Truth of Beauty

Remember to value the Truth…the Truth that Beauty is multi-dimensional and can influence on all dimensions. It is more than just 2D (physical) and 3D (3 dimensional physics).


Remember the energetic truth; the consciousness BEHIND with and through the vehicles of artists, performers, models and even your pro image.


That Beauty is LIGHT and different variations of it that are embodied and expressed with and through the medium of the visual and image.


If you want more influence and status; having more energetic beauty is going to INFLUENCE and sway others in the psychic, emotional and spiritual realms.


So when you reference k-pop starlets or glamorous cover models;

Mina & Jihyo of Twice (K-Pop)


I would value beyond their names, culture, genres, superficial beauty, ethnicity and such filters of the extrinsic, lest you not see the (Impersonal) Truth, LOVE and Beauty already present in its full glory.


We can accurately enough gauge and assess these different qualities practically with tools like the Charisma Archetype Model, Gene Keys and the Allure Ratio.


Start increasing your psychic ability to see, read and value energetic beauty and qualities of feminine allure.


Yes, value increasing your physical appearance (represented by the B/Q Beauty Quotient) AND you can cultivate your energetic beauty and the qualities of your archetypal and feminine presence.


One of the best ways is through direct energy work and archetypal or siddhic activations.


There are different flavors of beauty & enlightenment that could potentially emanate through your presence. Sexy Chi is the only place in the world that works directly with you on that as it relates to your professional image.


As another reference; a great example of differential between physical and energetic beauty is feng shui master Marie Diamond who by some popular Western standards may not be as physically (superficially 2D/3D) beautiful yet has flourishing energetic beauty in the 4th and 5th dimensions (and a great, beautiful voice transmission).

Copyright Marie Diamond


Beauty IS beyond skin deep. Now, we can work on the REST of it with Sexy Chi.


A note for men on relating to such high status beauty (which is spiritual and social):


The sooner you can accept you are NOT actually worthy on the personalized egoic self level to starlets (b/c you ARE relating with ie. authentic Goddess and Muse essence / power / consciousness after all), the sooner you can start allowing your impersonal masculine to grow and attune with such Love, Beauty and Truth in your process of healing and reunification.


As you transform your CONSCIOUSNESS and as you relate to Beauty closer to source, your own energetic presence, embodiment and charisma shifts so that you are on a similar worthy wavelength of frequency with such high status women.


Discover more about the truth of beauty throughout the Sexy Chi Beauty blog

Pro Image is Energy

When we think of an Instagram photo or youtube video, realize that it’s not actually physical. You aren’t there in physical reality.


It’s an energetic representation OF the physical. Physical is the 3D world. But the truth is that we are multi-dimensional.


Image is multi-dimensional LIGHT that is communicating. And it’s communicating truth and information beyond what we are normally able to perceive.


It is consciousness and essence that is captured and frozen in time.


Image is not just a pixelized representation of your physical 3D superficial body. That’s a lower truth based understanding or filter of what’s going on.


My energy readings practically open up insights into professional image and beauty that are overlooked with our 2D and 3D filters or paradigm of beauty.


Now, we just have the higher dimensional tools and awareness to work on it.


The 4th dimension is generally known as the psychic/astral and the 5th dimension is direct realm of Spirit.


There are even higher dimensions, but for the most part you are actually ALSO communicating on the 4th and 5th dimension IN your image…especially if you are spiritually cultivated OR have power like a starlet or star.


This ‘light information’ goes beyond skin and the literal surface of beauty and image.


Essence communicates mostly (and cleanly) through the 4th and 5th dimensions rather than your physical body itself – yet all of it is still represented in image, video, film, instagram.


Think of the 4th dimension as the energetic dynamic or ‘vibe’ of a room that you walk in and can sense that there was just an argument – it’s that type of thing filled with psychic information that is outside of the normal, physical plane.


So the more cultivate you are (like a star or spiritual guru), the more your energy is going to transmit and communicate from higher dimensions with and through your image.


The more power, the more influence.


This is also where it gets into archetypal and siddhic qualities of Light. As you cultivate your soul embodiment and expression, this comes through in your image. This is what we do here at Sexy Chi 😉


See, you ARE communicating in image but it’s not just your physical skin; it’s all kinds of other variables that are energetic and multi-dimensional in nature.


Just because you may not yet be able to sense and ‘see’ beyond the physical 3rd dimension (which all of current beauty easily understands), doesn’t make it any less true.


You can get more training insights into sensing and see multi-dimensional beauty (like a practical psychic) throughout the blog.


To really dive in more with plenty of examples, check out Beauty 2.0 here.


The multi-billion dollar Beauty industry as we know it is limited. It values the literal superficial.


Discover more about the next evolution Beauty 2.0 and how you can further cultivate your energetic beauty to have more beauty, influence and impact on people with and through your presence and professional image.

Siddhic Beauty as Key to Her Success? JFLA

Is the aura *directly* related with success? Let’s take a deeper quick look at professional image and influence.


Wouldn’t you like to have more success and influence with your own image and social or entertainment media?




JFLA is a singer on youtube that has 12 million subscribers. She mostly does (video) of her singing covers.


(Similar to Jay Shetty); Is it JUST her voice that keeps people coming back?


Well…wait a minute..what if she was TRANSMITTING some siddhic frequencies IN her alluring presence and aura that was creating such wild non-conscious attraction and followership in people?


What if she was starting to attune them to a higher experience of reality….?


I wanted to know her Gene Keys b/c it relates with the aura and finally went to get the information. I said aloud..”I bet (and hope) she has Grace”; I knew it!


She does (22.5)! Grace is the siddhic level of her Radiance (one of the most relevant to the visible aura), Exquisiteness and Liberation as IQ and EQ. These aspects are shining through.


The 22nd Key has about the LONGEST chapter in the Gene Keys book and a lot to say about it.


“To be in the presence of someone manifesting this Siddhi is to be entranced by the aura of love that surrounds them…Grace is the very breath of the Divine.”


Grace is also related to deep forgiveness and wiping out past karma. So well most people who know her can’t explain it or ‘like her voice’ I believe THIS is the deeper truth of what’s going on; her auric allure and soul communication is transmitting rich value to THEIR soul experience (mostly non-conscious) beneath the paradigm of voice, beauty and video ‘as we know it’.


So is aura (your general energy field) related directly to success? In professional image related fields?


Of course…but even moreso now than ever as ye old paradigms are breaking down.


JFLA has an auric advantage b/c she has siddhic level frequencies transmitting through and THAT is a main secret of her success – that’s what I am confident in.



So imagine what can start to really open up for YOU when you start cultivating your own energetic beauty to have siddhi’s of high frequency quality essences beaming through your own aura and chakras – influencing your people secretly and non-consciously.



Imagine when you can have such a healing and alchemical presence that resonates with womeone’s heart, sex and soul through the Law of Resonance – how much more attraction, influence, manifestation and success you will have!?


Cultivate your energetic beauty with Sexy Chi sessions. The Allure Makeover Package is available. I do Gene Keys and Human Design auric consulting as part of it.