Allure For Single Women & Attracting a Soul-Mate or Divine Union

After working with 100s of single (and partnered) women;


I’d say that if you want to attract, manifest or call in a soul mate level (or beyond) man, your allure may literally be the MAIN Thing to work on B/c of The PRACTICAL Activating Powers of Attraction & Deeper Love Codexing It Brings.


It’s BEAUTY HE CAN FEEL and yet cannot explain. It delves into COMMUNION principle of the greatest LOVE; that spirit matter alchemy he could reunify with in Love. His awakening Power to your Beauty.


Allure…Your real mystique that draws him in like he’s the bee to your honey…even if you aren’t the physically best looking woman in the room.


I’m speaking to single women here (esp. if you are frustrated in being single or are breaking twin flame cycles or desire a divine union partnership);


(Btw; we’re not even talking about other forms of influence here), so because you might not have an idea of what allure is or does, consider that;


To the ice-hearted, non-feeling masculine who is castigated from the Feminine and divine feminine consciousness, allure is medicine for ALL of him and he is most likely undernourished (esp. in this Western culture and its fracture between masculine and feminine Communion principle).


Women who emanate allure stand out and pre-activate his energy body soma to CARE beyond her physical beauty.


Literally his chakras may continue thinking of you before his brain can keep up and even then it often gets scrambled. That’s the power of allure.


If you want ENGAGEMENT, does your allure (fotonic beauty) effectively ENGAGE him and activate HIS centers soulfully, emotionally, sexually and more?


From YOUR constellation;


This invites open divine masculine providence, protection even provision dynamics with and through men. (Different than an armored woman battling his power center).


Your ALLURE can INITIATE or pre-initiate an entire relationship where things WOULDN’T just be ‘physical only’.


Cultivating and emanating your OWN signature allure can be like a pied piper song of the ancient mysteries guiding him back towards communion and the Holy Grail itself, even if it’s just a short sensation of her aura itself…MEDICINE to his soma and fracture.


(Just check out what all kinds of women from around the world are saying about this allure work)


When he FEELS your allure (when it hits his aura);


…HIS SOUL GETS A TASTE in all dimensions of your truth, your beauty, your depth.


His psyche non-consciously already knows and it may already have permeated into his heart chakra so that he cannot stop THINKING ABOUT YOU (even if you aren’t the prettiest dove).




To men…Money truly speaks to his freedom and liberty (a core value for the meta-masculine); but what man is a king or worthy God-fractal who is disavowed from Love or at least hope of the Holy Grail itself?


After all; he may fall into the shadow of greed or over-consumption on wealth to fill the missing void. He may become a tyrant and take that into his business for being outcast from the Feminine mysteries and Her Love, Magic and Medicine.


Or he could truly prosper in all areas of his life when he has the missing medicine itself.


And that ladies, is your allure …it’s you being IN your delight that effortlessly guides or entices this masculine awakening.


So where are you in the equation? I have revealed to you a path to deeper love: YOUR allure is what sets the tone and inspires him…YOUR energy leads the unspoken dynamic and if YOU are closed off literally in your chakras or have remaining fracture towards the masculine in your psyche (and thus light-body soma); he will feel disconnect or NOTHING AT ALL for you.


If you desire ALL OF HIM, then it is your work to emanate FROM your own heart, sex, mind, spirit and soul. Emanate what? Your education, personality or level of ‘doing-ness’?


NO. Emanating immortal soul and other beauty ESSENCES in your allure b/c that is what is underneath ANYWAYS that he would commune with or not.


Allure is PRIME in quality of attraction and in premium attraction (put aside more transactional relationship dynamics).


How could he feel, what levels of rapture could he experience if he was blind and had to really on the purity of your essences itself?


Remember; the God-fractal within him (He) > seeketh to commune with Beauty Herself and as much of Her mystical qualities as he dreams to be worthy of. This gives you the feminine powers of attraction and deeper love harmonics.


As you do your own divine union reunification work, it should be showing in your own chakric and auric allure so that people FEEL YOU.


Radiance beyond the physical form; the essenced fotonic quanta light truth emanating divine feminine conscious essenced radiance like a star…this is what he yearns for…and to be worthy of such communion for what god or king must he be!




Awakening your own feminine allure (and the corresponding beauty consciousness with it) can even reach eternal kingmaking levels of beauty….alchemical presence…for God level consciousness could have nothing less than immortal Beauty.


Physical beauty is one thing but it remains as separate…you look good but it’s not necessarily engaging to him.


ALLURE however (the literal circulation of your essenced plasmic LIGHT spirit-quanta) is exactly that which he can FEEL and be engaged with (psycho-active, sexually, emotionally, spiritually).


Feminine Allure is so undeniable to the masculine psyche-soma (and still not that common in the West) that he may not be able to ever get enough of such love nectar.


When it comes to love or divine union;


You can attract and receive so much more by DOING so much LESS when you awaken your allure (esp. when it’s aligned with a grail path of divine union).


