Revisiting The Truth of Light Itself For Image & Beauty Evolution

Since we are in the realm of professional image and beauty…and image IS LIGHT, it can help to understand and know it on a deeper level because it is ENTWINED with the effective truth of beauty influence and how YOU can maximize it more (this goes more than superficially looking pretty).




There’s light as science knows it with photons and there is the light that they cannot explain (which is why Science still can’t connect with ‘chi’).


This is also the standard focus of photography that doesn’t consciously account for beauty essences; it’s works with the more standard paradigm of photons rather than fotons. Understand that (for beauty mastery);


Both platforms of Light are SOURCED differently even though your social media is image. BOTH forms of Light are included in image; one is holographic and powerful (fotons) and another is more generic light as we know it.


Although there is still much more to be revealed about the Truth of Light, these insights help to pull a lot together while still keeping the magic and mystery of it alive. It was just time in history to have more of a foundation for the evolution of Beauty itself which IS Light-centric.


And Beauty is MORE than skin-deep or bio-photonic


This goes back to my Uniɸied Theory and the Theory of ɸotonic Quanta (partly inspired from random other disparate teachings that to me never pulled it all together)...


My (now ascended) chi kung grandmaster couldn’t explain it either; he would just practice and work with the chi-light.


There’s the astro-bio reality of Light in which our solar system’s sun is the primary source of photonic Light. It is very real.


As a plasmic, nuclear-thermic ball it generates photonic quanta including INVISIBLE Light that takes 8 and a half minutes to reach the earth…it sends frequencies we cannot see yet that which is still light.


The same can be said about the plasmic multi-dimensional spirit-matter LIGHT ESSENCE which comes through consciousness and humans; we are like stars and yet emit a different sourced spectrum of light frequencies; that of consciousness, that of spirit.


That’s why you can FEEL certain people even if they’re not famous; they’re literally RADIATING something that HITS your energy body, and auric soma.


(Isn’t this different than just mastering the TECHNICAL aspects of 2D-3D studio lighting?! That’s important but just PART of the true equation)


That’s charisma or allure. It’s a radiative MATTER (spirit-matter) of SENTIENT-LIGHT….(and do ya think that since professional IMAGE and Beauty is LIGHT centric, it might help to have the greater truth of Light on your side? 😉


That’s why I differentiate photons from ɸotons.


ɸotons are light sourced from Spirit (aka ‘ESSENCE’) which can also be holographically CAPTURED in digital media because both the astro-bio physical, scientific world and the world of sentient-spirit co-exist.


We can see both photons and fotons but most people are trained to only focus on photons and physical reflection of superficial light.


My celebrity essence readings will help you to SEE fotons such as the archetypal essenced quanta of beauty and power itself.


2D images are powerful not just because they are reflections of photons and literal skin-deep skin – but because of their HOLOGRAPHIC (and photo-chemical) NATURE sourced in Spirit (and that which we are all psychically connected to; some just have more direct access).


Radiation of sentient chi plasmic light (sourced in the Uniɸfied field of Spirit-consciousness) is the Light (the spectrum of Beauty essence) that explains or covers EVERYTHING ELSE that astro-bio science CANNOT explain.


Again; my Uniɸied & ɸotonic Quanta Theory goes into this more and its a deeper understanding for the EVolution of Beauty and Beauty influence.


For practical human purposes, this is the realm of ESSENCE. Pop Science can’t speak to it which leaves 700+ unexplained phenomena because they can only accept the astro-bio world.


Can you ‘measure’ chi? Yes (I LITERALLY can; the qualities and distance) – but most scientists can’t even accept the premise, because it doesn’t source from the astro-bio universe nor their known tools (none of which really explains quantum phenomena although quantum physics starts opening a gateway).


Since both realities of Light co-exist; the sun generates different types of radiation that can EFFECT sentient Light and vice versa (on a smaller scale).


How can RADIATION influence (again; this is key to your Fotonic BEAUTY INFLUENCE)?


That’s why the sun-star although appearing still; is literally radiating photonic, photo-thermal and photo-chemical information that influences and creates life, energy, power, etc.


