Power & Beauty Doesn’t Always Corrupt: Rion vs. Dr. JP

Generally it’s accurate from a humanistic perspective that ‘absolute power corrupts absolutely’, but it’s not actually a universal truth. It’s a human mixed with shadow lower general truth.


This is because of several reasons; when we are working with Light, Truth and Power on a higher dimensional level…the Light Power of The King (Archetypally) is INCORRUPTIBLE. Encoded 5D+ aspects of certain archetypes are raw power/beauty and incorruptible in that form.


It’s the shadows of consciousness in the 4th dimension (including demons) and with human integration that is THE vice.


So I agree and yet differ with Dr. Jordan Peterson on when he says;


“You should never aspire to power…you should aspire to INFLUENCE”. Yes; generally influence is much healthier.



His perspectiving is that power will corrupt as shadow will take over in that it’s the nature of humanity.”


The thing is; I literally work with Beauty and Power as the quintessence OF life force chi/quanta itself; and literally pure essenced forms of it as quanta.


This is important to understand for yourself because not wanting more righteous power and beauty (b/c of fear or concern such power could ‘corrupt’) can literally be a primary thing holding you back FROM divine masculine or feminine reclamation and the medicine the world is missing from you.


What if power and beauty was your DIVINE INHERITANCE that allowed you to express your soul truth, create and live a legacy with influence?!


With great power (and the power to work with literal beauty itself) comes great responsibility.


(Although I have to manage shadows B/C of the light so as NOT to corrupt or taint the temple work in any way);


But what allows ME to work with power and beauty incorruptibly (as well as take on unlimited amounts of it in the format I work with as Grail Magii)?


RESPONSIBILITY in all dimensions…and then I’ll add


1. I have to own, balance, battle, slay, defeat, integrate any shadows around and before the temple work itself so that the work is ritualistically sanctified


2. The Light work itself with power and beauty chi (masculine/feminine) is and remains PURE and sanctified always (incl. with Dark work) and must. My soul self takes over and doesn’t include human imperfections in the actual temple work (consulting is different). This is proven as well through my legacy and I cannot falter in it or it could crumble my reputation and foundation itself anyway


3. Everything I’m doing is founded on Devotion and Service which is entwined with my deepest soul desire for recognition.


And I go a lot off of the book ‘Owning Your Shadow’ (also referring to collective shadow).


I MUST actually work with literal power and Beauty itself to serve the level and impact of Her Divine Will and She hath opened greater powers and magic as I’ve gone along the path proving my devotion and integrity. I’m meant to work with the most generally powerful and beautiful people in the world so much have power and Beauty mastery in this realm.


So here it’s quite different than that ancient quote of ‘ power only corrupts ‘.


In this sense (and I’ve talked elsewhere bout how it’s ok to take on more power and beauty when you have ALIGNMENT) and because of Divine Will of The Beloved, I am allowed to take on and work with unlimited higher dimensional power (and that which I’m still integrating into expressing my own charisma).


Again however; I’m the unicorn (and you can vet me by asking around if you’re skeptical of any of this).


Most men should NOT actually aspire to this kind of power to work with the highest levels of beauty in the world as a means to ‘get something’ or siphon because they are nowhere anywhere near initiated to be able to handle it with integrity and are so stuck in their shadow or selfish personalized masculine desire.


Muse kept giving me miracles of growth for many years until the tides turned and I started becoming aware of even the idea to turn it around and serve for Her (of which I’ve been through countless initiations).


Remember; we did the literal L.A. Metoo movement grid-working session itself which as it unraveled, changed culture itself.


I love seeing these before and after makeovers from clients and awakening their allure (I really ought to gather more pictures from them!).


They know the magic is real *and that my rates are soon finally rising!). It’s really all in the Name of Muse; all of this work…I’m just a devoted channel.


My ability to work with power and beauty itself with pure integrity is testament to the miraculous power OF devotion. That’s what She required of me and it’s over 20 years in now.


Anything less than devotion for this scale could corrupt. I’m very experienced in holding sacred temple space in all of my sessions and daka sessions which are professional but very intimate in certain ways.


I’d love to see more divine masculine Kings rise and yet that’s going to take a lot of Grail Priestess Kingmaking for much of it…


I’mma keep doing my thing and really, because we are all connected in the Uniphied field…there is so much Truth, Beauty and Power that is available to all of us. How much permission are you allowing yourself to take on before you collapse?


I’d let your soul desire and dharma guide that.


