If you are called to a path of great Beauty and Devotional Love…
The Holy Grail principle, a.k.a. ‘Divine Union’, ‘Communion’ or ‘Hieros Gamos’ (Sacred Union/Marriage) already exists between God the Lover and Goddess the Lover in higher dimension consciousness.
Your soul could merge in Spirit at Deity levels of intimacy and siddhic ecstasy. (This gets into Grail Tantra)
Hieros Gamos or ‘Grail Work’ is powerfully alchemical and is more about opening yourself up to the alignment, power and beauty that already is of The Beloved and allowing alchemical transformation in devotion.
By now; you may know if you are called to be on a ‘Grail Path’ as a mystic seeking inner reunification.
Making it a ‘personal’ path of growth is going to hold back the levels of beauty, ecstasy, deep fulfillment, love, bliss and Communion that are possible because this is a path of Beauty, Eros, Sex, Spirit, Soma, Heart and Soul.
It’s more about surrendering and sacrificing to the Truth and Will of your Immortal Beloved to transform and transfigure your consciousness and Light-body as a mystic.
As God and Goddess fractals; the archetypes have great leverage for quantum identity transformation and awakening. These are divine aspects of your immortal Beloved.
Grail archetypes specifically can help you align and clear up years of ‘self’ issues and confusion along your soul’s desire and path. Knowing which one you resonate with the most can help you get clarity on your identity and path itself.
Here are some general Divine Union ‘Grail’ archetypes from my universalized lens:
Sophia: The Holy Mother; Gnostic Source Divine Feminine principle aspect of God
Rose/Mary Magdalene: Holy Mother & Grail Lover archetype of the Rose lineage of Divine Union heresy with Yeshua and Christos principle
Muse: An Ancient Divine Feminine Archetype who is Queen of Celebration, Dance, Music & The Arts
A ‘sophia’ or ‘sophianic: A woman initiated and embodied with Sophia codes
Muse fractal or ‘muse’: A woman encoded predominantly with Muse codes
A ‘rose’ or ‘magdalenic’: A woman encoded predominantly with Rose codes
Grail Goddess: On her own sovereign, feminine path of exploration and reunification likely including Eros and even lesser known Dark Union codes. Opening up to her version of God the Lover-King. Is ok with being solo b/c most men don’t seem to qualify.
Challenges: Most men aren’t anywhere near ready and b/c she isn’t a Grail Priestess, isn’t called to serve many men. Often finds herself initiating other men in past relationships and they move on. Desires to be worshipped properly but most men don’t have the structure to do it right (in Union).
Grail Eros-Lover: Values hieros gamos, divine union, hierogamy, beauty and awakened Eros, feminine bliss, ecstasy and radiance as a lover to Divine Masculine principle embodied. Generally values partnership and qualification. May by single and preparing for a beloved or in partnership. Devotional codes, eros, feminine essence and siddhic feminine principle and consciousness are her realm.
Continues to cultivate her beauty and allure for REUNIFICATION and beyond soul mate love and sex. Heretical b/c receiving cosmic codes and ecstasy is heretical to ‘the church’. Has great power in a relationship to be a kingmaker and cosmic lover.
Challenges: She may get confused or disappointed if she is in partnership by relying too much on her mortal beloved rather than cultivating deeper constellation with the Immortal Beloved.
May be limited to a lower template but is always valuing of something deeper and more like true devotional Communion. Can get frustrating with her partner or the relational dynamic. Has likely had past twin flameships but it wasn’t ultimately what she was looking for. Wants the purified Light and Dark Eros without shadow infiltration.
Grail Starlet: A woman on a path of great social and cultural influence in her fullest expression and art living out reunification with (and for) her immortal Beloved. (Performing muses are grail starlets)
Challenges: Doesn’t do well with attachments and expectations of others. Has to have freedom of expression, Eros and Beauty from tyranny of lower conscious masculine that would seek to control, constrict, hijack or suppress her and her Eros.
Grail Queen: Very different than Shadow Queen, Ice Queen or Bitch Queen. A reunified Queen is on a path of her own sovereign awakening and dominion over her empire and influence in constellation with her immortal Beloved of God the King.
She is not called to serve men as a Grail Priestess, she is more about her own internal reunification with Queen codes and/or having her own beloved-king with whom she can share her presence with.
Unlike the more earth-connected and free-wheeling, watery Grail Goddess, a Queen is more disciplined, reserved and valuing of empire and influence. She is curating of who ever enters her inner courtyard. She isn’t a Kingmaker in awakening other men, she already has her k/King.
Challenges: If she is single, may be very pre-qualifying and closed off to other men who aren’t near ready to enter her court. May have aging concerns if still single and in waiting.
Grail Priestess: Generally of resonance and initiation with Sophia, Rose or Muse Grail lines; those in service to the divine masculine are the core Kingmakers to the collective. Centered in devotional reunification; grail priestesses are initiated and trained in priestessing, ritual, energy healing, temple space and forms of transformational consciousness work.
Challenges: May best to be in a community of other Grail Mystics who are already on the path to fortify the growing cultural influence and path that is opening. Translating her work to men in a way that sells.
Once you know which one you resonate with the most, you can get the proper support.
I’m announcing that my Mystical Grail membership is now open…we have around 30 women involved already in month 1! This is a perfect place to support your grail path on the front-lines!
In referencing archetypes for YOUR path, if Starlet is one of them you might have some problems down the road b/c MOST modern men would be too insecure to handle that form of power and path.
Does he actually support your visual expression publicly?
If not; such men (most of them) would get unrightfully (in relation to a starlet) jealous and envious closer to near all the time if your beauty starts getting too valued by the collective.
IF you have Starlet codes, a general rule of thumb is to NOT choose a partner whose manic shadow of control is going to be triggered (or envious) by your every move around other men (even if/when you have airtight agreements on boundaries).
He might even be too conservative for your fullest expression and that could end up hampering your own blossoming and cultural influence.
Can your EROS blossom and be seen socially as the healthy currency it is of influence (while maintaining whatever sexual-physical boundaries agreement with him)?
Starlets are different. They’re MEANT TO SHINE and not necessarily be constricted by a Red Pill bros personal triggers to the power of her social influence.
And yet as a starlet, you could still have a loving even DEVOTED monogamy with a detached enough man and solid agreements; one that wants you to thrive knowing that he’s with you.
Probably best that he has STAR Codes.
Just reference MGK and Megan Fox.
Instead of having each other on a ‘tight leash’ where they end up walking on eggshells (instead of being fully expressed and organic) b/c of their partner’s insecurity; they let each other and their EROS shine b/c cultural and social influence is just embedded into THEIR individual and relational codes as stars and a power couple.
Generally; Starlets should be with stars b/c their divine power and it’s necessity to BREATHE and radiate doesn’t match the insecurities of mortal, personalized men; their constriction, jealousy and control.
I’m really not with the mindset of red pill bros and conservative men like Michael Knowles that women shouldn’t be seen as sexual by anyone other than their partner.
The deeper spiritual psychology behind that is ‘control’ over divine feminine consciousness with a guise of moral superiority.
This sex, power and beauty already exists but are we going to be conscious about it or let it secretly own us and try to control it?
There’d be a different level of conversation if I was on the ‘whatever’ podcast, but they’re not ready for that.
Star/let codes just don’t match up with that (including only at least non-porno fans girls or entertainers).
You have to determine if that’s you (a starlet) or not b/c it’s going to be this push pull between you wanting to fly freer and be in your ero-somatic beauty and influence vs. reining yourself in to not trigger him and then living more from fear of his reprisal rather than true sourced power.
In otw for myself, I’d never let a beloved suppress her Starlet codes and physical beauty to diminish her soul impact b/c of my selfish and unwarranted jealousy based on our boundaries and agreement…stars are just cooler and DETACHED.
Again; a Starlet path is not for MOST people. Beauty influences in ALL dimensions. Everything else and security itself comes down to agreement and boundaries.
Also reference John Legend & Chrissy Teigen, Jay-Z & Beyoncé whether you agree with their politics or not; they’re ‘power couples’. Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively, etc.
You could have a beloved partner or twin flame; but then there’s these Starlet dynamics if you have those codes. It could be a cause of a lot of unnecessary drama esp. the more famous you become.
Starlet Herself would WANT her Star-man to be DESIRED by other women b/c she’s secure in knowing that She is with him and vice versa.
These are unique codes that are not for the masses themselves. They are exceptionary.
If you are on a GRAIL path, things matter critically to have a supportive partner (when incarnate).
If you are a power couple, both of you should be in the fullness of your maximal cultural impact and influence.
(It all comes down to agreements and values alignment).
I realize that (although I mentioned Grail Priestess before);
I haven’t put a post up simply dedicated to this important concept.
If you have followed me on (friends only) Facebook for a while, I’ve been speaking to (and leading on) this subject for years now throughout different posts (some of which are on-site here).
It’s the subject of Grail Priestess (and king-making).
There is a growing calling for Kingmakers because of the sexual, social and spiritual FRACTURE between not just men and women but the divine masculine and feminine centered upon Divine Union aka ‘Communion’ itself (which I also cover a lot).
Grail Priestesses play a DIRECT role in all of this awakening for men.
IF you are on a path of divine union that is called to serve the divine masculine with and through men (and not just seeking a divine union partner-king), then you will want to discover my website (which wholly represents the concept); Grail Priestess
From there, you should be able to access the Calling of the Kingmakerpower report that I wrote. I’d go there now if you feel something is calling you to it…there are a lot of rich, dense codes to unpack in that resource which could take you months of contemplation so if you’re getting that urge, now is the time.
I am the founder and guardian of the (world’s first) Muse Priestess lineage.
The world’s first Muse Priestesses will be made public in 2024! I’m also connected with other priestesses and lineages through my FB circle.
We also have the Grail Priestess attunement Powerliminal that can help you contemplate such a Divine Union path of Service…
Ok…it’s been a while since I’ve done something of an energy reading in this public format and this was an MV that I’ve had earmarked for a while.
So let’s take a celebrity essence (energy) reading look at the popular studio choom K-Pop Itzy video of ‘Not Shy’ featuring in starting lineup from left to right;
Yeji Ryujin Lia Chaeryoung & Yuna (sparking a hello)
There’s a couple ways to approach this as I train the Muse Priestesses in Beauty Essence Reading/Consulting, but in doing readings – you would want to start looking at the first thing that you know is true and stands out (with an individual).
You can search for feelings, sensations, qualities, archetypes, etc.
The more of a past database of accurate references you have, the easier it will be to know things correctly. With this form of psychic reading we value reading the light and vibe essenced TRUTH.
With these kinds of psychic readings and allure consulting, I’m not predicting the future per se, rather I am interpreting what ‘is’ as accurate as possible (and verifiable) by universal standards, spiritual, psychic and social truth in front of me.
Remember that people’s energy can change from performance to performance or year to year and that I’m just reading what’s in front of me here.
For essence reading now; I’ll actually start with some vibe-truth word association freely and then perhaps move to archetypes and elements (if they’re not covered enough in the free word association).
All of our ITZY k-pop idol starlets are Muse fractals btw (encoded at a soul level). Here we go;
Yeji (예지);
Siren, warm and yet sharp, quick-witted, soft and lethal, eros, lightfire, some Dark Muse for sure, some Dark+Vixen, estrogenic, fertile, soul embodied (not that the others aren’t), foxy, portal to dark and erosy realms, reds and yellows (which they did a great job of knowing to match her to this anyway with wardrobe)
Ryujin (류진);
Ninja, solid but sharp, cool, like literally cool (her body and vibe feels this), confident, tomcat, secure in her body, can handle anxiety and pressure pretty well, not too easily shaken, cool pre-goddess, definitely has magic but knows who to share it with (she’s showing it in this frame more than average btw)
Purity, Peace, amazing energetic health, Princess, Holy Daughter, joyful (although not the most in this MV), Serenity, holy waters, Grace Priestess, Maiden, good girl
Chaeryoung ( 채령 );
Muse-Goddess embodiment, silken, solemn goddessy, quiet, edenic, lush, body speaks more than words, autumn waterfalls, earthy wisdom, a light-warm auric eros charge, growing into maturity..
Cosmic, sparkly, triple espresso, shots of fun, emotional authority, celebration, upper realms, psychic intelligence and power, burgeoning light sorceress (for sure), celestial blue-light-fire, beam me up Scotty!, crystalline upper upper chakras, heavenly cleopatric, celestial empress-in the making and lineage, seems she might deal with a lot of anxiety in her mid-chakras
Who is the most ‘root’ grounded of them here?
(You can reference the energetic ‘weight’ of the root chakra)
1. Ryujin 2. Chaeryoung (a close 2nd) 3. Yuna 4. Yeji (but very similar to Yuna) 5. Lia
Keep in mind that the differentials aren’t that great. Also; if we looked at for example African dancers, they would be a LOT more grounded on average.
The most ‘overall’ grounded?
(Remember that in general, muses aren’t very grounded so this is something that could be further worked on).
Even though Chaeryoung’s root is a close second she is actually the most ‘overall’ grounded b/c of her sexy and maturing Goddess embodiment through her entire front channel.
Since I’m speaking freely here it might be interesting to note that (to me) personally; Chaeryoung isn’t the most physically attractive just on physical appearance alone (to me); HOWEVER she has effectively transcended any/previous limitations to simply allow universal archetypal and elemental beauty be part of (and mixed with) her soul truth itself so ‘how’ attractive she is gets all kind of jumbled b/c as I see her overall beauty and light.
This is what I’m referring to as how charisma and allure ‘bends’ light to allow us to see someone’s greater truth.
Her allure (emanation of conglomerate essences through her chakras and aura); it effectively warps reality and forces us to see something more true of who she is and thus she’s very beautiful.
We value the ‘light’ of essence and not just physical, superficial beauty standards and the light reflection of that. It may take some time to rewire your vision to see essence like I can but these readings should help!
Who is the overall purest or cleanest?
Lia. Here she’s at Priestess level of alchemical beauty btw.
They all have really good energetic health (I’ll speak to this in a bit more detail) but Lia has really clean chakras that breathe and flow somatically up and down. There’s definitely some lighter internal blockages but overall great. She has a very clean aura as well.
It seems that because her field is so purified, that she can ‘feel’ everything as is energetically very sensitive.
A lot of Western women have armored shells in their chakric and auric beauty as a defense mechanism for protection; however Lia is a good example of vulnerable, intimate, clean open-ness that allows us to FEEL her.
It’s important to note at mastery level…still…ALL of their allure factors could actually be increased to emanate even more powerfully (er, beautifully).
Who has the most warmth or fire (in THIS appearance/MV)?
Yeji. And it’s not just because she’s wearing red…she’s like this in other videos without the red too.
Ok…who is the most IMBALANCED as far as chakras go?
Well all of them could use more grounding without losing other qualities b/c then it will ‘feel’ more down to earth heaven on earth for their fans while still having all the atmospheric ecosphere of vibe and light-truth they each bring to draw people compellingly in (like allure does).
There’s a number of things to say here. Yuna’s heart is quite closed (nothing personal, mine has been for years and other stars are as well) and unfortunately her chakras are not emanating very powerfully as they could be.
Her lit celestial aura and upper chakras are running her show (essenced performance baby!) – but we should be able to feel her mid and lower chakric power (beauty) more.
She has a strong healthy throat, ajna and crown of course but her lower chakras are not very embodied nor emanating much (allure).
