Top Muse 2023 Gene Keys Quick Reading

Ok! Ever since we crowned (the naming of) last year’s Top Muse, I had the idea to do a Gene Key gift and siddhic post on her, so let’s get to it after a quick overview!


We’ll do a quick read on Danielle Marsh from K-Pop group ‘New Jeans’. You can already tell she has the ‘it factor’ or ‘x-factor’ (which is really in clearest terms SIGNATURE ALLURE that engages people…it’s beauty essence emanation)! 



Sure she has talent; singing and dance skills, but here we’re referring to her essenced allure and some of those qualities ; which include gift and siddhic light frequencies!


Dani is 1/2 Australian, 1/2 Korean. ‘New Jeans’ has been popular since debut and I’ve referenced in other places that they have a very clear group vibe of Gene Key 1: Freshness (with the siddhi of Beauty).



If you’re new to Gene Keys (which is a more essenced and yin version of Human Design’s yang logoic analytics with a focus on the I-Chings 64 components);


GK is a beautiful, profound and practical method of working with the spectrum of consciousness to transform your shadow frequencies (esp. attuned to YOUR DNA) into gift (service) and siddhic (enlightened) vibe and light-truth qualities not only of consciousness but of essence.


I am a Certified Gene Keys Guide and you can find out more on-site here in places, on youtube or @ Gene Keys (with my referral URL).



Now; This is NOT meant to be in-depth too much (also b/c I just posted over 2 dozen new blog posts and want to move on) and it’s not in audio format;


I simply wanted to reference some of her gift or siddhic aspects in her chart and then bring them into the spotlight.


(Oh; one final disclaimer…we don’t know the exact time of her birth however from past experience when I’ve done charts for people at both ends of the 24 hours, usually 1 or 2 gene keys switches places whereas with Human Design the change might be more drastic. I used 1:15 pm for her birthdate of April 5, 2005. Being a public figure with publicly available information, she is open to performance critique, astrology readings, etc.)


I didn’t plan on showing her whole chart, just parts of it, but it’s just simpler logistically to do so…



(It might be kinda hard to see but…) Oooh, this is sum JUICY goodness!


What’s MOST exciting and interesting to me immediately is that she has the 42 and 32…She has double 42’s. This is the frequency band of CELEBRATION!



The archetypal Muse Herself (of which Dani is a soul fractal of) is already encoded with the Siddhi of Celebration and it’s highlighted as Danielle’s Life Work AND her IQ (personal logos)!



Interesting to note this Musey Gene Key (I also have it as my Culture ;)…is the Gift of Detachment and this Gift is encoded in Star and Starlet codes. Detachment is the ultimate cool and as a public figure is important for so many reasons.


I can speak A LOT to this Gene Key (especially b/c I have it and live in this range of consciousness) and the shadow of expectation but I’ll mention just a few things here.


B/c Dani is already so ESSENCED and otherwise healthy clear as an energy temple; we can start seeing the SIGNATURE vibe and light-truth of these qualities.



Indeed she’s accessed the siddhi of Celebration and it’s PERFECT for her life work…already becoming world famous and a Top Muse



…to continue on the path OF her life’s work really being encoded in (siddhic) Celebration and it’s what her beautiful exuberant presence BRINGS in still images as well as throughout her dance and performance.


It’s like her soul knew to incarnate to have these qualities especially encoded to her DNA!


She really encapsulates this divine universalized signature beauty essence and this is also why she’s so alluring…a performance artist bringing the ascensionary vibe and light truth of Celebration?



Oh yeah! Her signature embodiment and expression OF the Siddhic Celebration frequency range of exuberant photo-chemical Light radiation – not only provides an escape for most ‘normal people’ but hope for their own ascension by being near her field b/c she IS authentically it (and I think literally one of the best active examples in the entire world of this siddhi).


When her field makes YOU wanna dance, that’s a good thing…such alluring, fotonic beauty!



Because she seemed to have a good upbringing, a lot of her purity, innocence and youth was preserved but she’s on her path and highest timelines. It doesn’t appear she has much shadow consciousness in her field although with other life experience and immersion, things may pop up.


I’m looking forward to see her mature more through time with Wisdom and I mentioned something about that in her Top Muse post where we can see it in an image and she was only 18…she’s an old soul.




She has an Evolutionary path (ooh Line 1) of Veneration. I also have this Gene Key as my IQ and it is NOT the easiest Gene Key to understand.



I’m about 6.5 years into working with GKeys and over 7 with Human Design (thus affecting full-body cellular change in living it). I know this GK well and could speak a lot to it.


(In fact; I even made our first siddhic attunement Powerliminal meditation on the Siddhi of Veneration itself which you can experience here).



There are 64 frequency bands of consciousness with Gene Keys and you can still use and transform with ones that aren’t in your own hologenetic profile (available on the main Gene Keys site).


