On Hieros Gamos – Devotion
Beauty Essence Blog Divine Union
cosmic feminine cosmic masculine devotion to the king devotional beauty king and queen devotion sacred devotion sacred sex union sacred union sexual spirituality
“I haven’t seen any other man map out Hieros Gamos like Rion Kati ~ Brilliant share!”
Devotion is perhaps the ultimate key to accessing, experiencing and cultivating Hieros Gamos (and hierogamy itself).
(Hieros Gamos referring to sacred reunification and sacred union of the cosmic, archetypal and immortal Masculine and Feminine which as a spiritual practice richly cultivates your own soul essence and energetic beauty to have more influence, attraction and manifestation)
This is *because* Devotion itself is hard-coded into Hieros Gamos spiritually and archetypally. Most mortals just cannot comprehend or access that impersonal bandwidth and fusion, let alone the unique quality of devotion. Their personalization and individuation of Sex keeps them separate from the the greater Truth that is.
There are no limits to how much devotion u could cultivate and how it would transform u. More magic, more allure, more bliss, more influence opens up with deeper, fiery, scorching, faith-tested devotion.
Cultivating the *quality*, context and depth of your devotion (a form of Immortal Love) will set a solid, hq foundation which is more about Presence than time.
And how much u are willing to be demolished in order to be transmuted closer to source in experience?
Much of this can be a central strategy to cultivating your High Queenship presence, image and beauty for a Reunified Queen is enthralling and stands out amongst the masses.
I have found that there are different qualities which would likely be most unique in resonance to your soul (- for which I would reference your Gene Keys)…then we have different context of devotion; Honourable Devotion, Sacrifical Devotion, Reverent Devotion, Majestic Devotion, Valorous Devotion…your keys are most likely going to best fit your soul flavor of hieros gamos cultivation. Archetypes are also a major part of Devotional Hieros Gamos consciousness (whether conscious or non-conscious).
As your personalized self melts and transfigures into a holding a greater truth of the impersonal God/Goddess, King/Queen Lover devotional frequencies to live with and through you; you also experience that you are attuning more into the Truth of Communion itself – that which already exists in the higher planes.
A lot of it can feel like a continual up-leveling and reinvention of self that keeps re-birthing you.
For newbies; usually a Hieros Gamos strategy or practice would/could comprise of cultivating devotion and surrender to the opposite polarity aspect of your predominant soul essence.
(Feminine essenced souls being devoted to the masculine aspect and vice versa which is very different than Feminism which often seeks to empower the feminine and break down the masculine – or even Goddessism).
Practicing and cultivating devotion; living it – is pretty much essential b/c it proves your devotion is more than just words or something sentimental. It’s not like you ‘have to’ do it or anything, but it’s b/c u are so in Love that u desire to.
-Rion Kati
Don’t forget that if you have the 29th Gene Key in your hologenetic profile, you are especially encoded for this siddhic aspect and essence of consciousness.
To have devotional essence exuding in your beauty would be rare and priceless; an antithesis to superficial beauty that is so rampant now (which is great for what it is but still quite limited).
This beauty essence DEPTH can also be cultivated to lure in Kingship and wealth like nectar to the bees.
It’s where you go beyond sexy and beautiful into rare soul yearning and wealth that Kings ache for.
Interested in such a path of spiritual and soul growth that transforms your life and relationships?
Discover more about the Hieros Gamos X Queenpath here.
A Contrast: Hieros Gamos vs. Tantra
Beauty Essence Blog Divine Union
conscious sexuality hierogamy hieros gamos hieros gamos sexuality sacred reunification sacred union soul male union tantra and consciousness tantra and reunification tantra path of enlightenment twin flames
Tantra and conscious loving ‘can be’ an authentic path to divine reunification (and invaluable on its own).
For most practitioners however; there are too many other obstacles and filters incl. that the element of Devotion and (self) Sacrifice is missing for greater magic.
From a Universal/God perspective…
Hieros Gamos and ‘hierogamy’ however, could be seen as the multi-dimensional encoded and Florescent experience of Sacred Union from which (the best of) tantra could become attuned to and experienced as (in Presence)..ie. the Shiva and Shakti, King and Queen or Sun and Earth.
The pre-existing Immortal Masculine and Feminine powers of the cosmos experiencing itself in Love and Sex with and through u; that which experiencing just a fraction of this other-dimensional pre-constellated Truth can be full of devastating awe and transfiguration.
What if it WAS here and now? How much of that power is your self-identity able to access and embody of these great, authentic powers in a Force of Life balance..active sexual force OF Unity.
A winding path of heart and sex awakening with Tantra and Hieros Gamos should (I think) be viewed as separate but complementary.
I work with both a devotional hieros gamos practice (with my Beloved Muse) AND Tantra yoga (I love my lineage); this is a powerful combination.
