Key to Attracting & Manifesting Female Desires

I was ruminating something that the brilliant and erosy-muse Gillian Pothier has been speaking to recently (and for years); about how women will self-sabotage if they cannot hold the sensation of their desire…and I felt, hmm….there’s something more with this that even I have over-looked…something that is VERY relevant and practical.


When it comes to divine union aka ‘hieros gamos’ as well as a divine union partner (beyond soulmate), a prime theme is:


Just HOW MUCH Love could you receive from the immortal Beloved and how much or where do you CLOSE OFF from receiving?


Because really there’s always a deeper level of power or beauty to receive…Devotional codes run deep. Your consciousness + energy body is ALSO related to how much provision, gifting and blessings you could receive and manifest in life in all other areas as well.


ALAS, if your ENERGY BODY and consciousness short circuits itself, it will create resistance and the flow may not give you that deeper love or provision.


These blocks may be literally in certain soma-psyche centers like the Heart chakra for example and I’ll speak to myself before I get to another primary point.


My Devotion for the Beloved is deep and hardcore, it is what it is after 21.3 years of tribulation…HOWEVER my energy body had a certain relationship with Her where our reunified bliss is in the upper chakras and where I have a thriving mental body with unlimited creative and quantum thought flow from/with Her…


And yet I realized that although my CHARISMA ITSELF has been recalibrated with the Dark Eros work recently to re-open my sacral (after I shut it down from a conscious leader guilting my more advanced Dark work a decade ago); I realized that although truly Devotional, my Heart charismatically was still largely closed off IN the physical realm.


My brilliance would often be ‘behind the scenes’ in my work like the Powerliminals where people could know and feel my devotional and reunified truth rather than IN MY PRESENCE itself…so this means everything for your BEAUTY INFLUENCE.


The last busy 5 weeks further highlighted how when I get into ‘work mode’, I closed off even more in heart and the Love Channel deep session work suffered…fortunately however, now I’m back to the Love Channel and Dark Eros charisma work preparing for debut so this HIGHLIGHTS how important your somatic body is to RECEIVING in all dimensions.


I have a different ‘good problem’ compared to some because the level of reunified love and devotion is truly what it is (and most don’t have anything near that deep in true hieros gamos); it’s just that (in my extreme example and highlight case), I’ve been blocked in live presence b/c of HOW my energy was flowing.


I’m a reference point for you b/c although I’m talking about charisma, it’s the same template with your allure which is what you want OPEN to receive and run INFINITE siddhic power and circulation of your Beloved and divine masculine principle.


Many others are FAR far away from their energy body and consciousness being able to hold the Truth of reunification so that’s the MAIN thing to work on.


So back to the main subject; you want to build your consciousness and ENERGY BODY so that you are an OPEN CHANNEL to receive (and give) the level of Love you are able to be at and with.


You want to remove the eros-soma RESISTANCES throughout your psyche and energy body so that you can receive and circulate the reunification that you already have in all dimensions (not just the upper ones).


In my case that means doing the hardcore Love Channel work to blossom open the layers of protection my heart has had ‘in public’ so that Muse fractals especially can FEEL the devotion I already carry. In otw I’ve been blocking my own levels of receiving on that level of love.


In a way, I was waiting for a beloved fractal to come in and then answer/address that but I can’t wait any longer so I’m doing the work.


For women especially you want your testament of reunification IN your beauty and image itself b/c that’s especially what is attracting and painting your experience.


There’s a deeper study on the Love Channel work as well as Hieros Gamos which I won’t go into now and…


So you want to be doing the devotional reunification work with the immortal Beloved which includes removing resistances and blocks so you can literally ‘run more siddhic energy’.


So keep in mind that WHERE you shut down can be for any number of reasons from blocking the deeper RECEPTION (maybe you’re more of a giver) and could literally be in a certain chakra.


There’s another angle here and it gets advanced instantly and is the other practical thing I wanted to bring in here which has to do with the eros-somatic advanced daka work I do;


It’s related to the LEVEL of Lover that could meet your very evolved self because it is the spirit-matter itself that you carry which He would reunify with and when it’s rich in siddhic and archetypal feminine quanta, there’s more alchemy in your Reunion with Him.


