Beauty Essence Assessment Tools

Want professional Beauty Essence Assessment? Then, you're in the right place with Sexy Chi!

We all know that 3D beauty tools are necessary for physical beauty improvement; styling tools, crimping irons, blow dryers, make-up palettes, brushes, lighting, skin cleansers, foundation, moisturizers, lipstick, mascara, etc. 

At the VERY best, these 3D Beauty tools are indirect and supportive to bringing out some of your beauty essence and at worst, not in 100's of years would they actually directly make change on your essence itself; nor would masters in the 3D world of Beauty necessarily have any awareness or competence on your 4th and 5th dimensional beauty.

Because your image is both physical (3rd) dimensional AND higher dimensional Light and consciousness, we require new and different tools to work proficiently and directly on your (higher dimensional) beauty essence (and the myriad of essence qualities) itself. 

We want to be able to professionally ASSESS your Beauty essence; something that goes beyond "there's just something about her", "she has a great vibe", "look at that radiant smile" or a trope of a music video director calling for 'more energy'. 

Good news; you're in exactly the right place for Beauty Essence assessment AND makeover transformation.

Assessment Tools:

These operational Beauty Essence tools can accurately assess anyone’s image for a shortcut to mastery; you right now, any celebrity, an actress in a film from 11 years ago, you from 7 years, ago., male, female, trans, etc.


With these assessment tools we can get relevant insight into your ‘beyond skin deep beauty’. Remember; this higher dimensional information IS actually within ALL image. It just requires someone skilled enough to be able to read the truth; truth which you will find to be verifiably accurate.


These future Beauty tools (here now) can reveal profound life-changing insights and leverage points or blockages that may have been hidden or non-conscious for years or decades. So let’s take a look:


Beauty Essence Assessment Tools:


1. Energetic Health Reading

2. Allure Ratio

3. Primary-Secondary Archetype Reading

4. Elemental Beauty Assessment

5. The CAM: (Charisma Archetype Model) 

6. Human Design Bodygraph Auric Beauty Assessment

7. Siddhic Beauty Assessment with Gene Keys Hologenetic Profile


Next, we will overview each of these areas of assessing Beauty Essence. Then, if you want, you will be able to GET a BEA (Beauty Essence Assessment) reading covering all of these areas for yourself or a client (or just dive into transformation itself with a Beauty Appointment).


1. Energetic Health Reading

Yes! Anyone’s energy and energetic health can be read from someone qualified to get verifiable results. This is because energy doesn’t lie. We talked about energetic health earlier as part of the Beauty Essence sub-directory overview.


You are always communicating whether you are aware of it or not. Now…this goes BEYOND behavioral cues and body language.


This gets to a deeper truth, thus anyone can be ‘cold read’ no matter what beauticians, stylists, image consultants and cosmetologists would focus on. 


Energy reading is a specialized skill that can be developed to read someone and anyone accurately.


This is different than psychics forecasting the future or love relationships, rather it is about reading the higher dimensional truth of what is present in your presence and image now.


With practical psychic energy reading, your energetic health can be read. There are countless examples of this and many dozens throughout the Sexy Chi beauty blog.


Just a couple of examples of energetic health issues are; fractured aura, swiss cheese aura with portals, closed heart chakra, entity attachment, throat implants, daemonic infiltrated earthstar chakra, etc. It could be a million different things.


There are two general ways in which Rion of Sexy Chi does energetic health readings (available in the BEA);


1. Visually and 2. Kinesthetically


Both of these can be done either;


A: Visually with a photo or video clip


Or B: Remotely with agreement to check-in on your energy field (which can be at any time in history)


Visual psychic readings (with Sexy Chi) have about a 90%+ psychic accuracy and verifiability rate.


Kinesthetic readings are about 98% accurate with whatever information is shared; this is because Rion is literally able to feel your exact energy field itself (with permission).


(Don’t worry about personal or compromising information such as in mindreading being revealed in readings; it’s not like that and the energetic information we access is kept more impersonal and professional – like about details of your energy field itself). Besides your personal information would be kept discreet.


Energetic health reading can provide invaluable information about yourself and reveal problems areas related to your life, aging faster and of course professional image.


We can also read about things that are just smaller details like how Momo’s energy from Twice could be more open and expressive. Her Heart chakra is more closed off than it could be and that is limiting her projected influence. It also leaves her energy feeling colder or cooler than others.


Copyright JYP Entertainment – All images used under Fair Use Copyright Guidelines


Remember that energetic health is your Boundless Beauty foundation – not only to healthy vitality and wellness itself (then along with nutrition, fitness, etc.) but centrale to your own boundless beauty.


Even to literally receive more archetypal beauty (like say Maiden for example), energetic cleansing has to be done to literally make more ‘room’ in your chakras and aura.


If enough energetic health isn’t there in the first place, meta feminine essence is less likely to remain embodied and present in your image.


Energetic health readings are unique to each individual and can vary from time to time.


You may want to get an up to date quick assessment for now (included in every Beauty Appointment feedback or the custom BEA reading).

2. Allure Ratio

The Allure Ratio includes the Beauty Quotient & Allure Factor readings (yours is included in the BEA).


This is a simple but profound gauge to measure both halves of your overall beauty potential; extrinsic physical beauty and general beauty essence.


Yes, your allure itself can be gauged! Too often many women are relying on physical looks (maximizing B/Q) while being closed off energetically and people aren’t able to ‘feel’ them. 


Your B/Q assesses the maximization of your extrinsic beauty potential WITH all of physical body transformation, make-up and the whole world that the multi-billion dollar Beauty industry represents, supports and values.


An extended B/Q reading could have different areas such as *Hair, *Skin, *Body Transformation with their own reading based on a 10 point scale.


The Allure Ratio and the B/Q alone can be a simple tool for all beauty and image consulting professionals to use; esp. in their own specialties. Even when Tom Ford is doing GQ makeovers for men he could use the B/Q (for masculine image makeover) b/c he knows what someone’s 10 in wardrobe and presentation would look like.


Someone like the Kardashians or Bella Hadid have generally reached 10 of their extrinsic beauty potential and mastery. When you wake up in the morning before any beauty routine, you may average a 5.8 for example across the board on your own unique extrinsic beauty potential. 


After your beauty routine and consciously dressing for the day you may reach 8.8 for example.


A wedding day with celebrity stylists and you might reach your own 9.9 in multiple categories of what’s possible for example.


Khloe Kardashian is someone who we have seen increase her B/Q over the years.

We can reference Khloe Kardashian





(Photo by George Pimentel/Getty Images)

She has increased her extrinsic beauty potential (actualization) over the years. Remember that these are public figures so they are going to be referenced and/or scrutinized.


The B/Q number is about YOUR maximal physical beauty potential (both in general and then it could be split into separate categories like hair, skin, body fat ratio, etc.). It’s not the same as the popular ‘hotness’ rating per se.


Remember that the multi-billion $ Beauty industry entirely values the maximization of what we could measure of your extrinsic skin-deep beauty potential.


But we know that extrinsic, physical beauty is really just HALF of the equation in pro image.


The Allure Ratio ‘generally’ covers a gauge of your overall feminine beauty essence expression.


The A/F is also done on a 10 point scale of your own maximal allure potential. 9+ starts getting transformational or alchemical levels of beauty. Most Western women are below 6 on their A/F.


Runway models (as another example) would have perhaps a 9.5 B/Q but an A/F of /(ie.) 2.0 because they are meant to be expressionless, icy, emotionless blank slates with personalized energy fields. 



A performer going incognito to the corner grocery store in their pajamas caught by paparazzi could have an intentionally low A/F like 4.0 closing others out but when they go on to headline Coachella, can turn their soul communication on and it could be closer to 8.4 for example. Got the concept?


Performance artists can have exponential energetic beauty collectively and individually compared to the average person.


Everyone can be read in different photos, videos or film for their Allure Ratio or B/Q as it’s a universalized tool.  For here, I (Rion) just wanted to introduce it.


And speaking of allure itself (which we brought up in the Allure overview); the discussion of allure itself goes deeper because in large part; feminine essenced allure is largely absent in the West and is a major part of beauty itself.


Another reason why K-Pop and K-Beauty is actually further ahead in many ways (and you might want to watch it): they’re swimming in these higher Beauty Essences even though they aren’t yet conscious of it.


Many women look good externally (high B/Q) but their essenced beauty is often shrouded in a masculine mask or persona and just not breathing and communicating in their aura.


So there’s a lot of work that can be done here that can cultivate and bring out your soul essenced self in image. 


So we can ASSESS and work with beauty essence (including yours from this website now) and we start becoming aware that even top performers could improve and are holding back the potential of their charismatic/alluring energetic communication.


The average Instagram model could have

AF: 4 BQ: 9.5


And many of them would have higher Charisma Factors than Allure because of the shelling of any feminine essences (this also has to do with ‘making it’ in what some call a ‘patriarchy’).


Again; K-pop artists (and K-Beauty) are further ahead because they have far greater Beauty Essence in their professional image than Western artists, influencers and models.


Mina & Jihyo here (Twice; Copyright JYP Entertainment)


They would have a collective Allure Factor (A/F) rating of 9.4 whereas the average Instagram model could have B/Q: 9.5 but an A/F of: 3.4 because her energy is just ‘flatter’ and less evident on higher dimensional levels + her value just on physical beauty.


This is one secret why they have so much influence from their image (not just music).


Yes, the future of Beauty is with the realm of Beauty Essence Mastery. It’s HALF of professional image; we’re just now finally able to work with it consciously!

3. Primary-Secondary Archetype Reading (Free)

Unless someone is just very personalized and not taking on much archetypal beauty essence at all; they or anyone can be read for their current (or past) primary and secondary archetypes.


Generally masculine and feminine archetypes stick with biological gender, but not always.


Rion is very experienced in reading archetypes and their essences. As we covered in the Archetypal Beauty overview; archetypes are impersonal and iconic aspects of consciousness from the collective. These transcend the personalized, egoic self and are immortal. 


Archs have specific energetic, signature qualities (which then influence image and behavior).


Although there are more examples on our Beauty Essence Blog, here are some quick examples;


Demi Lovato (here): Goddess-Diva


Dakota Johnson energy reading archetype

Dakota Johnson on Ellen: Lover Goddess-Princess

(Sometimes, 3 top archs help best to discern the archetypal embodiment and expression)


And….Zayn Malik (here): Prince-Lover (although it’s not his best embodiment and expression of it)


Keep in mind that your Arch 1-2 can change (or for celebrities) through different phases or acting roles.


Reach out to Rion on FB chat to request a reading (no further obligation). Once he gets to it, then it only takes a minute.

4. Elemental Beauty Assessment

Remember our examples from the Elemental Beauty overview?


You, any person or celebrity can also be read for a general elemental beauty assessment. Often this can just include naming the primary elements or with a specific percentage of their mix of elements (ie. 40% water, 60% air).


I did a reading on our blog somewhere of the K-Pop group ‘Mamamoo‘ that included an elemental beauty assessment and we can see how different each of them carried a different dispersion of elements at that time.


This is really helpful because we can understand how Megan Fox with her Goddess Water and MGK with his Solar & Earth Fire would make such a fiery couple together; alchemy of the elements.



The Tao talks about this.


A woman with a lot of water embodiment in general doesn’t literally ‘feel’ most men because it’s not enough to stir the Pacific ocean. It takes a lot of elemental power or some other form of power to affect them (in the case of Elvis; a hurricane). 



So yes, there are more celebrity examples throughout our Sexy Chi Beauty Essence Blog, but know that your own elemental essence can be read with a Beauty Essence Reading or just from after an activation or energy health session (scheduled as a Beauty Appointment). 



Elementals can also be associated with certain chakras or just in the general aura. This can all be effectively gauged and read to give you more beauty mastery especially with our transformational services.


5. Archetype Reading: The C.A.M.

The CAM is perfect for assessing & reading Archetypal Beauty in anyone (celebrities included).


Primary masculine and feminine archetypes are generally gauged on a qualitative scale of 0-10 with 10 being enlightened maximum possible for a human.


The CAM gauges the Light (essence,) embodiment and expression of primary (or any) Feminine or Masculine archetypes in any given photo.


We can take a single aspect of an archetype and reference it for essence, embodiment and expression in ‘this’ particular music video:


Prince Royce: Darte un beso



essence        embodiment        expression

9.6                     9.4                    9.4


Or we could do a more complete arch reading of the top dozen masculine archetypes for his embodiment and expression.


About a dozen archetypes are used (ie. Princess, Mother, Eros, etc.). Dark archetype readings can also be done.


Here Grimes with Elon Musk has both Light and Dark Muse embodiment.


Light Muse and Dark Muse Embodiment (here)

LM 9.2
DM 8.4


This is actually an incredibly powerful field and normally she wouldn’t necessarily harness this much power (I’ve checked other instances and it’s rarely at this level).


Her archetypal embodiment could change for example when she is out of the public eye and more private…and this can be for practical purposes yet brings someone much more mastery over their image.


We can also gauge the evolution of an artist OR your own history for example and see their archetypal journey. I’ve talked about Selena Gomez and this. There is also an upcoming post on the archetypal evolution of a Brazilian artist named Gusstavo Lima.


But just to reference even without a CAM reading; can you see how his Prince consciousness signature is higher in the first and there is more King embodiment in the 2nd?


Remember; it’s now about the physical body size or wardrobe; it’s the authentic beauty/essence signature that we are tuning in to.



Such archetypal awareness can provide invaluable insight to those wishing to truly master their performance art or professional image esp. since we are dealing with authentic archetypal power and essences.


BEA readings (Beauty Essence Assessment) include your own Archetypal Beauty assessment with the CAM.


Again; this is what a CAM reading can look like.


feminine archetype reading


Archetypal Beauty can be assessed! You get your own Arch Assessment in the BEA; however you can still go ahead and book a Beauty Appointment just to get an archetype activation done that you are drawn to. Rion can also read your before and after any activation (even after the fact).


But more than just ASSESSING your current archetypes embodiment and expression – and even more exciting, is that we can do TRANSFORMATIONAL work directly to help you cultivate your Archetypal Beauty Essence, Embodiment & Expression as well as overall image mastery with individual Sexy Chi Beauty Appointments or the Allure Makeover Package

6. Human Design Bodygraph Auric Beauty Assessment

Remember that there are different auric types (Manifestor Beauty, Projector Beauty…) that not only influence your beauty essence, but in large part HOW you experience life and how others relate to you. 


If you are living in not-self chakra conditioning, it’s blocking your soul essence and other archetypal beauty from being expressed and having influence.


A Human Design bodygraph reading can reveal a lot of things.



Sexy Chi is the first and only known source that is doing Human Design readings that are also related to your beauty.


Not only is it easy to discover what your auric beauty design is but many other details and scenarios as well which can be combined with your energetic health reading to reveal great insights about your pro image. 


For example; if you have an Open or Undefined G-Center (identity), it’s easier for you to take on other people’s identities in a way. But this also means, you may not have as consistent of a self-image – it may be very dynamic in reflecting someone else’s energy or the environment outwards.


We may find that your Auric Beauty Design is that of a projector but you have been living as a Generator and people aren’t recognizing your image. An undefined throat center may lead you to seeking more attention and then carrying bitterness in your field which can detract people from really being more magnetized and ‘sold’ on your image. There are many details related to you specifically.


The BEA includes an attachment of your unique Bodygraph (based on your location, date and time of birth – independently sourced from Human Design) as well as some basic details about your profile.


A separate paid and more extended Human Design and Gene Keys audio reading session is recommended for a real beauty assessment (of both Auric Beauty Design & Siddhic Beauty) because there are too many details to just put in the BEA alone. 


This extended zoom audio session (or custom recording for you) is also available on the Beauty Essence Reading page as a standalone booking (or free in the Allure Makeover Package).


7. Siddhic Beauty Assessment w/Gene Keys Hologenetic Profile

As we covered in the Siddhic Beauty Essence overview;



Gene Keys and your unique DNA encoded hologenetic profile provides a WEALTH of possibility for your own beauty (and beauty-consciousness) cultivation!



There are 64 essence frequency bands and you alone would carry 7-11 unique signatures which could potentially show up in your overall multi-dimensional beauty essence!



For a more thorough Siddhic Beauty assessment, it’s best to get a Gene Keys/Human Design reading itself that can help dive into your specific Gene Key frequencies from shadow, to gift to the enlightened (siddhic – beauty) essences and how it relates to your image.



Similar with Human Design, Sexy Chi is the first and only known source that relates Gene Keys to your beauty and image itself.



Since there is SO much information in your own hologenetic profile (which you can get free @ or with a BEA), you may want to secure the extended HD/GK beauty reading from Sexy Chi (now available as a paid standalone service).


You can book that reading here and be redirected to schedule


The reading is in audio; a 1 hour and 15 minute format which will be recorded. Rion is a certified Gene Keys guide 2023 and is about 6 years in to the experiment (having done many readings).



This will reveal what YOUR specific siddhic (enlightened) beauty essences are as well as whereabouts you are with their cultivation and what work may have to be done to transmute your beauty consciousness and image.



Sexy Chi is also the only known source that is working with Gene Keys with invocation (a lesser known form of transformation with the universalized Gene Key frequency bands) with our proprietary direct energetic lightworking transmutation of your DNA to cultivate your beauty essences.



Some information about your Siddhic Beauty would be provided in the BEA as well as the (otherwise freely available) Gene Keys hologenetic profile as its own consciousness and beauty map. 


Gene Keys is its own beautiful deep dive for transformational consciousness. 


But here at Sexy Chi we know that as your beauty consciousness changes (and vice versa), your beauty filled image itself changes because it is a TESTAMENT of your embodiment of Light and frequencies!

So! We’ve got some very practical tools that have already been put to use in REAL client work (+ additional public celebrity readings)! 


Here they are again to recap.


Beauty Essence Assessment Tools:


1. Energetic Health Reading

2. Allure Ratio

3. Primary-Secondary Archetype Reading

4. Elemental Beauty Assessment

5. The CAM: (Charisma Archetype Model) 

6. Human Design Bodygraph Auric Beauty Assessment

7. Siddhic Beauty Assessment with Gene Keys Hologenetic Profile


They allow us to do accurate Beauty Essence assessment for your overall image mastery.


Your Next Step?

Now…You could check out some celebrity readings on our blog to gain more insight into the reality of multi-dimensional beauty and professional image with the aforementioned assessment tools on our blog.


You can also read past client testimonials of how cultivating their beauty essence in different ways has changed their lives and increased their influence (there’s over 100 new testimonials to be added to this website).


..OR we could just start working with YOU!


With Sexy Chi Technologies we are able to not only insightfully and accurately assess, but we are also able to work directly and practically on all aspects of your beauty essence; energetic health, human design, archetypes…ALL of it – to cultivate your Signature Beauty Essence and Boundless Beauty!


Rion Kati has done many readings and 100s of actual client beauty essence cultivation (including energetic health/healing) sessions with clients around the world. You can read more about him and his mastery on the site @ About Rion


So….the next thing might be to book your own reading>>>

Or Just...

Get started with an actual Beauty Transformation Appointment itself on our Beauty Appointments Page. All sessions DO include some energetic health and beauty essence feedback related to the details of each session itself.

Again; It is NOT necessary to get a fuller BEA Reading before just diving into the beauty transformational work!

Copyright Dreamcore Productions, LTD 2021

Essence Reading & Celebrity Critique of Public Figures – Images Used Under Fair Use Copyright Guidelines and belong to respective owners. Other images are licensed.