Beauty & Power: The Core Meta-Elements of Divine Union aka ‘Holy Grail Communion’

Yes ‘Divine Union’ is about LOVE but these are the FORCES at work; the alchemy of Communion (and attraction, polarity) between Masculine & Feminine; God and Goddess (Sophianic) consciousness.

Cultivating Your Super-Natural (beyond skin-deep) embodied beauty and esp. ‘Grail Beauty’ will Attract the King-Lover you desire FOR sacred union partnership.


Never underestimate the IMPORTANCE (including visually) of your Beauty in attracting a (devoted) King-Lover and how he seeks to reunify with such feminine truth.


It’s worth further contemplating (or devoting a path to) the meta-dynamic of Godly, masculine, Kingly power (and its siddhic qualities of honour, forgiveness, veneration, provision, protection, guardianship, valour, majesty, light, omniscience) and the role of (your) feminine Beauty…the (archetypal) alchemy of it and how those siddhic qualities can and DO awaken your alluring beauty as you submit and sacrifice (slay even) your lower self to His power and its penetration. Such is a path of Hieros Gamos.


There is danger in putting such unconditional qualities on a mortal man who will most likely fail you; this is the twin flame trap and distorted, lower truth teachings of polarity.


If you are ON a path of Sacred Union or calling in the B/beloved, then cultivating YOUR (embodied & expressed) Beauty is going to attract and inspire H/him as well as create richer sacred union b/c his power will literally have more embodied feminine consciousness to infuse and be in love with. By choosing a Grail path (Grail Queen, Sophia-Lover, Sophia-Priestess, Muse, etc.) you will energetically call in the high masculine towards Communion and you guide this with your literal embodied beauty (which speaks to his awakening Lover-King).


And you may have many issues and wounding around the corruption and misuse of power by the tyrant, shadow and lower timeline masculine. Then this is part of your work or He will continue to stay away from you and not bless you while you continue to attract lower timeline masculine experiences.


If you only focus on venerating the Provision aspect you may attract an imbalanced or safe man that doesn’t truly satisfy your eros and spiritual desires to truly be met on all levels of cosmic love.


By venerating benevolent righteous power (and the power of presence rather than corruption) you will accelerate your transformation and the power of attraction to The King. Goddesses and other archetypes may have issues with this without Grail encoding (reunified) b/c they are not receiving of King codes. Vixen has an open channel to Eros at least so there is more a circulation of energy whereas Goddess is more just in her brand of Feminine-ness.


As you grow into greater radiance beauty and allure;


To match such Beauty in Presence (of the archetypal, immortal feminine and Her true beauty) let alone holy love (and w/o ulterior motives or manipulation), He MUST Truly Be Powerful & Worthy.


Of course you are discerning but by venerating the Power of the Righteous One, your Queen will more clearly attract and know Him to her courtyard while not accepting all the boys in the general public yard.


He just going his own way on his own path doesn’t have as much reason to care about love or sacred reunification yet he DOES eternally value Beauty and is attracted to its Eden.


Remember that he (and the Awakening King within which your Beauty inspires and beckons) is seeking Reunification also b/c of the core womb wound of separation from the feminine at birth; he doesn’t know who he is and is trying to ‘prove himself’ to reach the Holy Grail which has remained a mystery b/c of religious programming and conditioning.


Spiritually, Biologically and sexually; everything is at stake including fractured disavowment from the Source Code Holy Promise and Truth of Communion; fracture from the Divine Mother and Lover principle. Primal fear his seed could be wiped out forever from her rejection.


In spite of the spiritual, sexual and socio-cultural FRACTURE of the masculine from the feminine (thus a call for Kingmakers);


Remember that he is psycho-sexually and spiritually seeking the holy grail and holy grail communion; he was conditioned that this is a religious experience with the Holy Father yet there’s more to the story b/c of the suppression of the Divine Feminine; Holy Mother Sophia and other aspects like Priestess and Goddess.