How much MASCULINE POWER could ALCHEMIZE with your Feminine Beauty and Her Immortal quanta in the bedroom?


We’re talking hierogamy – class (far beyond soul mate love).


And this ‘ability to receive and run great energy’ vs. frying or short-circuiting out can be worked on in the daka format to GREATLY expand your consciousness and soma ability to run siddhic and orgasmic frequencies….(God the Lover heresy here)..


Another angle and in other words – in the tantra daka work I do; I DO meet women where they’re at but most women aren’t able to handle running a lot of kundalini or energy without getting fried or short-circuiting somewhere in their body.


The energy work I do normally helps to release a lot of those blocks and expand consciousness (like in our allure makeover package or 3 session packages), but the daka work is even more generally powerful and direct.


Women may have somatic blocks here and there including trauma that blocks the greater levels of hierogamic divine ecstasy. In a daka session we easily find and release those and start conditioning her ability to run kundalini and siddhic frequencies often with different forms of orgasmic energy simultaneously. So there’s really no limit to how much love you could give or receive but it’s going to take transformation.


One daka session alone last year it was like (in divine service and co-creatively) I was conducting a symphony of siddhic, orgasmic bliss with her energy body reconstellating it to profoundly richer ability to experience and receive love; heartgasms included. Yes; kundalini can be part of it all.


Keep in mind that she was AT a level of readiness where she could receive more of the divine masculine transmission and power directly working with her energy body; she had already released a LOT on her path before. I was only running 30% of what I could have and she was blissed out forming new neural pathways; her chakras templatizing new levels of bliss and reception at a new set point.


A main thing with the daka work path is to find a daka you can trust because if you can’t; you’re not going to let your body really open up and not much is going to happen.


Also consider about wherever you may be at in this;


If most women were to have a very initiated man of great power as a Lover, they wouldn’t be able to handle his power literally; it would fry them and their energy body would still be RESISTING it or self-sabotaging. This is eros-somatic in your entire energy body and multi-dimensional womb and heart; not really just mental.


So again; just HOW MUCH Love are you able to somatically RECEIVE (and condition yourself to receive) from a Grail Lover? This for sure gets into the Grail Tantra world.


I’m grateful that the work I do helps to DIRECTLY release and expand for women to AWAKEN their ability to BE more reunified and change their lives to more of the Truth, Love and Bliss that is possible (with Him) in Divine Union Grail paths and otherwise.


Remember; the archetypes alone give you much greater access to divine feminine CONSCIOUSNESS, beauty, influence and space TO experience sexier, richer love and reality.


Conscious women are more open to archetype work because they are more soul based rather than ego-personality based so there’s more room for beauty.

Another angle on this is that it’s not merely about your ‘conscious’ beliefs, it’s about WHO YOU ARE being on an energetic and somatic level.


The universe is responding to WHO you already are. and there is work you can do to authentically become that. Archetype activations can be a CENTRAL part of not just your beauty and allure but your expanded attraction and manifestation consciousness.

The Inaugural Muse Activation

The very first in person Cosmic Muse experience in L.A. summer of 2018 was an unforgettable touchstone experience of Supreme Power & Beauty.


After some logistical issues with last minute flowers, mis-directions with google maps and parking troubles we started the in person retreat after I recombobulated in the washroom…to fast forward…


When it came to that time in the day, we did the Muse activation itself.


I knew it was a powerful activation experience itself and then afterwards we slowly walked (her) back to the sitting area and from what I recall we started hearing her initial feedback and anything she wanted to immediately process and we just held space for that or if she wanted to be in silence.


But something ELSE was meant to happen. (And as far as I know btw this may have been my very first ever Muse activation).


It didn’t take long when something split between her more personalized self and she (the client) became radically embodying of Muse.


Muse essentially took over her consciousness fully so She could be with all of us in the room.


