If You Are Under Heavy Psychic or Spiritual Attacks

This definitely isn’t for everyone but;


Have you been under psychic or spiritual attack to where its really compromised you in a lot of ways?


If so, keep reading. The work I do actually has a deeper practical and spiritual foundation including with energy work of which I’m very experienced and initiated in…chakras, auras, it’s all very real and practical.


Is this you?


Do you know that you’re a pure soul with good intentions and a lot of LIGHT?


Yet it may feel like you are under heavy, dark psychic attacks, curses, suffering, held trauma, past/early sexual abuse and general ascension inertia (especially if related to the Sophia line) and it’s ultimately (preventing you from) Sacred/Divine Union or living in healthy operational sovereignty as a lightworker, healer or high profile person?


If you find that you have kept running on these patterns for years (often where you find yourself being stuck as the victim)..


It may be time for a RECLAMATION. There are spiritual and psychic issues that psycho-therapy and psychiatry doesn’t always effectively address. They each have their place and such work isn’t a replacement for when psychiatry is called for.


If hardly anything has helped for years to get out of the toxic swampy entropy of this shadow-grid suffering you endure (psycho-therapy seems ineffective and trained medical professionals wouldn’t understand what on earth you’re talking about or even believe you)…


The Reclamation package might be for you.


If this is you or if you’ve been hanging onto an ‘x’ in your psyche or a form of abuse that still kind of haunts you in ways while still residing there and you want him released…and if you truly desire SOVEREIGNTY then sacred union and to finally move on from this kind of oppressive torment..


And if you know this is aging you faster and affecting your sexual, spiritual, emotional, psychic, mental (and even physical) health (thereby making you even more depressed)…


It may be time for a Reclamation which also works with your energy body and energetic health (and thus physical and physiological health) directly.


I’ll give a couple more tips that are also covered ON the Reclamation page on-site first.


Generally you want to release the toxic shadows as integration and live more from the gift and siddhic frequencies where you have light and DARK in balance (shadows removed or at least managed and definitely not controlling you). It’s about regaining your own sovereignty.


RELEASING is critical; there’s just MORE of the evil-dark shit in YOUR psyche than the average person so yeah; not everything is going to work.


A lot of powerful lightworkers and ascensionaries including myself can get very strong psychic attacks because you/we are a biggest threat, but I don’t ultimately live under their control or burden.


Plant medicine in many cases could help support and do miracles HOWEVER in some cases it can make it worse.


And if you’re not ready for plant medicine (or for other reasons) and you ARE interested in the energy work support aspect, I’ve developed a 5 step process relevant for you and others like you to finally break free of the oppression. If you are interested, you could also reach out to me on FB chat.

Find out more about Spiritual, Soulful and Psychic Reclamation here.


The Inaugural Muse Activation

The very first in person Cosmic Muse experience in L.A. summer of 2018 was an unforgettable touchstone experience of Supreme Power & Beauty.


After some logistical issues with last minute flowers, mis-directions with google maps and parking troubles we started the in person retreat after I recombobulated in the washroom…to fast forward…


When it came to that time in the day, we did the Muse activation itself.


I knew it was a powerful activation experience itself and then afterwards we slowly walked (her) back to the sitting area and from what I recall we started hearing her initial feedback and anything she wanted to immediately process and we just held space for that or if she wanted to be in silence.


But something ELSE was meant to happen. (And as far as I know btw this may have been my very first ever Muse activation).


It didn’t take long when something split between her more personalized self and she (the client) became radically embodying of Muse.


Muse essentially took over her consciousness fully so She could be with all of us in the room.


The frequency was very powerful and actually it was all so new and strong in this ‘direct’ format that part of me was a bit terrified – like hold on to this rollercoaster.


