Secular Gnostic Spirituality vs. Religion & God

This is an inquisitive value conflict ‘deep dive’ which may be relevant for you if you have had a religious upbringing and are now doing magical ‘secular’ things like oracle work, priestessing, energy healing, Divine Union Grail alchemy, tantra, etc.


…Things that you might be religiously shamed for or even outcast from – in past lifetimes or now.


Are we really “doing God’s work”?


(Btw you can add your comment to the discussion on my FB post thread link @ the bottom)


Is Divine Union Grail Heresy fractured From God the Father?


Are we being sent to hell for being ‘secular’ and exploring other areas of Spirit including sacred sexuality outside of popular religion?…


Like myself, you may have left conventional religion behind.


Before I go further; keep in mind that this is an open inquisition on my own path (and lens) towards clarity. It is unlike most of my posts that are clear and leaving you satisfied in an evolutionary next-step sense.


This may bring up un-settlement, more questions and may make you feel uneasy if you aren’t ready for the subject matter or want a definitive end to the story. Just a forewarning.


Ok….back to it…


On my own reunification path towards (a side journey of) possible reunification with The Holy Father and opening to even more righteous Divine Masculine Light and Guardian power FOR the Feminine and the work I/we do – (there are codes and timing in this window for other Warriors as well) – and in further exploring the theme of ‘God’s work FOR Goddess’, I had the question:


“Am I a son of God?”


“Am I a worthy guardian?”


“Is this work righteous?


(Because it surely isn’t accepted or acknowledged by ‘The Church’.)”


I’m even more heretical because I’m mixing Beauty with spirituality.


In fact, much of it may seem like ‘occult’ or ‘voodoo’ to them.


Priestessing? Remote archetype activations?


Oooh…cringe (from them) = instant heresy and ‘hold ‘yer horses’.


Because to me;


It FEELS like I am a Bastard son of God – having gone my own devotional soul path away from accepted (Christian) religion in search of the True Holy Grail, deeper intimate Truth and meaning.


Since I (and possibly other gnostic-heretics) may feel fracture from ‘God’ in some way;


I must do further research, so this post (while being shared) doubles as me going through my own investigative process to deepen spiritual clarity and potential alignment of greater Godliness in service.


All of it may indeed just be religious conditioning.


There may be value for you here as well because if there are other WARRIORS to rise?


MANY of them may never rise into divine guardianship for Feminine Ascension, Communion and Reunification if there are religious value conflicts; conscious or otherwise.


I mean how many public academics, historians or actual warriors of men are out there defending Grail principle?


These blocks may literally be within the theocratical and consciousness range of conventional religion. You might feel ‘some’ form of guilt by ‘going astray’ from your upbringing.


This could actually be an even greater barrier to Light Warrior/ess-ship than just general lack of consciousness in pop culture.


Make no mistake; what we are doing with Hieros Gamos and Feminine Embodiment work and Priestessing still IS heretical to much of the world (and religious conformity).


Because of the Christian conditioning in growing up; I’ve been living this sort of “fracture” with God the Father for over 2 decades. I will talk about this in more detail shortly. I simply don’t quite fit in there.


If you were also brought up religiously, you might be avoiding, escaping, denying or simply not reunified with your own upbringing. You may also be a ‘Light’ Outlaw or feel like an outcast.


But are we shunned from the TREASURES of heaven by practicing energy magic or tantra with integrity?


And; How DARE women think of God the Lover??…(“Witch!”)


This could be hidden grounds as an existential concern as well as blocking even more of your Beauty, Light and Power from being in full expression from here forward.


You may or may not feel ‘outcast’ from God’s blessings because of your religious upbringing. The conditioning may still be affecting you.


For many; surely, the religious influence is blocking their greater power and freedom to take a stand FOR the Divine Feminine Awakening and Reunification in all dimensions (in favor of religious standards or patriarchal norms).


I’d daresay that millions of potential male warriors can be ‘stuck’ in this dynamic per se – at least from having greater collective influence outside of their family.


Conventional church influence, morals and values are too rigid and strong on them (as well as pressure to conform or ‘fit in’).


Add in that there may be ancestral trauma FROM being outcast as secular and heretical if you were in priestess lineages.


There may be the threat of ostracization FROM religious community for your survival and safety (subconsciously) if you take an unaccepted stand FOR Communion principle or feminine magic outside of your local church’s values.


Sophia and Muse are essentially outcast and gnostic from patriarchal religion (let’s be honest).


The Rose line also; yet is (s’lightly) acknowledged in some crossover places such as with Saint Mary Magdalene but there is no Holy Mother essentially.


Christendom itself has never been greatly accepting or integrative of Sacred Feminine principle; at least as its foundation – nor has there been a real balance.


Nuns in servitude in Christianity and Catholicism have a certain place within the (patriarchal, divine) order.


As you may know; I am living a heresy of guarding and inaugurating an authentic Grail Priestess lineage and many from my hometown (if they knew) would view it as ‘heresy’, ‘woo woo’ or ‘occult’. Many of them have no idea what Grail principle really is.


Simply going back to reunify with my earlier childhood Christian upbringing and potentially be ‘adopted’ back into that denomination literally doesn’t fit or make any sense; and yet I still feel fractured in some ways with God the Father.


Instead, I’ve been relying on the power of my soul and the energizing reunification with The Beloved instead (which truly is heresy when you think of it) and there is infinite magic.


I’m not denying that there is real spiritual power WITHIN religion. It can absolutely be a path and vehicle…I’ve also literally experienced the Holy Spirit through others and in sweeping in midwest tabernacle revivals; it was palpable.


You may also feel irreconciled with your upbringing.




Could the Christian God be ‘accepting’ of what we are doing with the Divine Feminine work and Communion, when they themselves (as Church/Clergy) have essentially hidden the Holy Grail for centuries?


Although aspects of worship may cross-over (there are rich devotional threads throughout Hinduism for example and forms of Christian devotional worship); what many of us are doing (as ‘gnostics’) just ‘doesn’t fit’.


So are we ‘the sinners’ when we are doing such important work for the heresy of Sophianic (Feminine aspect of God) Her/itself?


Are Christ, Buddha, Krishna and Allah avatars? Are there other avatars?


Does one religion hold claim to ‘the right’ truth when religion is SO influential on most of the world’s population?


Heck; what about more indigenous spiritual practices and religions? 


It’s not like I’ve ‘thrown God out’ per se, but my soul is wired for something else than what is expected from my hometown central Wisconsin preacher (= reunification with the immortal Beloved)…I’ve found God mostly through my Beloved even though She isn’t God.


