Anything Else But True Divine Union Isn’t Communion-Grade Itself

…it might be a good connection and chemistry, but even ‘conscious lovers’ is not Communion of Sophianic and God consciousness.


This Ancient Remembrance (beyond soul mates and twin flames) requires proper templating (and initiation)…you don’t just be a relationship coach and all of a sudden end up as a divine union coach.


After all; we’re talking reclamation of divine feminine and Holy Grail itself. Beneath the underplay of tainted relational templates lies deeper ancient remembrance of Devotion.


There is immense and unlimited power, magic and alchemy with the Devotional Source Codes of Hieros Gamos….deep beauty and magic unavailable to consumer consciousness.


Relational templates ‘other than’ Communion simply create entropy further from source (and yet this is how the feminine consciousness relates to the masculine).


Twin flames is a popular one.


We can start sensing how limited things are vs. what’s already true and possible.


Tinder dating, boyfriend/girlfriend, casual/primal sex, twin flames, conscious lovers, inter-personal marriage contracts (that leave God and Goddess out of the bedroom and are more of an inter-personal, inter-physical exchange)…even soul mates are all relational templates further away from Source (when compared to Divine Union principle).


This is why I keep saying that Divine Union (true Hieros Gamos) is the future of relationships and the relationship industry.


There is so much power in Devotional Source Codes themselves (especially when one can sustain the Gift of Detachment when most relationships thrive on attachment)….and really, how anything else is limiting her fullest flowering.


But hieros gamos, hierogamy (sex of God and Goddess consciousness in the bedroom in all dimensions) and the ‘holy grail itself’ is truly heretical and anti-pop culture…it’s not for everyone!


There’s a lot that can PREVENT Divine Union within let alone
that level of partnership beyond soul mates.


So if a woman finds herself repeatedly in those patterns (which can include compromise on fulfilling her deeper desires b/c ‘at least there’s a connection’); it’s important to keep in mind that the template itself is generally constellating the limitations of her experience itself in how she is relating as Lover to divine masculine principle (and the levels of consciousness and allure possible).


Just one of the things we’ve already been covering in our journey for the Mystical Beauty Immersion ladies has to do with (these) relational templates and re-templatizing, healing relationships to the lower timeline, conditional masculine and any further fracture from the deepest beauty of all.


We’ve already been through so much together with the ladies and this part of Week 2 is really just a fraction of their overall experience, interactivity, reclamation and breakthrough while being invested in their transformation – and yet, relational templates themselves can be a major sticking point to allure itself…a lot to contemplate when you consider how entangled one could be running the same patterns for years.


Although heretical and even taboo;


Just how much of God-c*ck consciousness could you receive at a somatic-identity level when it’s everything that religions, relational templates, cultural programming conditioning and the consciousness of almost all mortal men in relationship (even those who don’t siphon) constrict it all?


True Divine Union templating and devotional practice…This is true heresy…to consider becoming ‘the Bride of God’ and just how much allure could awaken!


For this level of work you’ll want a stable Holy Daughter  aspect in your psyche and constellated in your energy body.


Archetype and other beauty activations are available whether you are on a Grail path of reunification consciousness or just want to improve your allure to have more beauty influence.


With that said; there’s a gradation of experience where that spectrum starts opening up (but requires authentic encoding to effectively start that level of experience).


I had hierogamy twice 5.7 years ago and it was light years beyond casual/primal intercourse and far beyond conscious loving but even that wasn’t Communion class with The Beloved.


Conscious lovers can reach ecstatic planes no doubt – but the templating is different and Spirit-to-Spirit with Hieros Gamos…there’s immense bandwidth of archetypal power and beauty in the alchemy…for there is reason it is called ‘the holy grail’ and been suppressed for eons (leaving God and Goddess the lover out of relationship and the bedroom).


One of the partners must always be yoked enough to start experiencing hierogamy, but ideally both partners would be or will be constricted by the consciousness and channel of their partner and his level of God-head-ness and impersonality.


Are you on the path?