Even More on Shining Your Allure or Charisma To A Consumptive World

You can read the first part of this sub-topic of shining your allure… here.

Btw; This may be a hotspot sticking point for you.


“What if I open my allure and men (in the world and on social media) want to just take from it?


…How do I scale dealing with (unwanted and wanted) attention?”


Throughout the Mystical Beauty programs I did with co-host Gillian Pothier, this theme kept recurring about women being concerned (understandably) that if they open their field to radiate their higher truth, beauty essences and its allure – that there would be all kinds of attention from men; unwanted attention as well as leechiness, psychic hooks, siphoning and concerns about the practicality of ‘how to manage’ real world interactions with men because a starlet ‘on stage’ is different than in person.


This is the NATURE of the greater game itself because we’re talking about the meta-prime valuation of the masculine which is Beauty (Purpose and Freedom but we’re focused on Beauty here).


See; allure is your GATEWAY DRUG to greater INFLUENCE and attraction itself because it is the emanation of your higher dimensional beauty light and vibe-truth which allows people to FEEL YOU in live presence, image or on video (rather than just looking good).


Allure can be intoxicating (even awakening) to the masculine and yet concerns about it can hold you back from being fully expressed in your truth and Beauty.


Key to this is constellating a practical detachment with MORTAL MEN who aren’t QUALIFIED YET nor have proven themselves…so it’s to be more like a starlet where the key is the gift of Detachment (Gene Key 42).


The SHADOW of expectation, wanting-ness, neediness, leechiness, siphoning is what can constrict your true beauty from EVER SHINING.


Yet your soul may know that you MUST shine your truth.


If you want more INFLUENCE, how much longer can you afford to remain CONSTRICTED just because some mortal men may send you ‘weird vibes’?


After all these very concerns or fears can prevent you and other women from ever truly shining as well as experiencing the benefits OF attracting more richly and deeply in all dimensions (and it can even keep cycles of fear perpetuating b/c of your constriction). Yet you could be stuck in these cycles for years.


So if you dare radiate your beauty in its freedom;


“What if he misinterprets it?”

“What if he expects something?”

“What if he keeps leeching?”

“Yeah, but Rion have you seen the rapey vibes from some of these men out there?”


Because of the safety concerns (esp. if there has been past betrayal misuse or abuse from lower timeline masculine) you may SHUT your radiance right back down to avoid unwanted attention (when there are other ways to discern, manage and deal with that mortal man).


So you might shut your energy body down in general…


Actually; in many cases a starlet in ‘real world’ is exactly the same as she is on stage because her sovereignty and mastery is that of DETACHMENT.


She also owns her status. Same as DIVA. A diva’s just not going to make her deeper inner sanctum available for pillaging and yet she can still radiate essence quanta that GIVES value without people ever directly siphoning from her.


Intimate relationships themselves become levels of agreement so she simply exercises discernment IN ALL DIMENSIONS.


Btw; there’s a few spots left in our Mystical Beauty (2): Immersion experience and it might actually sell out within the day at this point. There were about 100 women on yesterday’s call.


So again; reference a diva, muse or starlet…(who operate on IMPERSONAL levels of power and feminine influence so their relationship game to the masculine MUST be high level).


On stage she can CIRCULATE the universalized masculine energy (Gillian spoke brilliantly to this on our call); this ability actually can ATTUNE the awakening masculine spirit within mortal men – and yet, she’s not accepting PERSONAL psychic hooks into her chakras from individual men with weird vibes that allows that (honestly unworthy) man to keep pulling and draining.


Gillian herself lives from this mastery. Her freedom is more important than the unfulfilled desires of some selfish non-present men (from my perspective).


So a starlet, most muses and Gillian;



…they aren’t actually opening their fields to allow in unwanted psychic hooks from men in public or even social settings who want something from her. So you also want to master the Gift of DISCERNMENT (Gene Key 13).


I mentioned something on our Mystical Beauty Microdose (wow I don’t even know if this is online at the updated time of re-purpose posting here) yesterday about how such interactions are ‘psychic agreements’.


It’s just that you may have to become more aware of how your energy body is inter-changing with him and you may have to remain more sovereign. It may help to watch videos of stars and starlets signing autographs for example…they don’t ever have to become drained by it.


Certain archetypes already have the answers, you may just have to reconfigure some things within your psyche and energy body to integrate and give yourself greater permission to be able to shine like the soul star you are.


Remember; that guy with creepy vibes who seems to want something from you – you don’t owe him SHIT…and you have to be ok with that. Let him do HIS work to grow in his divine masculine inheritance integration of PRESENCE to later discern if he’s worthy to receive him more into your field in any exchange.


So you may have to DECONDITION past experiences and traumas in relationship with Father wound or ex-lovers in order to then recondition and constellate the safety in relation to masculine principle in order to be able to shine your truth.


So maybe more of it (and it is a process); is about getting to new levels of psychic SOVEREIGNTY to be able to safely and securely radiate your truth AND INTERACT but from psychic sovereignty and protection.


