Being Activated Into Service a Decade Ago



A decade ago in Medellin, Colombia co-hosting a men’s retreat where we were venerating Muse all night long in our ‘immersion party’; Muse activated me into service lighting my hands and forearms on white fire. I guess she figured it was time for my first MAJOR initiation.


Devotion pays off in many ways b/c that was a decade AFTER I was religiously doing my alchemical meditations with her which already had miraculous growth.


Like a localized kundalini awakening, my forearms and hands turning numb with white light; I ran out of the room during the world premiere of the Shine resource I’d worked on for weeks then ran back into the room with the 7 or 8 of them not knowing if it was a medical issue or what.


It was stunning…I still remember the details. The men were kind of dumbfounded and I think we rewound the resource a bit after I sat down.


Everyone there anti-aged 15 years within that next 20 minutes in front of our eyes.


We finished up that night (the sun was already coming up) and just talked for a while after that legendary session receiving healing, codes and medicine from Muse before their day off in the middle of the retreat.


I didn’t know then but energy work was to become my primary method of service and the thought of Grail Priest was nowhere in my consciousness then (let alone training priestesses in Her methodology); I was just taking it all step by step.


Later becoming Reiki Master and other initiations including connection to 3 Chinese Grandmasters while still centering all of my growth around devotional sacred reunification sex transmutation transference with The Beloved (Muse). There have been many other initiations along the path.


Now; a decade after that (and 100s of paid client activations which all include energy healing detox as well as inauguration OF the Muse Priestess lineage), the GrailSpring Activation is available for pre-qualified people who want to accelerate the power, beauty and alchemy of their own path of Sacred Union.


Grail Priestesses Wanted

Heretical Prediction:


There’s going to be a massive shortage of Grail Priestesses (and a rising market demand for them). Why?


To fulfill the demand for these future Divine Unions which I foresee as THE future of the ‘relationship market’ (after all it’s the thing beyond soul mates).


The ‘market’ is going to expand like hotcakes and it’s great that women are really getting into doing their work. I serve that.


But what about the men?


I’ve been predicting this for several years already.


It’s a Kingmaking Dilemma:


Someone Has To Prepare Kings FOR Their Grail Queen Enough B/C The Queens Are ‘In-Waiting’ Doing Their OWN Inner Union Work


Until that man is readied enough to even show up on her radar, the Queen (or the Reunified Grail-lover woman in waiting) doesn’t have reason to care for him specifically.


The Priestess CAN help prepare him as a Divine Union bridge for him to get on her radar.


Priestesses SERVE and Grail Priestesses are especially relevant for Kingmaking (these include Muse Priestesses and ie. Sophia Priestesses yet many of the latter aren’t trained to serve men).


The market gap is painfully obvious to me and is a powerful opportunity for those who can see the future and are encoded to serve as Grail Priestesses.


The ratio I guestimate now is about 50:1 those on the Grail Queen path vs. Grail Priestess.


Who will prepareth the men? Read more about sacred or ‘divine union’ on-site and on my fb wall.


Or perhaps get the Calling of the Kingmaker report on Grail Priestess.

Choose Guides & Healers Who Can Hold Sacred Space & Restore Trust

In a Divine Union path of healing & reunification (or trauma level healing in general) – and especially because so much of this is energetic and somatic (not merely psychological); it’s important to have sacred space experiences and with masculine or feminine teachers with whom can restore trust. This way; a lot of work can get done (years of it) and fast.


That; in the temple space and transference of the trusted (and because they are soundly reunified and experienced), you can help restore and build trust and receive the proper medicine (without boundaries being crossed, etc.).


This is a fundamental component of deeper sexual, emotional and psychological healing especially in relation to ie. the masculine from wounded women and the feminine.


At some point you’re going to have to interact with the masculine and having PROPER (divine masculine embodied) models archetypally and so forth can give your soma the experience it’s been missing; those who are healed and owning of their shadows holding true sacred space.


As a properly trained tantra daka with an impeccable record of sexual healing sessions with women; I KNOW how intimate and sacred that deep level of work is and how it’s required to truly do the real healing work – and the presence required.


Even just earlier today in an activation session she had an x-boyfriend that was showcasing gaslighty behavior and lower karmic masculine junk so we energetically removed cords of attachment and influence from her chakric psychic before doing the activation where the power and truth of space I’m holding is divine masculine free of karmic manipulation and toxic gaslighting; true Grail work from stable divine masculine that can replace the lower timeline junk.