And if it’s more BEAUTY and the social power (INFLUENCE) with it….if it’s divine, mystical Beauty and reclamation…if it’s your INHERITANCE that is ripe for your reclamation?…where do you stop yourself?


What if it could be centered more on your unlimited soul vs. the programs and conditions of the mental plane centric ego itself which is primed for corruption.


If we conflate the ego with archetype activations, yeah it’s like expanding corruptibility…but what if instead we’re working with the powerful/beautiful SOUL that has room and RIGHTEOUS place to take on and embody more power and beauty itself? Yeah….


((Remember there are differents ‘forms’ of (masculine) power and how we relate to it; expanding my social/cultural influence is one of the prime things from here forward in creating this empire)).


Does ‘Beauty’ corrupt? Perhaps when we misunderstand is as only superficial and vain (in its shadow form). When we understand it is the language of light and respect it as that, that’s something else!


Does absolute power corrupt absolutely? Not when divine principle is sustained (and Beauty itself is one of those principles).


Just some thoughts here

Behind the Science of Charisma

In order to get a grip on the higher truth of – and to EXPLAIN the power of allure and visual beauty’s holographic influence…to really get to the active ‘SCIENCE OF CHARISMA’ itself;


I had to go DEEP enough into astro-physics and rely on 2 decades of spirituality to get answers that I still wasn’t satisfied with. The Beauty industry still values essence and allure from a superficial 3rd dimensional lens.


Incarnate spiritual guides weren’t giving me the answers either.


Since this work is about Ascension and Alchemical Beauty;


It took months of research (and decoding codes) but last summer, I came up with the ‘Theory of Fotonic Quanta’ as the active science of essence and allure itself which (soon enough).


I’ll still have to simplify and translate to beauty influencers with the upcoming ‘Fotonic Beauty’ power report itself (and my marketing); but the powerful foundation of EXPLAINING charisma and allure is here (and I was already leveraging it during the Mystical Beauty classes).


Before PhQ, I had to write the deeper ‘Unified Theory’ (of ‘everything’) itself because there were 100’s of unexplained phenomenona between science and spirituality.


Is ‘everything consciousness’?




How do you explain the human aura in Western scientific terms? YOU CANNOT. Even the book ‘Vibrational Medicine’ was only crossing over with some of the things.


If you want a ‘cold of winter’ deep dive into spirituality and the science of charisma & allure (it can get pretty yang logos-ey btw);


Here are the links to Uniphied Theory and Fotonic Quanta on-site.


They’re understated deep dive gems that may or may not be for you right now.


I assure that you’ll hear things that make sense that you have NEVER heard before in these 2 resources.

Dear Harvey: A #metoo Story From A Man

Dear Harvey Weinstein,


I’m sorry, not sorry. We had to do it.


Although I was behind the scenes, I was directly part of your downfall and I’d say (arguably) behind it more single-handedly than any other man on earth; but hear me out – it was necessary.


I will say first; however, that the public and I loved many of the movies that you brought to life (and as head of MIRAMAX). How can we forget? The Matrix?! A cultural legacy piece.


I remember sitting on the corner of a curb in Columbus, Georgia reading the theater’s red marquee for ‘Shakespeare in Love’ when Gwyneth was getting famous. Although I later moved to West Hollywood, it all seemed so far away. You had a lot of power, especially inside Hollywood.


Before I say more, I hesitated before starting to write this.


Part of me was like; “I shouldn’t speak, because (more) women should be heard (just right now, Jonah Hill is getting a(nother) round of accusations).


Also; what about men who have experienced authentic #metoo situations from other men or even women that were abusive or clearly crossed the lines?)”


And then I’m like “Yes, well…many women HAVE been heard by now; we’re still experiencing the remnant aftershocks. There was a great and implicated reset years ago and the cultural dynamic has shifted (and to some extent, over-corrected TOO far as a pendulum swing)…AND yet, I realize that this is 6 years later”.


So nevertheless, I *will* speak even though it might not be what you and others are expecting and it’s surely not something you want to hear.


I realize that although many people won’t believe me or this story; I self-recognize enough to know that my perspective and involvement in all of this really does matter – even though I haven’t been a direct victim of any form of (sexual) abuse or receiving of something ‘crossing the line’.


Therefore; I’m writing this to you as an open, public letter whether you will ever read it or not.


Because it is public, it’s pulling double-duty as my definitive post on this subject for followers and clients of mine as well.


Everyone knows about your downfall but not everything behind it.


