On Becoming The Holy Chalice In & For Divine Union

Yes, when it comes to the ‘reality’ of Divine Union and the Holy Grail itself in EXPERIENCE, your feminine body is meant to be the Holy Chalice and Somatic Temple (of Light and Dark Truth).


This is the Great Remembrance as part of Communion itself (and the mythic yet historically factual suppression and secularization of divine feminine/archetypal consciousness).


Because Divine Union is not merely Fantasy (or a confused idea of modern conscious loving); but an actual relational template between God and Goddess Forces as Lovers beyond soul mates…the Divine Feminine consciousness in you is attracted to (righteous) POWER (not to be conflated with misuse of Power as force).


But are you able to be worthy to attract and receive POWER that leaves you in awe?


Can your body and consciousness RECEIVE HIM….Practically?


(B/c this isn’t just about wishing, fantasizing, hoping or mentalizing things)


Because Sacred Union is centered on actual EXCHANGE, intimacy and Communion of immortal Spirit quanta ultimately with and around your energy body as well as with a partner in the bedroom (as siddhic, elemental and archetypal essences as signature and fractal aspects of immortal, impersonal sentience);


In order to have the Presence to essentially make Love to a deity (hierogamy) and a Beloved at YOUR desired level with his qualities of Power that you venerate;


It comes down to the literal TEMPLE of your energy body itself and having it activated,  constellated and cultivated FOR Divine Union to be able to run the high voltage of energies worthy of Communion with a Lover-King of your greatest desire (and from your light-body to attune and awaken that out of a mortal man).


Otherwise, that deeper divine erotic fulfillment may be conscious lovers or twin flames with lower bands of hierogamy itself (or something closer to inter-physical borking) but it will never reach your unfulfilled deepest desire on the Grail path. To truly make Love AS Goddess.


And as TWO HEAVENLY BODIES with immense siddhic Power and Beauty consciousness and embodiment circulating.


The irony is that a man/god/king at that level requires you to do the work so He can meet you (or you’ll remain off his radar) and this is all SOMATIC; seen and FELT Beauty-Truth.


The ‘trick’ with Divine Union is that you have to cultivate that (minimal) level of divine feminine embodiment and circulation in your somatic temple WHETHER YOU HAVE A MORTAL PARTNER OR NOT.


Hieros Gamos is an advanced, devotional path that isn’t for everyone. It’s centered in Spirit and includes all Light and Dark Eros realms; PURIFIED.


It requires a different strategy than just hoping the next twin flame (trap) will work out better (let alone hoping to attract men just from your looks which can change with time and age).


The PRACTICAL reality for advanced practitioners such as Grail Mystics, Grail Priestesses, Oracles and Grail Lovers know that this PRACTICAL spiritual and somatic Inner Reunification has to do literally and directly with your Eros-Somatic Light Body itself; chakras, aura, Light, Dark, shadow, nadis, blockages, essences, Eros, embodiment and allure as well as its receptivity to DIVINE MASCULINE FREQUENCIES.




It is MEANT to be activated by your Beloved to further prepare you and in other means that supports greater reunification.


This means that a true Holy Grail practitioner should always be VALUING Her temple and preparing it to meet HIM at deeper levels. This is the work. This is an alchemy and activation centric spiritual, devotional path.


That is the TEMPLE of your multi-dimensional BODY. And honestly; you may have lots of blocks towards FLOWING WITH DIVINE QUANTA and resistances towards shadow aspects of the Masculine which may hold you back and it’s ALL testament in your energy body (that which he/He would potentially Commune with).

If you desire that deeper HOLY Eros In intimacy...

…and devotional framework of COSMIC Love and Ecstasy where anything less just won’t fulfill your deepest soul and spiritual desires….and are called to REUNIFY with your version of God The Lover…


Your Soma-Temple itself has to be activated, initiated and transfigured to be able to hold Presence and Beauty with a Lover-King of HIS Power and gravitas…so much so that you can be a portal to the Holy Grail itself for a mortal man; a source of medicine and reverence that is far more than just your physical beauty….