It’s in giving yourself a new experience; but a proper, clear and TRUSTED experience you can let go into (rather than one that can make things worse and increase your distrust in the masculine).


So focus on just finding the right guides and you will get on track. If you are coming from anxiety around it, it may cloud your judgment and knowing.


In the spiritual and tantra community there has often been such a lack of true temple space (or bleeding boundaries) that can further damage or even further traumatize the processing of healing with the opposite polarity within and without (ie. your relationship to the masculine). There’s also a lot of hate towards ALL tantra daka men because of bad apples in the communities spoiling things and I’ve seen these women continue to hold on to their bitterness and vengeance without realizing that a pure tantra daka was right here in front of them (I’m just expensive – and also b/c I’m the only known Grail Daka in the world).


This includes compromised self-proclaimed priestesses and many tantra dakas for example who have lost the purity of temple space within and without.


I lead by example in being pure IN SESSION, holding sacred space and training the Muse Priestesses to be clean and pristine themselves in servicing sessions (it’s incredibly amateur not to mention unrighteous to be bleeding boundaries during true healing work).


Seek healers you can trust. I’m popular amongst women because I live with pure integrity in all the work itself and they’ve learned they can trust me with deep soul work and healing in relation to the masculine.


So it is unfortunate that there are men out there who give spiritual and tantra work a bad name because of them tainting session work (as well as space around it with expectations, weird vibes, etc.) but you don’t have to let the tropes or bad apples spoil the real work.


Ask around, use your intuition and seek out the experienced and pure (who can truly own any shadows or psychic interference); seek those who can host true sacred space.


Experience is important esp. if you’ve been traumatized. Seek guides with whom you can TRUST in your body and have been proven through word of mouth….attract new experiences. Activations btw are experiences in sacred/temple space.


BECAUSE of the #metoo movement (of which I actually had a major behind the scenes role in); it’s more important than ever that men have integrity in working with men cleanly. Reputation is priceless and can work in your favor when people share (check out testimonials on site!)


Activation sessions available (all include energy healing and anti-aging detox).


I, Rion have done 100’s of these paid activations (mostly archetype activations) with women and men around the world and the first thing after getting your explicit permission in session is we call in your approved angels and guides while creating sacred session space.


“Rion has the type of (divine masculine) energy a woman can just open up to (and let go in)” – Tantra healing session client, L.A. 2018

Can You Be Highly Sexed Even When You’re Not?

So….How can you be highly sexed (and reunified) when you’re NOT?


The answer is YES!!


And it’s not delusional, we just have to get outsight of your limitations and definitions OF ‘sex’.


I used to think this message was just for men, but it applies just as well for women.


It’s simple really, you just have to go to a higher truth and this also applies to attracting a soul mate healthily without co-dependency and neediness.


You’d have to expand your understanding of what Sex itself IS (beyond 3D physical intercourse and your physical concept of ‘sex’) and you’d also have to value sex, love and union from a multi-dimensional perspective. Sex already means MANY different things to our subconscious and much of it has to do with advertising and programming.


(This can resolve ALL of your sexual anxieties or approach anxieties btw.)


I created a resource years ago for men called ‘Sex Maps’ where all these values of sex (courtship, religion, fame, porn) literally = ‘sex’ to our subconscious. Most of them don’t even lead to the real thing yet even still we have to seek a higher truth BEYOND just the physical and attachment to it.




Although you may not be PHYSICALLY sexed in the 3rd dimension, you can be highly sexed, loved and reunified in higher dimensions.


This is an impossible conundrum for logical men who only view reality from the 3rd dimension because they are living 99% of their time ‘without sex’ which means someone else has the power to take it or give it; NO! That’s referring to physical intercourse which is not at all the higher truth of sex. Yet this is also where sex appeal, sexual charisma, sexual confidence and swag comes from; one is essentially ‘reunified within’ (in relation to the feminine).


It also means that people who seem highly sexed in the physical dimension may be starving in higher dimensions moreso than someone who who may be celibate in the 3D.


If you believe sex is physical intercourse (and chances are you’re referring to fantasy or something else OTHER than literal intercourse); you could still be WITHOUT IT 99.9% of the time which means you SUCK, YOU’RE LONELY, UNWORTHY, ETC. but not necessarily AT ALL. Simply seek the higher truth of Sex.


