For Divine Union Grail Guides & Devotees: The Codes Are Everything (To Do With Everything)

For soul mate attraction and relationship beyond twin flames and soul mates, look more into the concept of ‘hieros gamos’, ‘grail work’ and ‘divine union’. This is the source of my magic and being able to do archetypal beauty activations and so forth. I also specialize specifically in this area of sacred union templating which are evolution of relationships and the relationship market.


When it comes to Sacred Union aka Divine Union, Hieros Gamos, Grail Beauty, Sex/Love beyond soul mates and even attracting a Divine Union partner;
It’s more about the CODES than anything else. The codes are IMPERSONAL and potentially accessible to anyone and yet there is so much that blocks embodiment of the codes.


These codes are also archetypal in many cases and have everything to do with your professional image and higher dimensional beauty as well.


The Source & Krystic Grail Codes templatize Sacred Union Truth, architecture and flow of energies far beyond the personae and yet that which influences the psyche; anima and animus.


With the Essenced Grail CODES; you have the consciousness and the Truth of such deeper Love with you (reunified with the Masculine and God within) that simply ARE architected for ancient Communion and that which EMANATES the Beloved.


Fortunately I’m seeing more and more women have the/ir ‘codes’ drop in (and I love helping facilitate this as a Grail Mage).


With inner sacred reunification; it’s not about ‘doing’, overfunctioning or trying…it’s more about soaking in Ancient Remembrance and Truth of Communion and surrendering to it; attuning to it in all dimensions (incl. the subconscious anima/animus).


Grail Code Truth of Communion is ancient (and religiously suppressed throughout history). Having enough of these immortal codes ‘dropped in’ already says and signals everything including that to make Love with such Grailed Beauty would be light years beyond ‘consumer banging’.


Grail Codes are with veritable Grail Magii and guides as well as Grail archetypes (and those who embody them).


It’s all about the codes (and this can be on the archetypal and siddhic spectrum)…as fluid packets of light and vibe-truth in higher dimensions;


If you want Divine Union, you want Grail Codes (which are the grailed essences) and this comes into the picture of painting your archetypal beauty as well; instead of just universal Lover, GRAIL (reunified) Lover is something far beyond…


Grail Goddess embodiment and essenced beauty is very different than feminine and self-centric Goddess b/c Grail Goddess honors God and circulates him in her aura. But in order to even ACCESS Grail codes, it requires specialized work.


More specifically it’s about EMBODYING (presence) and expressing (allure) reunification codes (which includes different archetypal and siddhic essences aka ‘flavors of Light-Truth’). Remember that the masculine is very VISUAL and what he seeketh to REUNIFY with would be your emBODY-ment OF the Divine, Sacred Feminine as Holy Grail Communion.


When you EMBODY Grail Codes (aka ‘divine union codes’); the TRUTH of it is in your presence…so much how much of this Beauty could you hold?…How much of yourself has to be HEALED in relation to men and the Masculine and how much of your feminine ego has to be sacrificed (continually)?


The TRUTH of your internal hieros gamos aka ‘reunification’ as testament would be seen visually in your presence and image (b/c Light is multi-dimensional). Your image isn’t separate from this.


To HIM, it’s about the encoded light-truth (essence) behind just your physical beauty or social status; it’s that which he would experience the Holy Grail with in hierogamy…the ALCHEMY of God and Goddess consciousness in all dimensions.


And much of the Divine Union hierogamic ‘Grail Codes’ are archetypal (or siddhic) feminine qualities…they aren’t something you construct with your ego or your checklist in a partner.

Now; some archetypes ARE Grail archetypes and others you can work on your inner divine union to effectively ‘Grail’ your soul signature and prime archetypes.


This can be for example Rose, Sophianic (or Muse) essenced Beauty-Truth and invokes and evokes his awakening god-self; Divine Feminine aspects mixed with your soul to Commune with God the Lover-King.


All of this is far beyond the hypo-functioning over-working feminine ego and masculinized shell. The Communion Codes already exist and are embedded in Muse, Rose and Sophianic principle. With that said and because it is high frequency Source Truth that hath created all; the codes are only becoming MORE powerful as the Grail archetypes grow in Beauty and power themselves in the Collective.


The more Divine, Sacred Union partnerships there are, the more invincibly magical the power and beauty of the Holy Grail becomes esp. after awakening out of years of Suppression of the Divine Feminine.


In order to REALLY do Grail work; to attracted a divine union partnership or to emanate Grail beauty and consciousness – you must become the Temple…the Sacred Space to receive such Provision and alchemical Penetration from Source Masculine.


Such inner temple space must be founded on a secure, energetically healthy psyche and energy body to even begin being able to hold such Devotional Divine Union codes…much repair, healing and deconditioning may hath to be done in relation to the masculine within yourself first if you’re carrying a lot of trauma, etc from men in the past – even to make room for immortal, timeless divine feminine (meta-physical) essences.