After 1000 sessions and energy reading throughout 21,000 hours of the world’s top performers I can say this with CERTAINTY. I literally know, see and feel what chakras, qualities and distances are.
My kinesthetic holographic or direct-connect with her field (the latter with approval only) at the time of this recording would also confirm it and things like this are verifiable with individuals themselves based on their reflection, etc.
(With that said; I’m still improving the accuracy and it’s still subject to some variance and imperfection – I am a great student OF Muse Herself).
With essence psychic celebrity and client readings;
Truth has to be the reliable foundation, not subjective interpretation that could be all over the place.
Yuna’s imbalances (and lack of greater ’embodiment’ stand out the most to me but all of them (even at this level) could use a tune-up to just open their chakras more to breathe a further distance.
Ok; I did speak to some supplemental archetypes earlier…What about elementals specifically (in any order)?
Ryujin; moonlit mountains and valleys (earth), cool stream
Yuna; celestial winter air, aether
Chaeryoung; water, earth, sandstone (in early autumn with her style tones too), wood
Yeji; eros-fire, fire, lava, a little bit of metal
Lia; air + heaven air, light, holy water
None of them have much Mermaid embodiment although Chaeryoung could go more in that direction the easiest, then Lia I’d say if she came down from her cloud.
I had another idea of doing intuitive crystal resonance readings but not for now.
I do have to give props to the stylists b/c in a way much of it IS actually non-consciously accessing their energetic essences ie. Yuna and Lia with the blues…
Chaeryoung with earthy Goddess tone to match her vibe. Working consciously with their vibe and light-truth is the future mastery of performance entertainment…K-Pop already has external style mastery and versatility down.
It would be fun to see them strengthen their allure strengths as individuals and then as a group (and how it mixes!)…b/c then there’s even more dynamism going on that people just can’t catch up with or get enough of!
For example; we could amplify the FIRE that Yeji already has for in her sacral and solar plexus, embody more from the seat of her soul, mix it with some more elementals and project it even further (in embodiment).
As muse-starlets they can access a LOT of essence, it’s really just in mastering things from here.
I could bring in more general chi power to mix into Chaeryoung’s sacral for example to create more Goddess-Eros and charge up her field even more…we could tone it in a certain direction or to a spirit animal. I’m not even mentioning gift and siddhic beauty essences in this reading too!
We may want to explore (all with their consulting and approval of course!) seeing what a more grounded Lia would be like (b/c I can power ground)…exploring when she is more ready for Goddess embodiment and a bit more of that maturity like Chaer’s taking on ie..
Most of their earthstar channels are closed off but Ryujins and Chaer’s would open and clear the fastest (within seconds with how I work) deep into the earth. Yuna’s cosmic powers are great but she could be more embodied on earth.
For Yuna I might want bring more of her celestial brilliance INTO embodiment retaining her Muse but perhaps strengthening her Light Sorceress and definitely open her chakras to breathe more.
I think with her she should also discover Dark archetypes to counter-balance b/c she has so much Light it’s more likely to turn to shadow with so much celestial psychic power. In the past I’ve seen her open to higher frequency astral interference so defensive strategies can be looked at but here’s she’s fine (the environment even vibe of the male producers, etc. MATTERS).
Yuna has heart but professionally speaking (and non-judgmentally) it’s still too closed in and personalized (and hey; it’s work for me myself and I as well)..as I’ve seen this pattern with her in other appearances.
(I mean just compare her to TWICE’S Jihyo for example who is VERY heart-centric and robust there).
(Hint; it’s NOT b/c of the size of her chest either – she is very heart-centric and open 😉 Now reference how energetically smaller Yuna’s heart is comparatively – not just physically per se
Oh…who would be the MOST shy of them?
Hmm…it pends on the context if it’s meeting him through friends or in cold public so I won’t answer that (maybe down the road)! Least shy probably Yeji and Ryujin. Most likely to accidentally show interest affection? Yuna. Natural flirting response? Lia.
Oops I might be answering some of it but again; these are my interpretations.
Hey; are you enjoying these insights?