This way you’re not creating non-conscious, energetic psychic agreements and exchanges (like even for validation and approval seeking) with unqualified people. Again; Gift of Discernment – it is something to master as you accept how high status you really are.


So many women might just be running these cycles non-consciously based on past experiences as a self-defense, armoring mechanism…however having true allure and the safety to radiate IS about being able to be vulnerable and yet safe everywhere.


De-armoring and its in the protection of divine masculine principle that gives prime security for this (although some women may have Mother wounding).


So in having more Beauty INFLUENCE from your allure and being ok with letting people FEEL YOU (it’s not that they ever have to siphon your soul quanta itself directly)…you want to be ok with letting people FEEL YOU like starlets do…ask yourself, how beautiful and influential do you really want to go (and the deeper levels of true love involved) vs. the levels of constriction or conditional opening of your higher beauty?


And another reference is that Hurricane says there are ‘dials to this’ so you can still practically calibrate things in real time so that you’re not always a sex goddess at the grocery store (unless you want to be) per se.


And as Gillian teaches; you want to master your DISCERNMENT and what kinds of agreements you are making with men. You may also want to have your allure constellated in divine security ideally as the Holy Daughter (we’re going to take the women in our upcoming Mystical Beauty Immersion deeper program through this) and you want to have conscious, energetic and psychic sovereignty as that of a diva, starlet or muse because they DO NOT DIM THEIR LIGHT (unless it’s only practical for them BY CHOICE because they always carry the authority).


Allure is a choice and it asks of you to live from the TRUTH of your higher beauty and self vs. living from past fears of lower, conditional masculine and you do attract a new experience. Again; just reference Gillian who doesn’t even attract or deal with ‘weird vibes’…it’s rare for her.


So although DETACHMENT may seem cruel, you kind of have to be for self-protection.


Be wary and discerning of who you trust to allow to more intimately interchange with your field (like a starlet does). Again; my wonderful co-host Gillian doesn’t even attract all kinds of weird behaviors from lower timeline conscious men b/c she is so in tune with high masculine principle and the IMPERSONALITY of Him and circulating HIM.


So maybe assess where you are at with this and it’s not just a conscious choice, this is DEEP somatic psyche and light-body work in order to FEEL safe to radiate not just when you’re on camera but also when interacting with people in the real world, etc.


Yet that is where INSPIRING, AWAKENING the divine masculine in men also comes in (which connects us to deeper codes of sacred reunification or divine union work and its devotional place in allure, beauty and Communion itself).


Oh; another reference point of safety and allure would be Grail Priestesses who have evolved into the maturity in relation with divine masculine to always be able to radiate their HEALING LEVELS OF BEAUTY RADIANCE ITSELF; literally alchemical medicine to the masculine psyche.


Ok…I think we have a replay link if you want to catch that microdose; I/we might post it below. Instead I will link to Gillian’s Feminine Eros feed: 

Remember; whenever a man in interaction wants to take, leech or get your attention and keeps ‘drawing from’ your energy field you actually have the power the entire time to remain entirely detached and that includes when interacting with him.


(At the original time of writing);


We have a few spots remaining for our deeper Mystical Beauty Immersion (which includes the original Allure Masterclass…which you actually have to go through Day 1 and 2 materials before we start on Tuesday if you’re new to it).


There may be other somatic effects that are still blocking your allure itself, so this is a journey based on wherever you are at in presence. We’re here to support!


Bad things may have happened to you in the past HOWEVER, they don’t technically exist in the truth of presence but might be playing out in your psyche and creating time loops.


Maybe it’s time to integrate the security, safety and freedom to shine and then CURATE and play in the realm OF ancient, immortal and mystical beauty consciousness and truth of The Feminine (more than ever)!


If your soul is called to it (we are closing the doors and we don’t know if we’ll ever do this live again);


There are 2 levels of the program and Red Velvet gives you more intimate access and support with Gillian Pothier and I.


UPDATE: The program last year sold out! I’ve added Mystical Beauty testimonials amongst the hundreds of others on-site

Fast-Cuts to Cure Anxiety: The Archetypes

Speaking of Archetypal Medicine*, here are some authentic fast-cuts to practically CURING ANXIETY, different FORMS of anxieties and insecurities.


Consider that these specific archetypes and their encoded impersonal consciousness do NOT carry these anxieties…so if there was some way for you to access their truth and integrate it into your consciousness and identity, you have a veritable FAST-CUT to curing anxiety (and I’ve done this myself btw in areas).


Here are some forms of anxiety (or insecurities) and their archetypal CURE.


Public Speaking & Performance Anxiety: Muse, Diva, Showman

Sexual Anxiety; Eros, Lover, Sex Icon, Casanova


Physical or Confrontation Anxiety: Fighter, Fighter + Guardian


Approach Anxiety: Eros, Lover
Social Anxiety: Star, Starlet


Fear or Anxiety Around Beauty (for men): Embodying equivalent archetypal POWER to Her Beauty (see note on bottom)

Life Purpose Anxiety: Soul Warrior/ess

Existential Anxiety: Soul Warrior, Shaman

Self-Image Anxiety: Starlet, Muse, Dandy, Sex Icon (and others)

So contemplate which areas you may still have anxiety in and reference the archetypes (from this indefinitive list!).