Embodied and expressed (alluring) BEAUTY as TESTAMENT of the Holy Chalice. Beauty so DEEP AND COMPELLING, so ACTIVATING for men (and high-level clients) that they keep returning to you as a holy sanctum.


Are you doing the work to BECOME THE HOLY CHALICE to offer the highest value thing possible to the Spirit of man; the Holy Grail itself?


Is there more than you can directly do to support your Grail work?


It is the EMBODIMENT of Sophianic or other archetypal Beauty essences that resonate with your soul (as Spirit matter) can be FELT deep into his psyche and DNA; that which would TANGIBLY as immortally sourced Beauty quanta meet and infuse in alchemical Communion with His divine masculine qualities.


He doesn’t have to explain it, he is just DRAWN INTO IT b/c you hold the highest value of all; that which he hath spent lifetimes seeking.


The masculine is drawn not merely superficially to Beauty; the greater Beauty is that of DIVINE FEMININE EMBODIMENT and consciousness FOR/FROM WHICH He/he could REUNIFY with in experiencing the ancient Remembrance and exaltation of Communion itself.


Are you BEING that magnetic feminine source of attraction and medicine?


And if your BODY is just not wired for HIGH VOLTAGE circulation of Spirit-matter plasmic essenced chi (as Goddess fractal and siddhic signatures)…if your somatic body (in this vibrational universe) is wired for attachment, shadow games and twin-flameship, you may never break the cycle.


So….2nd generation Grail guides might be talking about ‘relating’ or ‘polarity’ with Divine Union from a humanistic lens but really as a serious practitioner; you should be doing your own ongoing reunification alchemy with your Beloved (in solo practice and properly constellated as Grail Tantra with a partner) and focusing on your CHALICE (and Chalice consciousness) itself.


VALUE your Temple/Soma Chalice itself and preparing for HIM. Devotion always goes DEEPER….melting into Him.


What exactly would ‘reunify’ again?


Your spiritual BODY/Temple/Soma with His Divinity. The Holy Chalice (with His Lightning Rod Power). Not merely ‘minds’ or ‘personalities’. Your LIGHT bodies.


It’s not even about where you ‘think’ you are for men WILL respond the more you EMBODY the speechless, effortless Beauty in stillness…that which you could call Grail Allure beckoning him home (and to Awaken into ‘his’ higher Remembrance as a Lover Son of God).


All of this is beyond soul mates.


It has to do with your TEMPLE as HOLY CHALICE (for God the Lover frequencies of Truth).


In otw your Light-Body itself and its dynamics are the structural component of ACTUAL reunification consciousness.


If your temple isn’t prepared to handle His level of POWER and gravitas, you will short circuit.


That’s why getting something along your path here and there like the (now public) Grail Activation or Grailspring Activation can be FOUNDATIONAL and ongoing UPGRADES to your Temple-Body itself in eventually becoming that Communion-grade Holy Chalice and its divine consciousness with it (for hierogamy is Spirit to Spirit intimacy).


If you are on a SERIOUS path of Divine Union (sacred reunification) and not just into the marketing trend and conflation with humanity, you already know that this is a path of ONGOING initiation with your Beloved and that which SUPPORTS the transfiguration of your light body into Living Communion spiritually and eros-somatically in circulation of high voltage Beauty and Power of siddhic quanta.


If you are already doing heavy alchemy and are already advanced, you know there are always greater levels of Bliss and Connection with your Beloved.


Getting a Grail Activation simply makes sense to stabilize and upgrade your Temple even more to emanate, receive and experience greater Love, Light, Power, Bliss in Reunification.


All as testament that others respond to from your sentient Light itself (of Body). There are always greater levels of Beauty to embody b/c it is the Sentient Source of Light itself.


When your soul guides you on this path of Reunification and you KNOW that you must continue cultivating your Beauty so that He CAN be healthily obsessed with you spiritually (and in all the ways), why not also work DIRECTLY on your Temple itself to be able to PRACTICALLY be the Grail goddess or Grail queen to his god/king?


So yes, I’m pleased to announce the main ‘Grail Activation/Initiation’ itself for TRANSFIGURING your Light Body, purifying (and lot’so stuff in session) FOR Divine Union.