I remember Gillian Pothier my co-host (of Feminine Eros) being concerned off to my right side like if we should interrupt things to make sure she’s ok – but I just had to keep presence and be with what was happening so I reassured Gillian with a right-hand wave that it’s ok/let’s go with it b/c I could sense she was concerned (and Gillian can speak more to this).


The Presence was enlightened and very very powerful. I’ve been with an enlightened master before at an ashram and this was similar but a different tone. Very solar Light Feminine Muse with ancient history.


She started speaking directly to me and only me in a literal Language of Light for what seemed like several minutes.


After an intense several minutes (even I couldn’t hold eye contact the ‘entire’ time b/c the quanta was so intense and I am/was on a journey to being able to hold even more powerful presence), her consciousness seemed to return more to her regular cognitive state in the mix while Muse chose to be less present after the language of Light encoding transmission and continued Her initial integration into our client’s embodiment.


To this day I still have no idea what was literally being communicated or translated (although I have an idea of sorts). I do also know that it wasn’t an entity and it was very pure Muse consciousness; like She Herself descended down to give me/us this highly encoded alchemical transmission experience.


Indeed – it was its own encoding experience for Gillian and I. This was back in summer 2018 in downtown L.A. I don’t even know consciously what was being said or communicated but I’m sure it had to do with instructions and directions to continue the work.


It still blows my mind when I think of what happened – knowing it was the real thing. I have a great connection with Muse after 14,000 hours of meditation at that point (and other key moments) but NEVER such a DIRECT experience of powerful magic quite like that ‘in my face’.


My energy system was very active during it (which was part of the partial anxiety/terror) because I was soaking in the alchemical transmission and encoding; it was very active in my solar plexus.


It’s important to add that although the Light Language was flowing; the words were intentional, clear & distinct without any hesitation. With all present; Gillian was witness to this as part of our co-creation.


Eventually for the attendee herself who was a channel, she kind of faded back into more normal consciousness and then we continued talking a bit with a stretch break in there. A life-changing experience for all of us.


Oh – again; and if I’m not mistaken, this was the very first Muse activation I’d ever done so there’s definitely something to THAT!


Are all (archetype) activations (available on our appointments page) like this? Usually there is some extra ‘impact’ power with my live (in person) activations and remote (most of them) are more subtle (usually) but No – everyone has different dynamics in receivingness and processing.  After hosting 100’s of sessions (mostly on zoom), I’ve seen a lot of things; tears, laughter, sleeping, orgasmic energy, sub-pranic releases, etc.-


Most of the time the experience is peaceful yet the work is being done so there’s no competition or wrong-ness if you don’t feel anything during a session – not everyone does right away (when some *really* feel it).


So that was our very first of 3 Cosmic Muse retreats co-hosted by Gillian and I in L.A. and there’s other things to say about the other ones!


Usually all hell breaks loose; the city was filled with smoke and it was impossible to book a hotel room anywhere in L.A. for 6 hours before the 2nd one.


(At the time of this original writing and now re-purposed to blog) I’m now into month 7 of the Muse Priestess Mentorship with 2 initiates so far and have done other (remote) individual Muse activations (which are at a higher price point than regular activation sessions), but I’ll end with this;


During the transmission itself when my system was just kind of shocked and receiving the encoding (esp. into solar plexus); I’m quite sure She (who is also my Beloved) was transmitting respect, honor and further directions and codes to create her Queendom/Kingdom. It’ll never stop blowing my mind. Yes – all of this is REAL.


And this now is actually the first time I’ve shared this with anyone (not even telling the 2 Muse Priestess initiates about it) and yes – I made sure to get permission first to even share this anonymously (also checking in with Gil).


I’m honored and thrilled to host the Muse Priestess Mentorship (we have another live retreat soon) and look forward to more Cosmic Muse Retreats!


It’s all in deep devotional continued service; Muse is the source of it all here and I’m attuned to Her divine will.


Muse Activations are available for $1000 (price subject to rise). You may have to contact me to ensure pre-qualification and for the separate payment link on my FB profile/dm.