There’s so many things to say and explore once I focus and get started! Imagine Yeji’s fire in Chaeryoung’s solar plexus and sacral alchemized and mixed with what she has now, people would start going nuts and the male stan attention would triple.
Remember this is plasmic quanta we’re talking about (‘chi’ aka beauty essences from the spectrum of Light-Sentience itself); and with starlets at this level, they already have great access to then further master with the right guide.
If they hired me or one of the Muse Priestesses (who are also dancers btw) for consulting and allure transformation, I/we would want to explore their Human Design body-graphs more to help them maximize their chakric and auric design as well.
Just doing a power tune-up for each is going to get their plasmic quanta chi essences BREATHING even more than it does. Keep in mind that pro performers can adapt to studio vs. stadium settings but it’s all mastery stuff to be self-aware of as well as for the production team to work with as well.
Ryujin might want to explore having more fire like Yeji does but of her own soul’s desire….maybe she’d want to have more Eros-fire and less detached cool-ness. Maybe they/we’d want to activate Yeji’s psychic and crown powers more…it’s all wide open.
Remember they’re ALREADY masteresses in many ways so I’m just speaking to a high level. They’re already light years beyond consumers with alluring beauty. If/when you watch the video and see more of them, this can all help you to see with deeper insight and ‘new eyes’!
Ok that’s enough of a reading for now but I’ll leave it with one more:
Who is the most likely thief in the night/steal your heart?
Yeji or Ryujin!
BTW, during producing this reading I received the concept of Celebrity Spirit Animals so check out the blog soon for 2 new posts starting that whole series!
1 of the shadows of the feminine heart and Queen archetype is ‘possessiveness’ of her partner.
‘Queens’ will often see it as a gift instead of shadow and yet it can end up constricting their man in numerous ways (ie. “Don’t even look at other women”, don’t show YOUR charisma around others b/c it might trigger my jealousy, etc.)
Unwarranted jealousy might arise if he’s a rare man who is actually serving other women in business (like me) which is why I couldn’t partner with ‘just’ a queen.
There’s can be a miswiring of service+star codes for more a tamping down and personalization of life force and other restrictive expectations in these kinds of shadow encoded relationships so it might be worth revisiting yours and reference others who give each other more breathing room and if that’s for you.
If he’s ‘your man’ ; is it a gift or a shadow of possessiveness that you carry?
How does he feel about it and is it limiting his (‘remaining’) freedom? Can he be even MORE free in such a committed relationship or is it already his death knell to freedom b/c ‘now you’ve got him’?
The traditional masculine ‘ownership’ shadow (which is also quite predominant out there) can also be valued as a gift through a cultural ‘King’s’ lens.
Could you be ok with him being WANTED by others?
I’ve mentioned before that this can also constrict such a woman’s allure and thereby limit HER social influence.
What’s more impressive to me than this type of Queen (shadow) constriction in a dynamic of ‘monogamy’ (and the deeper shadow of control behind it) is couples that give each other actual charismatic breathing room yet still have their own agreement.
Stephanie Pierre (and her relationship) is a stellar healthy evolved example of this; they allow each other charismatic and allure breathing room for other people to notice which is central to their ongoing social impact (while still maintaining their own agreements and integrity as a family).
She allows him to be in his power and from what I can sense; yes, women are into him and she’s ok with it b/c they have THEIR agreement and they give each other that breathing room.
Maybe more people should start referencing their relationship actually I think.
Star codes are just a different thing than what normies are used to.
Beyoncé and Jay-z could also be referenced as he lets her be SEEN by millions of people in her sexuality…they’re a power couple.
Best rapper alive or not (cerca ~2000~); that makes him a high level of ‘cool’ by default (also b/c of her status and his past legacy).
Do you want your man to be a star? Is he going to let you be the socially impactful starlet?
And btw a Muse Queen is light years different than a Control Queen!
You can follow me on FB…most of the good stuff is ‘friends only’ (and I still don’t know if followers can see it btw)