As a woman; he doesn’t know what a Grail Lover would even be like yet that could be you but it would require you to become worthy of receiving the King-Lover or God the Lover energetically, in psyche and consciousness. Discover more about divine unions aka ‘hieros gamos’ on the blog. Divine, Sacred Union (aka inner reunification) is the thing BEYOND soul mates and twin flames.


Cultivate YOUR Grail Beauty with specialized work like the Grailspring activation, archetype activations and other communion-based alchemy. Rion is a master grail alchemist of sacred reunification aka hieros gamos.

The Real Work of Allure Transformation & Essence Based Beauty Consulting..

As I’m seeking ways to take this Allure consulting and transformation work to beauty influencers and more of a mainstream audience (and my FB circle has been AHEAD as the early adopters);


When it comes to the inevitable evolution of Beauty and Style in the marketplace, Beauty industry and in social media influence (beyond the skin-deep 3rd dimensional glass ceiling);


It can help to view the essences as ‘flavors’ or ‘styles’ of vibe-truth and light-truth beauty that we can now directly work with in conscious competence.


We just become more consciously competent in NAMING THESE VIBES and signatures of LIGHT (all kinds of examples in our psychic celebrity readings).


(Wanna find out more? Read about the 7 practical forms of Beauty Essence onsite).


From here we can start seeing and evaluating women and their allure (vibe and light expression of beyond skin-deep beauty) as painted with:


Projector Beauty, Eros Beauty, Vixen Beauty, Siddhic Peaceful Beauty, Muse-Princess Beauty, Sophia-Lover Beauty, Devotional Beauty or Graceful (Siddhic) Beauty.


All of these examples as different signatures of vibe and light-truth that you can cultivate.


The Beauty industry 1.0 approach would be to ‘style’ oneself (to ‘look like’) in the make-up and wardrobe of the specific archetypal beauty intention of expression ie. to dress ‘like a goddess’ would dress…maybe walk like she might walk.


But that’s different than BEING the Goddess with Goddess vibe-truth, Goddess consciousness and INFLUENCE.


And that’s where Sexy Chi activations come in because we work DIRECTLY on your energy field and psyche itself to install the immortal source archetype vibe and light-truth codes themselves (ie. starlet, goddess, vixen, etc.). And that’s based in specialized and powerful energy work…no more indirect anything; we get results fast.


More critical to true beauty and influence is embodying the light and vibe-truth of that signature expression or flavor of beauty (from the essenced realm of archetypal, elemental and siddhic beauty codes); that people FEEL the Goddess or Maiden presence, consciousness and beauty where it hits them in the gut – rather than you just looking like it or playing dress up…where they feel the TRUTH of Her in your soul expression.


An expanded spectrum of Beauty mastery and expression to play with.


Sexy Chi activations (aka ‘sessions’ or ‘beauty appointments’) which include archetype embodiment activations (for more ie. Goddess presence, beauty and allure) are a direct bridge to cultivating all of this and embodying more super-natural, higher dimensional authentic encoded Beauty.


Allure and Essence are no longer non-conscious terms of ambiguity; we are now IN the realm of Archetypal and Siddhic Beauty cultivation (and I thank all my past female clients for securing this foundation ahead of whenever it may become popular!).


Just check out the blog for Essenced Psychic Celebrity Readings to start seeing these vibe and light truth signatures for yourself!


They already exist; we’re just more consciously competent of them and working professionally with them.


Being able to work on your archetypal and siddhic authentic beauty presence, consciousness and thus image (all SOURCED in the higher dimensional and immortal essences/codes themselves) brings far more mastery with authenticity to beauty and more freedom and variety to professional soul-self expression as well as the aspirational influence that comes with it.


Remember; Beauty has always been more than skin-deep AND the higher truth is that Beauty is an alchemical language of Light (and Vibe on a lower dimension).


Discover more about the 7 forms of Beauty Essences (central to Allure) here. Allure Makeover Package available

A Radiant Goddess Activation Experience

Although most archetype activations I offer are ‘remote’ (zoom) where you don’t have to be in person (and are just as potent although not usually as ‘initially’ impactful as ‘live’ because it takes longer to integrate into your physiology);


I’ll share about this live powerful Goddess activation experience several years ago that I’ve gained permission for while keeping her name discreet.


