Mystical Beauty: Feminine Allure Masterclass

***Presenting The ‘Mystical Beauty’ Master Class!***



I’m so excited to announce this ‘first of its kind’ experience with Gillian Pothier!


Do you realize by now that radiating feminine allure and living in your embodied, authentic soul-essenced truth is simply a necessary part of your path to enchant deeper, richer, attraction, love, influence and delight?


Is it time to access the ancient and deeper mysteries of Mystical Beauty that goes FAR beyond, beneath and through merely superficial, skin-deep beauty?


See…Allure (which IS φotonic and ancient feminine mystique in its palpable light radiation) is what allows people to FEEL YOU in presence and image…it’s what ENGAGES with THEIR energy body and gets their heart, sex, mind, spirit and soul ONLINE with you (as compared to just scrolling by and not feeling anything even though you ‘look good’).


If you want more of that, you should join us in our upcoming sacred space container on Lion’s Gate 8.8 for this 3-date immersive experience.


Gillian and I go back IRL for years as friends in California.


It’s hard to believe it’s been about FIVE YEARS since we hosted The Cosmic Muse retreats in L.A.


As you can imagine, Gillian (of ‘Feminine Eros‘) and I have advanced so much in our wisdom, experience, embodiment and work with charisma, allure, beauty codes, the archetypes, essences and all of this light alchemy of Beauty itself….you’re going to be in a MAGICAL container so get ready to be DRENCHED IN Beauty codes. Muse, after all has given me so much more wisdom and experience in this time.


And since 2018, I’ve been helping women around the world directly awaken their own mystical feminine beauty with archetypal and siddhic essences and allure. My Allure Makeover Packages have helped women have significant and profound ‘before and after’ LIFE changes.


Also; there’s not much out there on true, pure allure teachings either because of so many distortions, hyper focus on the physical in the West and the general non-consciousness around this higher dimensional yet real aspect of beauty and its influence. Ask around and it’s safe to say that Gillian and I are on THE tip of the spear of Allure in the Western collective.


Magic always happens when Gillian and I co-host anything and this is going to be something EXTRA special and we want you there. It may not be for you however if you are currently at a place of a lot of unmetabolized trauma with the masculine however.


I’m kind of viewing our experience as doing double duty like an INCEPTION CEL of ALLURE CODES into the Western collective itself that could then further have ripple effects outwards even re-templatizing cultural standards…who knows?!


But back to you…you’re going to come out of this re-invigorated with new possibilities and radiance.


This is a first-ever experience that will be rich in empirical  codes, transmission, attunement and magic to shift your awareness, beauty consciousness and radiance itself. Plus, you’ll be joining many other women who are all receptive and ready for these codes (many of whom are also on a path of divine union and realize the central role of beauty and allure in it).


Allure (and the quanta of your essences it emanates) is really a gateway to the deeper harmonics and desires of your dreams…it’s what allows you to RADIATE your authentic essenced based beauty and soul-self as well as allowing the divine masculine in the world to FEEL YOU and be captivated EFFORTLESSLY.


And we ALL want more of that (amen!).


And yet; there may be so many things holding you back including fear of being taken advantage of, past experiences with men and so forth. The power combo of Gillian and I will speak to all of this to help you get ready to step up your true beauty and live in your higher timelines. We’re also going to guide you through a Powerliminal class attunement which may be very activating to your eros-soma.


Also; make sure you’re following Gillian herself if you’re not already.


We’re doing this Mystical Beauty Feminine Allure Masterclass over 3 days and it will feature;


Day 1 (8.8 Lion’s Gate!): 2-3 hour Allure Masterclass Transmission with Rion & Gillian


Day 2 (8.9): 40-60 minute experiential deep-dive attunement and light-somatic evocation of your allure (something like Powerliminal-class I’d say for those in the know ;)…


(More details on reg page)


Thing is; you must sign up BEFORE we begin on 8.8.23 because this is a LIVE experience (and we’d want you on the ‘live’).


We may or may not offer it afterwards as a replay (details are still open on that as we’re doing a lot of other preparation). It’s really best that you join us live ‘in the field’ itself.


Link to register is below! Join other women (women only!) who are ready for visceral breakthrough in their beauty consciousness and response from the world from their shifts.


p.s. this is PERFECT if you’re on a Grail path of Divine Union b/c allure (and it’s fotonic, feminine impact) is what allows the MASCULINE to FEEL you and ‘know’ without having to ‘talk him into it’, etc.