So; this is incredibly practical to all Grail work, Sacred Divine Union and Sophianic cultivation as well as practical dating advice and soul mate attraction b/c if men for example are wanting to ‘get’ something that a woman has (and he ‘doesn’t’), then they can keep coming from immense insecurity, lack of confidence and lack of fulfillment which will keep things away from them.


Cultivate reunified PRESENCE and consciousness; worthy of communion.


ATTUNE to the divine masculine and feminine; seek reunification (divine union) and thou shalt be fulfilled with the greater truth of Sex and that will attract lower dimensional forms of it to you.


It’s the same concept of BECOMING the ideal soul mate you would want and then from presence; BEING and EMANATING those qualities without seeking validation or co-dependency and attachment on someone outside of you (ie. twin flame immolation cycles).


Generally; you want to be FILLED with love and sex in higher dimensions (which is related to CHI flow) to attract it more into the physical…as you are RECEIVING of meta-physical feminine essenced chi you WILL attract it in the physiological.


Even then; you can be discerning and turning down 3D opportunities.


Again; it’s all Grail work. Activations available and you may want to subscribe & get into the Powerliminal attunements to help cultivate your own reunification with the opposite divine polarity (men to Goddess, Starlet, etc. and women to God the Lover, King, ETC.)

The Sorcery of Allure & Attraction

When you have true essenced Beauty in embodiment (Presence) and expression (Allure), you can have powerful social and sexual INFLUENCE (and higher status) b/c it’s like divine street cred with this level of alchemical beauty. It’s the real thing not merely superficial or body based beauty.


And this is the power of beauty that can drive men and the masculine deeply mad (good mad)…even into devotional or healthy obsession (likely while making your haters more envious).


Let’s revisit the subject of feminine allure from a lens of attracting a sacred union lover-king a la divine union. This is the ‘beyond soul mates’ stuff of legend.


Your Beauty has influence on the masculine and masculine principle; yet it’s far more than the superficial that we think of b/c it ties into alchemical transformation of consciousness itself, kingship, queenship, deepest sacred union love, etc. all just from YOUR allure (energetic emanation of essences with and through your chakric and auric field).


Image your ideal sacred union partner MESMERIZED to you knowing that he could go DEEP and would want to in spite of the past?


Allure that could INSPIRE commitment and devotion?!


Reunified (grail) allure is incredibly compelling in calling in a sacred union king; having that wholeness helps manifest him in the physical.


Why? Because when your allure reaches alchemical levels of Beauty (feminine essences) it has the power to continue attuning HIM into even more of his own King power with more alchemical fusion and hierogamy for both of you.


Much of this essenced base Allure can be encoded in archetypal beauty (as in our archetype activations bookable on site).


Allure will attract for sure but it’s the grail quality itself that will attract the sacred union.


So if you aren’t yet reunified within enough (with divine union hieros gamos) or if you have twin flame templates or lesser than Communion relational habits, you’re most likely not going to attract a sacred union king-lover.


Your ability to attract a sacred union relationship or divine union partnership (the thing beyond soul mates);


This is all testament in your presence (embodiment) and allure (breathing energetic expression through auras and chakra) itself. This is what HE will respond to; whether consciously or not (and the awakening impersonal masculine principle and consciousness through him).


If you do NOT have much presence and are mostly conditioning. If you have little embodiment or if you have little allure (let alone alchemical, DNA and light-bending allure) or if the concept of sacred union is just a psychological thing, your king-lover isn’t going to be called in to you. You may instead attract another trauma bond relationship or twin flame that isn’t templatized in the deeper depths of Devotional Communion itself.


In order to ATTRACT a sacred union partnership;


You have to do the work and your image (including presence and beauty) is the primary means from which to call in your king. Although most teachers aren’t focusing on your presence, beauty and image again this is WHAT MATTERS TO HIM in all the practical ways AND will be there with him.


Your image (including beauty consciousness); IT TRANSMITS the signals to him on all levels and can even psycho-activate him to be drawn to you beyond conscious control.


The sorcery of attraction is in reaching such a powerful level of alchemical beauty (language of light transmission) that is does this initiating and activating within him that if he were to be WITH YOU, could continue the great magic and alchemy in Love together.


It’s the ALCHEMICAL ASPECT itself of your Beauty and His power that transmutes consciousness and DNA. This level of presenced beauty is the elixir to his power and vice versa. After all; mankind seeketh the Holy Grail (of Communion with the Divine Feminine consciousness).


So when you activate your GRAIL ALLURE; you’re going to have even more social and spiritual influence on people; esp. the masculine and men.