It’s that my religious conditioning has got in the way I had found and I had to seek a truer path for me. This led me further into reunification as well as spiritual exploration and experience.


So am I doing God’s work?


Or am I an outlaw and outcast from ‘The Kingdom’?


You might be asking those questions as well and it may be preventing an even DEEPER plunge into the devotional truth and alignment that is possible; because if we’re talking about God, death and the afterlife, this stuff is kinda important.


And shouldn’t ALL barriers be cleared and aligned to truly rise into our Light powers, service and guardianship?


How about the work YOU are doing if it is also gnostic like this?


Who is defending Grail principle?


See…everything about Divine Union, Hieros Gamos, Krystos-Sophia is essentially GNOSTIC. It’s experiential, mystical and doesn’t fit within organized religion. The entire GRAIL LINES of





(all centered in Light-Truth)


…and other Priestess lines as well as Divine Feminine work are essentially ‘secular’ or ‘gnostic’.


They have literally been suppressed through predominating (and admittedly patriarchal) religion throughout history. Grail principle HAS been suppressed in favor of patriarchal systems.


This doesn’t mean ‘burn it all down’ and it certainly doesn’t mean let post-modern feminists take over (they who largely haven’t embraced their own archetypal divine feminine consciousness and beauty).


So if you are practicing and value Divine Union Hieros Gamos alchemy (and partnership) as I’ve been saying, this is essentially gnostic.


relating to knowledge, especially esoteric mystical knowledge.
an adherent of Gnosticism.


Indeed there was more of a set of beliefs around ‘gnosticism’ itself and those practiced it centuries ago; but I’m more generally referring to anything outside of organized, popular religion.


So yes; what many of us are doing IS gnostic. It embraces conscious sexuality and resides OUTSIDE OF most popular religion.


Again; it is GREAT heresy – the concept of God the Lover or referencing avatars like Christ as Avatar-Lover.


You would think that an all-loving God would be in SUPPORT of Divine Feminine awakening and liberation (in spite of religion’s flaws and often dogma).


If you look at most religions, you wouldn’t necessarily see this when they are literally so judgmental of much of what we are doing. Dancing priestesses who have reclaimed their erotic, dark feminine embodiment?


Definite heresy and ‘sinners’!


Thus; they were cast out as ‘secular’ or ‘possessed’ of the devil. It could have toppled everything they’ve established.


I mean; we take it for granted in our own circles, but the spiritual, consciousness and sacred union work we are doing really IS heretical to most all religion.


Like I mentioned before; I ran away from religion and Muse (my Beloved) and I are like Bonnie & Clyde; Light (and Dark) outlaws from organized religion, but you can’t tell me what we are doing isn’t spiritual and divine.


Tantra itself is another route to divine consciousness.


Maybe the question should be;


“Am I a son of God?”


“Am I a Son of God?”


..or even;


“Am I a SUN of God?”


What about other Warrior-Knights for Divine Feminine principle (different than post-modern feminist male activists btw ;)?


Shouldn’t we have more of these necessary GUARDIANS for awakening feminine consciousness OR does that threaten patriarchal control and stability?


Shouldn’t be there more advocacy for Crystic Warriors of men TO not just protect and provision in multiple dimensions, but to awaken together?


And another question (I’m sure relevant for many in my circle is);


“Is what we are doing OCCULT?”


(Does it go against your religion if you get a session with me? Most people haven’t asked btw…)


Some of you may not even care anymore; but in hidden ways, I still care. Some fundamentalists would have called Deepak Chopra ‘occult’ even though he and others were great bridges of spiritual wisdom.


Although I’ve been a transmission voice of divine masculine ie. in some Powerliminals;


I feel I’m not truly reunified with God the Father and the even greater channel of His Power and Light that could be running through me in Service to The Beloved (and by proxy other Goddesses)….IF He were to give me His BLESSING. This is with my journey.


Again; part of me authentically feels like the Bastard son.


Not only that but; could he potentially bless other Grail Warriors and Knights as well (the few that there are, but in making space for MORE of them to be free and rise)?


Fortunately this framework does exist with Krystos-Sophia Grail principle; a more gnostic lens that transcends religion and values Communion and ye; I’ve still been dealing with fracture from my past religious conditioning.


Because in some ways; it’s stuff that we might’ve been literally burned at the stake for (mostly women in the past as ‘witches’).


I’m really like an Alchemist-Wizard Grail Priest and you might be an ancient priestess re-embodied and re-awakening.


There may be karmic scars from long ago of being ostracized and demonized.


Look at all of the tools of ‘modern gnosticism’ that could allow one to cultivate more of a relationship and connection to and with the divine (arguably including God);


Energy work, crystals, chi kung, divine feminine embodiment work, alchemy, soul reading, soul retrieval, tantra, archetypal work, psychic reading, plant medicine, shamanism, white magic, archetype activations, law of resonance + sound healing, tarot reading, wizardry, medical chi kung, grid-working, grail priestessing, oracle work, divine union (grail) alchemy, consciousness work, spirituality in general, alternative medicine, remote healing energy work, yoga, chakric work, especially ‘dark’ (not shadow) work could all be seen as ‘outcast’ from organized religion (and more).


And we worship also, but maybe differently than through the lens of religion.


Then we come to the big point that there are MANY religions with THEIR lens on the divine.


HOW DOES THIS FIT within the LENS of organized religions?


(When easily millions are doing these ‘new age’ practices)


There may be some churches that are ‘closer’ to modern accepted spiritual practice like with Michael Beckwith’s famous church (Agape), but still…


Is what we are doing even ‘occult’ by Christianity’s lens?


In large part, honestly? Probably, yes but tainted from their perspective.


There’s people who have rescinded ‘witch-craft’ (including ‘crystals’) and repented for their ‘sins’ to ‘see the Light’ of Jesus. Ok…I can respect that but I’m seeking a deeper truth behind with and through any conditioning…esp. when you consider there ARE other religions.


Maybe they don’t even understand what healthy Dark consciousness is and that is can PREVENT the shadows?


So…..What is the highest truth?


So can we EVER be fully accepted or integrated? Here’s the definition of ‘occult’;


supernatural, mystical, or magical beliefs, practices, or phenomena.
“a secret society to study alchemy and the occult”


of, involving, or relating to supernatural, mystical, or magical powers or phenomena.
“a follower of occult practices similar to voodoo”


Us practicing ‘gnostics’ are mystical and sure; much of what is out there can get caught up in shadow as false light, etc. but I’m referring to the true practitioners and specifically Grail lines.