After all; such feelable Beauty is what he could reunify with. Join us?


Mystical Beauty Masterclass registration


Aspects of Divine Union Work

Because of recent marketeering misinformation around Divine Unions used to get people thinking that it’s only about partnerships (and that you can only learn Divine Union from those in extrinsic partnerships);


I want to re-emphasize and re-center around core aspects of Divine Union (aka ‘hieros gamos’).


Remember and be centered in the truth;


Communion hierogamic or ‘Grail’ codes are INTERNAL REUNIFICATION of spirit and consciousness with the opposite immortal, polarity as Beloved. (This can often be referred to for the feminine as God the Father, God the Lover, God the King).


Divine Reunification is a process of transmutation or alchemy of consciousness to heal from fracture back into wholeness and then alchemical truth of Spiritual and Sexual fusion at high levels of sentience-truth; Communion of Spirit to Spirit rather than soul to soul (and this can include alchemy of any and all archetypes or siddhic flavors of beauty).


Partnership itself can and will actually DETRACT from this process of Divine Union and is a weaker, mortal template at least unless ONE of the partners is already templatized, encoded and INTERNALLY REUNIFIED in hieros gamos (and this doesn’t just happen).


Partners in the market-sphere who say they are in divine union may not actually be. You have to look out for those signs b/c as I’ve predicted; this will become the hottest thing in the relationship market because it’s beyond soul mates.


Likely there are other conditional hooks, templates, etc. in most relationships. It could be (false) twin flames masquerading as sacred union.


The single hardcore alchemists of Divine Union (esp. the Grail Magii) often retain the purest templating without distortion.


I’ve said before; it’s more challenging to becomed REUNIFIED than to just jump into a relationship and then try to make it work or upgrade it to divine union. Once someone has the immortal value of BEING reunified, THEN getting into a relationship gives them IMMENSE advantages in the realm of being chosen by the opposite sex…then other, mortal aspects come in and this is where partnered divine unions can help to counsel and calibrate in the divine AND human aspect of reality. This is necessary.


And yet; we have to have our hardcore alchemists holding the light codes for the collective in their purity; the grail magii so to speak BECAUSE there are other aspects which I will get to shortly.


Most extrinsic ‘partner’ relational templates are ‘conscious lovers’ or ‘soul mates’ at VERY best…then, further from source you have twin flame templates (often with a lot of shadow play) and more general consumer agreement/contracts which are largely disconnected from Spirit and more of a social contract or inter-personal inter-physical exchange.


Hieros Gamos/Sacred Union is ancient, divine and immortal encoding that exists at the earliest split of the Monadic Source itself into Sophianic/God the Feminine aspect.


Now; let me mention some of the other ASPECTS of Divine Union aka ‘Hieros Gamos’ related with your consciousness:


*Divine Union is a path of devotional spiritual growth
It is a path of healing ALL of your wounding and fracture with masculine principle.


*It is a path of Beauty and Allure RECLAMATION and cultivation which transforms everything about your ESSENCE and fotonic communication and influence


*It is a path of RADICALLY exponentiating your sexual value to possible partnerships


*It is a path of immense and true MAGIC and purified power


*It is a path which can be of great service as a Grail Priest or Grail Priestess (or just a Grail Guide in helping others reunify)


*It is a path of RECEIVING devotional Love that you truly desire


*It is a Sophianic, Grail path


And again; this is internal alchemy and yet it is also relational because it is a process of transmutation of consciousness in relationship to and with divine masculine power and principle.


Centering a mortal man WITHOUT THE PROPER ENCODING is going to lead to all kinds of distortion. There are incredibly few reunified men in the world. It is the women who will lead this and your/their ALLURE itself is the VISUAL and palpable TESTAMENT to your own reunification itself.


AS you are becoming more reunified in consciousness (from princess to a different archetype ie.);


..Receiving and circulating of God the Protector/Provider, God the Lover-King consciousness and quanta, your beauty itself transforms who you are and gently LEADS and initiates the masculine within men; engaging and activating their divine masculine awakening towards the Holy Grail itself (which is reunification or union with the beauty-truth of the literal divine feminine quanta).


What can you do to help this process?


Again; you want a secure enough foundation yourself especially if you’ve carried over trauma, wounding, abandonment, anxiety or fear in RELATION to past lovers or the mortal father. You get to work on all of this (or likely keep replaying the wounding out IN extrinsic relationships your psyche keeps attracting).