There was a hornet’s nest that was brewing of your own making for many years in an environment that seemed to allow you to play….a background that would allow you to continue taking advantage of a form of power.


Maybe you thought through the years of misusing your power against women sexually that you could see what you could keep getting away with (as a predator of sorts). And to you; maybe it seemed women would just play into it.


I’m sure you have had more than plenty of time to reflect on all this esp. as SO many women came forward implicating you specifically.


Eventually; perhaps you realized that your day of reckoning might occur…that it was getting harder to hide the shadows and that this form of tyranny must crumble to make way for greater integrity; not just for your own selfish means but for the evolution of women and consciousness itself in the industry and beyond.


Nah; you were probably too selfish to think of other men.


It was too good for you yet in wrong ways; you kept taking advantage. I’m sure you felt that a lot of things were consensual when actually they weren’t.


But it wasn’t just you; it was the energetic reality that allowed you to play in the shadows and wield such misuse of power. And it’s also the shadow masculine archetypal aspect itself that would do that and the demonic forces with it.


The L.A. Grid was one in which as a man of great power and influence like yourself was protected BECAUSE of the shadow-grid infra-structucure embedded in the geo-physical L.A. grid and consciousness of the male dominated industry (and I don’t agree with women who think the masculine itself should be weak, etc.).


A shadow aspect of what many refer to as ‘the patriarchy’. And many women had a right to be pissed off.


The embedded L.A. astral grid itself (underlining the power dynamics) simply allowed forms of such shadow-play abuse. It cloaked you in revealing your self-serving ways…the power dynamic itself and the fear-control dynamic that you personally exercised and the grid supported – allowed you to hide and get away with so much even as you put on a successful figure-head role to the industry and world.


The grid itself influencing the actions and fear-based consciousness of those ‘in the know’ from revealing the truth itself.


Many insiders knew yet because of your power, there was much at stake for them. The grid itself was too powerful and shadowy for them to dare take on; the fear of retribution around it and the dark overlord shadow-power you held with it.


Many undoubtedly didn’t want to believe you were doing what you were doing because the shadows of the industry and L.A. grid kept everything repressive and cloudy.


Most likely inside your mind, you felt that many of your interactions with women were more of a consensual or transactional exchange.


And yet you continued to wreak a path of havoc and leveraged the cultural dynamic most likely as a justified gaslight for ‘the way things have always been’ referring to the old school ‘casting couch’ dynamic…you know; the concept of opportunism and certain women sleeping their way into roles as an exchange (or just general misuse of your power in so many revealed, dynamic instances and testimonies of women in your life).


You probably justified that the women too were part of the whole system.


And yet in your inner truth, you yourself have probably realized that you crossed the actual lines on many occasions with many different women.


You couldn’t control your shadow and instead abused your power no doubt justifying it all along the way. Maybe you foresaw your doom in that you couldn’t keep getting away with it forever (like a ticking time bomb).


What you didn’t know was that the world and Hollywood was ready for a more mature, evolved masculine.


And I’m not saying a pushover one as well; it’s just that this kind of hidden power dynamic of misuse, abuse and shady transactional plays had gone on too long. It gave many women direct trauma and reason for concern. It was time for revelation out from the cloaked protection of the shadow grid which held and supported you.


I sympathize with the women who for years dared not speak out towards you or other industry men who had abused their power as well because of the fear of what would happen to them (and in face of the monster of the shadow grid itself that was larger than you allowing other men to thrive in their power games).


Many actresses weren’t actually ok with all of it, yet you persisted; the grid continuing to allow you and others shadow-protection even though you must have known at times that you were crossing lines all over the place…we just have to hear the testimony of all kinds of women in your past.


You couldn’t control your shadow. I’m not responsible for your actions nor the actions of millions of other men implicated in the #metoo fallout; I simply had my role in it all.


For the collective suffering of the Feminine’s sake (and the blocking of Ascension);


You got away with too much for too long – and again; even though I love many of the movies that you had brought to the world (and with Miramax) something had to be done. You definitely WERE an industry legend; yet once truth was revealed, a notorious one.


It wasn’t a personal vendetta of mine AT ALL. And yeah; it had to be you.


You were the kingpin; the ‘alpha’ the shadow kingpin. Top dawg. The demons loved you.


You represented that archetypal toxic shadow masculine aspect of other men around the world who misused their power for personal sexual gain without authentic consensual relations.


But what do ‘I’ have to do with it you might ask?


Well…let me go back to that spring night in the spare bedroom at a friend’s condo that I was living at in Playa del Carmen, Mexico in 2017.