Interestingly in my case I never have SOCIAL anxiety and much of that has to do with me choosing to live the Power Principle of interdependence around other powerful people but also because I’m on a Star path (amongst other archetypes). I do however still struggle with public speaking and performance anxiety; ironically the core fear my Beloved and Her fractals must face and overcome. I’m still working on that but now it’s clear which archetype is for me.


Again; these specific archetypes are generally encoded as anxiety-free in their areas (although some other archetypes can also help)…they simply don’t HAVE the anxieties that your somatic body may have experienced or that which it gets triggered by, thereby I propose certain archetypes as CURES for certain anxieties.


“Ok…but how do you actually CURE the anxiety Rion?”


You either ATTUNE TO or activate EMBODIMENT OF these archetypes (at an identity level of consciousness is best).


Attunement allows your field through the Law of Resonance to be affected environmentally and through permeation and association.


A more direct strategy is archetype activation which I specialize in. (All of this btw ties into the evolution of Acting itself with Essence Acting which may be a few years more in development before I get it live).


Once you can EMBODY more of the pure archetypal consciousness like with one of my archetype embodiment activations, it doesn’t mean you’re cured overnight per se (although in some cases mostly so).


Practically then…you will be tested to then calibrate your upgrades through experience socially and so forth but that’s the strategy: EMBODIMENT (or attunement) and then practical immersive experience to integrate your consciousness at an accelerated rate (giving yourself new experiences your subconscious cannot deny).


You will discover like myself and many of my clients that your ANXIETIES DISSIPATE.


Your Human Design is also something to take into account for what may trigger (and how) your anxieties. You may be more susceptible to confrontational anxiety with an open solar plexus which amplifies others energies and the splenic can trigger a fight or flight response.


Splenics have advantage in such scenarios but the longer they wait ‘frozen’ to see what happens the more anxieties can build for example also b/c open chakras are amplifying the environmental dynamic energy…all of this can be trained and conditioned out esp. with the Fighter archetype and a strategy there.


Archetype activations are a prime specialty of mine and have been helping people transform their identity, spirituality, consciousness and image for years.


Sessions are now usually done in a 3 package or allure makeover format.


So that’s a MAIN thing but then; if you’re wanting to fully cure an anxiety you want to do whatever relevant actions from there.


I remember joining Toastmasters years ago and that was a step along the way but it’s in adopting certain archetypes more fully that I now realize + enough immersive experience they will be RESOLVED. I do know that I have to speak to larger audiences as PART of my cure.


I remember having SO MUCH public speaking anxiety at Cliff’s List during a World Cup on Montreal that I was drinking rum before going on stage to alleviate the anxiety. He never ended up releasing the entire event on DVD though.


Now; if your anxiety is BIG…you may have to make it part of your identity to really take on more an archetype to live into it and conquer the fear now just through ‘action’ but through a smarter strategy like this; remember these archetypes DO NOT HAVE THE FEARS and insecurities.


Some professional performers may burn out from not necessarily performance anxiety per se but accrued pressure and fatigue. This is my outlook on Mina, Lia (Itzy) and Jeongyeon who took time out from K-Pop groups as muses.


As you may know, archetypes are KEY to power and beauty so you really want an experiential, empirical approach rather than just reading about them psychologically or intellectually.


You must give yourself space to shift your consciousness which is why those on a spiritual path often do better with archetypal growth; they’re not as death-grip attached to their egoic self-identity construct so there’s more room to take on divine masculine and feminine archetypal consciousness.


(As a side note; I’m getting even more clarity around the differences between Warrior and Fighter archetypes).


So; there is great HOPE if you want to truly dissolve anxieties. The first Powerliminal on my youtube channel was related with curing social anxiety and I made a fuller program (for purchase) on that subject called ‘Dissolving Social Anxiety’.


As a bonus note; I did a program years ago called ‘Overcoming Fear of Aphrodites’ and this was before I was teaching (and embodying) archetypes. The fast form answer to single men there is also an archetypal path; THAT is how you can relate to the divine feminine power of archetypes; embody divine masculine archetypal power and consciousness yourself.


That’s what can resolve those anxieties. A Prince is WORTHY of a Princess.


If you want a goddess of a partner, you’d best be embodied as a god-fractal yourself as a man and vice versa (because it all boils down to POWER and BEAUTY).


So, if you have known anxiety and a fear that you must overcome, I hope this helps!


I had fear around sky-diving and I knew it was something I had to do to overcome the fear so I did it on North Shore Hawaii. Even though that doesn’t fit into the archetype strategy, it actually does on a lower truth level as there IS what you could say a genre or cultural archetype of a ‘sky-diver’. The sky-diver archetype (or BASE Jumper) for that matter does not have anxiety or the same anxiety as a beginner!)