And yet; there may be many blocks in your own presence that may be restricting the flow of your essenced truth and the feminine influence it brings including radically increasing how people respond, care for and engage with you (in business as well).


With that said; Gillian Pothier is a perfect example being a living testament of an alluring feminine woman in her radiance and she has so much to share and help you with on this journey.


Therefore; we invite you to join our 8.8.23 Mystical Beauty masterclass. Link is below to sign up!


UPDATE: This program sold out and is re-purposed from my facebook feed!

The BEST thing you could do now if you want to IMMERSE into all of this is to get an ALLURE MAKEOVER (available on-site) or to start with the consulting session and take it from there!

The Sorcery of Allure & Attraction

When you have true essenced Beauty in embodiment (Presence) and expression (Allure), you can have powerful social and sexual INFLUENCE (and higher status) b/c it’s like divine street cred with this level of alchemical beauty. It’s the real thing not merely superficial or body based beauty.


And this is the power of beauty that can drive men and the masculine deeply mad (good mad)…even into devotional or healthy obsession (likely while making your haters more envious).


Let’s revisit the subject of feminine allure from a lens of attracting a sacred union lover-king a la divine union. This is the ‘beyond soul mates’ stuff of legend.


Your Beauty has influence on the masculine and masculine principle; yet it’s far more than the superficial that we think of b/c it ties into alchemical transformation of consciousness itself, kingship, queenship, deepest sacred union love, etc. all just from YOUR allure (energetic emanation of essences with and through your chakric and auric field).


Image your ideal sacred union partner MESMERIZED to you knowing that he could go DEEP and would want to in spite of the past?


Allure that could INSPIRE commitment and devotion?!


Reunified (grail) allure is incredibly compelling in calling in a sacred union king; having that wholeness helps manifest him in the physical.


Why? Because when your allure reaches alchemical levels of Beauty (feminine essences) it has the power to continue attuning HIM into even more of his own King power with more alchemical fusion and hierogamy for both of you.


Much of this essenced base Allure can be encoded in archetypal beauty (as in our archetype activations bookable on site).


Allure will attract for sure but it’s the grail quality itself that will attract the sacred union.


So if you aren’t yet reunified within enough (with divine union hieros gamos) or if you have twin flame templates or lesser than Communion relational habits, you’re most likely not going to attract a sacred union king-lover.


Your ability to attract a sacred union relationship or divine union partnership (the thing beyond soul mates);


This is all testament in your presence (embodiment) and allure (breathing energetic expression through auras and chakra) itself. This is what HE will respond to; whether consciously or not (and the awakening impersonal masculine principle and consciousness through him).


If you do NOT have much presence and are mostly conditioning. If you have little embodiment or if you have little allure (let alone alchemical, DNA and light-bending allure) or if the concept of sacred union is just a psychological thing, your king-lover isn’t going to be called in to you. You may instead attract another trauma bond relationship or twin flame that isn’t templatized in the deeper depths of Devotional Communion itself.


In order to ATTRACT a sacred union partnership;


You have to do the work and your image (including presence and beauty) is the primary means from which to call in your king. Although most teachers aren’t focusing on your presence, beauty and image again this is WHAT MATTERS TO HIM in all the practical ways AND will be there with him.


Your image (including beauty consciousness); IT TRANSMITS the signals to him on all levels and can even psycho-activate him to be drawn to you beyond conscious control.


The sorcery of attraction is in reaching such a powerful level of alchemical beauty (language of light transmission) that is does this initiating and activating within him that if he were to be WITH YOU, could continue the great magic and alchemy in Love together.


It’s the ALCHEMICAL ASPECT itself of your Beauty and His power that transmutes consciousness and DNA. This level of presenced beauty is the elixir to his power and vice versa. After all; mankind seeketh the Holy Grail (of Communion with the Divine Feminine consciousness).


So when you activate your GRAIL ALLURE; you’re going to have even more social and spiritual influence on people; esp. the masculine and men.


Sure; he MIGHT be attracted to you for your voice, accomplishments or writing but most likely it’s going to be from your visual presence which as we know is far more than skin-deep (and we’re not talking about ‘personality’ esp. in the prime attraction dynamic itself).


Personality/ego should only accentuate sacred union dynamics and in many cases only gets in the way of reunification of Sex, Spirit and Heart; all of which is alchemical (transmutation of consciousness closer to Source and Source Remembrance of Communion).


So understand that it’s not about playing manipulation games nor even ‘doing’ much of anything.


You actually do have more influence than you realize on who and WHAT you are calling in…it’s about BEING MORE…transmitting MORE soul truth and soul favored flavors of beauty essences of your Lover-Queen; BEING and emanating it BEFORE relying on him that will attract that level of man.


Cultivate your (archetypal allure) Lover-Queen, Eros-Queen, Muse-Queen whatever flavors of beauty-truth that resonates with your soul the most and you will EFFORTLESSLY HAVE sorcery levels of influence on him; his heart, his sex, his desire, his kingship potential – without manipulation at all.