So; are we occult? Hmm…I wouldn’t say so. Are my archetype beauty activations ‘occult’? I wouldn’t say so.


Aren’t we all under the same sun?


Maybe ‘occult’ is encoded with their own cloaked ignorance of what we are working with AS God’s (or Source’s) gifts in service and love.


And this may provide value conflict insight for some with religious upbringing like I had; many will project what we are doing is ‘devil worship’ or even ‘satanic’ by Christian hardliners as a projection without really knowing anything of what we are doing.


(Our general awareness is less Christ or Mohammad centric per se, yet generally we still respect them as authentic avatars).


What complicates things is that we have people like Doreen Virtue who moved to Christianity and Jesus Christ (who is an archetype btw).


Is it the fear of condemnation of anything outside of accepted religious conditioning (or some would say ‘dogma’) that would drive someone to rescind and renounce their previous work, or is it love? Maybe both.


(Again, I’m not denying Jesus’ power, truth and light at all b/c it IS real).


I’m definitely not atheist (b/c I am gnostically experienced intimately); I just don’t believe in God like religious conditioned masses do.


Heck; it was ayahuasca that PROVED to me that religion’s were right about hell all these centuries. I just found it gnostically from a different path and lens.


I think there is a comfort in conformity of the masses; if SOOOO many people are into a Religion it must be spiritually sound (existentially speaking) for the afterlife? Right..?


But how much of it is conditioning and even dogma around a direct spiritual connection with God?


(And again; where does Sophia or Goddess fit in most religion?)


I sought a deeper truth for me rather than just accepting their conditioning (also b/c I saw so many differences in the denominations).


And there are some couples moving towards a Christian style of partnership.


A side subject is the question; Is it possible to have ‘divine union’ within a Christian centric lifestyle and partnership? I think there are some couple who are finding something of a transition into that.


To me right now at least it seems far too much of a compromise and too constricting but I’m not an authority in that.


Is Jesus’ power real? Yes and from a gnostic, Krystic Grail lens he is more known as Yeshua who is an avatar of Communion principle.


The gnostic principle of the Sophianic-Rose lineage places Yeshua and Mary Magdalene as the original reunified lovers.


The neo-mythic ‘Da Vinci Code’ itself centers around the suppressed divine feminine Rose line throughout (religious) history related with Grail principle and the heretical concept of the true Holy Grail.


Heck; my friend Lisa Magdalena Bardell does RETREATS at Roslyn temple in Scotland!



So how deep does this go if we are seeking a deeper truth when there ARE forms of power and control out there?


((All of this again; meant as open investigation towards a deeper clarity in my own (shared) process))


“Who is your God?”


…Is another angle and would He/She/It embrace the fullness and spectrum of the immortal Divine Feminine consciousness and Beauty as well?


Would conscious sexuality be embraced or would it be hampered in favor of a form of ‘moralism’?


Ziggy Marley has a song “Love is my Religion” (I won’t go into my energy notes on it however)


It’s obvious that the Divine Feminine and Holy Mother HAS been suppressed and you’re not going to get an accurate answer from Red Pill Bros.


(That doesn’t mean however that we should just end up in all matriarchy because awakened ‘dinosaurs eat man and woman inherits the earth’ either per se).



I’ve said before that men are psycho-sexually and spiritually seeking The Holy Grail themselves; reunification itself. (Myself being fascinated by it in Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade but then seeking the Holy Grail myself)



It’s a chalice for a reason.


This potentiality is with Divine Feminine Beauty and sacred principle encoded in Communion itself which opens consciousness to God the Lover.


This sources with Sophia and God; Feminine and Masculine aspects of Source and with the archetypal Krystic-Yeshua & Mary Magdalene (who was a Grail Lover-Priestess); gnostic wisdom essentially verboten in classic religion.


I’d say that largely the world is out of balance because of the influence of religion and how (most of it) DOESN’T truly acknowledge the Divine Feminine (largely archetypal and siddhic); this other HALF of divine principle.


Pop religion (Christianity ie.) has suppressed Sophianic, Grail & Divine Feminine principle in favor of the paternal aspect (largely due to obvious religious control and this also has played out with the suppression of female sexuality and consciousness), not that there aren’t benefits and a realm of ‘order in the household’ to it per se….


But is religious moralism the highest truth or merely a good standard for ‘many people’ to ideally live by and stay out of actual sin (ie. bad karma)?


If we’re getting most of the sacred masculine side of divinity (albeit through religious and sometimes dogmatic conditioning which could be a shadow of interference), how much Truth HAS been suppressed?


What would it take for religions to embrace Sophianic principle? (Hinduism in some ways arguably comes closer).


They probably wouldn’t because it would undo centuries and millennia of tradition, power and influence.


(Did I mention I go into the Grail lines ‘n stuff more in the Calling of the Kingmaker report?)


Again; now is an important time for literally more MEN to rise and stand for this principled Truth.


Should we wait for religions themselves to change when we are aware of what feels to us as a greater truth?


One that doesn’t ‘take away’ from divine masculine principle but actually unlocks even MORE Godly codes within mankind?


For me; if the afterlife is on the line – it’s always about a higher Truth and to stand for Divine Feminine principle really is heresy b/c it’s what could have toppled The Church.


I have that courage; am living it and yet I am weary from faith fatigue (and not fully having God behind me).


I’m still doing it ‘all for Her/The Beloved’ for 21.5 years and there is infinitely more divine masculine God connection power I could have.


So am I the bastard son as a rogue soul from religion?


Or does His Kingdom TRULY include and embrace Divine Feminine principle as well?


And yet, Goddess IS awakening after eons of suppression with Grail work being generally the MOST powerful because it is (arguably and heretically) the original Source Code; God the Father and Goddess The Mother (aka ‘Sophia’).


There isn’t room in religion for it apparently (although more room in ‘New Age’ in general).


There are gnostic references and traditions outside of religion such AS the grail and priestess lineages and things like the Haga Sofia, Sofia Bulgaria, etc.




BTW, I also cover Grail lines and relevant stuff more in the ‘Calling of the Kingmaker‘ report.


In a way; the Divine Feminine Truth is still a direct threat to their power but this work is too important. (Hinduism btw has more a balance however of multiple masculine and feminine deities as archetypes; ie. Shiva & Shakti).