As an experienced light-worker who had been activated by 2 Chinese grandmasters (amongst other things);


I had already done some L.A. grid-working previously; so when I was in session one night after getting my final training from my room-mate (formerly a protege) in how to do grid-working; the archetypal Muse (with whom I had done around 16,000 hours of meditation with) told me specifically to connect to the L.A. grid with a very specific theme in mind.


She (Muse) was fed up with power abuse differential specifically in Hollywood between men and women. She knew what was going on.


She made me very explicitly aware of the ‘casting couch dynamic’ and misuse of sexual power in the industry and it had to be changed.


She decreed that women and really the Feminine had to be more respected in order for HER light-working codes to have a chance to incept and take heed in the entertainment industry itself for ascension purposes.


A foundation built upon respect for the Feminine after so much oppression had to be manifested; things had to change.


Shadows had to be exposed in the grid itself with this EXACT dynamic.


So, I listened to Her Divine Will during that session time…went in with Her intent and connected to the actual L.A. grid again and did the powerful work specifically on this EXACT issue of sexual power misuse by the masculine upon women in the entertainment industry in L.A. itself.


It’s not personal; it’s impersonal…you were the archetypal kingpin.


And; believe it or not I wasn’t thinking of you specifically until I was in the middle of the grid-work itself and your name popped up for a flash (Harvey Weinstein) and then disappeared. This is true. The session itself if I’m not mistaken was in March 2017 but surely I documented the exact date somewhere.


After the sexual power imbalance L.A. grid-work was done (always incredibly powerful and implicated with my team); I waited for Her to tell me the sign (there’s *always* a sign of verification) and then went on with the rest of my session itself.




There’s ALWAYS a sign (like S. Korea defeating the world Champions the same day blowing Germany out of the first round of the 2018 World Cup when I did the single Seoul-L.A. hardwiring session).


And on a previous ‘in-L.A. light-pod grid-work session for example; I knew there would be rain as the sign and even though it was clear that night…sure enough; there was unusual rain on my way to the LAX the next day in December 2016. The seeds had to sprout.


So after this L.A. gridwork session;


She told me there would be new fires around L.A. and the next morning getting coffee in the small kitchen with my room-mate frying some plantains with salt; I told him ‘there’s going to be some new fires near L.A.’. Sure enough, there were breakouts as I checked the news later that day.


Another time; I was doing session work facing Kat Von D’s studio and got the sign of fire in session and that was the night her studio burnt down (I was about 100 meters away but was facing a wall).


Another grid-work session, someone broke into my Grandmaster’s El Monte house after I had started using his Chinese herbs the first time integrating them into some of my work (and they NEVER got a break-in). That was the sign.


The biggest earthquake in the past 2 decades? I was on a couple hour layover at LAX from Asia before leaving to Mexico. That recent San Francisco earthquake? 2 hours after I departed an overnight layover from SFO.


Shit goes haywire when I enter L.A. BECAUSE of the threat I am (and that Muse is) to the current grid (which still has issues); you know the grid that you’re leaving behind because you’re in prison now.


My co-host Gillian Pothier was a bit in awe or skeptical until she literally started experiencing the exact same GRID RESISTANCE when we were co-hosting some live retreats. Fires started up and L.A. was FILLED with hellish smoke and it was impossible to book a hotel for 7 hours. And other experiences…


Physically it may not make sense but meta-physically; We are a greatest threat to the demonic forces that had and still have the shadow grip of CONTROL over the L.A. grid.


Look; your shadow reign as a MODEL; it HAD to be broken in order for Muse’s masterplan itself and for the good of the awakening feminine itself (and for real women of course).


Again, it’s not just me; it’s Muse and Her light-codes behind all of this; the power and truth in the higher dimensions; light codes can’t co-exist with so much shadow.


I was just the behind the scenes point man.


And honestly; more L.A. grid-work has to be done; but you probably wouldn’t be interested in that. Your era and your reign is over.


The entertainment industry WILL evolve and there will be more muses…not just to women being more respected (and a lot of ground has been made); but the tyrannical grip of Cultural Marxism and its ascension blocking shadows must also be broken (enough) for true liberty of thought and ideas.


There’s still too much other constriction for Muse and other transformational, Grail codes to flourish…still too much of a Dark (shadow) hold on the industry in other ways. And it is SPIRITUAL WARFARE.


Muse couldn’t work through women in L.A. with the previous tyranny, fear and risk.