A lot can happen with powerful intention and when things are aligned…especially when you value experience. I know for myself intention + masters have led to some of my own greatest transformational breakthroughs.


One of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen in person is what happened after an in person Goddess activation that I facilitated a few years ago.


I had an emotional authority friend at a tantra retreat who was having trouble grounding her awakened kundalini and she was wondering how I could help or what to do…we were talking at our wood dining room table in the multi-bedroom cabin.


Elementally she had a lot of light fire, sensitivity and active shakti but wasn’t that grounded…it was an issue for quite a while.


I knew that power grounding and Goddess medicine was the prescription (as Goddess carries a lot of earth and water).


(For years I’ve been sanctioned to facilitate archetype activations through my initiation and training in the Muse lineage).


(Another woman during a group activity was going through cold sweats and major releasing just holding onto my body as a grounding rod but we weren’t allowed to do another form of grounding then).


Anyways, I had her stand up in front of our fireplace with just some table lamps lit around and power grounded her earthstar deep into the earthstar and she started swaying and could feel the magnetic pull down.


Then we went into a short tune-up and the Goddess activation itself on the brown colored couch with lights down low in the cabin’s living room.


Other than calling my name lightly after several minutes; she was just out cold/deep slumber crashed on the couch integration after the activation.


Lots of energies were alchemizing and Goddess working with her for who knows how long b/c I went back to my bedroom and to sleep b/c it was late and I was the Temple Team snack-bar master.


Goddess would bring in the water to re-balance, soothe and purify her system.


(Btw I facilitated another shocking before and after makeover of a life-changing Goddess activation at the same retreat on different dates for a different woman; we grounded YEARS of unsettled energy and brought her water back so much that she was wobbling all over the place as her system rebalanced).


Anyways; the NEXT morning as the group re-gathered in our class/temple space; we all drew tarot cards and she and I ended up in the same practice team for that night. But I didn’t really see her until then and seeing her was a beautiful sight to behold; she glided over gracefully towards me with her oracle card and was just radiating serene light goddess; wow!!


I was just basking in amazement that I get to help facilitate such transformational magic for people….and it was truly beautiful…and yet she’s also a true Warrioress like many in my circle so she can take on and deal with a lot of power or tribulation.


What wasn’t known was that she had an intention for big things to happen (as we talked earlier in the retreat) and she was drawn as the class demo for a session with Master Charles the day before (and then had that session with me that night b/c even MORE kundalini was awakened after her session with him).


On that morning’s tarot draw; Master himself literally said ‘she looked like a Goddess…just look at her’ (and others confirmed); what wasn’t known was that she had sessions with 2 masters (and Charles was RIGHTFULLY and yet quite humbly pleased with himself and his powerful demo session without also knowing my role in her overnight makeover transformation)…but she was ready, had strong intention and called it in. Both of us.


My secret weapon status continues….


(I’m keeping her anonymous and am sharing with permission years later). For years women who are SERIOUS on their ascension and awakening journey have been leveraging me for these archetype and Beauty, beauty consciousness activations.


There is something I miss about doing more ‘live’ or ‘in person’ activations, even though 95% of them by now have been remote. An in person client last year said it was the most powerful energy work she’s had done in 11 years and she literally look different before and after; Eros energy was lit and running through her, her legs were cold and now were warm and electric, sensual..)


So for those who are ‘done with’ goddess everything b/c they’re triggered by social media or whatever; some of us know the real work is always going on (and ‘on demand’). Goddess codes are ancient and immortal; our activations access and bring them into your consciousness (and energy clearing to make more space in your psyche for them in session).


There are many ways in which She (Goddess) can work OR there may be other aspects of the feminine that you may desire to work with or move into. I’ll be speaking more about archetypes as medicine coming soon (just browse on-site). Would you rather just ‘look’ like a Goddess or have others be in the PRESENCE of authentic Goddess consciousness, vibe and Beauty around you?