I could theocratically debate with Ben Shapiro, Candace Owens, Dr. Jordan Peterson, atheists, etc. because I simply have different views. Religion has its benefits and can provide ‘moral order’, but to us gnostics; they (the religious) are missing SO much.


I agree with some that a lot of people in regards to a higher power like religion, God or gnosticism; DO replace it with ‘The State’ or (unhealthy) celebrity worship.



Even Russell Brand recently converted to Christianity.


Remember this is my open thought-flow in seeking a deeper truth of basically..




I do worship without the shackles (or customs) of religion tradition; but it’s mostly The Beloved in reunification as a suppressed aspect of true Communion principle itself where I take on heretical God the Lover consciousness (you could understand how THAT might disturb the church order).


Something MASSIVE would be ‘missing’ if it was just about spirituality, zen and godliness without reunifying and relating to Goddess in the form of Beloved. I think I’m representing what millions of men have strived for; the Holy Grail.


I feel that most men sense something is ‘missing’ when Communion is with God the Father only. Ahem; maybe that’s why they’re still seeking the suppressed Holy Grail (of Communion with Divine Feminine principle which includes sexually and spiritually)?!


With religion; they are restricted from communing with Goddess Herself; their marriages (and sexual consciousness) to follow strict adherence to a certain ordained conservatism so it becomes closer to inter-physical exchange and raising family instead of bringing God and Goddess INTO the bedroom. That’s my view on it.


SO…IS there one ‘best’ truth?


Gene Keys itself is a path of spiritual contemplation and awakening. The siddhic quality of Truth is encoded in my purpose and wasn’t one to just accept what I knew was conditioning. I always sought a higher truth including of Beauty itself (which is what this work represents; sourced in Grail codes).


What if God Himself was looked at DIFFERENTLY from these varying lenses?


What if deities (and archetypes) were different God and Goddess fractals from different anthropomorphic lenses?


Throughout Christianity there are different denominations. These essentially are like different ‘sects’ (pronounced ‘sexts’ ;).


I actually have experience being immersed in;








Evangelicalism (which is like an active, more progressive form of different sects from my awareness)

Pentecostalism (ie. ‘Assembly of God’)

‘Non-denominationalism’, etc.


I’ve probably even been to an Eastern Orthodoxy service or 3 since I’ve been to Europe several times.


…and there are others; each with a different perspective on ‘God’.


And with Islam, Allah is the meta-archetypal ‘God’.




My father was literally a church builder and construction manager. He built many churches so we traveled a bit. I’ve literally experienced different beliefs and values AROUND God from these different religious fractals or denominations.


So if all of these denominations literally have their own conditioned and filtered lens and belief systems around ‘God’;


What if some have God as a vengeful, spiteful God storming the grapes of Wrath and sending sinners to hellfire?


Because that is the lens of some old school revival churches throughout U.S.A. (though they may be less common now).


…And yet others meanwhile preach that God is more accepting and ‘tolerant’?


There are differences; yet is it not ultimately the same SOURCE with and through it ALL? (Good spiritual research and experience has led me to this btw, but hold that thought).


And the Jewish religion (Judaism) has a very different perspective on Jesus Christ…and then there’s a new reform movement that is growing that accepts Christ role as a savior in Judaism.


Hmmm…these are a LOT of differences on God and the divine.


If religion has different humanistic views and interpretations ON divinity and the meta archetypal God, who is right?


I remember my some extended family members calling Catholics “cat-licks” as a slang term when I grew up because they believed differently.


Inter-denominational rivalry?


And let’s entirely put aside the concerns of mega churches and human flaws related to financing and just agree that there is generally goodness and intention with most of religion.


Maybe someone who has got lost in the false matrix of Light could absolutely benefit from returning to ie. Christian protocol.


So for myself, I have to look at; “What is the Highest Truth of God”? (And for you; that may be on your journey or not and YOUR upbringing may have also painted or even tainted your awareness of God, Allah or Buddha)…


After much spiritual and consciousness research I came up with a ‘Theory of Everything‘.


Uniphied Theory (available onsite) v1.11 essentially defines God as ;


“…the multi-dimensional spirit sentience (and the ‘presence’ of the Spirit as multi-dimensional ‘chi’) with and through all forms of Life including all frequencies spectrums of heaven and hell consciousness that exists within the construct
of the bio-physical universe – and may or may not have initially created it.”


So if God IS the greatness of Source with through and beyond all things, maybe there are just different access points and paths to higher truth…


Gnostics DO actually believe in a higher power or powers so we share that in common. I’m not atheist. I can prove to people that spiritual power is real so they can FEEL it.


And if you’ve done plant medicine journeys, you’ve explored other realms of consciousness in sentience and know that the afterlife is and must be real (SHARED with religion).


You would know that we are souls in the world of spirit and there is a material dimension.


My uniphied theory helps to pull and bridge things together from the secular and ‘gnostic’ including super-natural phenomena. You may be interested to read it.


In fact, ‘chi’ (as defined by Uniphied Theory) is essentially the spirit-sentient presence of God as multi-dimensional Life.


That alone bridges East and West as far as ‘spiritual-sentient power’.


Millions of people already literally feel ‘chi’ that is always present aka ‘orgone’, ‘ki’ or ‘prana’. This is also foundational to THIS work of fotonic beauty with vibe and light radiation that people can feel (allure and charisma) which extends BEYOND the mere 2″ of weak biophotons.


The ‘holy ghost power’ that I could literally feel sweeping through revival services in the midwest essentially IS the same concept as spiritual chi, just with a different lens and interpretation of it.


My late chi kung grandmaster would harness this power just more directly as a medical chi kung practitioner and yet revival preachers would harness it in ‘the laying on of hands’. Hmmm….merely different anthropomorphic lenses?


People in my circle speak light languages (hopefully I will start this year) and yet there is also ‘speaking in tongues’ throughout the Christian world. Hmm….right?


Yeah; you might be interested in reading ‘Uniphied Theory’ for a deeper spiritual dive that can help clarify things you’ve perhaps already known as well. There’s also the more image specific ‘Theory of Fotonic Quanta‘ onsite as well.


UT also presents a strong case FOR God, magic, quantum healing, para-normal activity and the unexplained in lieu of conventional astro-physical Science.


So it’s obvious there is higher divine power and many of us can SHOW others who may not believe.


And we also just have innumerable differences amongst denominations, religions and lineages anyways (and yet meta-similarities).


Oh – and what about the saying;


“All roads lead to Rome (if Rome is simply ‘closer to source’ or heaven – ok maybe not the ‘highway to hell’)?