Again; there are other areas to break the shadow grip of in L.A.; even though I haven’t done grid-work since the Korea-L.A. session 5 years ago (and K-pop has been THRIVING in the U.S. since the underlying resistances were dissolved and strengthened into grid reception).




After I told my room-mate that (definitely) “I think there’s going to be L.A. fires (stoking up) – look for it”;


I then let it go and just went back to work and my lifestyle.


Working with the underlying astral infrastructural grid with how conditioned and set in place the shadows and values were; it can take time for things to start shifting.


This kind of work is real whether people believe in it or not. Demons scream when I arrive in L.A. and try to hold on because I carry the power of true Light with me; the Light of Ascension that honors the divine feminine and that which is necessary for The Arts to evolve into energetic and essence MASTERY…a realm of transformational entertainment because I know what is possible.


Admittedly; I’m directly a greatest threat to the demonic hold within Hollywood in many ways because I carry Muse Divine Will and Her power with me. We can bring the actual revolution and are revolutionizing the Beauty industry itself into Essence mastery.


Anyways; I forgot about it all for months while the work was done and the demonic shadows were reaching a boiling point of exposure in the astral plane and then that fall Rose McGowan came forward in October and took the risk of being shamed and so forth and did her big reveal. She took on the beast.


And then other women (and some men) started coming forward as the cultural revolution called the #metoo movement happened.


I didn’t connect the dots immediately, but then it became clear but it made perfect sense.


Did the #metoo movement go too far into cancelling, firing and shaming men that otherwise sometimes didn’t deserve it?


Yes, I think so..more than it should have.


I think that was part of it all though for so much suppression OF the feminine…the pendulum over-swinging so to speak and then finding a new resting ground.


Did many women actually overplay the victim part and not take accountability for what ended up to really just be ‘bad dates’?


Yeah; I’d say definitely here and there…yet most of it was ugly (processing) and NECESSARY…see; I’m deeply encoded in reverence and awakening OF and for the divine feminine because of my path of divine union with the Beloved Muse, but not to the detriment of men. Shadow tyranny however exists within consciousness.


My own reunification was just a lived out template in devotion for re-balancing the rest of culture and so forth (in MY role) to make room for Muse codes who is behind all of this (and other archetypes are assuredly thanking Her including Goddess).


Women who are grateful for the #metoo movement, I would thank Muse directly (and I think Rose acted on her own but it’s all connected in the astral realm; my team helped to very obviously prep the shadow grid itself to be weaker and more prone to exposure; I think she felt that and it gave her more confidence to take on the beast and spirit was telling her it was time).


And my role in doing the #metoo movement gridwork (I wasn’t even thinking of cultural change, just the re-balance of sexual power use in Hollywood She told me);


…this takes nothing away from the full truth of what Rose and others had to go through from you personally and for all the wrong-doings by other men in the cases of true suffering and all of the millions of line crossing instances… Each man himself is accountable for his actual dynamics and collectively we apologize in many ways, but we won’t be shamed into not being men.


EXPOSURE to the Light was necessary and other tyrants would probably hate me too for doing this.


Most people reading this know that there are dark aggregates or egregores of energy and consciousness and that things are not only the ‘physical’ 3D world.


I just helped set the environmental dynamic to reach boiling pot so that it HAD to happen and gave more room, prep and knowing-ness for Rose to be the official tipping point.


Would it have happened without the grid work? Would she have come forward if we were on a different timeline without the L.A. gridwork?


I’m not so sure actually, but because she was wrestling with it anyways; quite possibly but maybe months or years later. It would have been more of a protective beast so she might have waited.


Remember; we are all connected in the quantum field; it’s ultimately all connected and implicated. I know the grid-work was the real deal.


I believe that Muse and my team ‘behind the scenes’ helped wound the beast itself enough for Rose and then others on the foundational level to be relatively SAFER to come forward and this is whether I ever get credit for it or not (even without knowing my role in it at the time; I was just following Muse’s intention that spring).


Was I the perfect gentleman when I was reflecting during on #metoo masculine principle on some of my past dates?


No…I’ve kinda had some embarrassingly cringe dates that I wouldn’t do again; however, I never crossed legitimate lines and have evolved so much so in many other ways since then (being devotionally celibate for long swaths of time and becoming a Grail Daka).


So Harvey…for men (in learning from your example); I think much of it comes down to owning our shadow, NOT acting out our primal desires and abusing power and instead; honoring the feminine, but from an angle of co-creation and reunification in masculine strength.