The Grail Encoding Activation is only $1000 btw as compared to the $2500 Grailspring activation (while being the core component OF the Grail Activation).


Yes; many clients continue activating greater embodiment with archetypes (like in the 3 pack of appointments);


THIS activation is specifically for transfiguring and empowering your Chalice for Divine Union architecture and great flow OF quanta with your Beloved.


More information and booking for the Grail Activation available here. Sessions are remote however now I’m living in Tulum, Mexico and available for LIVE in person sessions if you can come to me.

Divine Union Requires Initiation of Some Sort

Divine Union is a serious path that essentially REQUIRES initiation and activation within your consciousness/psyche and eros-somatic energy body.


Such is a path of GREAT Beauty, Love and Communion-grade Sex where your Immortal Beloved CALLS YOU to come Home.


‘Divine Union’ (one of several terms) is NOT merely a logical concept or social trend. It is ancient spiritual Truth and considering that the Divine Feminine has been suppressed historically including by most Religions, the stakes are incredibly high.


Divine Union is exaltation of BOTH the Masculine and Feminine as God and Goddess Lovers.


Because Hieros Gamos is SUCH a different, ancient and devotional relational template, it’s not just going to happen (esp. if you are conditioned to living like conscious lovers and relying on him to just ‘show up’ with human expectations and attachments).


Sacred Union has very unique codes and without being initiated you could literally spend years or decades floundering on the DEEPER LOVE and EROS that you truly desire that hasn’t yet been met.


In Mystical Grail membership, many of our members have been INITIATED by The/ir Beloved spiritually without Him being there.


They have a CONNECTION to Him and are aware of the same archetypal qualities within mankind. There have heeded His calling to deepen in devotional reunification WITHIN THEMSELVES without relying on mortal man.


One thing is that they all have in common is that they have been seeded or INITIATED ‘somehow’ to awaken to the Great Remembrance itself of COMMUNION…that which will fulfill their DEEEEEPEST soul, spiritual, Love and EROS desires.


There are different ways to become initiated including just ‘catching some codes’ on a small scale to an official full-blown temple-body re-templatization like in the Grailspring Activation or the lower priced Grail Activation (now available) itself.


You might just be going through the motions and conditioning of love (which is greatly restrictive) and then something GIVES YOU A SIGN of something GREATER.


For some, it’s the Ecstasy of St. Theresa that caused a profound life-changing shift at the DEEPEST, aching level of soul meaning and longing…



An initiation of sorts INTO Communion codes of a GREATER Love that is possible in consciousness and in experience.


Sometimes it will take years. Reading ‘Calling of the Kingmaker‘ for those in the know has been a FORM of light initiating that has pulled some women more directly into the path of Sacred Union itself.



Copyright Creative Fabrica. Used under fair use copyright guidelines


Reading ‘


Calling of the Kingmaker‘ for those in the know has been a FORM of light initiating that has pulled some women more directly into the path of Sacred Union itself.


Another form of initiation is to have levels of kundalini awakening meta-physically with your Beloved; it may just happen out of nowhere but you sense that it’s from HIM….forms of initiation or activation that bring you more into the Codes and Template of Communion itself with the Immortal Beloved.


It might even be being activated by something that a certain celebrity of man of power holds that just HITS YOU in part of your energy body or a certain chakra that starts flourishing codes that are calling you back Home.


The difference between hieros gamos and just ‘conscious couples’ figuring out our way in soul is staggeringly different and there is STILL too much watered down confusion out there (including a program conflating twin flames with divine unions (ugh)).


Twin flames are soul to soul ATTACHMENTS that have great chemistry but THRIVE on shadow triggers.


If you’re here, you might have more perspective on how dysfunctional that is.


Divine Union DOESN’T HAVE SHADOW and is of immense Light and Dark with supreme DETACHMENT.


Sacred Union is far more powerful and beautiful literally; it’s a spiritual and relational template (of living) that is beyond soul mates.


Divine Union is the evolution of relationships and the relationship market b/c of the Great Remembrance…many are heeding the signs to RETURN HOME to Source code (as god and goddess in Love).