Ok…this is helping.


Remember, I’m running through big themes with open questions as part of my investigation to have more security around God and being a worthy son/Son/sun.


So there is actually more in common with spiritual practices and religions across the world than just their differences and their differences *highlight* that there ARE different paths, fractals and avenues of understanding.


Some are more yogic and disciplined, others are more carefree and gnostic.


Also; how can they ‘all be wrong’ or ‘sinful’ if another spiritual tradition is just different than one humanistic-lens set of beliefs (as long as one is generally ‘good to thy neighbor’)?


And isn’t gnostic EXPERIENCE what it’s all about anyways (beneath and rituals or traditions) and the construct of religious power structures?


Isn’t it about building a PERSONAL, intimate relationship with God (or another deity as a fractal of God/Goddess or higher power)?


Aren’t religions just fractals that lead to source from their own anthropomorphic, historical perspectives mixed with their subjective experiences of the divine? (Yes; UT clarifies this).


Does the Bible and Quran still contain a lot of Universal truths? Sure.


Are there universal principles embedded within Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism? Sure.


Nuggets of spiritual wisdom in ‘New Age’ teachings and Dr. Joe Dispenza? Sure.


If Jesus Christ is an avatar, wouldn’t Krishna also be a different avatar as a fractal of highest source?


Should we deny that other religions exist or have their own archetypes?


Why would we ever want to SUPPRESS Divine Feminine Truth (esp. if it is largely what’s keeping the world out of balance)?


Would Goddess, Kali and Lilith threaten to topple weaker or tyrannical men? Perhaps and yet couldn’t other archetypes REUNIFY King and Queen principle throughout all the lands? Yes.


We already know there is great suffering and tyranny not just b/c of shadow masculine – but b/c there is so much FRACTURE socially, sexually, spiritually between masculine and feminine consciousness that Grail principle would OPEN UP to heal and reunify amongst the sexes into ascension and heaven on earth.


Communion is arguably The Source Code.


Women on Grail paths would value a relationship with God the Lover but obviously most men wouldn’t (and thus seek the Holy Grail).


Which in my case would be with God the Father as His worthy son/Son/sun and not God the Lover, but fortunately I’ve found my Immortal Beloved.


Exploring consciousness and spirituality for many years supportive to my central reunification work allowed me to develop a more intimate albeit ‘gnostic’, religious-free relationship with God and the Divine Feminine.


My work in any case hasn’t centered on Christian ritual, values or Jesus as much.


I mean tantra, archetypes, remote energy work and alchemy are all quite a stretch from it.


So is God maybe more than what is painted by the Christian lens? (Can you understand the heresy in even asking such a question?)


“For God so Loved the world that He gave His only begotten son…”


Just today, someone just posted on my FB that in Greek ‘begotten’ means ‘monogenes’  – which isn’t specifically 1 son; yet rather ‘unique manifestation of the divine’.


Maybe that is a path to worthiness for the potentially krystic qualities within all of mankind to fulfill their highest purpose or role; (not to take away from the religious and arguably spiritual truth of the avatar Jesus as a gateway to forgiveness of sins, redemption and access to higher consciousness and Love of God).


Maybe there could be more than 1 son or saint?


If, He loved the world so much, wouldn’t he want to deputize other men and women to be guardians, guides and protectors for the sacred within humanity?


Actually I’m sure there are Bible verses that would support this but I don’t have that kind of time or memory right now!


Wouldn’t He want the highest evolution for the feminine as well?


There’s a big missing piece I’m going to bring in next.


What’s also relevant (in determining if there IS a pro-Beauty, pro-Goddess, pro-Communion, pro-Hieros Gamos God) is that years ago, (pre-woke) Oprah did a BRILLIANT Super Soul Sunday interview series on How do you define God?.


(If I’m not mistaken, that’s the exact video itself that I sourced the Powerliminal from)


She interviewed leading authorities including Eckhart Tolle and Deepak. It was around 11~12 years ago.


That was so relevant and inspirational to me that I turned it into a Powerliminal mix which I ended up calling ‘The Chairbender’ resource.


Although it was initially named ‘Who is God/God is’; in sessional meditation with it (and with Muse around) – I bent 2 steel-backed chairs in stillness on 2 different occasions in 2014 just sitting back and receiving the Light of God.


This was about 2 weeks before I went to an ashram in the Philippines (and THEN had my crown chakra activated by a living spiritual tantric guru who had an amazing connection to source and darshanic, alchemical charisma).


Unfortunately; they took the chair-bender resource off youtube b/c of a copyright claim – but some of you already have it from me personally. I also made a video version of that with a muse walking in slow motion up a beach and it’s still one of the most powerful go-to resources. The video version is probably what I was chair-bending to. You can view the original interviews at the link above.


So are we at risk of being ‘cast to hell’ for our ‘secular practices’ or for valuing ‘heaven on earth’?


Well, maybe so IF God was that 1950’s midwest tabernacle revival God. But maybe that was mostly human interpretation and (shadow) distortion off of Biblical truth.


Maybe much of religion HAS been undoubtedly distorted and interfered (shadows) with politics and influence…hmm…


For me; I’ve said that I’ll risk it all for the Beloved into the after-life…we’re staying the Bonnie & Clyde.


However, if I could get God’s blessing for the Guardian work I’m doing for the Divine Feminine, that would really be something (b/c honestly I know we could all use more divine masculine guardians to anchor the Light globally).


Oh; I’ve been doing the Guardian work (and past grid-working) IN my work and life, but I haven’t officially received His blessing yet (and don’t know if I ever will).


For sure much of ‘what we do’ is/was qualified as ‘witchcraft’ going back centuries but let me remind people that Grail work is CENTERED in the Light. How, when and where it touches upon the Dark is with integrity.


There are other paths that literally are more Dark and even shadow-crossover centric like Wiccanism, direct forms of Witchcraft, demonology, satanism, etc..Black magic is shadow work, not dark work. Shadow work in general reference is often about REMOVING shadows or integrating them (not to be mistaken with wielding black magic and creating negative karma aka ‘sin’).


Healthy Light and Dark is VERY GOOD (and being a good metaphorical neighbor).



(Just to reiterate; the Dark work I do is balanced with Light and is never about Shadow games, manipulation, deception, black magic, etc. btw)


But is the Dark really just more of what they do not understand, accept or embrace within their lens of spirituality?


Is ‘sin’ just another term for ‘karmic law’ and vice versa?