A Few Words on Increasing Your Power, Lightwork & Priestessing

First of all; a Priestess or Kingmaker is versatile and she IS powerful. This is the type of power that DOESN’T corrupt and is in divine service (take THAT Bembridge scholars ;).


Although a Grail Priestess carries alchemical Beauty which is transmutational on its own;


Often, she may have to draw upon more ‘power’ aspects rather than more yin style of priestess-ing esp. if she does forms of energy work (which may call for yin and yang at different times).


If you KNOW your work is in alignment and service (and you aren’t ever violating people’s free will), perhaps you SHOULD be more powerful (and beautiful) and scaled in your work, but what would stop you from taking on more power and ability to move energies even better?


Could you be getting in your own way? Are you not accepting of your divinity?


Are there concerns you might become corrupted or do black magic and the bad karma it may bring?


How about if you have a stable temple space foundation and legacy already? What if you are always pure in session space of service?


Even if you’re already doing powerful client, healing or energy work; becoming more powerful is actually about strengthening even MORE your connection to source and upgrading your light-body itself. 12-strand DNA provides more infrastructural POWER to run greater energies and voltage.


This is similar to the difference I’ve discovered between millions of (consumers) people who practice Tai Chi for example (or Reiki); they value the form rather and motions rather than the connection to Source itself which is 99% of the actual power.


People consistently say my energy sessions (and activations) are ‘powerful’ and there’s a reason for it. I’m also known as a healer’s healer.


For my path I’ve been initiated by Muse countless times as well as other masters into more POWER and being able to wield it in service for people. Raw and true light-working power.


I have no concerns of misusing it or doing black magic b/c of the integrity of my foundation and karmic awareness. I MUST have immense power and connection to be able to do the magic I do at the highest levels.


Beyond the physical is the meta-physical or impersonal (aka ‘spiritual’) which exponentially increases in power; power that stars and archetypes hold because their influence is greater than one or ‘personal’.


Maybe that sounds like you or maybe not…maybe you’re considering more a path of Priestessing or Kingmaking. Or if you’re on a path of star or starlet; however POWER and great Beauty is just part of your influence (and social power/status).


My path is all about power (and righteous power) and it has to be b/c I’ll continue serving people of power and literally HAVE to be powerful to take on extreme cases out of nowhere and meet them where they’re at to move otherwise immovable energies (including heavy shadow work).


The average neighborly reiki healer wouldn’t have any effect on some very powerful people’s energy body or going up against powerful demons for example.


Are you holding BACK more of your potential (lightworking) power and magic in working with source (and source-ery) because you have value conflicts around power or think that its just tyrannical masculine that would be abused?


Are you maybe too humble or soft feminine to take on more lightworking power?


Too many conscious people have value conflicts and distortions around power and its misuse…this may hold back their even greater healing abilities however when your values are aligned and you’ve proven a stable foundation, your guides may open you up to even greater initiations and power itself. How much of yourself are you willing to sacrifice to continue serving? Such is a path of a priestess.


Master Zhou (my Chi Kung master now ascended) and I individually hold very powerful sessions with our separate clients b/c our dharma is aligned to service which requires great power.


There are no value conflicts around taking on immense (chi/light) power and working with the elementals and other essences. Source gives us more access b/c we have become greater vessels in divine service. Our soul identities are larger than our body.


Ok; with that said – yes we are more yang as men and his primary energy work essence is fire, whereas mine is power; what if you are feminine essenced? There may also be value conflicts around power…heck, it might even feel to masculine or yang for you to do it but this may also pend on what kind of work you’re doing.


If you are doing energy healing of any kind, you could probably use more power to scale your abilities and results. Grid-working requires immense power and effect (demi-God levels).


You should haven’t shame around this as it’s deepening your abilities in divine service. More power to the righteous is a GOOD thing…even noble.


