Why not further cultivate your own psychic powers and ability to read energy?
How would you like to be able to ‘read’ clients for their energetic health and beauty?
After all, this is the future of image consulting (which we already do here @ Sexy Chi) – it includes a person’s energetic assessment (not just the superficial 3D).
It may require more training of course but you can use this crystal meditation here which is also great just for psychic development and clarity in general:
Transformational entertainment and the entire concept of it fits beautifully in with Sexy Chi; a world where performance artists are healers and where IMAGE is alchemical medicine.
Discover more about this with this special resource:
Sexual healing work can provide profound transformation for those who have sexual trauma and all kinds of issues related with the masculine and just abuse in general.
But it’s not only that, tantric healing can open new pathways for those who are already sexually healthy.
This alchemical attunement from Rion can help you to tune in to the truth of such healing and help to release things on their own.
This is more than just another youtube meditation.
Also, Rion is an Elite Certified Tantra Educator and experienced tantra daka (sexual healer) from the premier school; Source Tantra School of Tantra Yoga