Stars and starlets as humans radiate or emanate ɸotonic radiation that is sourced differently and yes we can learn to ‘see’ the spectrum of higher dimensional essences in ɸotographs.


Allure and charisma RADIATES as multi-dimensional sentient-Light with and through people.


Although we’re so focused on the VISIBLE light spectrum and the reflection of PH-OTONIC light off of the body (instead of valuing and see the ever-present fotonic light), the higher Truth is that Beauty is more than skin deep.


We are both biological and divine and it’s the spirit-essence side of things we can leverage to unleash your immortal divine feminine Beauty that people can FEEL.


In fact;


Beauty itself is an alchemical language of Light.


Beauty is literally divine and immortal because of the God/Spirit-Field itself which we reincarnate into.


It is plasmic Light matter that is sourced in the uniɸied sentient field of spirit (as chi or prana); so if we just value a lens of the uniɸied field as the source, then we can view the reincarnation cycles with and through form (of souls into bodies);


We ALL have potentially unlimited access to Beauty and Power (prana or chi as the sentient-spirit radiative platform OF life force, consciousness and spirit in all sentient things).


Although they get most things right about the astro-bio universe;


Science will never be able to make this connection until they can accept the concept of ‘chi’ or ‘prana’ itself and that it is sourced differently.


ANY OF US (as souls incarnate into human bodies thereby have full potential access to the spectrum) can become like stars and starlets because we are connected in Spirit to unlimited power and beauty (much of which includes the immortal archetypes).


It just becomes a matter of your self-identity and consciousness itself…how much beauty or power can you directly embody and EMANATE like a star or starlet…more powerful sun-stars have more powerful influence on their universe.


Want to expand your social and professional influence? Literally embody more sentient-chi from the spectrum of Beauty essence-Light itself.


How much essenced Beauty or Power could you ALLOW yourself to ACCESS, embody (like and earth) and emanate (like your atmosphere)?!


This is the deeper, practical spirit-science behind charisma and allure itself.


I encourage people to start referring to ESSENCED beauty as ɸotonic rather than photonic because we are talking about Light-POWER itself that is sourced in Spirit-sentient reality and divinity rather than the astro-bio world.


For a deeper study, request or find my Uniɸied Theory (great for spiritual seekers) and Theory of ɸotonic Quanta reports….if you would rather just get down to business cultivating your own star/let power itself to have more literal beauty influence IN STILLNESS from your
For practical human purposes, this is the realm of ESSENCE.


Since both realities co-exist; the sun generates different types of radiation that can EFFECT sentient Light and vice versa (on a smaller scale).


Imagine star-like RADIATION (literally of essence) that allows people to photo-chemically FEEL you and RESPOND to you; this is EXACTLY what’s happening around people with charisma and allure; people FEEL their vibe and light-truth influence because the plasmic light-matter TOUCHES their field.


I call it ɸotonic Beauty.


To cultivate this level of photo-chemical allure directly; it helps to be on a path of greater service (stars influence millions to they allow more embodiment of this ‘chi’ spirit-life force) and this is where it’s at! Allure consulting & transformation…


And Sexy Chi is leading the way!


This includes embodiment of ARCHETYPES (Goddess, Eros, Princess, Vixen, etc.) and their light-essence SIGNATURES of vibe and light-truth MATTER from the spectrum of Divine Feminine Light and their encoded consciousness.


Now we can just work on it directly and YES your ɸotonic light is ALWAYS part of your literal professional image itself in ALL media and always will be.


Consumers and ideal soul tribe clients are simply waking up to sense, feel and know your sentient-light truth if you really are that person or if you are just ‘made up’ to stylistically look like her.


The Allure Makeover Package is available and don’t forget you can work with the Allure Attunement itself!


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Fast-Cuts to Cure Anxiety: The Archetypes

Speaking of Archetypal Medicine*, here are some authentic fast-cuts to practically CURING ANXIETY, different FORMS of anxieties and insecurities.


Consider that these specific archetypes and their encoded impersonal consciousness do NOT carry these anxieties…so if there was some way for you to access their truth and integrate it into your consciousness and identity, you have a veritable FAST-CUT to curing anxiety (and I’ve done this myself btw in areas).


