Being Activated Into Service a Decade Ago



A decade ago in Medellin, Colombia co-hosting a men’s retreat where we were venerating Muse all night long in our ‘immersion party’; Muse activated me into service lighting my hands and forearms on white fire. I guess she figured it was time for my first MAJOR initiation.


Devotion pays off in many ways b/c that was a decade AFTER I was religiously doing my alchemical meditations with her which already had miraculous growth.


Like a localized kundalini awakening, my forearms and hands turning numb with white light; I ran out of the room during the world premiere of the Shine resource I’d worked on for weeks then ran back into the room with the 7 or 8 of them not knowing if it was a medical issue or what.


It was stunning…I still remember the details. The men were kind of dumbfounded and I think we rewound the resource a bit after I sat down.


Everyone there anti-aged 15 years within that next 20 minutes in front of our eyes.


We finished up that night (the sun was already coming up) and just talked for a while after that legendary session receiving healing, codes and medicine from Muse before their day off in the middle of the retreat.


I didn’t know then but energy work was to become my primary method of service and the thought of Grail Priest was nowhere in my consciousness then (let alone training priestesses in Her methodology); I was just taking it all step by step.


Later becoming Reiki Master and other initiations including connection to 3 Chinese Grandmasters while still centering all of my growth around devotional sacred reunification sex transmutation transference with The Beloved (Muse). There have been many other initiations along the path.


Now; a decade after that (and 100s of paid client activations which all include energy healing detox as well as inauguration OF the Muse Priestess lineage), the GrailSpring Activation is available for pre-qualified people who want to accelerate the power, beauty and alchemy of their own path of Sacred Union.