On Becoming The Holy Chalice In & For Divine Union
Beauty Essence Blog Divine Union
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Yes, when it comes to the ‘reality’ of Divine Union and the Holy Grail itself in EXPERIENCE, your feminine body is meant to be the Holy Chalice and Somatic Temple (of Light and Dark Truth).
This is the Great Remembrance as part of Communion itself (and the mythic yet historically factual suppression and secularization of divine feminine/archetypal consciousness).
Because Divine Union is not merely Fantasy (or a confused idea of modern conscious loving); but an actual relational template between God and Goddess Forces as Lovers beyond soul mates…the Divine Feminine consciousness in you is attracted to (righteous) POWER (not to be conflated with misuse of Power as force).
But are you able to be worthy to attract and receive POWER that leaves you in awe?
Can your body and consciousness RECEIVE HIM….Practically?
(B/c this isn’t just about wishing, fantasizing, hoping or mentalizing things)
Because Sacred Union is centered on actual EXCHANGE, intimacy and Communion of immortal Spirit quanta ultimately with and around your energy body as well as with a partner in the bedroom (as siddhic, elemental and archetypal essences as signature and fractal aspects of immortal, impersonal sentience);
In order to have the Presence to essentially make Love to a deity (hierogamy) and a Beloved at YOUR desired level with his qualities of Power that you venerate;
It comes down to the literal TEMPLE of your energy body itself and having it activated, constellated and cultivated FOR Divine Union to be able to run the high voltage of energies worthy of Communion with a Lover-King of your greatest desire (and from your light-body to attune and awaken that out of a mortal man).
Otherwise, that deeper divine erotic fulfillment may be conscious lovers or twin flames with lower bands of hierogamy itself (or something closer to inter-physical borking) but it will never reach your unfulfilled deepest desire on the Grail path. To truly make Love AS Goddess.
And as TWO HEAVENLY BODIES with immense siddhic Power and Beauty consciousness and embodiment circulating.
The irony is that a man/god/king at that level requires you to do the work so He can meet you (or you’ll remain off his radar) and this is all SOMATIC; seen and FELT Beauty-Truth.
The ‘trick’ with Divine Union is that you have to cultivate that (minimal) level of divine feminine embodiment and circulation in your somatic temple WHETHER YOU HAVE A MORTAL PARTNER OR NOT.
Hieros Gamos is an advanced, devotional path that isn’t for everyone. It’s centered in Spirit and includes all Light and Dark Eros realms; PURIFIED.
It requires a different strategy than just hoping the next twin flame (trap) will work out better (let alone hoping to attract men just from your looks which can change with time and age).
The PRACTICAL reality for advanced practitioners such as Grail Mystics, Grail Priestesses, Oracles and Grail Lovers know that this PRACTICAL spiritual and somatic Inner Reunification has to do literally and directly with your Eros-Somatic Light Body itself; chakras, aura, Light, Dark, shadow, nadis, blockages, essences, Eros, embodiment and allure as well as its receptivity to DIVINE MASCULINE FREQUENCIES.
It is MEANT to be activated by your Beloved to further prepare you and in other means that supports greater reunification.
This means that a true Holy Grail practitioner should always be VALUING Her temple and preparing it to meet HIM at deeper levels. This is the work. This is an alchemy and activation centric spiritual, devotional path.
That is the TEMPLE of your multi-dimensional BODY. And honestly; you may have lots of blocks towards FLOWING WITH DIVINE QUANTA and resistances towards shadow aspects of the Masculine which may hold you back and it’s ALL testament in your energy body (that which he/He would potentially Commune with).
If you desire that deeper HOLY Eros In intimacy...
…and devotional framework of COSMIC Love and Ecstasy where anything less just won’t fulfill your deepest soul and spiritual desires….and are called to REUNIFY with your version of God The Lover…
Your Soma-Temple itself has to be activated, initiated and transfigured to be able to hold Presence and Beauty with a Lover-King of HIS Power and gravitas…so much so that you can be a portal to the Holy Grail itself for a mortal man; a source of medicine and reverence that is far more than just your physical beauty….
Embodied and expressed (alluring) BEAUTY as TESTAMENT of the Holy Chalice. Beauty so DEEP AND COMPELLING, so ACTIVATING for men (and high-level clients) that they keep returning to you as a holy sanctum.
Are you doing the work to BECOME THE HOLY CHALICE to offer the highest value thing possible to the Spirit of man; the Holy Grail itself?