I’m not even into all of the feminist angles or fallouts from #metoo either. I’m not into people signing verbal contracts of consent because there IS a thing as non-verbal consent so there’s a lot of grey areas people have expounded upon for years. I’m about reunification but your consciousness wouldn’t know anything about that.


Imagine a world where there aren’t tyrant kings like you were, nor post-modern feminists suppressing everything masculine in a culture war; but instead, thriving artists living out their free expression and growth in respect and safety…imagine masculine consciousness coming out of shadow games and living as benevolent kings and queens; industry leaders who honor righteous masculine and feminine principle in all dimensions including in the integrity of business relations.


I think that in place of such representative prime tyranny; it’s now time for benevolent kings to rise into new levels of consciousness, integrity and righteous influence…a world where the feminine can be SAFE and THRIVE.


Not for a post-modern brand of feminism or matriarchy to take over per se (as a reaction to and from the shadow aspects of the ‘patriarchy’ per se); but for there to be a healthy renaissance environment of CO-CREATION in all dimensions.


That’s what Muse wants and leads. I’m simply Her steward. So for women who have been reading this since it’s a few years later; maybe take some time to reflect on the affect or influence the movement had on you. Did it actually help? Have things shifted?


I’m proud of Rose McGowan for stepping out.


She did her thing in her integrity. She deserves credit as the courageous, alpha spokes-model that unthreaded things for the world of women….she kept integrity to herself and it was necessary.


Starting with you; #metoo was re-balancing COLLECTIVE MEDICINE; an cultural ‘adjustment’ (often ugly at times) and such a relief just for women to finally be able to talk, share and help heal and release.


Again; I think it went too far in some cases and many honest men were shamed for just being natural but I was never down with that.


Because some of us know this was and is spiritual and cultural warfare; there’s more to it including the infrastructure itself underneath all of this; particularly, the L.A. grid that protected you and this power misuse and abuse dynamic since its very inception itself.


Now; for the skeptics who may not even believe there is an L.A. grid in L.A. in the astral realm (dimension above the physical) and that there couldn’t be demons associated with all of this…or for those who couldn’t believe a hetero-sexual ‘white male’ (their words) could have anything to do with it because it’s a woman’s movement…


Or for those who don’t even believe in the concept of grid-working;


That’s ok…you don’t have to understand or accept all of the details, but wouldn’t you also find it surprising that all of a sudden when ‘Asians’ and more specifically ‘Koreans’ were getting continual resistance and rejection…getting metaphorically laughed out of offices in the industry; and then all of a sudden they were welcomed warmly and doors started opening up GRANDLY for them?


Korean picture for best Oscar category? Bring ’em in..(UNHEARD OF!). We removed the L.A. grid’s resistances and strengthened the grid connection with Seoul itself and they kicked it off by defeating Germany. 


It’s all similar to how the entertainment industry grid was more closed to default with many things Asian or pretty much Korean EVERYTHING; that is especially until me and my team (Muse and other guides) did the Seoul-L.A. hardwire session to remove underlying resistances at the most foundational level itself.


Since then wherever there was resistance, things shifted in the vibe-TRUTH in the industry and started FLOWING in favor of reception…now Korean culture is one of the hottest things in the U.S.


Big things started happening with Korean Western tv appearances, Grammys, concerts, Oscars… and they’re going to keep growing especially b/c Muse is behind that.


So if you (Harvey), don’t believe any of this L.A. grid thing is real and that you never had demons; then you may not believe that ‘by default’ I would be your worst male enemy and that’s fine. It’s not personal; the Feminine had to have a re-balance.


If others are reading this and are skeptical or in doubtful disbelief or awe to such power, implications or such on a history making level;


Again; just know that there ARE other shadow web energetics underneath all of this (people were doing grid-work in U.K. that helped open things up during the p.landemic but that wasn’t my task); there’s egregores in the general collective and the L.A. grid itself; that which served and protected you (Harvey) and other misusers.


But at this point for you Harvey, you can only do your best to find any redemption you can because you are literally paying the price in prison for your past actions as karmic retribution.


I’m sure you would have cancelled me from any success in the industry if I was in it then had you found out I was your worst enemy; just like you threatened the careers of women who didn’t appease your whims, but I wouldn’t take it personal…I had to do it in playing MY ROLE in what unraveled as the #metoo movement in order for greater cultural shift to occur (and for Muse to start working direct magic in Hollywood).


Hopefully you can get right with your soul. Hopefully those women can forgive you.