Well; really you want to get INITIATED into Grail work and this can be done through


1. Powerful attunement work WITH grailed consciousness or guides (ie. my specific Powerliminal attunements)


2. Direct transmissions or work WITH qualified grail guides (whether single or partnered)


3. Direct activation work FROM someone who is Grail Magii (like myself who offers the Grailspring Activation for example)


Regular ‘relationship coaches’ won’t even be in the same universe.


Since it is a DEVOTIONAL path, you want to make sure you are getting pure information from the proper sources who know what they’re doing. I’m almost 21 years experientially in to this path and have initiated most of the the known grail guides out there.


So even if you’re IN a partnership, there’s so much power and beauty that is available with THIS unique spiritual path that it may be triggering to transform your partnership too much. He might be too comfortable with who you were to want you to change that much. We can go as fast as you want b/c there is immense magic and power with this work. You just have to be ready for it.


Work on your own reunification and then yeah; you very well might attract a partner in an entirely different DREAM relationship but that’s the thing…


To do it right you truly have to be DETACHED from expectation and this carries over into your literal presence around a man that you think ‘might be him’ and then you might come across too strong and heavy to him and he ghosts you…you can receive and condition receiving INFINITE experiential love, provision and sex in relationship to the Beloved while remaining detached with mortals and as YOU re-templatize your allure and everything changes your relationship with mortal men, what you attract and what you experience.


Partnered grail guides definitely serve a purpose esp. if and when you are IN an actual partnership and all the ‘real world’ things that may come up to calibrate to…yet again; we don’t want to shortcut things as it might be necessary for you to go through intense trials of detachment and tribulation to truly be tested and transform your consciousness breaking all past patterns.


If you’re single; you want to do most of the ‘real work’ before all of that (and then through it) so that you’re truly templatized and can bring that templating TO a relationship. I honestly think then dealing with ‘relationship’ challenges IN a divine union is just a good problem and could use their kind of coaching support.


I wouldn’t be the best at the human aspect of navigating a relationship in that I don’t have a manifested partner; I’m just a grandmaster alchemist to what divine union truly is and I think THAT is still the real work and then it’s a good problem to calibrate the more human things…consider that most people will never access this level of power or beauty in their relational templates anyways.


If you’re ‘single’; your devotion may be tested because the foundation is the IMMORTAL Beloved through which any mortal partner would THEN be how you reconnect with the IMMORTAL but put the applecart before the horse and you’ve got instant entropy or cracks in the hull. Center your mortal partner too much and you can lose touch with the pure codes themselves and the beyond soul mate hierogamy it brings.


Anyways; sacred reunification, divine union or ‘hieros gamos’ (all the same thing) gives you a path of immense transformation of self into beauty, love and perhaps not even just partnership but maybe you’re meant to be more of a grail priestess kingmaker in helping other men awaken. If you are going the kingmaker path; just be ok with being slightly shamed by 2nd gen divine union guides who continue to promote that you must be partnered.


Divine Union is within and your allure alone as well as the RESULTS you bring for others is the testament. You can cultivate healing levels of beauty.


I can always tell when someone is truly reunified to an authentic level or not. Extrinsic partnership MAY be your end direction but if it is; you might be tested more brutally b/c the divine masculine must have your devotion in order to GIVE you more and if you’re too attached to a short-term, conditional goal you might end up selling yourself short.


I’m doing this all for my purpose building a kingdom WITH The Beloved. I already have Her whether or not a partnership (one possible manifestation outcome) happens (one thing I do know is that I’m not compromising on the level of that b/c I know where I’m at with all of this also as the world’s only known grail daka).


I think many women are Grail-Goddesses, Grail Queens and fewer are called to service as Grail Priestesses….find out which path resonates with you the most. More women will be awakening to Muse codes (as a Grailed archetype).


Hope that helps! Grailspring activations are available but I would still use it as part of an overall process of EMPIRICAL devotional practice with The Beloved. This is a path of alchemy

p.s. If we consider your Eros as your light-body sentient SOMA…there’s immense work to be done if you were templatized in Western culture and closed off to the masculine including from archetypal perspective of queen (vs. grail queen), feminist, single mother or just have previous wounding that has fractured you from benevolent, righteous masculine principle.


Any individual could have MANY consciousness and energetic blocks or resistances towards RECEIVING. Your crown itself could be blocked…your womb itself maybe traumatized, stagnant or icy to receiving energetic penetration. THERE’S A LOT OF WORK that can and must be done (we do this work ‘directly’ in activation sessions for and with your energy body and psyche; yet not all sessions are grail-specific).


Different beings are at different places but it’s not a path that is sentenced to great time; it’s more of how fast you’re willing to sacrifice who you were to shift your consciousness and embodiment of this greater love devotional infra-structure.


Activations or initiations are essentially a core aspect of this and it can be done via attunement or activation directly with someone who is already codified. It’s less likely it’ll be done via attunement because it requires you to become a sensitive alchemist and to be able to open and receive divine masculine transmissions otherwise on your own.


IN mortal partnership that is already encoded as twin flame or soul mates; as I mentioned it’s going to be incredibly challenging to re-templatize your partnership into divine union unless one of you is already templatized.


The Grailspring activation is available for those on a grail path of divine union and there’d be time to consult a bit on your divine union path itself.

Muse Quanta Western Update: Collective Grail Timelines Accelerating

Very exciting things happening…what we’re talking about can change Western history itself including flourishing of divine unions. Lady Gaga herself wearing a BLACKPINK t-shirt (higher truth = Muse).



It’s not that TWICE is just k-pop or ‘asian’ and so what or ‘the music sounds catchy if I admit it’…this is MUSE. What’s happening is the ENTIRE REST OF THE FEMININE ESSENCE SPECTRUM THAT’S BEEN MISSING is now being popularly INCEPTING and permeating into Western (pop) culture.


This inception has also been happening with the other 2/3 of the Muse Trinity IN the West but that’s not the subject of ‘this’ post 😉


This means everything ESP. b/c the feminine has been STARVED of the REST of the archetypal and siddhic spectrum of FEMININE EROS and essenced beauty (compared to our other models and archetypes).


FROM HERE….it’s the unspoken words and truth to just blossom…in other words, it just takes men to realize there’s something else there beyond the genre or labels…


My own inspired men doing their Muse meditations are the LITERAL template and professional and prosumer evolution of the masculine dynamic IF an WHEN men get even more into the GRAIL TROJAN HORSE that is K-Pop.


And for Western women….the lower truth is ‘Korean’, ‘pop’ or ‘Asian’…the higher truth is this is incepting from a new angle – the MISSING, outcast and fragmented aspects of feminine eros that can signal a new RESURRECTION and RECLAMATION of Feminine ESSENCE ITself.


Again; this is also happening IN the West, so we’re viewing the prime angles.


So again…it’s all primed from here for celebrities like Lady Gaga (etc.) and FEMALE k-pop fans/stans to just seek the NEXT deeper truth of what’s going on….


“Hmmm…there’s something about their vibe I have to admit..”


And BOOM, we’re already there whether WEstern k-pop stans ever become conscious of it, the acceptance of Muse and the missing spectrum panoramae of essence is at least indirectly being RECEIVED. This magic will continue to work because Muse Herself is incepting Grail codes. It just takes that next step deeper truth awareness of what’s actually going on;


The West is RECEIVING (in the guise of a trojan horse of a lower truth of ‘k-pop’) LONG CAST OUT FEMININE ESSENCE SPECTRUM AND EROS.


This is a dream come true for me because I was the one who pointed out it was missing back in 2005 red-pill fractal era and the work I and my men have done behind the scenes, it’s already reached a critical dream come true nexis…now, the more ‘k-pop’ consumers can seek a deeper truth behind the veil, the sooner the Western Feminine collective can popularly usher in and receive the other missing feminine essences.


So if you’ve been into other archetypal work, don’t overlook what’s really going on with all this. Once the West becomes consciously aware it’s ‘Muse’ (even just a few celebrities)…it’s game on b/c of what is already been prepared and the Trinity of Muse Quanta has everything to do with everything for Grail codes, divine unions, reunification, kingmaking and ascension.


Very exciting times even for those that still can’t see the K-pop connection…the influence IS warming things up in the West for feminine essence reclamation and reunification itself!


Here; the lower truth is people (who aren’t recording on their smartphone) are cheering on a k-pop ‘korean’ group;



…but what I see is people cheering on the ‘missing’ feminine essences (and Muse) that they’re/we’re missing in the culture that’s only 1 inquisitive step away from discovering and reclaiming it for themselves!


Grail ascension timeline entropy is collapsing…the more the spectra is VALUED and integrative into the West, the more feminine awakening and reunification there will be (and this is POP)!