It’s The Grail Codes You Want For Divine Union: Become An Alchemist

If you’re getting into the concept of Divine Union…know that..


The More Powerful of a Grail Alchemist (a la ‘Hieros Gamos’ Divine Union-ist) You Become; the More Access to Grail Codes You Have.


And as mentioned in a previous post; if you are getting into the concept of hieros gamos and ‘divine union’ (search the blog!);


The Ancient, Devotional Grail Codes are everything~…(heck religions suppressed this truth of the Holy Grail throughout History).


As an alchemist you are consciously transmuting energies and being engaged energetically with sacred reunification experience.


It’s more about surrender, sacrifice and allowing transmutation of such Truth into your soma. Generally and unless you are a muse, it’s rare that you’ll EMBODY Grail codes. Muses are like the rare exception and maybe some sparse individuals that have non-consciously awakened otherwise.


The closer/est you are to Grail Codes and their power and purity; you can’t go wrong…just become a better alchemist and RECEIVE. Again; this is where Grail Magii and Guides can come in to help you make the CONNECTION.


Just how MUCH TRUTH of God-Lover, Provision and Sex could you hold and be worthy of circulating in your energy body, eros and psyche (esp. without a partner and those general attachments which makes this more advanced and specialized)?


Grail codes to (BEYOND) fulfill your wildest and cosmic dreams in Love, Sex, Satisfaction, Provision and Relationship *already* exist; it is ORDAINED.


It’s really about transmuting your consciousness itself to His Truth (including animus)…being able to attune to and integrate (Krystic) Grail Codes (which ARE vibe and light-truth Testaments painted through certain archetypes and possible for your soul signature allure).


For an example; the Devotional Queen Attunement has a lot of Grail/Communion Truths/Codes embedded throughout it and the Hieros Gamos Queen/King has some but it really pends on your ability to BE an ‘alchemistress’ or ‘alchemistra’ to ATTUNE alchemically to the higher truths that already exist; it’s literally its own variable.


Consumers could listen to that resource 100 x and not get much of anything out of it; if you value hieros gamos you must keep improving your ability AS an alchemist and being able to receive ie. divine masculine truths warping and bending your light body in all the right ways closer to source and Communion.


Becoming a more powerful alchemistress is the key variable (kind of like how much Chi Kung Grandmaster kept improved his CONNECTION and essence itself vs. just valuing physical technique alone).


Another example is reading a Gillian Pothier transmission post or the All for Love page…just OODLES of Grail Codes in it that are alchemical in divine nature. The same codes existed 2000 years ago (although presented in a more modern context, the truth is still embedded beneath).


The more of an alchemist you become, the more you are able to receive, attune and SOAK into your multi-dimensional self the Truths that already exist. Priestesses ESP.


Grail Priestesses btw value being alchemists as part of their foundational skillset.


Now if you’re in a relationship and basing everything on partner based activities towards Divine Union; to me this is just ripe for entropy and cross-over with lower templates like conscious loving soul mates and twin flames without the proper foundation itself.


So I’d go to the master alchemists to accelerate YOUR abilities…get initiated, get activated, strengthen your foundational practice and get more deeply into the temple space of true hieros gamos within (which then carries over into the world in relation to men, money and the masculine).


That’s also why Gene Key 47; Gift of Transmutation is ONE of the activations included in the Grailspring Activation (page coming soon on site).


View my previous post on ‘The Codes Are Everything’ on my FB wall or on the sub-category on site here (which I’ve added to the Beauty blog).

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