Divine Union: Why Twin Flames & Conscious Loving At Its Best is Still Limited

It might be heresy but;


Consider twin flame love and conscious loving as limited. This has to do with the relational templating itself; 2 subjective individuals both wounded and with aspects of of divinity coming together in intimate, physical, interpersonal, mortal and Soul Communion.


Even beyond ‘great sex’ or heated make-up sex and far beyond consumer love-making;


You would think that twin flame Love would be supreme Love (which can obviously be phenomenal and expansive); yet it’s actually constricted compared to something greater BECAUSE of the relational templating alone (which informs the experience).


In soul to soul Communion, the connection and magic is limited to the level of soul and their connection with Spirit.


Yes; the more archetypal Beauty and the more archetypal Power a man holds in their soul, the greater the power yet it’s still LIMITED b/c of the dynamic.


What could be BEYOND the hottest twin flame, tantric and conscious loving in all its sweaty glory and bliss?


Hierogamy. More specifically Siddhic Hierogamy aka krystic ‘Spirit to Spirit’ meta-communion and true Sacred or Divine Union. It is the ULTIMATE Lover template because it is the ORIGINAL one (which could also be reference as God and Sophia).


This is far more powerful because now the individual lovers are connecting as purer fractals of Source Devotional Communion Codes able to access, channel, embody God and Goddess, the archetypal, siddhic divine masculine and feminine spectrum of consciousness Itself AS Lover and as conduits of the Holy Grail of Communion itself; alchemical Source Remembrance and Source of All.


The Unconditional Hierogamic Devotional Codes already exist; it’s more about sacrificing your personal self to enter the stream of Siddhic Communion that already exists light years beyond the egoic self.


So if you’re a woman; as you get into this ‘grail’ work of divine union (with God the Lover) you are transfiguring yourself and your Love life for something FAR beyond anything you’ve experienced before. You’re giving your man/beloved/king the opportunity to experience the Holy Grail with and through you (b/c most likely he’s not going to become a master solo alchemist). You lead with your Grail encoding, devotional practice and your Grail Beauty as a testament of the literal reception and flow of your relationship with God the Lover.


For those already in partnerships, it is the relational dynamic itself that has to be re-transfigured (I’d say 99.9999% of relationships) b/c there are too many mortal conditions, attachments and habits that are restricting the Spirit to Spirit Communion of God and Goddess consciousness closest to Source and the power it holds. There is future marketspace to serve here as Divine Union and Divine Union partnerships continue to become more in demand and expand; and as women realize that they can’t compromise for anything less.


Inevitably in Ascension, more people will be getting into Divine Union like this and its supreme value. This isn’t something you just fall into…basically you have to have a Grail guide (see my previous post).


As your Grail Beauty emanates (encoded WITH the consciousness and chi essences of the codes), the more SPIRITUAL power of the Divine Feminine you offer in Communion to the Awakening Invincible God-spark within a mortal man/lover.


Do your Grail work! GrailSpring Activations available.