It’s that intersection where the masculine psyche is SEEKING THE HOLY GRAIL; that which hath been hidden for eons and has everything to do with the Divine Feminine CHALICE.



If you are CALLED to become the Holy Bride (of Christ OR your divine masculine counter-part) you may have already had an initial seeding initiation. But there’s more…it is a JOURNEY.


Hieros Gamos is Spirit to Spirit COMMUNION…not merely soul to soul conscious lovers. It is Sex/Love of God and Goddess consciousness and what else?


OF QUANTA; Power and Beauty spirit-truth plasmic matter as God/Goddess sentient essences themselves that would RUN THROUGH your embodiment and light-body itself in the bedroom (and otherwise).


Consumer-citizens and even ‘great lovers’ don’t just all of a sudden have access to that level of Power and Beauty to make Love AS an archetype at deity levels.


That’s why is CENTERS on your temple body itself; your essence and reunified Beauty as CENTRAL testament to your reunification itself because it is that which HE would practically reunify with.


Now with the premium ‘Grail Activation‘ newly available itself, you can get a powerful light-body transfiguration to support the CODES and FLOW of Sophianic and (all relevant for your soul) Goddess chi plasma matter quanta itself as empowered to cosmic reunification with the Power,


Light and qualities of your Immortal Beloved (and to ATTUNE and awaken those divine masculine qualities IN a partner).


Without the actual divine feminine Beauty Presence and Truth-quanta itself you are more likely the unworthy village girl trying to attract the King-Lover and his level of reality.


It requires initiations, rebirth and transformation to become as energetically Beautiful in immortal embodied Beauty codes to be worthy of His deific Power, Love and Provision itself.


When I started this journey I didn’t even feel worthy of any incarnate muse and now I’ve become THE world’s only Muse Magician and evolving the most beautiful on the frontlines itself (with allure transformation)…this is a JOURNEY.


So if you’re tired of men never living up to your deeper Love expectations or calling, investing months or years in him and still aren’t spiritually and sexually satisfied, this is a sign that you might be ready for something else.


Still; you would have to be inspired and called to Hieros Gamos; an advanced spiritual path of alchemical transformation of consciousness and temple-body.


Divine Union consciousness and lifestyle requires initiation or activation to re-templatize your body into the VALUES and structure OF Communion Holy Grail principle itself. Your chakras and aura have to be adjusted for it, opened to it and structured properly.


Many goddesses will never have this because their Crown is closed to His Light for example. They may have chakric armoring and resistances in their temple-body that for decades could continue to PREVENT His divine masculine blessing.


There are different ways to become initiated like I’ve mentioned above, but even then it’s about DEEPENING into the templar REALITY of Communion which centers on:


  1. Your temple light-body itself literally


  1. Your associated grail consciousness


It’s about opening and preparing your body to be able to attract, receive and run HIS LEVELS OF TRUE POWER…and ONLY Great Beauty can be present with how powerful He is.


So are you doing the work to PREPARE for Him (as you actively experience magnified exponential Love and Intimacy along the way far beyond soul mate connection)?


To get from ‘where you are now’ as a conscious soulful lover to DEIFIC GODDESS BEAUTY-TRUTH (of pick your soul’s favorite archetypes and siddhic qualities that amplify who you are), transformation must occur.


SACRIFICE must happen to rebirth into such greater impersonal Beauty that has medicinal value to kings,  gods, emperors and more practically leaders of INDUSTRIES and powerful men of influence in business and the world.


(Grail Oracles are going to become a hot thing!) and my Mystical Grail membership features numerous Grail Mystics, Priestesses and Oracles.


There is a PRICE to pay (to be worthy of and receive HIS level of Love and multi-dimensional Provision) which is more about the shift in temple-body and consciousness vs. linear time.


That power already EXISTS, so how much of it is your BODY-SOMA able to receive?…


(Imagine if we could work directly on your temple-body to prepare it to receive compounding blessing, Love, Light, Provision, Devotional Intimacy and all the good stuff from your Beloved! > to become more of the Holy Bride)


The price is SACRIFICE as well as opening yourself up tot he greater frequency bands of Divine Feminine Sophianic Beauty quanta and circulation of Divine Masculine.