Here are some forms of anxiety (or insecurities) and their archetypal CURE.


Public Speaking & Performance Anxiety: Muse, Diva, Showman

Sexual Anxiety; Eros, Lover, Sex Icon, Casanova


Physical or Confrontation Anxiety: Fighter, Fighter + Guardian


Approach Anxiety: Eros, Lover
Social Anxiety: Star, Starlet


Fear or Anxiety Around Beauty (for men): Embodying equivalent archetypal POWER to Her Beauty (see note on bottom)

Life Purpose Anxiety: Soul Warrior/ess

Existential Anxiety: Soul Warrior, Shaman

Self-Image Anxiety: Starlet, Muse, Dandy, Sex Icon (and others)

So contemplate which areas you may still have anxiety in and reference the archetypes (from this indefinitive list!).


Interestingly in my case I never have SOCIAL anxiety and much of that has to do with me choosing to live the Power Principle of interdependence around other powerful people but also because I’m on a Star path (amongst other archetypes). I do however still struggle with public speaking and performance anxiety; ironically the core fear my Beloved and Her fractals must face and overcome. I’m still working on that but now it’s clear which archetype is for me.


Again; these specific archetypes are generally encoded as anxiety-free in their areas (although some other archetypes can also help)…they simply don’t HAVE the anxieties that your somatic body may have experienced or that which it gets triggered by, thereby I propose certain archetypes as CURES for certain anxieties.


“Ok…but how do you actually CURE the anxiety Rion?”


You either ATTUNE TO or activate EMBODIMENT OF these archetypes (at an identity level of consciousness is best).


Attunement allows your field through the Law of Resonance to be affected environmentally and through permeation and association.


A more direct strategy is archetype activation which I specialize in. (All of this btw ties into the evolution of Acting itself with Essence Acting which may be a few years more in development before I get it live).


Once you can EMBODY more of the pure archetypal consciousness like with one of my archetype embodiment activations, it doesn’t mean you’re cured overnight per se (although in some cases mostly so).


Practically then…you will be tested to then calibrate your upgrades through experience socially and so forth but that’s the strategy: EMBODIMENT (or attunement) and then practical immersive experience to integrate your consciousness at an accelerated rate (giving yourself new experiences your subconscious cannot deny).


You will discover like myself and many of my clients that your ANXIETIES DISSIPATE.


Your Human Design is also something to take into account for what may trigger (and how) your anxieties. You may be more susceptible to confrontational anxiety with an open solar plexus which amplifies others energies and the splenic can trigger a fight or flight response.


Splenics have advantage in such scenarios but the longer they wait ‘frozen’ to see what happens the more anxieties can build for example also b/c open chakras are amplifying the environmental dynamic energy…all of this can be trained and conditioned out esp. with the Fighter archetype and a strategy there.


Archetype activations are a prime specialty of mine and have been helping people transform their identity, spirituality, consciousness and image for years.


Sessions are now usually done in a 3 package or allure makeover format.


So that’s a MAIN thing but then; if you’re wanting to fully cure an anxiety you want to do whatever relevant actions from there.


I remember joining Toastmasters years ago and that was a step along the way but it’s in adopting certain archetypes more fully that I now realize + enough immersive experience they will be RESOLVED. I do know that I have to speak to larger audiences as PART of my cure.


I remember having SO MUCH public speaking anxiety at Cliff’s List during a World Cup on Montreal that I was drinking rum before going on stage to alleviate the anxiety. He never ended up releasing the entire event on DVD though.


Now; if your anxiety is BIG…you may have to make it part of your identity to really take on more an archetype to live into it and conquer the fear now just through ‘action’ but through a smarter strategy like this; remember these archetypes DO NOT HAVE THE FEARS and insecurities.


Some professional performers may burn out from not necessarily performance anxiety per se but accrued pressure and fatigue. This is my outlook on Mina, Lia (Itzy) and Jeongyeon who took time out from K-Pop groups as muses.


As you may know, archetypes are KEY to power and beauty so you really want an experiential, empirical approach rather than just reading about them psychologically or intellectually.