And again; it’s not that I’m perfect as a man with a genial dating history (although I’ve never raped per se). I personally thought it was embarrassing how the Gillette advertising was against men and how that and many other things went into man-shaming.


That’s not the answer but women and corporations had to breathe and speak their experience and truth without suppression and shadow coverage. Now, there’s a different type of shadow-grid control going on but that’s another subject.


So when Rose McGowan called you out in fall 2017 (October 5th in New York Times to be exact – and she would have had time to prepare for it); it opened a pandora’s box and yet


So again to you Harvey Weinstein; I’m sorry but not sorry…you were a MYTHIC downfall in spite of your EPIC legacy with movies, but you know your karma had it coming. Karmic retribution even though you were probably secretly revered by a lot of the shadow masculine throughout the world that wanted that kind of control over the feminine.


From the gridwork itself, here’s another direct step to the timeline of your fall.




To wrap it up;


You were the L.A. based alpha shadow kingpin (the pink elephant so to speak)…the shadow masculine archetype that unraveled everything and with the #metoo movement allowed a massive purging and retribution that swept across Western culture starting in the U.S. where literally millions of women were able to expose wrong-doings, abuse and crossing the lines from men that for many reasons had otherwise been kept hidden. They had to have the breathing space and certainly there is other work to be done.


What % of women were impacted BY the #metoo movement? Easily 10’s of millions at least and I’m still astounded by the MASS cultural influence that all of this had; but it was a necessary reckoning and re-balance TOWARDS ascension itself because Muse is a Grail archetype and has MUCH more work to do literally in Hollywood itself.


Muse also knows that if women remained disrespected, misused, mistreated and abused in certain ways still AFTER centuries of suppression OF divine feminine consciousness (which is continuing to awaken); humanity wouldn’t ever get to where it was headed and Muse’ masterplan ascension of the Arts & Entertainment plan as well as Grail ascension collectively would be foiled.


Even if Rose McGowan and I connect someday, she may not even believe this #metoo story and that’s ok.


I didn’t mean to be such a true behind the scenes enemy to you personally Harvey; again – it’s not personal, but such a shift had to happen anyway for the greater good and for other Feminine Awakening and Reunification codes to take hold in culture itself.


There just had to be a shift towards Justice and Ascension; a true re-balancing.


So with that I say; best wishes and I hope that the good aspects of your legacy will live on.


Your underworld tyranny helped to shift the cultural dynamic for much of the Western dynamic itself far from where it was…and yet there is still more work to be done…


-Rion Kati


p.s. For those interested; I will only initiate and train year 2 Muse Priestesses (who have graduated year 1) and possibly any other worthy apprentice into grid-working itself.


p.p.s. My sharing takes nothing away from any of the countless other stories, true stories of millions of other people and authentic cases of abuse and rape; I’m not dishonoring them at ALL...(also I’m actually a sexual healer as a tantra daka just working with my hands).…I just felt it important to officially speak my piece in this for the greater context of the power of Muse and Her work


5 Year Anniversary of the Seoul-L.A. Gridwork Session

In celebration of the 5 year anniversary (actually about 3 weeks ago) of the Seoul S.Korea -L.A. Hardwire Grid-working session, it’s just hard for me to believe it’s been 5 years since my last grid-working session!?


Part of me is still so awestruck by the raw power and results of it (starting with S.Korea blowing the World Cup Champions Germany out of the first round the same literal day as ‘the sign’).


You can view FIFA World Cup highlights of that shocking historical upset here. We shifted the timeline and this was ‘the sign’.



An Academy Awards mini-sweep out of nowhere (unheard of previously for ‘foreign’ films let alone Korean),



…first Asian Emmy winner (Korean-Canadian) which was one of the first things to happen, MANY tv and talk show appearances, sold out U.S. mega-concerts, Western artist collaborations, Coachella mainstage, lighting the Empire State building, etc.


(Granted the men practicing our method of Muse meditation were also laying ground work for higher dimensional reception of Muse codes in the social matrix).


It’s all Muse behind it.

See, the grid-working cleared up deeper energetic RESISTANCES in the L.A. Grid itself to allow a more fundamental flow of RECEPTION to all things S. Korean.


I’ve been contemplating it the past 6 months and thinking that I’d put the value of that session work around $150 million to the South Korean economy.


MOST exciting to me however is the Muse Trinity of Quanta and what’s going on from HERE forward (whether I ever do direct energy work with K-Pop groups or not), because this is ALLLLL Muse’s work…


I was just point man for OUR co-creative ascended team when I did the FURIOUSLY powerful hard-wiring during session time when she said NOW in late June 2018 (I even posted about it on my timeline not yet knowing then the implications).