The best way I can address this is that in the Muse Priestess lineage where I take them through specific lineage activations (similar but different to the new Bio Star overhaul activation to increase power);


She/Muse requires her Priestesses to be incredibly powerful in their literal energy working abilities and its application (which can switch between yin and yang style of work) as well as having alchemical levels of presenced FEMININE beauty.


As I talk about elsewhere there are different forms of power and what we value here is the power of beauty and power itself in EMBODIMENT or presence (rather than external accomplishments however that feeds into your own embodiment itself); the power of presence….and the light-working power to help activate new levels of archetypal and siddhic beauty/power within your power of presence (thereby = more INFLUENCE on your clients, fans, people).


Yes power can be misused and abused however that’s for those led by shadows and infiltration. With more power comes more responsibility Peter Parker.


Understand that as you cultivate your own boundless beauty and allure; having alchemical levels of embodied beauty essence IS very powerful on its own including for the masculine for it is the PRESENCE of the divine feminine that the divine masculine could alchemically COMMUNE with in Remembrance.


Again; a Priestess (esp. a Kingmaking ‘Grail’ Priestess) has to have the ability to access whatever is necessary and be potent in her abilities which includes increasing the infrastructure, health and power of her body and energy channels to hold and move chi energy itself (of masculine and feminine flavors). This will also help her to hold more elemental chi when necessary to draw from.


The BioStar Activation is now available for priestesses, dakinis, healers, energy workers, grid-workers to upgrade their power core, light-body and service itself as well as their ability to hold and receive more light and divine masculine and feminine essences/beauty/charisma.


This new activation is available for $1000 for a limited time; comment or DM me.


The archetypes have a lot of POWER (aka ‘chi’) and Beauty (feminine power).


You can read more about my activations and client testimonials on site.


If you’re not ready for the Biostar; why not book an appointment to activate more radiating chi (power/beauty)!?


If you’re a social influencer or starlet, is there really any limit to the higher dimensional beauty (feminine power) that you could wield?! Allure Makeover Package available.


Understanding Muse & Healing: A Stylish Healer Heresy

You might be thinking…(when you consider this kind of work is already ‘secular’ and outside of religious norms which connects into the Grail history of the divine feminine being historically suppressed by religions and effectively outcast)…


“How can entertainment, beauty and fashion mix with TRUE healing, transformational and energy work? (Don’t you have to look like a hippy, etc.)”


“Rion can’t be a real healer and be STYLISH (or ‘materialistic’); it’s NON-SPIRITUAL”


Some of you (or just you personally) ALSO value style, beauty and healing (which is great) whether or not you have Muse codes.


After all; isn’t the higher truth of Beauty connected to LIGHT and isn’t that spiritual (aka ‘meta-physical’)? Hmm…


You might already be resolved on those value conflicts and if so, great! You shouldn’t have to fit a certain ‘mold’, yet it’s something I struggled with for years;


Maybe I should be more like Eckhart Tolle and yet he’s not a model of embodied (or conscious, awake) sexuality…


I get projections like;


“You don’t fit the image of a spiritual lightworker”


“Healing work, sacred union and ascension is separate from culture (which I see as entirely corrupted and irredeemable)”


“How can you be doing womb healing and then have a leather jacket and sunglasses? (this doesn’t feel right or make sense to me)”


Shouldn’t you just be and look more zen and be disconnected from Heart and Sex (which btw are core Muse values) in a Western world which values mind, body and soul (and thereby largely remains non-conscious in Heart and Sex)?


It took me processing years of value conflicts to realize how simple it is:


> I am in the MUSE Lineage.


It’s that simple. I am the Muse Priestess lineage Keyholder and Guardian.


Also; the brand is ‘Sexy Chi’ which is encoded in Eastern and Western values; enriched in Muse magic.


It actually answers EVERYTHING and through devotional tribulation – that is why I have such magic (it’s Her magic). The brand of Sexy Chi also perfectly represents this fusion (and fusion of East and West).


Her values are just different than what you’re used to so it may seem to some I’m ‘selling out’ but actually that’s simply a misguided projection.


As the QUEEN and DEITY of Muse, Celebration and the Performance Arts;


Her influence runs DEEEP in culture and cultural relevance.


Muse actually has always had great LIGHT powers of magic, beauty and healing, they’ve just been used in different ways whereby alchemists (like artists) knew how to leverage such Creative transmutational power.


I take my guidance from Her (not from a Woke corporate CEO or from religious leaders).


Being a rare Grail archetype, She has immense powers and codes (esp. of Communion) as well as access to the other archetypes. I just happened to become the Grandmaster of sex transmutation as presented in Napoleon Hill’s book ‘Think and Grow Rich’. Instead of finding ‘a muse’, I found THE MUSE.


Primordally; everything I do is for Her and not merely for superficial levels of approval; this is DEEPLY encoded into my being (I’m now merely attuning to its depth and expression with it).


I am devoted to Her and attuned to Her Divine Will.


We’re talking about cultural ascension dynamics itself and to do that you have to be relevant to culture instead of judgmental towards everything about it b/c it’s not ultra-spiritual enough.


Because Muse is the dance-friendly Daughter of Sophia, a lot of the work I do resonates fully WITH women on a Sophianic path because they are both pure Grail archetypes in their Light aspect. Muse just has slightly different encoding and values Celebration more.


With Sexy Chi and the direct Priest/Priestessing work;


We’re able to help you cultivate your Beauty b/c this is Muse’s value and thereby doubly my value (as predominantly Masculine).


My connection and initiation with Muse is very pure, very tested and strong after 20 years of Devotional reunification (aka Divine Union sex and spirit alchemy).


It’s why She chose and trained me to be Her first Grail Priest in Her Priestess lineage after eons of shining in the limelight; She sees the fracture of masculine and feminine and is called to work more directly on the frontlines of Reunification itelf in the world.


I have HER values to the very core (and in many ways am Her reflection which I am still attuning into); the world just hasn’t seen a lot of what’s coming yet which is related to Artistic, Beauty and Cultural Ascension.


But you can see the upcoming projections in an era where being Trans has become its own social currency…


“A ‘hetero-sexual, CIS-normative white male evolving the Beauty industry? HA!

(I told you this was heresy and those are THEIR words in that sentence btw – not mine ;)”


So yes, it doesn’t fit into a traditional image of what a passive zen spiritualist or conscious lightworker might be…


After all; Muse values Heart and Sex whereas most of the West remains non-conscious here (and the Arts thrive as something ‘separate’).


I don’t have value conflicts around Sex or Culture; neither does She.


Yet in all of this, I had to become the real deal and THEN get my image into attunement to it all instead of the reverse.


The last thing I am is a poser….and that’s also why I’m a real threat to how things used to be (Muse and I did the #metoo movement L.A. gridwork in spring 2017).


I actually had to become THAT level of Magician first and then start getting my body and image ‘game’ in check (which is its own process).


Now there may be some concern amongst some that I’m ‘selling out or going to be compromised’ by materialism or celebrity culture, etc.


I even had a strong alliance shattered because I wouldn’t fall into the belief that Madonna is entirely compromised to Dark Forces and irredeemable. The Muse Priestesses and I may be the only ones in the world with the power and relevance to help Madonna re-shape her direction and provide necessary energetic and spiritual support.


Many people won’t understand based on their filter of reality or that there even IS divine feminine power (so long the tyrant masculine has controlled and suppressed it).


MUSE (essentially as a Deity) already IS pure and is the EVOLUTION of Culture and the Arts.


She has always been behind it historically in all dimensions. It’s ALL spiritual (and so is music btw); She just has a relevance that is missing in others.


And even when Muse shows up, we can’t see her because we have other labels such as ‘k-pop’ or the artists or group names (lower truths).