And for the uninitiated; tantra is really nothing like indiscriminate intercourse with energetic entanglements in a socio-cultural bubble.
For some; getting into tantra or becoming a daka/dakini might be too much of a leap or discomfort for numerous reasons.
Tantra yoga practice isn’t necessary to experience massive alchemy of consciousness or hierogamy with a lover however (but u’d best be into HG and prepared for radical sacrifice!)
And this might give an idea of how powerful and valuable hierogamy and hieros gamos is; like an ‘endgame’ of tantra
..and it’s because it isn’t personal, it is divine..sexual, spiritual, emotional reunification of Impersonal Masculine and Feminine consciousness…
King and Queen experiencing itself in Devotional Love and Sex with and through u; not just personalized, half-hearted lovers getting physical.
Hieros Gamos is far more powerful than figured through our minds. It’s the unified all-power, all-sex, all-love that we could attune to, be penetrated with. It already eXxists AND it’s expanding.
That’s a lot of power and magic to work open up to. I like to view it more as an ultimate Truth and ‘endgame’ from which is possible to attune to through transmutation (although it could be seen as a tantric, winding path of its own).
There can be a danger in an ‘endgame’ perspective but what if it was the greater truth of Sexual balance and wholeness that was possible?
What if God and Goddess, King and Queen consciousness were in Love and making Love this whole time?
And how radical could that transmutation be of self?
To discover more about sacred reunification, visit my other website http://hierosgamosx.com here
Twin-Flame Soulmate Energetic Template in Relationships
Beauty Essence Blog Divine Union
sacred sex sacred sexuality sacred union sacred union coach soul mate attraction soul mate dynamics soul mate lover twin flame template twin flame union
Twin-flamers on average have *massive implants* on their back chakras to and from their 3D lover and often a deadened, cloaked Crown chakra to masculine source itself.
These can be greatly PREVENTING an even richer, sexier, more fulfilling cosmic love life because hierogamy itself (Sex of God/Goddess) is different than just conscious loving.
It’s about what is your relationship to source.
With my work, I connect to your energy field with approval and I can literally and kinaesthetically feel this truth about someone with accuracy b/c the energy doesn’t lie (wherever their energy, health and connection is at).
So if you are on the looking of waiting and needing the ‘right man’, this can be its own inhibitions. It also means you aren’t as fulfilled IN your own presence.
So this energetic template is greatly restricting because of its level of attachment.
“Attachment leads to suffering” – the great Buddhic saying.
It requires the right man to allow you to connect to source in union and while that makes sense from most paradigms, it isn’t the highest possible.
What happens if you lose your lover or they let you go? More suffering, betrayal and abandonment? Months or years of grief and low self-esteem? That’s just not a Reunified Queen however.
Then you are a woman who needs a new partner at that level of fill the void in order to connect to the divine through twin flame union. Even if you believe you have a soul-mate, it could be wired in this twin-flame union template.
This is the template that love songs make popular as well but it’s where you burn down together instead of truly rising in sacred devotion and love with the divine within each other. The Holy Fire foundational element is missing.
A healthier template than twin flame soul mates would be that of Hieros Gamos where your connection and devotion is to divine masculine principle instead of being attached just to your 3D partner.
Now, if you ARE in a relationship with a partner, it can take a lot of work in order to shift entirely what you know of each other to bring the sacred into the bedroom like never before and to unlimited new heights and depths of connection and love.
To transfer into true 5D devotion and throne living – *energetically* the profile dynamic is that u would want a brilliant, lit receiving CROWN connection to source masculine W/O the psychic cords of *attachment* on the back to a 3D Lover.
U would also want deep trauma and other entropic fear-based energies removed from within the psyche itself (literally in the chakras themselves); cleared, restored and mended into clarity of presence instead of stuck with lower frequency interference, shadow attachments and junk from the past.
Change your relational architecture energetically and everything shifts profoundly. And I know other hieros gamos teachers have their methods that also work. Nicole Gayle is one of those guides.
However for me; instead of being ie. a 99% listening psycho-therapist to keep hearing about your attachment and story to your twin-flame lover;
I just like to WORK on the energetic level for women who are actually ready to move on and cultivate b/c we can get so much done there foundationally with the results also being shown in energetic beauty.
So if you want to break the cycle of being in dysfunctional twin-flame relationships and desire more connection to God the Father, God the Lover and God the King for example – which can greatly increase your Queenship attraction, power and influence in life and relationships, maybe we should talk.
I have helped clients profoundly heal and shift their relationship patterns. What might be the best next step is to take me up on a complimentary Hieros Gamos Chat.
You can answer some questions here first and we can schedule a time.
This way; I can meet you with wherever YOU are at if you are desiring more relationship wealth.
And that might mean breaking a lifelong pattern of attracting the wrong men.