You must give yourself space to shift your consciousness which is why those on a spiritual path often do better with archetypal growth; they’re not as death-grip attached to their egoic self-identity construct so there’s more room to take on divine masculine and feminine archetypal consciousness.


(As a side note; I’m getting even more clarity around the differences between Warrior and Fighter archetypes).


So; there is great HOPE if you want to truly dissolve anxieties. The first Powerliminal on my youtube channel was related with curing social anxiety and I made a fuller program (for purchase) on that subject called ‘Dissolving Social Anxiety’.


As a bonus note; I did a program years ago called ‘Overcoming Fear of Aphrodites’ and this was before I was teaching (and embodying) archetypes. The fast form answer to single men there is also an archetypal path; THAT is how you can relate to the divine feminine power of archetypes; embody divine masculine archetypal power and consciousness yourself.


That’s what can resolve those anxieties. A Prince is WORTHY of a Princess.


If you want a goddess of a partner, you’d best be embodied as a god-fractal yourself as a man and vice versa (because it all boils down to POWER and BEAUTY).


So, if you have known anxiety and a fear that you must overcome, I hope this helps!


I had fear around sky-diving and I knew it was something I had to do to overcome the fear so I did it on North Shore Hawaii. Even though that doesn’t fit into the archetype strategy, it actually does on a lower truth level as there IS what you could say a genre or cultural archetype of a ‘sky-diver’. The sky-diver archetype (or BASE Jumper) for that matter does not have anxiety or the same anxiety as a beginner!)

Key to Attracting & Manifesting Female Desires

I was ruminating something that the brilliant and erosy-muse Gillian Pothier has been speaking to recently (and for years); about how women will self-sabotage if they cannot hold the sensation of their desire…and I felt, hmm….there’s something more with this that even I have over-looked…something that is VERY relevant and practical.


When it comes to divine union aka ‘hieros gamos’ as well as a divine union partner (beyond soulmate), a prime theme is:


Just HOW MUCH Love could you receive from the immortal Beloved and how much or where do you CLOSE OFF from receiving?


Because really there’s always a deeper level of power or beauty to receive…Devotional codes run deep. Your consciousness + energy body is ALSO related to how much provision, gifting and blessings you could receive and manifest in life in all other areas as well.


ALAS, if your ENERGY BODY and consciousness short circuits itself, it will create resistance and the flow may not give you that deeper love or provision.


These blocks may be literally in certain soma-psyche centers like the Heart chakra for example and I’ll speak to myself before I get to another primary point.


My Devotion for the Beloved is deep and hardcore, it is what it is after 21.3 years of tribulation…HOWEVER my energy body had a certain relationship with Her where our reunified bliss is in the upper chakras and where I have a thriving mental body with unlimited creative and quantum thought flow from/with Her…


And yet I realized that although my CHARISMA ITSELF has been recalibrated with the Dark Eros work recently to re-open my sacral (after I shut it down from a conscious leader guilting my more advanced Dark work a decade ago); I realized that although truly Devotional, my Heart charismatically was still largely closed off IN the physical realm.


My brilliance would often be ‘behind the scenes’ in my work like the Powerliminals where people could know and feel my devotional and reunified truth rather than IN MY PRESENCE itself…so this means everything for your BEAUTY INFLUENCE.


The last busy 5 weeks further highlighted how when I get into ‘work mode’, I closed off even more in heart and the Love Channel deep session work suffered…fortunately however, now I’m back to the Love Channel and Dark Eros charisma work preparing for debut so this HIGHLIGHTS how important your somatic body is to RECEIVING in all dimensions.


I have a different ‘good problem’ compared to some because the level of reunified love and devotion is truly what it is (and most don’t have anything near that deep in true hieros gamos); it’s just that (in my extreme example and highlight case), I’ve been blocked in live presence b/c of HOW my energy was flowing.


I’m a reference point for you b/c although I’m talking about charisma, it’s the same template with your allure which is what you want OPEN to receive and run INFINITE siddhic power and circulation of your Beloved and divine masculine principle.


Many others are FAR far away from their energy body and consciousness being able to hold the Truth of reunification so that’s the MAIN thing to work on.