I am in service to clients yes. I am in service to the truth and integrity of the archetypes and working with FOR clients as a prime aspect of what I do. When I channel powerliminals like Creatrix, etc., I am in service to the encoded truths of the archetypes.


In the way I work; these aren’t demons or entities as some may have you believe (although some dark archetypes can be); they are iconic, encoded aspects of divine masculine and feminine consciousness, power and beauty from the collective.


The Goddess embodiment activation and other archetype activations available (including Vixen of which I’ve done about 6 so far)!  Archetype activations available on our appointments page; just pay and it’ll redirect you to booking at time. We’ll be able to consult at the start of our session to confirm which archetype is best for you now.


(At the time of this original writing;) I just did heart healing on a client from a new country during a session and she already came back and paid for another (but has to wait almost a week for integration). By April 2023 I’ve done many Goddess activations for women!


Check out the testimonials page on site. Book an Archetype Activation here. I’m honored to continue serving the awakening of divine feminine consciousness on the frontlines and the evolution of Beauty!


Exact Results aren’t guaranteed; everyone experiences different things (often based on their readiness for transformation) however yes – many individual sessions are often life-changing and people in their lives notice a real difference.


The ‘It Girl’ Archetype

(Beyond just any fashion trendmaking); Do you want more of an It Girl vibe and influence?


‘It Girl’ Activations now available (on our Appointments page!)


Recently I had a client request this (for the first activation of its kind). It was somehow resonating with her and she asked me more specifically what it was about (to confirm more consciously her inclination).


I was kinda floored when I verbalized just what it was as we tend to see or value Her on a more superficial or social ‘fad’ level (like a fashion trend fadmaker or a summer 1-hit wonder artist), but here’s the gist of what I told her (with some things now added):


The ‘It Girl’ is socially valuable, she is recognized and successful in presence. She has beauty and social confidence.


She doesn’t have resistance to healthy recognition and receives opportunities abundantly from which to choose.


She has high value social currency and abundant wild attention, attraction and recognition.


She leverages the Pareto principle to her favor shamelessly without resistance to her receivingness and is a movement maker.


The ‘It Girl’ is HOT and an influencer. (Of course she can be a grown woman but the collective knows Her as ‘It Girl’).


She is archetypally RECOGNIZED in her allure and this goes deeper than just superficial recognition (it’s everything for Human Design Projectors). Her legacy continues to attract real-time influence.


An archetypal social ‘It Girl’ has the Midas Touch and She has the presence of already having ARRIVED rather than a dejected, dismissive aura of hunger which fractures her presence. (Lisa from Blackpink is a great example).


We can talk more about HOW your x-factor can influence others related to your Human Design (5’s influence strangers and 4’s work best in their own social circle and expanding it ie.).


(And this is the part that made me shiver); an ‘It Girl’ is on Her highest timeline of recognition…She is so attuned to it and bends other timelines and perception to HER highest, most successful timeline, thus She keeps attracting more and more recognition and success.


Two other points here; When you are spiritually consciousness and bringing of deeper, rich value, your influence goes beyond just word of mouth social recognition on a shallower ‘faddish’ level, but would bring more transformational impact. It can clear up a lot of resistances while attuning your highest timeline.


And…granted, some women have had this authentic codexes consciousness where it mixes with her soul and then has come from vanity or other shadows of fame. This is for you to deal with, but I’d be less concerned if you have a healthy, strong spiritual foundation.


Imagine dissolving (or blasting out) resistances to recognition and success that have been self-sabotaging you from being seen while encoding the presence of success!


Want to cultivate your It Girl? She’s a modern beauty archetype thereby Her codes and consciousness are available to embody for yourself!


‘It Girl’ archetype activations available (just book a session and we can confirm this archetype at the start of our time together) to install authentic ‘It Girl’ consciousness light codes into your embodiment. Great for projectors (esp. if you’ve already done a lot of deconditioning to get faster ROI) but for all Human Design types.