Female clients tell me often how men are interested in them all of a sudden or they can’t keep men away from them or that they’ve attracted their sacred partner, etc. and you may have some fears about going deeper into the truth of all this which may include some unwanted attention from other men YET if you are serious about calling in your King, then the Queen aspect is incredibly discerning and you’re going to have to trust in Her and develop that.


YOUR flavor of Queen allure can have other aspects that are truly your higher self embodied and this is going to attract the right one for you.


If you are ‘holding back’ in hopes he is going to recognize you but you AREN’T transmitting your eros and signature allure (or if you are too conditioned and haven’t cultivated your higher dimensional beauty), then it’s most likely he won’t even recognize you OR things will rely on personality reaction-response and mortal partner templates.


You have to do the work to more readily attract him. You have to be in that Beauty at the START which means before he meets you. So yes you should be preparing actively.


The primordial, powerful masculine values Beauty….your Allure is the signature fragrance you emanate to call in your worthy King. Your allure pre-templatizes and codifies the tone of the relationship. If your chakras are closed they may not be PERMEATING into ‘engaging’ his Heart, Sex and Soul; he just may view you more physically and not open up.


Remember that men and the masculine are very visual and it’s all related with this.


To really cultivate your Allure, the Allure Makeover Package is available!

How he FEELS you when you have cultivated such allure ir priceless and then you don’t have to ‘talk him into’ anything (and I love talking about this b/c I’ve experienced it, know what men in general are going through AND am conscious of the energetic dynamics)

What inspired this post is seeing a favorite k-pop muse of mine all of a sudden have a significant shift in her energy which started rocking my world…it’s like she was INITIATED.


It was still her (front and center), but it was like she had the effect of an activation session which I’ve done for other women…her sacral was colder and more rigid before but in this performance all of a sudden it was more fire and lit….her Eros was activated throughout and she had some more Vixen whereas before she never had Her. This elemental chi and archetypal essenced chi can IMPACT and evoke feelings within men that engage deeper aspects of them (moreso than just ‘looking hot’).


So when you see examples on our blog of psychic celebrity readings or muses; put aside the cultural background, etc. and just focus on the universal truth that transcends all culture; ENERGY, beauty and allure transcends and reaches through to men.


So what made her all of a sudden my #1 of the group from #8 and thinking of her more (and having my sacral feel a buzz)?


(I’m pretty sure it was Momo from Twice)


The literal shift in her presence and allure itself alone. ALL of these shifts are possible and yes the masculine is more connected and responsive than you may realize so are you preparing in your fullest truth to call him in?


People have irrational responses to those who carry true power, charisma and beauty b/c it’s the REAL DEAL and they know it’s related to ascension; a higher experience closer to source…the alchemy of it all. This is what we work on DIRECTLY in our beauty appointments aka ‘activations’ (which also comprise most of hte AMP).


If your potential King feels NOTHING around you, nothing can really turn that around but if/when you’re overflowing in Beauty Light transmission codes, his system is going to start stirring up and pre-activating in all kinds of ways compelling him towards Communion….


Ready to cultivate your Allure or Grail (Reunified) Allure?


I’d start with 1 appointment session or book the Allure Makeover Package and start influencing and attracting not just men, money and the masculine but also have more and deeper social and spiritual INFLUENCE on people while living in your fullest expression.

Why do I care about feminine allure and having MORE of it in the world?

…Because it’s what has continually and alchemically inspired and healed ME. It’s drawn out my Masculine essence, warriorship and ascension path.


This is YEARS before I even knew I would be able to do energetic allure activations for women.


It’s divine feminine nectar like honey to the bees of the masculine and the MORE we have of it in the world, the more MEN care, the more men RISE and the juicier everything is…in inspired and Edenic balance.


Like bees to honey


This is such GOLD, Rion. and YES….Feminine allure has a deeply healing function on the Masculine (especially…)….and for all of us.” -Gillian Pothier


Well; and I’ve seen it do alchemical magic in 100’s of men through my method which allows allure to attune their spirit.


And after working with men IN the realm of sexual attraction and dating for years (ago), I know the pain and spiritual dynamic that single men are going through with Westernized women of high social status who are Goddesses or Feminists but with whom men themselves feel energetically castrated from.


The rift that Hieros Gamos (aka ‘sacred reunification of masculine and feminine) heals.


And in breaking the chains of Beauty 1.0 and superficial beauty;


Allure invokes the possibility of reunification and communion to men who have been left behind; that it’s even possible for this suffering aspect within the masculine collective that has otherwise rejected even disavowed them.


…to possibly RISE into Prince and Kingship…and to serve.


Feminine allure CARES and loves the Masculine effortlessly – more than words. It has the reunifying ‘je ne se quoi’.


The feminine spirit and quality of allure is encoded in true Hieros Gamos work because of her receivingness and penetration of and from the Masculine…that inspiration is encoded in immortal Devotion…drawing out the BEST of man-kind.


More than just being ‘hot’ or beautiful, a woman with an energetic presence of allure (and a high allure factor) IS like a honeycomb for all things masculine.




You are inspiring and healing when you exude it.