With an INNER evolution of Veneration (line 1; self and empowerment), it’s about alchemizing the shadow of failures, preserving important things (like values, habits and qualities) and really moving into living in daily life REVERENTLY…like living in temple space everywhere she goes with honor and respect for all living things, people and fans…it is profound divine heavenly gratitude and exaltation.


So even though she is successful now, there may be future challenges or failures in different ways that will teach her Humility (another GKey) and to grow in the wisdom of Goddess and Muse veneration.


To me; she already carries and is open to this siddhic quality itself in her consciousness and light emanation b/c her Celebration is so open…ego hasn’t gotten to her so to speak…her gratitude is so apparent and already she is balanced and humble…the maturity of it could be cultivated more b/c this is a deeper Gene Key than it may seem but she has the open flow of deep respect for her fans which allow them to love her even more and the cycle HEALTHILY continues (although other things, dynamics or scenarios may trigger other shadows).


Her line 4 social IQ when relating with people is best to remain detached as expectations will lead to disappointments but she seems to be allowing her identity as a muse artist to guide the living OF Celebration (you want your own IQ to support your SOUL path) and her SQ (Spiritual Quotient) is that of BLISS!



With the Gift of Vitality…she’s obviously rocking that! Look and feel at how fresh her field is! (As she ages, she can rely on the wisdom of the Gene Keys to ‘renew’ and revitalize for example).


She’s already emanating siddhic frequency range of Bliss and being NEAR her field and its fotonic influence through the Law of Resonance and attunement can raise YOUR vibration into Bliss b/c it’s a higher power/beauty as an emanant Truth of consciousness.


She probably hasn’t even discovered kundalini yet (and the bliss that can bring), but imagine when her Bliss evolves and matures, she’s only going to become MORE alluring, infectious and alchemical to others (b/c there’s no limit to how much obsession-inducing quanta a starlet could hold).


Oooh…and her Radiance (related to health and well-being) is that of GK 61; SANCTITY!



That’s a Priestess valuation of presence.


Having a purified HOLY TEMPLE of feminine consciousness and light (which she already does although we’re not speaking to any pure, Dark aspects here) Since she has line 3 here;


She can best renew her aura and radiance through immersion and interaction – that which she has plenty of in her life; however, it’s best to have good vibes and supportive environments. Her Human Design bodygraph would yield more insights into relational management with friends and society.


In seeing what I’ve seen, she’s maintaining her field very well so far whereas someone like Hyuna (for example) has had more issues with maintaining auric energetic purity and clarity (remember that stars have an open contract with the public and that public is becoming more AWARE of the psychic truth of their image and professional performance!)



Hyuna’s more dynamic is what I’m saying with her aura…it’s like she requires more maintenance (and could be very well related to her Human Design auric type like mine requires more maintenance).


It’s important that she also venerates herself as she grows and changes throughout the process and that she is SECURE in knowing what that is and coming back home to it throughout her evolution.


If indeed she is a 1/3 profile with Human Design, she is an investigating (personality) with martyr personality. 1/3s can be the most stubborn of all archetypal-behavioral designs.


It seems clear that she already has siddhic Freedom as far as her SXQ (Attraction) which is sacral centric. Talk about FEEL-good vibes!



Wouldn’t you want YOUR signature essences to be having others recognize you as an ‘it girl’!


They (New Jeans, ie.) have so much Beauty INFLUENCE (as part of the overall equation) from their VISUALS because of their ESSENCED (and not just stylistic, superficial) radiance.


She seems to be managing things well b/c she COULD get trapped within the system and shut her sacral down but she is doing great at remaining SENSUAL as far as how others project and experience her.


She’s not being a victim nor has any of that vibe at all (and MANY people and aggregates do btw and we can show visuals of that here but I ain’t gonna taint this post ;); she’s IN her creative, sensual liberation as mostly a Muse-Maiden Princess of this phase right now.


By BEING a free soul in an otherwise strict system, she’s really thriving and it’s in the moments of stillness that her divine beauty timelessly emanates; a mixture of these gift and siddhic qualities.


Ok, that’s all for now folks!


Did you read her Top Muse 2023 blog post?


And yes, I do Human Design & Gene Key audio 75 minute readings (I’ve risen my price) but I’d prefer to do regular sessions, you can still book it if you can find it on-site and really want one!


Remember that I do Gift and Siddhic DNA Activations in our appointment format that work DIRECTLY on your energy field. These help support your alchemical transmutation of consciousness and literal beauty essences. These are available in 3-packs or ie. the Allure Makeover.


(As far as Gene Keys; this can support a process of contemplation and education or be stand-alone on its own if you don’t want to delve further into GKeys transmutational consciousness and awakening work).


You can also research Gene Key resources on their site.