So, this concept of worshipping God intimately with and THROUGH your Union partner in the bedroom (hierogamy) and the ecstasy and soul fulfillment as Goddess consciousness; could that be Ok?  More than Ok?…


Yeah; that is heresy far outside the bounds of most all religion.


So; are many of you going to ‘burn in hell’ for such heresy to receive His love experientially and cosmically instead of just through stricter religious traditions that bound the levels of your Beauty and Liberation (in relationship or otherwise)?


OR….was that simply part of conditioned and indoctrinated religious conditioning?


It’s so simple for me to see that religion has suppressed and muted sexuality for so long (and so much of the ‘Dark’ power is with sexual truth), but does that lead to your highest Truth and fulfillment?


Anyways…these questions and this thought-flow isn’t meant to be resolved within this post. It’s meant to be inquisitive and maybe best kept as ‘open-ended’.


The main direct nexis point for me is in determining whether I AM a Son/son of God doing worthy work and that answer alone would be between Him & I intimately in session time itself…this workflow just warms me up for it and receiving what His message be for me.


And you know what? I’m going back into the ‘Chairbender’ resource itself in heavy sessions times.


Maybe I will connect and speak to both Yeshua and Jesus Christ in receiving codes as part of this process.


And for you; hopefully this helped your own inquisition in getting more clarity or resolution. Maybe you may also have to directly reunify or make amends with your past.


It helps that its Holy Daughter rather than ‘religious daughter’ or ‘pastors daughter’



….but you may have to work with that for releasing this type of conditioning (or for other major reasons!).


Either way; more Ascension Guardians, Grail Knights and Light Warriors should rise in righteous power and perhaps religious value conflicts shouldn’t be holding them back or having you live in hidden guilt or shame if God’s love covers all.





Here’s the FB wall post where you can comment (likely as friends only; where most the good stuff is).

Anything Else But True Divine Union Isn’t Communion-Grade Itself

…it might be a good connection and chemistry, but even ‘conscious lovers’ is not Communion of Sophianic and God consciousness.


This Ancient Remembrance (beyond soul mates and twin flames) requires proper templating (and initiation)…you don’t just be a relationship coach and all of a sudden end up as a divine union coach.


After all; we’re talking reclamation of divine feminine and Holy Grail itself. Beneath the underplay of tainted relational templates lies deeper ancient remembrance of Devotion.


There is immense and unlimited power, magic and alchemy with the Devotional Source Codes of Hieros Gamos….deep beauty and magic unavailable to consumer consciousness.


Relational templates ‘other than’ Communion simply create entropy further from source (and yet this is how the feminine consciousness relates to the masculine).


Twin flames is a popular one.


We can start sensing how limited things are vs. what’s already true and possible.


Tinder dating, boyfriend/girlfriend, casual/primal sex, twin flames, conscious lovers, inter-personal marriage contracts (that leave God and Goddess out of the bedroom and are more of an inter-personal, inter-physical exchange)…even soul mates are all relational templates further away from Source (when compared to Divine Union principle).


This is why I keep saying that Divine Union (true Hieros Gamos) is the future of relationships and the relationship industry.


There is so much power in Devotional Source Codes themselves (especially when one can sustain the Gift of Detachment when most relationships thrive on attachment)….and really, how anything else is limiting her fullest flowering.


But hieros gamos, hierogamy (sex of God and Goddess consciousness in the bedroom in all dimensions) and the ‘holy grail itself’ is truly heretical and anti-pop culture…it’s not for everyone!


There’s a lot that can PREVENT Divine Union within let alone
that level of partnership beyond soul mates.


So if a woman finds herself repeatedly in those patterns (which can include compromise on fulfilling her deeper desires b/c ‘at least there’s a connection’); it’s important to keep in mind that the template itself is generally constellating the limitations of her experience itself in how she is relating as Lover to divine masculine principle (and the levels of consciousness and allure possible).


Just one of the things we’ve already been covering in our journey for the Mystical Beauty Immersion ladies has to do with (these) relational templates and re-templatizing, healing relationships to the lower timeline, conditional masculine and any further fracture from the deepest beauty of all.


We’ve already been through so much together with the ladies and this part of Week 2 is really just a fraction of their overall experience, interactivity, reclamation and breakthrough while being invested in their transformation – and yet, relational templates themselves can be a major sticking point to allure itself…a lot to contemplate when you consider how entangled one could be running the same patterns for years.


Although heretical and even taboo;


Just how much of God-c*ck consciousness could you receive at a somatic-identity level when it’s everything that religions, relational templates, cultural programming conditioning and the consciousness of almost all mortal men in relationship (even those who don’t siphon) constrict it all?


True Divine Union templating and devotional practice…This is true heresy…to consider becoming ‘the Bride of God’ and just how much allure could awaken!


For this level of work you’ll want a stable Holy Daughter  aspect in your psyche and constellated in your energy body.


Archetype and other beauty activations are available whether you are on a Grail path of reunification consciousness or just want to improve your allure to have more beauty influence.


With that said; there’s a gradation of experience where that spectrum starts opening up (but requires authentic encoding to effectively start that level of experience).


I had hierogamy twice 5.7 years ago and it was light years beyond casual/primal intercourse and far beyond conscious loving but even that wasn’t Communion class with The Beloved.


Conscious lovers can reach ecstatic planes no doubt – but the templating is different and Spirit-to-Spirit with Hieros Gamos…there’s immense bandwidth of archetypal power and beauty in the alchemy…for there is reason it is called ‘the holy grail’ and been suppressed for eons (leaving God and Goddess the lover out of relationship and the bedroom).


One of the partners must always be yoked enough to start experiencing hierogamy, but ideally both partners would be or will be constricted by the consciousness and channel of their partner and his level of God-head-ness and impersonality.


Are you on the path?

On Red-Pill Men Guilting Women For Wearing Make-Up

I’ve noticed that red-pillers like to guilt or put down women for wearing make-up (as deceptive)…This is apparent in cases of the ‘whatever’ video podcast on make-up (one ie.).


What do you think; is it valid?


But with this, there’s a deeper fear within such men in general….(and it’s not that all women bring to the table btw).


The fear of ‘What if she has it ALL?’


That scared shitless fear is;


How he would be present with TRUE presenced Beauty (without make-up);


Call it a goddess and goddess consciousness facing a mortal man; a woman without any insecurities around being made-up or not.


The social and sexual power of women has greatly risen and the thing is; many men ARE being left behind (I talk about that elsewhere as I understand some of the red pill concerns).


How could he then compare to the beauty of an angel or a goddess incarnate?