The frequency was very powerful and actually it was all so new and strong in this ‘direct’ format that part of me was a bit terrified – like hold on to this rollercoaster.


I remember Gillian Pothier my co-host (of Feminine Eros) being concerned off to my right side like if we should interrupt things to make sure she’s ok – but I just had to keep presence and be with what was happening so I reassured Gillian with a right-hand wave that it’s ok/let’s go with it b/c I could sense she was concerned (and Gillian can speak more to this).


The Presence was enlightened and very very powerful. I’ve been with an enlightened master before at an ashram and this was similar but a different tone. Very solar Light Feminine Muse with ancient history.


She started speaking directly to me and only me in a literal Language of Light for what seemed like several minutes.


After an intense several minutes (even I couldn’t hold eye contact the ‘entire’ time b/c the quanta was so intense and I am/was on a journey to being able to hold even more powerful presence), her consciousness seemed to return more to her regular cognitive state in the mix while Muse chose to be less present after the language of Light encoding transmission and continued Her initial integration into our client’s embodiment.


To this day I still have no idea what was literally being communicated or translated (although I have an idea of sorts). I do also know that it wasn’t an entity and it was very pure Muse consciousness; like She Herself descended down to give me/us this highly encoded alchemical transmission experience.


Indeed – it was its own encoding experience for Gillian and I. This was back in summer 2018 in downtown L.A. I don’t even know consciously what was being said or communicated but I’m sure it had to do with instructions and directions to continue the work.


It still blows my mind when I think of what happened – knowing it was the real thing. I have a great connection with Muse after 14,000 hours of meditation at that point (and other key moments) but NEVER such a DIRECT experience of powerful magic quite like that ‘in my face’.


My energy system was very active during it (which was part of the partial anxiety/terror) because I was soaking in the alchemical transmission and encoding; it was very active in my solar plexus.


It’s important to add that although the Light Language was flowing; the words were intentional, clear & distinct without any hesitation. With all present; Gillian was witness to this as part of our co-creation.


Eventually for the attendee herself who was a channel, she kind of faded back into more normal consciousness and then we continued talking a bit with a stretch break in there. A life-changing experience for all of us.


Oh – again; and if I’m not mistaken, this was the very first Muse activation I’d ever done so there’s definitely something to THAT!


Are all (archetype) activations (available on our appointments page) like this? Usually there is some extra ‘impact’ power with my live (in person) activations and remote (most of them) are more subtle (usually) but No – everyone has different dynamics in receivingness and processing.  After hosting 100’s of sessions (mostly on zoom), I’ve seen a lot of things; tears, laughter, sleeping, orgasmic energy, sub-pranic releases, etc.-


Most of the time the experience is peaceful yet the work is being done so there’s no competition or wrong-ness if you don’t feel anything during a session – not everyone does right away (when some *really* feel it).


So that was our very first of 3 Cosmic Muse retreats co-hosted by Gillian and I in L.A. and there’s other things to say about the other ones!


Usually all hell breaks loose; the city was filled with smoke and it was impossible to book a hotel room anywhere in L.A. for 6 hours before the 2nd one.


(At the time of this original writing and now re-purposed to blog) I’m now into month 7 of the Muse Priestess Mentorship with 2 initiates so far and have done other (remote) individual Muse activations (which are at a higher price point than regular activation sessions), but I’ll end with this;


During the transmission itself when my system was just kind of shocked and receiving the encoding (esp. into solar plexus); I’m quite sure She (who is also my Beloved) was transmitting respect, honor and further directions and codes to create her Queendom/Kingdom. It’ll never stop blowing my mind. Yes – all of this is REAL.


And this now is actually the first time I’ve shared this with anyone (not even telling the 2 Muse Priestess initiates about it) and yes – I made sure to get permission first to even share this anonymously (also checking in with Gil).


I’m honored and thrilled to host the Muse Priestess Mentorship (we have another live retreat soon) and look forward to more Cosmic Muse Retreats!


It’s all in deep devotional continued service; Muse is the source of it all here and I’m attuned to Her divine will.