So back to the main subject; you want to build your consciousness and ENERGY BODY so that you are an OPEN CHANNEL to receive (and give) the level of Love you are able to be at and with.


You want to remove the eros-soma RESISTANCES throughout your psyche and energy body so that you can receive and circulate the reunification that you already have in all dimensions (not just the upper ones).


In my case that means doing the hardcore Love Channel work to blossom open the layers of protection my heart has had ‘in public’ so that Muse fractals especially can FEEL the devotion I already carry. In otw I’ve been blocking my own levels of receiving on that level of love.


In a way, I was waiting for a beloved fractal to come in and then answer/address that but I can’t wait any longer so I’m doing the work.


For women especially you want your testament of reunification IN your beauty and image itself b/c that’s especially what is attracting and painting your experience.


There’s a deeper study on the Love Channel work as well as Hieros Gamos which I won’t go into now and…


So you want to be doing the devotional reunification work with the immortal Beloved which includes removing resistances and blocks so you can literally ‘run more siddhic energy’.


So keep in mind that WHERE you shut down can be for any number of reasons from blocking the deeper RECEPTION (maybe you’re more of a giver) and could literally be in a certain chakra.


There’s another angle here and it gets advanced instantly and is the other practical thing I wanted to bring in here which has to do with the eros-somatic advanced daka work I do;


It’s related to the LEVEL of Lover that could meet your very evolved self because it is the spirit-matter itself that you carry which He would reunify with and when it’s rich in siddhic and archetypal feminine quanta, there’s more alchemy in your Reunion with Him.


How much MASCULINE POWER could ALCHEMIZE with your Feminine Beauty and Her Immortal quanta in the bedroom?


We’re talking hierogamy – class (far beyond soul mate love).


And this ‘ability to receive and run great energy’ vs. frying or short-circuiting out can be worked on in the daka format to GREATLY expand your consciousness and soma ability to run siddhic and orgasmic frequencies….(God the Lover heresy here)..


Another angle and in other words – in the tantra daka work I do; I DO meet women where they’re at but most women aren’t able to handle running a lot of kundalini or energy without getting fried or short-circuiting somewhere in their body.


The energy work I do normally helps to release a lot of those blocks and expand consciousness (like in our allure makeover package or 3 session packages), but the daka work is even more generally powerful and direct.


Women may have somatic blocks here and there including trauma that blocks the greater levels of hierogamic divine ecstasy. In a daka session we easily find and release those and start conditioning her ability to run kundalini and siddhic frequencies often with different forms of orgasmic energy simultaneously. So there’s really no limit to how much love you could give or receive but it’s going to take transformation.


One daka session alone last year it was like (in divine service and co-creatively) I was conducting a symphony of siddhic, orgasmic bliss with her energy body reconstellating it to profoundly richer ability to experience and receive love; heartgasms included. Yes; kundalini can be part of it all.


Keep in mind that she was AT a level of readiness where she could receive more of the divine masculine transmission and power directly working with her energy body; she had already released a LOT on her path before. I was only running 30% of what I could have and she was blissed out forming new neural pathways; her chakras templatizing new levels of bliss and reception at a new set point.


A main thing with the daka work path is to find a daka you can trust because if you can’t; you’re not going to let your body really open up and not much is going to happen.


Also consider about wherever you may be at in this;


If most women were to have a very initiated man of great power as a Lover, they wouldn’t be able to handle his power literally; it would fry them and their energy body would still be RESISTING it or self-sabotaging. This is eros-somatic in your entire energy body and multi-dimensional womb and heart; not really just mental.


So again; just HOW MUCH Love are you able to somatically RECEIVE (and condition yourself to receive) from a Grail Lover? This for sure gets into the Grail Tantra world.


I’m grateful that the work I do helps to DIRECTLY release and expand for women to AWAKEN their ability to BE more reunified and change their lives to more of the Truth, Love and Bliss that is possible (with Him) in Divine Union Grail paths and otherwise.


Remember; the archetypes alone give you much greater access to divine feminine CONSCIOUSNESS, beauty, influence and space TO experience sexier, richer love and reality.