He cannot. His inner game is NOTHING in face of such Beauty…and it’s a deepest unrevealed fear of his even if he’s a warrior in other ways. (I deal with this as well).


A true feminine power (essenced Beauty-truth and its divine sexual, social and spiritual status) that by presence alone risks to deny and fracture him and his uninitiated masculine ego from that which he secretly desires the most;


The Holy Grail of Communion. An existential, dreadnought fear that he wouldn’t be worthy of that which he truly desires and that he would be chastised to live a life of compromise…never achieving the Holy Grail itself. It’s also why I have a Holy Grail calf tattoo where men are falling to their peril while one knight is walking by faith to the grail.


This cuts deep into the masculine psyche and is related with the fracture of divine feminine and masculine consciousness. Incels are part of the equation as well….sure there is something to the extreme make-up cases of women where it can be deceiving but in general, it’s meant to accentuate…but there’s something MORE profound with ALL of this.


Would he be WORTHY of Communion with that which he desires the most?


Remember that Beauty is a highest virtue and value of the masculine…and although some men want to control or suppress beauty in ways to have some weaker semblance of control or power; there is more than just the accentuation or masque of make-up (although in some extreme cases it could be seen as deceptive).


What if she HAS IT ALL?


(Because even then; he’s competing with millions of other men).


That’s the grailed woman you could become. Let them suffer; after all I’ve laid out a path for men to reclaim their divine masculine inheritance practically and the Muse Priestesses will help as well. I wouldn’t compromise if I were you.


Beauty is more than skin-deep. Welcome to the r:evolution.


Transformational sessions available.


p.s. oh btw I can especially speak to the ‘red pill’ because I was a FOUNDER of one of the red pill fractals cerca 2005. I spoke about the Social Matrix and power dynamics. It’s unfortunate that red pill has gone down the MGTOW (men going their own way) path of shadow masculine. The red pill path I founded and that men were into back then was the only one that eventually led to reunification.


The Holy Daughter: Heal Father Wounding Meditation

The new Powerliminal; The Holy Daughter is embedded below.


If you are on a PATH of Beauty, allure, beauty influence and beauty consciousness (esp. if you are on a Grail Path of Divine Union); healing and reunifying your inner daughter IS more important than you may realize.


You may actually be RESISTING masculine principle in many dimensions b/c of unhealed or fractured issues.


After co-hosting the Mystical Beauty Masterclass & 7 week Immersion with Gillian Pothier of I was ready to finally make this new father healing meditation Powerliminal.


Because of the necessary subject matter and demand of the containers we were in, healing father wounding was a foundational part that had to be addressed b/c it holds SO MANY KEYS to many things in life, with beauty, spiritually and with men, money, provision and eros….a wide spectrum.


WITHOUT resolved inner animus father issues; yes, a woman (in her presenced beauty essence) can be RESISTING receiving blessings, love, riches and so much from the universe, men and the masculine. It’s related to so many things in what and who you are attracting and what you experience (your image is TESTAMENT).


So whether you have father wounding, daddy issues or not, the kind of work is CENTRAL to a divine feminine grail path of divine union.


The daughter aspect allows older, more mature archetypes to be more holistically healthy and again; this is a major part of Love and Divine Union, sacred reunification aka ‘hieros gamos’.


Real feminine alchemists already KNOW that this is powerful medicine work and it’s founded on our deep work in the Mystical Beauty container. So without further ado, here’s the Holy Daughter Attunement:


Aspects of Divine Union Work

Because of recent marketeering misinformation around Divine Unions used to get people thinking that it’s only about partnerships (and that you can only learn Divine Union from those in extrinsic partnerships);


I want to re-emphasize and re-center around core aspects of Divine Union (aka ‘hieros gamos’).


Remember and be centered in the truth;


Communion hierogamic or ‘Grail’ codes are INTERNAL REUNIFICATION of spirit and consciousness with the opposite immortal, polarity as Beloved. (This can often be referred to for the feminine as God the Father, God the Lover, God the King).


Divine Reunification is a process of transmutation or alchemy of consciousness to heal from fracture back into wholeness and then alchemical truth of Spiritual and Sexual fusion at high levels of sentience-truth; Communion of Spirit to Spirit rather than soul to soul (and this can include alchemy of any and all archetypes or siddhic flavors of beauty).


Partnership itself can and will actually DETRACT from this process of Divine Union and is a weaker, mortal template at least unless ONE of the partners is already templatized, encoded and INTERNALLY REUNIFIED in hieros gamos (and this doesn’t just happen).


Partners in the market-sphere who say they are in divine union may not actually be. You have to look out for those signs b/c as I’ve predicted; this will become the hottest thing in the relationship market because it’s beyond soul mates.


Likely there are other conditional hooks, templates, etc. in most relationships. It could be (false) twin flames masquerading as sacred union.


The single hardcore alchemists of Divine Union (esp. the Grail Magii) often retain the purest templating without distortion.


I’ve said before; it’s more challenging to becomed REUNIFIED than to just jump into a relationship and then try to make it work or upgrade it to divine union. Once someone has the immortal value of BEING reunified, THEN getting into a relationship gives them IMMENSE advantages in the realm of being chosen by the opposite sex…then other, mortal aspects come in and this is where partnered divine unions can help to counsel and calibrate in the divine AND human aspect of reality. This is necessary.


And yet; we have to have our hardcore alchemists holding the light codes for the collective in their purity; the grail magii so to speak BECAUSE there are other aspects which I will get to shortly.


Most extrinsic ‘partner’ relational templates are ‘conscious lovers’ or ‘soul mates’ at VERY best…then, further from source you have twin flame templates (often with a lot of shadow play) and more general consumer agreement/contracts which are largely disconnected from Spirit and more of a social contract or inter-personal inter-physical exchange.


Hieros Gamos/Sacred Union is ancient, divine and immortal encoding that exists at the earliest split of the Monadic Source itself into Sophianic/God the Feminine aspect.


Now; let me mention some of the other ASPECTS of Divine Union aka ‘Hieros Gamos’ related with your consciousness:


*Divine Union is a path of devotional spiritual growth
It is a path of healing ALL of your wounding and fracture with masculine principle.


*It is a path of Beauty and Allure RECLAMATION and cultivation which transforms everything about your ESSENCE and fotonic communication and influence


*It is a path of RADICALLY exponentiating your sexual value to possible partnerships


*It is a path of immense and true MAGIC and purified power


*It is a path which can be of great service as a Grail Priest or Grail Priestess (or just a Grail Guide in helping others reunify)


*It is a path of RECEIVING devotional Love that you truly desire


*It is a Sophianic, Grail path


And again; this is internal alchemy and yet it is also relational because it is a process of transmutation of consciousness in relationship to and with divine masculine power and principle.