Sure; he MIGHT be attracted to you for your voice, accomplishments or writing but most likely it’s going to be from your visual presence which as we know is far more than skin-deep (and we’re not talking about ‘personality’ esp. in the prime attraction dynamic itself).


Personality/ego should only accentuate sacred union dynamics and in many cases only gets in the way of reunification of Sex, Spirit and Heart; all of which is alchemical (transmutation of consciousness closer to Source and Source Remembrance of Communion).


So understand that it’s not about playing manipulation games nor even ‘doing’ much of anything.


You actually do have more influence than you realize on who and WHAT you are calling in…it’s about BEING MORE…transmitting MORE soul truth and soul favored flavors of beauty essences of your Lover-Queen; BEING and emanating it BEFORE relying on him that will attract that level of man.


Cultivate your (archetypal allure) Lover-Queen, Eros-Queen, Muse-Queen whatever flavors of beauty-truth that resonates with your soul the most and you will EFFORTLESSLY HAVE sorcery levels of influence on him; his heart, his sex, his desire, his kingship potential – without manipulation at all.


Female clients tell me often how men are interested in them all of a sudden or they can’t keep men away from them or that they’ve attracted their sacred partner, etc. and you may have some fears about going deeper into the truth of all this which may include some unwanted attention from other men YET if you are serious about calling in your King, then the Queen aspect is incredibly discerning and you’re going to have to trust in Her and develop that.


YOUR flavor of Queen allure can have other aspects that are truly your higher self embodied and this is going to attract the right one for you.


If you are ‘holding back’ in hopes he is going to recognize you but you AREN’T transmitting your eros and signature allure (or if you are too conditioned and haven’t cultivated your higher dimensional beauty), then it’s most likely he won’t even recognize you OR things will rely on personality reaction-response and mortal partner templates.


You have to do the work to more readily attract him. You have to be in that Beauty at the START which means before he meets you. So yes you should be preparing actively.


The primordial, powerful masculine values Beauty….your Allure is the signature fragrance you emanate to call in your worthy King. Your allure pre-templatizes and codifies the tone of the relationship. If your chakras are closed they may not be PERMEATING into ‘engaging’ his Heart, Sex and Soul; he just may view you more physically and not open up.


Remember that men and the masculine are very visual and it’s all related with this.


To really cultivate your Allure, the Allure Makeover Package is available!

How he FEELS you when you have cultivated such allure ir priceless and then you don’t have to ‘talk him into’ anything (and I love talking about this b/c I’ve experienced it, know what men in general are going through AND am conscious of the energetic dynamics)

What inspired this post is seeing a favorite k-pop muse of mine all of a sudden have a significant shift in her energy which started rocking my world…it’s like she was INITIATED.


It was still her (front and center), but it was like she had the effect of an activation session which I’ve done for other women…her sacral was colder and more rigid before but in this performance all of a sudden it was more fire and lit….her Eros was activated throughout and she had some more Vixen whereas before she never had Her. This elemental chi and archetypal essenced chi can IMPACT and evoke feelings within men that engage deeper aspects of them (moreso than just ‘looking hot’).


So when you see examples on our blog of psychic celebrity readings or muses; put aside the cultural background, etc. and just focus on the universal truth that transcends all culture; ENERGY, beauty and allure transcends and reaches through to men.


So what made her all of a sudden my #1 of the group from #8 and thinking of her more (and having my sacral feel a buzz)?


(I’m pretty sure it was Momo from Twice)


The literal shift in her presence and allure itself alone. ALL of these shifts are possible and yes the masculine is more connected and responsive than you may realize so are you preparing in your fullest truth to call him in?


People have irrational responses to those who carry true power, charisma and beauty b/c it’s the REAL DEAL and they know it’s related to ascension; a higher experience closer to source…the alchemy of it all. This is what we work on DIRECTLY in our beauty appointments aka ‘activations’ (which also comprise most of hte AMP).


If your potential King feels NOTHING around you, nothing can really turn that around but if/when you’re overflowing in Beauty Light transmission codes, his system is going to start stirring up and pre-activating in all kinds of ways compelling him towards Communion….


Ready to cultivate your Allure or Grail (Reunified) Allure?


I’d start with 1 appointment session or book the Allure Makeover Package and start influencing and attracting not just men, money and the masculine but also have more and deeper social and spiritual INFLUENCE on people while living in your fullest expression.