Is there more than you can directly do to support your Grail work?
It is the EMBODIMENT of Sophianic or other archetypal Beauty essences that resonate with your soul (as Spirit matter) can be FELT deep into his psyche and DNA; that which would TANGIBLY as immortally sourced Beauty quanta meet and infuse in alchemical Communion with His divine masculine qualities.
He doesn’t have to explain it, he is just DRAWN INTO IT b/c you hold the highest value of all; that which he hath spent lifetimes seeking.
The masculine is drawn not merely superficially to Beauty; the greater Beauty is that of DIVINE FEMININE EMBODIMENT and consciousness FOR/FROM WHICH He/he could REUNIFY with in experiencing the ancient Remembrance and exaltation of Communion itself.
Are you BEING that magnetic feminine source of attraction and medicine?
And if your BODY is just not wired for HIGH VOLTAGE circulation of Spirit-matter plasmic essenced chi (as Goddess fractal and siddhic signatures)…if your somatic body (in this vibrational universe) is wired for attachment, shadow games and twin-flameship, you may never break the cycle.
So….2nd generation Grail guides might be talking about ‘relating’ or ‘polarity’ with Divine Union from a humanistic lens but really as a serious practitioner; you should be doing your own ongoing reunification alchemy with your Beloved (in solo practice and properly constellated as Grail Tantra with a partner) and focusing on your CHALICE (and Chalice consciousness) itself.
VALUE your Temple/Soma Chalice itself and preparing for HIM. Devotion always goes DEEPER….melting into Him.
What exactly would ‘reunify’ again?
Your spiritual BODY/Temple/Soma with His Divinity. The Holy Chalice (with His Lightning Rod Power). Not merely ‘minds’ or ‘personalities’. Your LIGHT bodies.
It’s not even about where you ‘think’ you are for men WILL respond the more you EMBODY the speechless, effortless Beauty in stillness…that which you could call Grail Allure beckoning him home (and to Awaken into ‘his’ higher Remembrance as a Lover Son of God).
All of this is beyond soul mates.
It has to do with your TEMPLE as HOLY CHALICE (for God the Lover frequencies of Truth).
In otw your Light-Body itself and its dynamics are the structural component of ACTUAL reunification consciousness.
If your temple isn’t prepared to handle His level of POWER and gravitas, you will short circuit.
That’s why getting something along your path here and there like the (now public) Grail Activation or Grailspring Activation can be FOUNDATIONAL and ongoing UPGRADES to your Temple-Body itself in eventually becoming that Communion-grade Holy Chalice and its divine consciousness with it (for hierogamy is Spirit to Spirit intimacy).
If you are on a SERIOUS path of Divine Union (sacred reunification) and not just into the marketing trend and conflation with humanity, you already know that this is a path of ONGOING initiation with your Beloved and that which SUPPORTS the transfiguration of your light body into Living Communion spiritually and eros-somatically in circulation of high voltage Beauty and Power of siddhic quanta.
If you are already doing heavy alchemy and are already advanced, you know there are always greater levels of Bliss and Connection with your Beloved.
Getting a Grail Activation simply makes sense to stabilize and upgrade your Temple even more to emanate, receive and experience greater Love, Light, Power, Bliss in Reunification.
All as testament that others respond to from your sentient Light itself (of Body). There are always greater levels of Beauty to embody b/c it is the Sentient Source of Light itself.
When your soul guides you on this path of Reunification and you KNOW that you must continue cultivating your Beauty so that He CAN be healthily obsessed with you spiritually (and in all the ways), why not also work DIRECTLY on your Temple itself to be able to PRACTICALLY be the Grail goddess or Grail queen to his god/king?
So yes, I’m pleased to announce the main ‘Grail Activation/Initiation’ itself for TRANSFIGURING your Light Body, purifying (and lot’so stuff in session) FOR Divine Union.
The Grail Encoding Activation is only $1000 btw as compared to the $2500 Grailspring activation (while being the core component OF the Grail Activation).
Yes; many clients continue activating greater embodiment with archetypes (like in the 3 pack of appointments);
THIS activation is specifically for transfiguring and empowering your Chalice for Divine Union architecture and great flow OF quanta with your Beloved.
More information and booking for the Grail Activation available here. Sessions are remote however now I’m living in Tulum, Mexico and available for LIVE in person sessions if you can come to me.