Centering a mortal man WITHOUT THE PROPER ENCODING is going to lead to all kinds of distortion. There are incredibly few reunified men in the world. It is the women who will lead this and your/their ALLURE itself is the VISUAL and palpable TESTAMENT to your own reunification itself.


AS you are becoming more reunified in consciousness (from princess to a different archetype ie.);


..Receiving and circulating of God the Protector/Provider, God the Lover-King consciousness and quanta, your beauty itself transforms who you are and gently LEADS and initiates the masculine within men; engaging and activating their divine masculine awakening towards the Holy Grail itself (which is reunification or union with the beauty-truth of the literal divine feminine quanta).


What can you do to help this process?


Again; you want a secure enough foundation yourself especially if you’ve carried over trauma, wounding, abandonment, anxiety or fear in RELATION to past lovers or the mortal father. You get to work on all of this (or likely keep replaying the wounding out IN extrinsic relationships your psyche keeps attracting).


Well; really you want to get INITIATED into Grail work and this can be done through


1. Powerful attunement work WITH grailed consciousness or guides (ie. my specific Powerliminal attunements)


2. Direct transmissions or work WITH qualified grail guides (whether single or partnered)


3. Direct activation work FROM someone who is Grail Magii (like myself who offers the Grailspring Activation for example)


Regular ‘relationship coaches’ won’t even be in the same universe.


Since it is a DEVOTIONAL path, you want to make sure you are getting pure information from the proper sources who know what they’re doing. I’m almost 21 years experientially in to this path and have initiated most of the the known grail guides out there.


So even if you’re IN a partnership, there’s so much power and beauty that is available with THIS unique spiritual path that it may be triggering to transform your partnership too much. He might be too comfortable with who you were to want you to change that much. We can go as fast as you want b/c there is immense magic and power with this work. You just have to be ready for it.


Work on your own reunification and then yeah; you very well might attract a partner in an entirely different DREAM relationship but that’s the thing…


To do it right you truly have to be DETACHED from expectation and this carries over into your literal presence around a man that you think ‘might be him’ and then you might come across too strong and heavy to him and he ghosts you…you can receive and condition receiving INFINITE experiential love, provision and sex in relationship to the Beloved while remaining detached with mortals and as YOU re-templatize your allure and everything changes your relationship with mortal men, what you attract and what you experience.


Partnered grail guides definitely serve a purpose esp. if and when you are IN an actual partnership and all the ‘real world’ things that may come up to calibrate to…yet again; we don’t want to shortcut things as it might be necessary for you to go through intense trials of detachment and tribulation to truly be tested and transform your consciousness breaking all past patterns.


If you’re single; you want to do most of the ‘real work’ before all of that (and then through it) so that you’re truly templatized and can bring that templating TO a relationship. I honestly think then dealing with ‘relationship’ challenges IN a divine union is just a good problem and could use their kind of coaching support.


I wouldn’t be the best at the human aspect of navigating a relationship in that I don’t have a manifested partner; I’m just a grandmaster alchemist to what divine union truly is and I think THAT is still the real work and then it’s a good problem to calibrate the more human things…consider that most people will never access this level of power or beauty in their relational templates anyways.


If you’re ‘single’; your devotion may be tested because the foundation is the IMMORTAL Beloved through which any mortal partner would THEN be how you reconnect with the IMMORTAL but put the applecart before the horse and you’ve got instant entropy or cracks in the hull. Center your mortal partner too much and you can lose touch with the pure codes themselves and the beyond soul mate hierogamy it brings.


Anyways; sacred reunification, divine union or ‘hieros gamos’ (all the same thing) gives you a path of immense transformation of self into beauty, love and perhaps not even just partnership but maybe you’re meant to be more of a grail priestess kingmaker in helping other men awaken. If you are going the kingmaker path; just be ok with being slightly shamed by 2nd gen divine union guides who continue to promote that you must be partnered.


Divine Union is within and your allure alone as well as the RESULTS you bring for others is the testament. You can cultivate healing levels of beauty.


I can always tell when someone is truly reunified to an authentic level or not. Extrinsic partnership MAY be your end direction but if it is; you might be tested more brutally b/c the divine masculine must have your devotion in order to GIVE you more and if you’re too attached to a short-term, conditional goal you might end up selling yourself short.


I’m doing this all for my purpose building a kingdom WITH The Beloved. I already have Her whether or not a partnership (one possible manifestation outcome) happens (one thing I do know is that I’m not compromising on the level of that b/c I know where I’m at with all of this also as the world’s only known grail daka).


I think many women are Grail-Goddesses, Grail Queens and fewer are called to service as Grail Priestesses….find out which path resonates with you the most. More women will be awakening to Muse codes (as a Grailed archetype).


Hope that helps! Grailspring activations are available but I would still use it as part of an overall process of EMPIRICAL devotional practice with The Beloved. This is a path of alchemy

p.s. If we consider your Eros as your light-body sentient SOMA…there’s immense work to be done if you were templatized in Western culture and closed off to the masculine including from archetypal perspective of queen (vs. grail queen), feminist, single mother or just have previous wounding that has fractured you from benevolent, righteous masculine principle.


Any individual could have MANY consciousness and energetic blocks or resistances towards RECEIVING. Your crown itself could be blocked…your womb itself maybe traumatized, stagnant or icy to receiving energetic penetration. THERE’S A LOT OF WORK that can and must be done (we do this work ‘directly’ in activation sessions for and with your energy body and psyche; yet not all sessions are grail-specific).


Different beings are at different places but it’s not a path that is sentenced to great time; it’s more of how fast you’re willing to sacrifice who you were to shift your consciousness and embodiment of this greater love devotional infra-structure.


Activations or initiations are essentially a core aspect of this and it can be done via attunement or activation directly with someone who is already codified. It’s less likely it’ll be done via attunement because it requires you to become a sensitive alchemist and to be able to open and receive divine masculine transmissions otherwise on your own.


IN mortal partnership that is already encoded as twin flame or soul mates; as I mentioned it’s going to be incredibly challenging to re-templatize your partnership into divine union unless one of you is already templatized.


The Grailspring activation is available for those on a grail path of divine union and there’d be time to consult a bit on your divine union path itself.