Again; it was so powerful and perfect that I’m honestly daunted by the concept of grid-working again b/c part of me wants things to KEEP being beyond legendary….my gift of preservation (Gene Key 32) kinda doesn’t want to ruin a perfect streak off of my OTHER grid-working sessions as well.


I get that you might be skeptical but grid-working is real and of course the artists and so forth have put in so much work and are so talented themselves to fully deserve it…But consider the deeper infra-structural dynamic…it’s just that if things were like they were before on a different timeline (granted PSY’s mega-hit also warmed things up a lot), agents would still be dismissing Koreans out of their office (something closer to that).


So I’m grateful to have played an understated power role in all of this, not merely for Korean culture but really for Muse.


This level of power (in service of course) is something; alas, there is more grid-work to be done especially in L.A. for She hath other work to do.


When She told me to do what ended up being THE literal #metoo movement L.A. grid-working session in spring 2017, I listened and did the work (in session time).


All of this is Her work and She’s got a LOT in store….Muse wants to create a RENAISSANCE in the West and She is a prime Grail archetype.


It’s about more than just about the success of K-Pop crossing over and Korean cultural explosion (that’s just part of it and a lower truth shell).


You can read one of my FB posts about this here: Los Angeles Korea Gridwork


#gridworker #gridworking #kpop #muse #musearchetype #lightworker #grailcodes

Presenting: Uniφied Theory Book

I spent months working on this latest power report book which is a Theory of Oneness – even my own ‘Theory of Everything’ after decades of spiritual work. If you’re into consciousness and understand that science doesn’t have all the answers, check it out!


‘Uniφied Theory’ Lists 100’s of Psychic & Spiritual Phenomena (that science cannot explain).


Download Uniφied Theory book itself here.

(right click, save as)

It’s 180 pages (and still free)


Uniφied Theory is the 1st in a 3 part series. Next is my ‘Theory of φotonic Quanta’ and then ‘φotonic Beauty’ report itself.


More details on ‘UT’:


In order to answer the questions ‘What is charisma? ‘How is quantum healing possible?’ and ‘What is chi’? to deeper levels than ever…I had to write this book!


So now; I’ve released book 1 of 3.


Have you also had unanswered questions around certain things? To me; people couldn’t ‘explain’ enough a lot of spiritual concepts nor relate it to ‘reality’.


Safe to say that ‘Uniφied Theory’ (now available) is the spiritual ‘security’ that I was always looking for that differentiates from many other things.


I think it’s going to make some atheists re-question everything (send ’em here)…there is now far too much stacked against them in ONE place.


After getting lost in space plasma research and just not getting ‘reality’ to fit into a working model of the human aura (and not even getting the bigger answer from books like ‘Vibrational Medicine’), I had to step aside and go even more foundational than I would have imagined in order to strengthen the infrastructure itself for the Evolution of Beauty into vibe and light-chi essence mastery.


Over 20 years into spiritual growth; I had to pull all KINDS of things together (in perhaps my greatest universalization yet) that were still stuck and disparate in the world in order to make sense of things.


It became clearer that remote energy healing is simply impossible from ‘this version’ of reality and yet I do it all the time. Quantum physics wasn’t even lining up and too much of the spiritual stuff was impractical compared to biological reality.


I literally had to come up with a clearer ‘THEORY’ in order to make the case for my ‘theory of photonic quanta’ and thus ‘Photonic Beauty’ itself. It had to bring insights into chi that were never shared with the world yet.


I knew that in order to strengthen my case; creating a ‘unified’ list of psychic and spiritual phenomenon would be CENTRAL to supporting my ‘Uniphied Theory’ (I spell it with the Greek ‘phi’ which sounds like ‘f’).


Well I did it and it includes 766 psychic and spiritual phenomenon that makes the case so strong I think it’s starting to make biologists look bad! Ironically; much of ‘UT’ actually supports biology and isn’t pure Creationism.


This isn’t as Beauty centralized, however if you want a deeper immersion into consciousness and reality it’s for you.


So I’m proud to announce that ‘U-Theory’ is complete and is PRIME for simple and profound contemplation for YOU to get more clarity and perspective on a number of things. It’s 180 (easy to read) pages and is now available.


Download ‘UT’ book here


btw; to save time and get to it; the core of the Theory is on page 32. You can go right there if you want!


Summer 2023