Muse Activations are available for $1000 (price subject to rise). You may have to contact me to ensure pre-qualification and for the separate payment link on my FB profile/dm.

Trinity of Muse Quanta: 2023

Muse as we know is a powerful and ancient Divine Feminine archetype that has been VERY active recently and She’s on course making history…


Her influence on the West is really JUST truly beginning on a larger scale more directly and consciously than ever.


As of April 2023, although I’m still getting more clarity…here’s what I see as the greatest overall Trinity of Muse Quanta; 3 pillars if you will in Muse influence global consciousness.


The more EACH of these expands (and the more that Western muses can EMBRACE K-pop muses), the more the COLLECTIVE will prosper with Divine Union and Grail-based Ascension as well as healing of the fracture masculine and feminine into reunification…This is b/c it’s all Source Muse behind it all.


1. Muse and K-pop’s expanding power and pop influence in concerts and music videos

(Muse is the predominant and behemoth archetype in K-Pop and THRIVES in many of the groups and idols). At this point historically She has become unstoppable with the foundation that K-Pop has already laid. K-pop can change the world not because of ‘Korean culture’ and not even b/c of hot crossover hits but really b/c Muse is behind it all


The 2nd active pillar of Muse Quanta (and Quanta being Her multi-dimensional clear egregore spiritually in the active collective);


2. Western grail muses and sophias into the consciousness and Divine Union work (as well as a growing handful of pop-starlet Western muses)


Although there aren’t many non-performance artist muses, the codes are really starting to spread and these Western CONSCIOUS models of muses in Divine Union work will continue to hold a key place in Muse’s influence and Her welcoming into mainstream culture (and spirituality)


(2B we could put The Cosmic Muse L.A. that Gillian Pothier and I co-founded in 2018)


And the 3rd pillar:


3. The Muse Priestess path and its Trinity of me (Rion) and the 2 inaugural (still secret) Muse Priestesses. So Muse Priestess Path as well as the energetic support and Gridwork it provides.


This growing consortium of Grail Magii is like the Jedi council and order OF Muse Herself that can also strengthen and advance K-pop’s influence and magic with Rion being the masculine pole (kind of like JYPark himself of JYP entertainment) to support, serve and expand Muse influence, grail work, high magic, media and alchemy (which includes evolving performance arts & entertainment as well as the Beauty industry’s with their evolution).


Muse Priestesses will also be able to help transition muses and k-pop starlets into the DIRECT advanced magic of Muse light-working power and Beauty mastery (as well as working directly with artists, entertainers, non-performance clients, celebrities, grail path divine union clients and the Beauty industry) into greater mastery.


As a corollary, the Cosmic Muse concept (and another secret wing yet to be announced) can also support (2B and actually was initiated before Muse Priestess Source lineage, thereby Gillian Pothier already has a historical place as Eros-Muse Mother in the West!)


Sexy Chi’s vision again has to do with evolving Western performance arts (including with ‘essenced acting’), entertainment and Beauty into the realm of energetic mastery. It’s literally ALL sourced in divine feminine archetypal Muse consciousness.


I’ll mention again (as there have literally been walls and resistances for years);


The More That Western Muses & Sophias Can Accept (and start accepting on their own timing) ‘K-Pop Muse’, The More Muse Quanta Will STRENGTHEN & EXPONENTIATE Grail Unions & Ascension (In the West)…and this includes KINGMAKING in a world of post-modern FRACTURE spiritually, sexually and socially with the Masculine and Feminine principle.


For MANY years female Western consciousness was closed off to Muse codes en masse.


Yeah it still might be too heretical and years ahead of its time (often people would simply judge the lower truth barrier of the cultural difference instead of seeing the archetypal Truth behind it); but if we can dissolve our lower truth barriers and (the SAME) Muse consciousness and Quanta will exponentiate all Grail work and cultural ascension!


This isn’t something that can be ‘forced’…it must be on your own timing (which may be never) but just being AWARE of the possibility and that there is a Muse Trinity of Quanta is getting us all closer.