Some of you have value conflicts around stars themselves. I don’t; in fact I’m still overcoming my resistances to more fully taking on necessary star-ship myself which is part of this dharma.


All you have to do is know and meditate upon Muse Truth and it will start to become clear (that there are no value conflicts; spirituality and enlightened sexuality are potentiated within the Arts and Culture; not separate from it – same goes with energy work and healing).


There is literally no corruption in the energy work itself which remains sacred; the core is incorruptible and proven.


Some of you are primarily serving Christ and (masucline) God first; yet I in my Grail heresy am serving Her first (as She was outcast and remained secular from popular religion as an aspect of the suppressed Divine Feminine).


Anticipate to see more fashion, (muscle) guns shows, tight leather, sexiness, etc. perhaps even me being on the cover of GQ some year WHILE the beauty cultivation and underlying healings continue.


Muse is an ancient Feminine fractal who has magnanimous influence on Culture, Beauty and the Arts; She is not separate ‘from it’ like a lot of energy work, healing and spirituality has been (or ‘conscious communities’ per se).


This heresy is about Her applied magic and cultural ASCENSION; literally Ascension of the Arts as well as the more direct Priestess fractal that has begun.


By becoming and being ‘the real deal’ as far a potent lightworker (and being initiated with Incarnate Masters as well); I’m able to be a cause of change in areas and corners that other lightworkers aren’t welcome or where there are extreme value mismatches.


It might just end up making ‘energy work’ more acceptable and cool if/when celebs and beauty influencers themselves start getting into all of this and getting Beauty activations, etc. to THEN influence mainstream (including with Reunification codes).


It’s not just about Rion doing cool shit working with celebrities or ‘selling out’ (from a spiritualists perspective) in that way – it’s about bringing HER ascension codes and influence integrating into industry and culture (which ARE Grail encoded btw)…having the level of influence necessary leads to working with celebs behind the scenes and on Movies and Music Videos. It’s all part of Her Divine Will and in bringing Grail codes of Communion to the world. The more Western muses there are, the more Divine Union will grow in popularity and that is what can heal and ascend the world.


Again; Her values, probably not yours.


And it’s values that fully align with MY soul (always a movie fanatic).


If you’ve had sessions with me you already know the work itself is the real deal (always in temple level space) and the integrity of the work itself cannot and will not be compromised.


In fact; more of the Woke supremacy has to be bypassed, crushed and/or neutralized before this work and Her codes can have greater influence, so a lot’s at stake related to cultural and Arts ascension.


The only thing you have to worry about with me is the pressure of selling out to become Woke to the current ideology’s power and that ain’t happening b/c it’s the prime shadow-grid keeping ascension and Communion FROM happening….and it is MIRED in shit-shadow entropy including me having to carry an alleged burden of guilt (‘whiteness’) even though I didn’t earn it for an immutable characteristic; well bitch, healers can’t actually carry the lowest level of consciousness in their field to heal.


(Being Cultural Ascension Guardian and more libertarian is just part of this).


So if I don’t look like a typical conscious healer maybe it’s for a reason (I’m imbued with HER values) and…


Perhaps more industry people will start recognizing that ‘I’m one of their own’, yet light years ahead in these other areas that matter to them and the Evolution (and Ascension) of the Arts.


Cancel me and we keep the Neo-Marxist Shadow-land constricting the Evolution of The Arts.


This is too important for those in the Game to continue living under Neo-Marxist tyranny and the control of oppressive, divisive forces.


You might even see me take the main brand marketing (Sexy Chi) to focus on Beauty Influencers and OH…a lot of you have value conflicts around them!


Yet we’re talking about evolving beauty INTO the higher dimensions which raises their spiritual consciousness itself; out of shadows and into siddhic consciousness. More Grail Starlets as ICONS leads to more Awakening Queens and Kings.