Your somatic-Beauty is testament to the level you’re capable of being that Grail Queen to a King.


So if there are ways to LEVERAGE your transformation along this alchemical path with your Beloved…if there are authentic ways to DIRECTLY become initiated like with the now available ‘Grail Activation‘ to transfigure your light body and get EXPONENTIAL results on a higher timeline saving you YEARS of ‘figuring it out on your own’, that would be a worthy investment.


Yes; the ‘Grail Activation‘  (previously available only to VIP clients like in the Allure Makeover) was previously called the ‘Hieros Gamos X’ encoding activation…this is NOW available and is the PRIME Grail initiation that I offer. It is the foundation of the pricier, multi-activation Grailspring ($2500).


The Grail Activation and Grailspring are premium activations meant for serious devotees (whether currently in partnership or not b/c ‘hieros gamos’ is sacred INNER marriage with the Beloved).


This DNA affecting level of activation and transfiguration is not for the looky-loo who SAYS they’re into ‘Divine Union’ but actually have all kinds of confusion and entropy around LIVING the template itself of Union.


‘Gathering information’ for years isn’t the same as being CALLED TO THE PATH and taking action when whatever the right next step is.


There’s a difference between actively letting Grail codes marinate vs. selling yourself short of what you truly desire and thinking it will all just work out while you biologically age faster and compromise because maybe the next man will be it but then you’ve built up these expectations, attachments and are really just spending years in twin flameship.


Anti-aging INCLUDED in every activation session or tune-up of mine (tune-ups are in all activation sessions and also extended tune-up is available as standalone).


Maybe the past twin flames were final wake-up calls TO get onto the devotional path of reunification itself. Knowing when to let go is important or your cycles will predictably continue.


IF you are on the path and even if you are an advanced practitioner like a leading Grail Guide or Magii yourself (I’ve already work for half of the Source and 1st Generation Remembrance guides);


The ‘Grail Activation‘  would be a no-brainer for you because it’s going to EMPOWER your light-body temple itself no matter what level you’re at to be more stable with running COMMUNION quanta with your Beloved.


YOU are the potential portal to the holy grail itself for mankind (as a Grail Oracle, Priestess or Kingmaker) or as a Lover.


Your BODY…your Reunified ALLURE itself that HE would feel (and the awakening Spirit within potential men, lovers, clients or suitors) would be TESTAMENT to the level you are with your Beloved (not your ‘personality’ or accomplishments)….where a man can touch immortality through you (remember; mankind SEEKETH the holy grail).


Because it is Spirit body to Spirit body with this level of Love and Sex.


But you have to not only become initiated, you would have to BE that match or even more advanced in ways for the level of POWER (righteous power, not at all tyrant masculine) that you desire.


SO HOW BEAUTIFUL AND POWERFUL IS YOUR IMMORTAL BELOVED in HIS Divine Masculine Glory (and his unique qualities)?


Will you become that which is TESTAMENT and advancing for HIM in Great Remembrance sexually, spiritually and in all the ways?


Divine Union is exponentially beyond what most people are wired for yet more are awakening to this Great Remembrance.


By His calling and your own soul’s volition; you essentially have to transfigure yourself (your FELT Beauty-Body) into greater Power (masculine) or Beauty (feminine) to be able to reach the cosmic bliss and satisfaction that you are called to.


The ‘Grail Activation‘  (presented by Rion of the Muse lineage b/c there may be other Grail activations out there from other magii in the future) is a cornerstone rite of passage into new levels of Beauty, quanta and consciousness that is which He seeketh.


It just helps you to transform most directly to support your ongoing devotional alchemy practice to entirely new depths and heights (saving you years and years).


Again; Divine Union (the *actual* thing) is an immortal SPIRITUAL template that requires an energy body able to run HIGH VOLTAGE and flow of siddhic, elemental and archetypal essences in COMMUNION with an Immortal Beloved in Spirit.


It’s not just ‘going to happen’ esp. if you’re running on conscious lover or twin flame templates. It REQUIRES initiation of some sort to even begin.


