging tests that you can get done and I would love to demo in the future…often people look feel and are younger after session work and people let them know)


*Re-activating your nervous system and light-body to handle far more power and chi essences


*Profoundly increased healing powers and abilities


*A no-brainer for grid-workers


*Increased psychic abilities


*Accelerating your higher timelines with more alignment and embodiment


*Greatly deconditioned chakric psyches to hold far more beauty codes and presence


*Chakric and auric strengthening


*Organ rejuvenation, better meridian flow to organs, etc.


*Emergency energetic health repair and maintenance


*Replace loss of estrogen with more life force chi (like a starlet)


*Literally embody more of your soul signature truth so people can feel you and see it in your eyes


*Post-menopausal infrastructural energy and womb work to thrive with feminine essences in spite of estrogen drop


*Increased hormonal and systems function support (I have the testosterone of a 20-something year old as mid 40’s chronologically aged)


*Magnifying more of who you really are


*More beautiful or powerful presence (embodiment of essences)


There could be many reasons; you might not be comfortable feeling or looking older than you think you should. Maybe others are still looking younger. Maybe unseen stress is taxing your system and fatiguing you, putting more stress on the organs getting less pre-natal chi causing you to age faster.


Maybe it’s time for just a SERIOUS makeover reset and rebirth at this phase of your life.


I’ve had life-changing potent activations myself from ascended and incarnate masters that were paramount to me becoming such a powerful healer, grid-worker and lightworker. This is that level of initiation (and yes; the remote session zoom work does just fine!).


I’ve had 2 legitimate heart issues healed and resolved through energy work alone.


My veins are that of a 30 year old (tested 1 month ago at time of initial writing in late 2022).


I used to be a heavy drinker across years without healthiest diet at all and yet have no liver or blood issues b/c I’ve been doing energetic maintenance on myself for years and received sessions from other masters.


I literally look at least a decade younger than I am (other people my age look much older than me and older than their biological age) and it’s b/c of the core energetic health work.


If you are aging faster, if you have stress and hormonal issues, if your estrogen has plummeted these are further reasons to get the intensive BioStar activation (as part of this Essence Therapy Makeover).


BioStar STRENGTHENS your biological health foundation as well as your divine soul aspect to be embodiment and empowered so that your entire vessel is more aligned and EMPOWERED…the foundation to energetic charisma and allure (the true sexy stuff); you’ll be able to organically run more chi essences (critical aspect of being a more powerful healer or light-worker), you’ll be able to be more grounded and spiritually connected.


You may just want to have renewed vitality and be aligned and empowered on YOUR version of your star or starlet path; it may be necessary for you (and key to more influence including from your presence and image).


Questions? Seriously thinking about the PMBeauty Makeover / ETMakeover but not quite ready to book?


**10 Minute Connection Now Available**


I’ve now opened up a free 10 minute quick connect with me (no obligation) which can be booked at this link:


All service based sessions are non-refundable but transferable or giftable

Or Start With A Deposit & Pay As We Go Along Here

Remember; there are 100’s of testimonials on site with a few dozen that have yet to be added as far as 12.10.2023


These are chi, life force essences that we’re referring to, not essential oils!




p.s. after you pay, it should redirect you to schedule our first session! Sessions are only 30 minutes but it’s a powerful and proven format that gets a LOT done (you’ll see and experience it for yourself)

"I feel I've reversed in age and people keep reflecting that back to me" -Biostar Client 2022



If you have questions you can reach Rion Kati on Facebook DM @ (send message) or email

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Sexy Chi:: **PM Beauty


*About Rion          *Archetypes              *Masculine Archetypes  


 *Testimonials                   *Beauty 2.0 Deep Dive                  *Muse Priestess

Copyright Dreamcore Productions, LTD 2021

Essence Reading & Celebrity Critique of Public Figures – Images Used Under Fair Use Copyright Guidelines and belong to respective owners. Other images are licensed.