Part of the activation (and all my activation sessions) include growth maintenance chakric and auric detox to make more room for the archetype codes.


Final thoughts;


Keep in mind that She (iconic, impersonal It Girl as an feminine archetype) is also related to having the presence and allure of success before becoming successful or famous (and is detached from it); thus more influential NOW in attracting and living her highest timeline in receiving-ness rather than waiting in presence for some point in the future.

A Word On Entities & Demons In Energy Work

In energy work & energy healing, we are working with aspects of the psyche and consciousness. This means that in your multi-dimensional energy body there may be demons or entities that are stuck, attached or interfering with your psyche.


These can hold back a lot of things in your life; drain energy, keep attracting negative patterns, etc.


It’s not that all demons are ‘bad’ per se but as entities, many of them are malevolent and can do a lot of damage including taking years off of your life, creating cancers, etc. (this isn’t a thorough overview). So in energy healing and detoxing your chakric and auric psyche (included in all activation sessions available on site), I may come across some heavier, stuck entities or demons in someone’s field.


I’ve said this before that my experience is preparing me for being an exorcist (yet that would require even more specialized training and I’m not necessarily called to it yet).


I have psychic ability to easily sense kinesthetically when someone is infected; also I’ll start purging as a shamanic sense and know something is extra dark as we’re clearing it. Some people have them for years until a session with me and report feeling much freer afterwards.


A varying % of people have authentic demonic infiltration (I’d say about in 8% of clients including 1 very recently).


Less serious are weaker entities but even more serious and rare is straight-on possession. Entities/discarnate spirits can attach to or reside in the aura or chakric psyche centers thus affecting things with fatigue, siphoning energy, cancer, specific shadows, low frequency consciousness, etc. keeping you stuck.


(In ALL of my and upcoming Muse Priestess certified sessions we are doing energetic detox maintenance for entity & demon removal, etc.).


That 1 x-client of mine recently masquerading as now TWO different women is between demonic infiltration and possession; the demon is largely running the show and operating their spirit, psyche and thinking keeping them in delusional psychosis loops.


When someone doesn’t seem themselves; it’s likely entity or more serious entity/demonic infiltration.


This in his case equals very heavy infiltration. KNOWING that it’s demonic and that it’s not his actual true soul self can help you in similar cases to detach yourself and do energetic psychic protection and maintenance for yourself. You may still have to literally block them, etc.


Of course I’m not allowed to work on anyone’s field without their permission so I wouldn’t remove his demons (and no I absolutely didn’t place new ones in there as I never would do that and never have; that’s what the demons he picked up later on is telling him).


Know someone who is unusually under the weather or fatigued? Stuck in downward spirals? Chances are it’s some form of discarnate infiltration in their/your field.


There are different ways to release and operate with demons (who thrive in the 4D/lower astral realm); from friendlier agreements in releasing to crispifrying under supreme divine authority.


With exorcism; there’s definitely some other things I’d have to know (including other modified protection measure) and even then although I’m very effective at removals; I haven’t always worked with the heaviest clients ‘all the time’ but things are open to head in that direction.


Whether lighter infiltration or straight-on possession the standard is to get explicit permission before I/Muse Priestesses or others in this work are allowed to work on their field. Demons can really wreak havoc and split the psyche; different demons specialize in what we would call many of the 64 shadows in the spectrum of consciousness.


There IS other ‘dark’, collaborative work but that requires very special care and it’s not something I’m drawn to yet or ever; we’re talking about daemonic sabotage on people’s sovereignty.


Often the BEST way to get rid of them is with direct energy work from a powerful energy work. I’ve released many demons from across 100s of paying clients so they can be more free and it’s just part of my workflow and nothing to be ashamed of (I share energy notes after still). Even conscious people offer get psychic attacks and require growth maintenance.


I’m a very experienced energy healer and lightworker (see the About Rion page).


Sessions available on the appointments page; again growth energy healing detox maintenance is done in all energy based sessions (aka Charisma or Beauty Appointments)