DOTH HE CALLETH YOU HOME (and you know and feel what that means deep in your Womb, Heart and Soul..and it means EVERYTHING)?


Because my Beloved has been calling me Home for 24 years directly and I’ve heeded that call through countless tribulations and initiations.


Sacred Union are GODLY levels of POWER and BEAUTY that would short circuit the average spiritual seeker fast…and fry them out.


Your body-template must be prepared (to match his voltage and high frequencies) yet in YOUR intoxicating blend of mystical, immortal Goddess signatures of felt-Beauty spirit-matter.


IF you are on the path and ready for a significant quantum leap, KNOWING that you must further cultivate your DIVINE, impersonal and archetypal Beauty to receive and commune with His godliness and Spirit qualities,


The ‘Grail Activation‘  is a perfect choice that will continue paying rich dividends whether in attraction, spiritually aligned INFLUENCE and authentic soul expression, alchemical levels of Beauty (each client varies but this powerfully supports that).


“How can I get further along the path WITH my Beloved?” Is a question to ask yourself and then;


“Would the Grail Activation or Grailspring help me significantly in that endeavour?”


And if the answer is yes, then you (should) heed that calling!


I myself have been initiated MANY times by living and ascended Masters (including countless times by my Beloved Herself).


I had a transfiguring activation at an ashram when I was initiated into a famous Grandmasters secret Chi Kung lineage that allowed me to run far, far more voltage (in 2014).


The ‘Grail Activation‘  although consistently transfiguring for any individual devotee of The Beloved (for either men or women), is custom in adapting to YOUR energy body.


Oh; you also get extra consulting time with me when you book and schedule your session (45 minutes total for a limited time included).


The advantage of activations is that results are ASSURED as compared to the wildcard of initiation and reunification practice through alchemical attunement.


BOTH attunement with your Beloved (and their archetypal qualities) as well as Activation would be part of a powerful holistic living practice of Divine Union (which is the holy marriage WITHIN whether you are partnered or not).


Is something drawing you in that direction? Just how valuable is His Light and Dark Eros and divine Power qualities to you, your multi-dimensional identity, growth and fulfillment?


The richer your Love and Eros that you desire..your temple Beauty is going to have to transform either way and it’s more for him to IN-TRUTH commune with the Goddess Presence and consciousness with you; body to body, soma to soma.


Yes; sometimes your Beloved will initiate you Himself….but if He isn’t can you afford to WAIT until He does or are you preparing yourself and actively connected with Him? And even then, transfiguring your Light body eros-soma into new levels of Beauty Presence would be an excellent choice.


You don’t have to keep waiting for things to happen reactively to the lower conscious world around you.


Divine Union is a path of active, self-authority reunification WITH your Immortal Beloved..you have to be at cause enough to (once you get that initial seeding) keep cultivating and reconnecting with him….continuing to activate your consciousness, Eros-soma and identity to be at that level of Love and reception to Him.



Discover more about the Grail Activation here:






p.s. if you are ‘ok’ at sacred reunification alchemy, it would STILL make sense to solidify new levels of Beauty-Truth Presence and Allure with a ‘Grail Activation‘ …


..if you have no idea what I’m talking about with the alchemy with the Beloved part, you’re likely lost on what Divine Union truly is and will spend years more stuck in something like a conscious lover, twin flame template.


Again; this path requires codes, seeding…an initiation of SOME sort and then ONGOING cultivation and new levels of activating into BEING that level of embodied Grail Goddess Lover.


How many more years can you afford to ‘let time to by’ without truly being deep on the path if you KNOW it’s for you? Time for a quantum leap initiation?


Then check out the Grail Activation or Grailspring Activation on-site. Both transfigure your light-body and chakras for and with Communion codes and ongoing powerful alchemy, kundalini and circulation of Beauty quanta.


(Mulholland Drive, the Grail Activation is the core component of the multi-activation Grailspring fyi)


You might even want something more progressive which would be the Red Velvet Level of Mystical Grail Membership where we can KEEP doing ongoing activations and premium initiations like this for a whole year!


#DivineUnion #sacredunion #hierosgamos #activations #grailpath #holygrail #sacredreunification #hierogamy #eros