One final note for now; I didn’t include other random muses like in disparate metro markets of (a % of) dancers and artists with Muse codes b/c it’s simply not unified enough yet (although we shall find something of a bastion of Muse in Bollywood; K-pop is easily the most dominant).


I’ve been training men for 15+  years to be media alchemists and to see ‘beyond K-pop’, ethnicity and genre to the higher truth encoded and literally embedded in K-Pop, J-Pop and T-Pop music videos to do sex transmutation of consciousness with source Muse. Unlike most immortal feminine archetypes; She inspires and awakens their Divine Masculine consciousness and presence.


Muse/She has already done transformation and miracles in 100’s even thousands of men’s lives with my methodology (‘natural grounding’ sex transmutation with music video’) in the areas of confidence, sexual presence, becoming a man women want, creativity, flow, etc. – and this is all without Muse being physically present even BEFORE the Muse Priestesses graduate publicly this year!


It all ties in with the beyond consumer reality that K-pop is so powerful not because of the lower ‘cultural’ truths or that it’s Asian, nuh-uh…it’s the archetypal divine feminine ENERGY, beauty and consciousness BEHIND IT ALL that as ALCHEMISTS (instead of divertive consumers) transforms lives.


(in other words; beyond our ‘labels’, ‘filters’ and ‘projections’ of ‘Asian’, or ‘Korean’ or ‘K-Pop genre’ or ‘K-Beauty’ or ‘idol’ or ‘Dahyun’, we simply have MUSES; Twice are MUSES and Muse can show up in ANY culture – it’s just that She’s MOST prolific in K-Pop which might change in the future)


Meditating to K-pop?


YEP…Grandmaster Sex Alchemist (transmutation of consciousness as presented by Napoleon Hill in ‘Think and Grow Rich’ – I’ve been doing it for over 15 years directly and its done miracles including with creativity (but it actually started in Thailand; read more on our blog…).


Because ‘S. Korean’ influence or ‘Asian’ influence, the GREATER concurrent Truth happening is that we have milestone events like Twice (as vessels of Muse) lighting the Empire State Building,



BTS (who although masculine charismatic still embody much Muse codes) sold out L.A. concerts



…and Blackpink Coachella mainstage, etc.


INDIO, CALIFORNIA – APRIL 15: (L-R) Lisa, Jisoo, Jennie, and Rosé of BLACKPINK perform at the Coachella Stage during the 2023 Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival on April 15, 2023 in Indio, California. (Photo by Frazer Harrison/Getty Images for Coachella)


…as well as the GROWING Muse codes influence in the spiritual and Sacred Union community (unofficially centered in SoCal); we are on the PRECIPICE now of Muse potentially starting to directly awaken mass consciousness. Very exciting times!


K-Pop will continue world (music) domination and influence not just b/c it’s Korean…it isn’t just about the lower truths including good listenability; there’s something with THE ENERGY and VIBES that we’ve been missing in the West (wait until people find out it’s literal MEDICINE); yet I already know it can do MIRACLES in lives b/c I’ve facilitated that for many men and now women with all of this Beauty transformational work sourced in Muse.


Anyways; wait until K-Pop artists (muses) find out there is a JEDI SCHOOL that’s just for them and speaks THEIR language with THEIR values (and for Western muses)


So let’s dissolve the barriers between the top 3 pillars and as Muse consciousness more DIRECTLY becomes popular with mainstream WESTERN (non-muse) artists (and the more Western muses there are), I predict the strengthened and (more culturally) accepted Muse could become THE HOTTEST THING (in the West and even the World culturally).


She has already influenced history and evolution itself but now is going to start doing it literally more directly!

Evolved Masculine Contemplation: New Feminine

When we value cultivating your energetic beauty, we open up to expanded and archetypal feminine gnosis and wisdom that may transcend our collective culture, programming and wounding.


Your path of energetic beauty is also related to your consciousness and relationship to the masculine and a lot of pop culture is still in shadow consciousness with both masculine and feminine.


This resource from an interview with Gillian Pothier and Destin Gerek of Evolved Masculine takes you more into such a contemplation… Enjoy!