Conscious women are more open to archetype work because they are more soul based rather than ego-personality based so there’s more room for beauty.

Another angle on this is that it’s not merely about your ‘conscious’ beliefs, it’s about WHO YOU ARE being on an energetic and somatic level.


The universe is responding to WHO you already are. and there is work you can do to authentically become that. Archetype activations can be a CENTRAL part of not just your beauty and allure but your expanded attraction and manifestation consciousness.

On Red-Pill Men Guilting Women For Wearing Make-Up

I’ve noticed that red-pillers like to guilt or put down women for wearing make-up (as deceptive)…This is apparent in cases of the ‘whatever’ video podcast on make-up (one ie.).


What do you think; is it valid?


But with this, there’s a deeper fear within such men in general….(and it’s not that all women bring to the table btw).


The fear of ‘What if she has it ALL?’


That scared shitless fear is;


How he would be present with TRUE presenced Beauty (without make-up);


Call it a goddess and goddess consciousness facing a mortal man; a woman without any insecurities around being made-up or not.


The social and sexual power of women has greatly risen and the thing is; many men ARE being left behind (I talk about that elsewhere as I understand some of the red pill concerns).


How could he then compare to the beauty of an angel or a goddess incarnate?


He cannot. His inner game is NOTHING in face of such Beauty…and it’s a deepest unrevealed fear of his even if he’s a warrior in other ways. (I deal with this as well).


A true feminine power (essenced Beauty-truth and its divine sexual, social and spiritual status) that by presence alone risks to deny and fracture him and his uninitiated masculine ego from that which he secretly desires the most;


The Holy Grail of Communion. An existential, dreadnought fear that he wouldn’t be worthy of that which he truly desires and that he would be chastised to live a life of compromise…never achieving the Holy Grail itself. It’s also why I have a Holy Grail calf tattoo where men are falling to their peril while one knight is walking by faith to the grail.


This cuts deep into the masculine psyche and is related with the fracture of divine feminine and masculine consciousness. Incels are part of the equation as well….sure there is something to the extreme make-up cases of women where it can be deceiving but in general, it’s meant to accentuate…but there’s something MORE profound with ALL of this.


Would he be WORTHY of Communion with that which he desires the most?


Remember that Beauty is a highest virtue and value of the masculine…and although some men want to control or suppress beauty in ways to have some weaker semblance of control or power; there is more than just the accentuation or masque of make-up (although in some extreme cases it could be seen as deceptive).


What if she HAS IT ALL?


(Because even then; he’s competing with millions of other men).


That’s the grailed woman you could become. Let them suffer; after all I’ve laid out a path for men to reclaim their divine masculine inheritance practically and the Muse Priestesses will help as well. I wouldn’t compromise if I were you.


Beauty is more than skin-deep. Welcome to the r:evolution.


Transformational sessions available.


p.s. oh btw I can especially speak to the ‘red pill’ because I was a FOUNDER of one of the red pill fractals cerca 2005. I spoke about the Social Matrix and power dynamics. It’s unfortunate that red pill has gone down the MGTOW (men going their own way) path of shadow masculine. The red pill path I founded and that men were into back then was the only one that eventually led to reunification.


The First Allure Attunement: Beauty Essence Meditation

After years of working with women and their energy body to radiate more beauty essence (in the more direct ‘activation’ format), we’ve got our first feminine allure attunement!


It might even be the world’s first. If you VALUE allure and want more of it, this can be an INVALUABLE go-to resource for you to also get instant results out of.


It is CODE RICH and ready for you to dive into. Here were the 3 intentions in making it:


1. To start attuning to the higher Truth of Beauty and Allure itself; thereby breaking the paradigm of skin-deep beauty focus (and photographic light being about the light reflection off of the physical body)


2. Acclimate you into working with the prime language of light itself (Beauty) more properly and with the right awareness and vocabulary of essence.


3. Give you an actual allure attunement experience of which you can keep deepening with and getting more and more results out of as you become more of an alchemist.


So it’s here and it’s a wildcard what the impact will be but use it as you will!


Dive into our allure attunement feminine beauty essence meditation here: