*Soul Beauty*

Without getting too religious or spiritual, consider that (most people agree that) you are more than your physical body. It is viewed that your soul is true identity and your body is the temporal vehicle.


The soul is the divine spark aspect of consciousness (the true self) and the body is as that of a vessel. Too often people identify with the body and mind as the self…or even the egoic personality or the conditioned self.


But who you really are (key to being a starlet and shining like that); being both of the heavens and of the earth. Thus your image is both divine or ‘meta’ and physical. It exists in multiple dimensions, not just the material.


If you’ve ever done plant medicine or other psychotropics, you will directly realize that the soul can experience reality in the 4th, 5th and beyond dimensions rather than ‘just’ the physical.


Having a multi-dimensional soul-based identity (with the ability to experience on multiple dimensions), gives you the freedom to explore and cultivate your archetypal and divine feminine beauty essences and consciousness (LIKE a top actress or starlet) far beyond your egoic personal self and beyond just your body and its physical beauty of form.


Your image is a multi-dimensional representation of your Soul Truth.


This is why image and beauty also matters. It’s an opportunity to imprint your legacy unto the world, create, attract and live your highest reality.


So yes, image (in its truth) is more than skin deep. It is also a key component of your Legacy (esp. for more feminine essenced ‘being’). Because of ‘the cloud’, your image and beauty could influence people 1000s of years from now!


However; a lot of your meta-physical Truth (your Truth) may not even be ’embodied’ or it may be covered up, suppressed and diffused.


That would also come across in your image to the trained eye.


There are frequencies and consciousness in your presence that extend beyond the material 1st, 2nd and 3rd dimensions.


Your soul has its own signature essence light and qi that of which few people are able to allow to shine – LIKE a star or starlet. But if you are too IDENTIFIED with your ‘shell’ or physical body – and if it has too many blocks, it can prevent your soul truth from being embodied and transmitted.


It’s easiest to see bright soul expression in naive children and then as we grow up, we build these barriers, shells, veils and receive not-self conditioning and psychic cords (implants) to block the embodiment and energetic expression OF your true sovereign self; the soul and its beauty. This is all IN your energy body.


We allow the conditioned, human self to take the lead, rather than our unlimited archetypal and majestic divine truth and essences. And this ‘personalization’ and soul ‘not-self’ comes across literally in someone’s energy field where people can’t ‘feel’ their chakras beyond a few inches in many cases so their presence and image doesn’t have much influence.


All of this distorts the true, multi-lifetime, liberated soul self and the energetic VISUAL transmission of Light it has with and through the layer of your energy body. This also has to do with how much Light your DNA can allow in to be transmitted and reflected outwards through a higher frequency light body that can 




Also, critical to be aware of is;




…of all essences.


When your soul essence itself is more embodied with a clearer energetic body where more of its power, qi and light can reside; a lot of this comes through the eyes – the window to the soul.


When it isn’t, the eyes can be more dull and lifeless; disembodied from the true self and just ‘going through the motions’.


When soul-embodied, there is also more liveliness, presence, power and influence in and FROM your chakra centers and how it sub-communicates to reach others.


Evident in your physical vehicle (body); if you are heavily conditioned and programmed in your chakras by environment, society, trauma, relationships, exes, parents and religion for example or have different forms of implants, miasma or entities, these are restricting your SOVEREIGN soul expressed beauty, radiant chi and the world of siddhic feminine essences because there is too much energetic distortion and blockages on the 4th and higher dimensions.


This can also come across as looking pretty but people feel ‘meh’ around you.


If the waters are muddied, its harder to flow with the purer, distilled frequencies. So you may have to detox and cleanse your vessel so your soul and other beauty essences can shine.


Again, this is energetic so physical health doesn’t always necessarily correlate to your energetic health (esp. if you are younger). The wear from dis-ease and poor energetic health esp. appears later in life after systems break down faster from maligned qi.


The thing is that regular detoxing and cleanses as we know can indirectly help your qi because they are correlated, but unless you require literal physical system flushing and detox, it’s recommended to have energetic detox because your qi is the source (and how your health and presence is operating on the higher dimensional levels).


The Taoists knew about this and have practices to literally improve the energetic health of different organs and systems. Mantak Chia’s Tao Garden also has great alternative health treatments and forms of cleansing.



The cleaner and clearer your ‘vessel’ is from programming, conditioning and trauma; the more space you have to ’embody’ and then express your authentic soul essence and the finer Light frequency qualities towards enlightenment. 


Stars shine brighter because they are able to take on and embody more qi, more essence, more Light, more power which isn’t limited to just their body. This is also where the term ‘blinding’ smile’ comes from.


With that said; some souls are more masculine or feminine in their essence. Here is a great example of soul embodiment and beauty essences just exuding forth through the ‘body’ of Tiffany Young.


Tiffany Young exuding great soul embodiment and beauty essence


A lot of people who are ‘going through the motions’ in life (or who have a lot of armor) don’t have much soul embodiment because of the boring, mundane, conditioned and restricted lifestyle or too much pain resides there.


Their soul essence (generally located at the 8th chakra) doesn’t have much reason or room to BE embodied, grounded and vibrant. There may be too much pain for it to continue residing in its Truth.


A lot of people may even have fractured soul essence and may required shamanic soul retrieval.


Another important point is that your self-identity may be greatly constricting your amount of radiant beauty.


If your identity is the conditioned, personalized self instead of the unlimited soul self, it’s going to be difficult to take on immortal beauty essences because there isn’t room in the energy body to hold such impersonal and Archetypal Qi/Light.


Archetypal Beauty also deals with identity issues, but fortunately when you have a soul-based identity, you are able to take on such greater, more refined and powerful Beauty consciousness and Light (like stars and authentic spiritual gurus).


Anyways; Eckhart Tolle is also a great example of soul essence embodiment (although not the most grounded!).


Can you sense the lively Light residing in his upper chakras?


Copyright Eckhart Tolle


Yep; more than just meat suit animals on the Discovery channel (although that is part of our nature and identity, it isn’t limited to it). We are multi-dimensional as human. Some of co-existing in very high frequency dimensions as well as the material 3D.


As I mentioned before; with soul beauty (the true self) and all other beauty essences; we value (soul) essence, embodiment and expression which are separate variables.


This practical variables come across in the Allure Factor and the Archetype Readings. If you get a Beauty Essence Reading, this would be covered as part of it.


Footnote; It can also be gauged what percentage of soul embodiment you have right now on 1-100%.


Copyright Dreamcore Productions, LTD 2021

Essence Reading & Celebrity Critique of Public Figures – Images Used Under Fair Use Copyright Guidelines and belong to respective owners. Other images are licensed.