And yet what I’m bringing with me (Her Truth and Codes) is immense power that requires such paradigm shifting and opening things up FOR Her Light codes TO evolve entertainment, media and Beauty industries. It is a path of Power.


In ways and in the astral realm; I’m perhaps the greatest, relevant threat to the current shadow-grid in Hollywood, b/c I’m bringing Her codes and that’s why shit goes haywire when I’m in L.A., (etc). The big earthquake? A couple hour layover at LAX. The big SFO earthquake? 2 hours after I left.


Many of you secretly or not so secretly harbor great resentment towards celebrity; I don’t.


The shadow-grid and its constriction on true diversity of thought has to be broken apart and that L.A. gridwork that Muse and I did in early 2017 with the specific intention of breaking down power abuse in the industry leading to the downfall of Harvey Weinstein and the blossoming of the #metoo movement?


That was just part of the (cultural) work that has/had to be done. Securing the Seoul/S.Korea-L.A. hardwire grid the night before S.Korea blew out the defending World Cup champions in round 1 (as ‘the sign’) was also part of it.


It’s Her work and there is more L.A. Gridwork to be done.


Anyways; went a bit on a roll….


So yeah; I’ve got all kinds of designer clothing and jewelry, yep and I also serve ‘real deal’ healing and allure activations in our activation format. I’ve studied with energy and spiritual masters incarnate and ascended.


It’s not that Muse Herself would be more ‘conservative’ or Libertarian, She brings immense Light power and magic that the greatest threat is the Leftist and Dark Mother tyranny (moreso than the Tyrannical patriarchy).


I’m ultimately here to serve Muse and muses at the very core yet I also love serving non-muses because it is you who have allowed me to validate the reality of this work and it’s legitimate ‘street cred’.


Every session leads to more magic in Her name…growing of Her queendom.


Those who are recognizing that this kind of work matters (esp. with paid activations), thank you for being literally part of the Evolutionary Ascension of Beauty itself (or part of her lateral Grail codes magic)…whew!


For Muse; Beauty and cultural influence is ENCODED in who She is – and She has always had such healing power.


Just wait until you see our Muse Priestesses when they go public (and how they embody both beauty, style and authentic, ancient healing power and magic)!


So yes; more stylish healing aboundeth…

Being Activated Into Service a Decade Ago



A decade ago in Medellin, Colombia co-hosting a men’s retreat where we were venerating Muse all night long in our ‘immersion party’; Muse activated me into service lighting my hands and forearms on white fire. I guess she figured it was time for my first MAJOR initiation.


Devotion pays off in many ways b/c that was a decade AFTER I was religiously doing my alchemical meditations with her which already had miraculous growth.


Like a localized kundalini awakening, my forearms and hands turning numb with white light; I ran out of the room during the world premiere of the Shine resource I’d worked on for weeks then ran back into the room with the 7 or 8 of them not knowing if it was a medical issue or what.


It was stunning…I still remember the details. The men were kind of dumbfounded and I think we rewound the resource a bit after I sat down.


Everyone there anti-aged 15 years within that next 20 minutes in front of our eyes.


We finished up that night (the sun was already coming up) and just talked for a while after that legendary session receiving healing, codes and medicine from Muse before their day off in the middle of the retreat.


I didn’t know then but energy work was to become my primary method of service and the thought of Grail Priest was nowhere in my consciousness then (let alone training priestesses in Her methodology); I was just taking it all step by step.


Later becoming Reiki Master and other initiations including connection to 3 Chinese Grandmasters while still centering all of my growth around devotional sacred reunification sex transmutation transference with The Beloved (Muse). There have been many other initiations along the path.


Now; a decade after that (and 100s of paid client activations which all include energy healing detox as well as inauguration OF the Muse Priestess lineage), the GrailSpring Activation is available for pre-qualified people who want to accelerate the power, beauty and alchemy of their own path of Sacred Union.