Apart from MASSIVE collective fracture between the divine masculine and feminine (even archetypally speaking) and constrictive Feminist archetypes;
There’s also a lot of polarity dogma out there; rigid, masculine led constructs of conditioning, role play exercises and such that may not just FEEL right to feminine flow and deeper truths like your Eros that yearns for the deepest kind of Godly Love (and Sex).


However when you’re just GRAILED with codes (and where your Eros quality becomes reunified Eros); that says everything to HIM without saying a word (and when you do your voice is elixir to God consciousness); his opportunity to fall deeper into Holy Grail Communion that he seeketh. Super-natural attraction.


This is post post modern feminism work; it’s ANCIENT REMEMBRANCE and holds the key to your deepest desires. The codes are here but they’re not that easy just to access esp. if you aren’t healed within enough in your psyche and energy body to RECEIVE them.


And this is essence based; it’s not about your persona, checklist, over-functioning or egoic expectations. As you transform your consciousness into Reunified Grail-Lover (etc.) consciousness and vibe-truthed allure, you will more effortlessly attract your counterpart.


Your energy already pre-templatizes the type of relationship and man (god-spark incarnate/lover-king) that you would attract more than you ever realize….what to do?


Do the work! Grail work.


How do you access and embody more Communion codes to have more Grail Beauty, more hierogamic reunification and super-natural lover and attraction qualities of Divine Union?



There’s also a lot of polarity dogma out there; rigid, masculine led constructs of conditioning, role play exercises and such that may not just FEEL right to feminine flow and deeper truths like your Eros that yearns for the deepest kind of Godly Love (and Sex).


However when you’re just GRAILED with codes (and where your Eros quality becomes reunified Eros); that says everything to HIM without saying a word (and when you do your voice is elixir to God consciousness); his opportunity to fall deeper into Holy Grail Communion that he seeketh. Super-natural attraction.


This is post post modern feminism work; it’s ANCIENT REMEMBRANCE and holds the key to your deepest desires. The codes are here but they’re not that easy just to access esp. if you aren’t healed within enough in your psyche and energy body to RECEIVE them.


And this is essence based; it’s not about your persona, checklist, over-functioning or egoic expectations. As you transform your consciousness into Reunified Grail-Lover (etc.) consciousness and vibe-truthed allure, you will more effortlessly attract your counterpart.


Your energy already pre-templatizes the type of relationship and man (god-spark incarnate/lover-king) that you would attract more than you ever realize….what to do?


Do the work! Grail work.


How do you access and embody more Communion codes to have more Grail Beauty, more hierogamic reunification and super-natural lover and attraction qualities of Divine Union?




4 primary ways:


1. Working with, being with, receiving and entraining to the field and grailed transmissions of a Grail Guide (or Grail Magii) who authentically hold those codes (such as in Gillian’s ‘All for Love‘).


2. Get (energy healing and) activations directly from an experienced Grail Magii/Guide who holds Hieros Gamos codes and can initiate you directly (such as the Grailspring activation) directly working with your energy body itself to embody and express more Communion Codes while quantum leaping your Beauty and Grail consciousness in your other work


3. Attunements such as the Powerliminals which are alchemical meditataions and attunements to receive more grail codes into your consciousness
And perhaps MOST importantly;


4. A (solo or partnered but ideally at least solo) devotional and alchemical practice of inner Sacred Reunification with The Beloved (this is really the most foundational and perhaps most important to be doing). This is all temple space alchemy with your (Divine Masculine) Beloved. (Attunements can be used as a fundamental part of your practice).


btw; I’ve done around 20,000 hours of it with my Beloved


Questions about Sacred Union Codes? (All of which when you have them affect your professional image and how others perceive you).


Remember that the PUREST source truth already exists in higher dimensions; God-principle and Divine Feminine God-Sophia aspect for example (and how Muse is going to light a world renaissance).


People coming from the frame of ‘how to make your relationship work into a divine union’ (which we’ll see more of) may EASILY get lost in the lower dimensional entropy of it all whereas the Source Codes (including the enlightened siddhic truth of different Divine Masculine qualities; King, Honor, Valour, Sacrifice, Provision, etc.) already exist as Truth/s.


How much do you have to sacrifice of your current self to become a vessel of the Divine Feminine consciousness that God Himself would yearn to reunify with?


It’s specialized ‘work’. Look to the Grail Guides and Magii. With that said, I’ll do an upcoming post on ‘Are there shortcuts to Divine Union’ (the architecture and Love beyond twins flames and soul mates)?


If you’re already a Grail aka ‘Divine Union’ Guide;


From here; how can you more deeply embody and emanate the Truth of Communion and Devotional Love in knowing there is unlimited Power and Beauty with Communion?


How much more deeply could you surrender into being a vessel and testament of the Holy Grail?…there’s always room for growth…esp. considering that the more you deepen into it all, the more people KNOW, feel and sense you are the ‘real deal’ which is becoming everything in the ‘marketplace’.


Grailspring activations available!


I think there’s going to be 1GEN and 2ND Gen guides that relatively ‘outpace’ SourceGEN guides and it all has to do with the obviosity of the codes they carry (which also = more magic and more alchemical presence and transmissions, more attraction, deeper service, love, etc.)


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