*Energetic Health*

Energetic Health is really a world unto its own and can sometimes be too boring or operational for some; so if this is still too overwhelming of an introduction, feel free to skip to other parts of our Beauty Essence sub-menu.


You may not be ready to take all of this foundational awareness in right now, but just know that all (Essence) Readings (for yourself or someone else) touch upon your actual energetic health. You can always just get a BEA (reading).


The foundation to blossomed beauty essence that allures and influences people is absolutely in energetic health.


Here we can focus primarily featuring chakric and auric systems as well as overall qi health and movement of energies. In addition to your auric design, we want good auric health.


(Remember we are now working on health and beauty on non-physical levels – and even your physical body is vibrating energy – it’s just more dense).


Energetic Health is valued throughout multiple layers of your energy bodies and includes your sexual, emotional and psychic health from an energetic perspective. 


We want a healthy foundation where your chakras (energetic centers related to aspects of your psyche and organs) are clean, healthy and breathing properly in their qi flow.


Too many women are aging faster because of poor energetic health and disturbances here which can give them an energetically uglier or broken soul essence – even if they have the best extrinsic skin anti-aging creams.


Having poor qi flow and imbalances can age you faster. Organs themselves can be working harder and fatiguing you without proper energetic support.



For men, losing a lot of their pre-natal (inherent) qi causes energy to be sapped from their organs and have a less healthy and functional body and aura. This can also age them faster.


When we get to the Auric Beauty & Design; something to be mindful of is that non-energy types (Projectors & Manifestors without sacral motors ~30% of the population) are not meant to work all the time and over-working can cause burn-out fatigue and also break down their energetic health and thus beauty.


Your environment and work environment can also indirectly and directly affect your energetic health.


In the world of energetic health, we take more of a pure energetic approach rather than just indirect generalizations about wellness, your personality, mood or ‘feeling good’ by the way (which can be faked). We look at your actual health ‘as it is’ on the energetic paradigm.


Even if you have good and ample pre-natal qi and post-natal qi (with healthy nutrition and qi gong for example); there can still be stagnant qi and lower frequency energies stuck in areas.


Even doing qi gong doesn’t always directly address deeper chakric issues or optimize circulation esp. in moderate to extreme cases.



If you are with-holding trauma within your sexual, personal or emotional chakras for example – or even if they are just too conditioned or blocked; it is literally preventing purer, cleaner, beautiful soul essence qi (and other essences) from exuding forward.


Shadow patterns and lower frequencies can be locked within certain chakras (even forming a ‘pain body’ entity) that make it difficult to ever get into the realm of FEELING and emanating higher frequency beauty itself holistically. Yes, chakras are very real and can be felt. 


One of the secrets of real starlets is not just physical beauty but energetic health and higher frequency essences in her image that literally project further distances to reach people (which can be measured).


In a worst case scenario with poor energetic health and imbalanced qi; not only is it affecting your physiological and physical health aging you faster – it’s then like make-up and superficial beauty could become a way to cover up the lack of inner beauty, soul satisfaction and peace. 


And of course it’s affecting your quality of life and actually your professional image. For many; superficial 3D beauty coverage can become a shelled form of validation seeking without the more secure and radiant energetic health and beauty underneath that over-floweth.


In the future of Beauty, you don’t just want to LOOK good, you want to FEEL good and communicate more of your Truth effortlessly.


This is more difficult if you are covering up underlying issues, trauma and pain. Things like stress and drug use can also affect someone’s energetic health and thus image as well.


Keep in mind that tomorrow’s consumers are going to become more psychic with media and able to sense when ‘something’ is off even if they’re not trained in energy reading.

There’s also a lot to be said about your professional image and beauty being an eternal legacy…so that might be reason to finally get things ALL in optimal order and mastery.


Now; because there can be a million details; energetic health and optimal qi is a world of its own and each person is at a different place with their own energetic health dynamics. 


For professional actors and actresses this energetic mastery becomes even more important than the average person; to energetically match their character’s lived in energetic profile and congruency (key to award-winning acting) like Christian Bale in ‘The Fighter’.



Beyond being ‘physically’ thin for the part (which is what everyone would focus on), it’s really that he energetically embodies his character (which ISN’T the healthiest energetically) but this is where that mastery comes in. Working energetically, we can work in that ‘final frontier’ of mastery.


So practically; ‘energetic health’ is what we could directly refer to most as what others call ‘inner beauty’. Again, we take a purely energetic approach which has its own lingo and tools that read the accurate truth of things instead of generic, indirect platitudes of wellness (not to neglect your diet but for pro image it’s indirect at best at not even the main thing of importance).


Yes, poor qi (which can be assessed and diagnosed) can indirectly and even directly influence cancer because unless it’s directly induced physical trauma, most issues START on the energetic levels that then affect your physiology and physical health.


Medical doctors are not trained (or necessarily even competent) in this area and could only give indirect advice generally at the very best. For optimal energetic health, it’s best to work with an expert in this area.


Although considered more ‘alternative’; energy work and energy healing is an actual professional area btw.


Within it, there are also medical intuitives (and Medical Qi Gong practitioners ie.); but even without that level of organ health specificity, from the right person you can get a very accurate energy health assessment and healing work.


Again; for work in this area you would want a very competent and experienced energy reader and energy healer. Just getting a reiki session may not directly affect your deeper issues and imbalances.


Unfortunately, not all energy healers are equal in their abilities TO heal and transform; plus, hardly any of them make anywhere near a relevant connection to your professional image.


With Sexy Chi image consulting however, you are in the right place for experienced, accurate and relevant energetic health assessment AND foundational energy work with Rion Kati (who has studied under several masters).

Energetic Health is the FOUNDATION to boundless beauty essence!

Copyright Dreamcore Productions, LTD 2021

Essence Reading & Celebrity Critique of Public Figures – Images Used Under Fair Use Copyright Guidelines and belong to respective owners. Other images are licensed.