Divine Union: Why Twin Flames & Conscious Loving At Its Best is Still Limited

It might be heresy but;


Consider twin flame love and conscious loving as limited. This has to do with the relational templating itself; 2 subjective individuals both wounded and with aspects of of divinity coming together in intimate, physical, interpersonal, mortal and Soul Communion.


Even beyond ‘great sex’ or heated make-up sex and far beyond consumer love-making;


You would think that twin flame Love would be supreme Love (which can obviously be phenomenal and expansive); yet it’s actually constricted compared to something greater BECAUSE of the relational templating alone (which informs the experience).


In soul to soul Communion, the connection and magic is limited to the level of soul and their connection with Spirit.


Yes; the more archetypal Beauty and the more archetypal Power a man holds in their soul, the greater the power yet it’s still LIMITED b/c of the dynamic.


What could be BEYOND the hottest twin flame, tantric and conscious loving in all its sweaty glory and bliss?


Hierogamy. More specifically Siddhic Hierogamy aka krystic ‘Spirit to Spirit’ meta-communion and true Sacred or Divine Union. It is the ULTIMATE Lover template because it is the ORIGINAL one (which could also be reference as God and Sophia).


This is far more powerful because now the individual lovers are connecting as purer fractals of Source Devotional Communion Codes able to access, channel, embody God and Goddess, the archetypal, siddhic divine masculine and feminine spectrum of consciousness Itself AS Lover and as conduits of the Holy Grail of Communion itself; alchemical Source Remembrance and Source of All.


The Unconditional Hierogamic Devotional Codes already exist; it’s more about sacrificing your personal self to enter the stream of Siddhic Communion that already exists light years beyond the egoic self.


So if you’re a woman; as you get into this ‘grail’ work of divine union (with God the Lover) you are transfiguring yourself and your Love life for something FAR beyond anything you’ve experienced before. You’re giving your man/beloved/king the opportunity to experience the Holy Grail with and through you (b/c most likely he’s not going to become a master solo alchemist). You lead with your Grail encoding, devotional practice and your Grail Beauty as a testament of the literal reception and flow of your relationship with God the Lover.


For those already in partnerships, it is the relational dynamic itself that has to be re-transfigured (I’d say 99.9999% of relationships) b/c there are too many mortal conditions, attachments and habits that are restricting the Spirit to Spirit Communion of God and Goddess consciousness closest to Source and the power it holds. There is future marketspace to serve here as Divine Union and Divine Union partnerships continue to become more in demand and expand; and as women realize that they can’t compromise for anything less.


Inevitably in Ascension, more people will be getting into Divine Union like this and its supreme value. This isn’t something you just fall into…basically you have to have a Grail guide (see my previous post).


As your Grail Beauty emanates (encoded WITH the consciousness and chi essences of the codes), the more SPIRITUAL power of the Divine Feminine you offer in Communion to the Awakening Invincible God-spark within a mortal man/lover.


Do your Grail work! GrailSpring Activations available.


Siddhic Hierogamy: The Architecture of Devotional Cosmic Love & Sex

When we’re talking about Sacred, Divine Union we’re talking about a reality of experiential love (in the bedroom) that is light years beyond conscious lovers, twin flame love and shadow-bonding sex (‘being the hottest known’) for it is essentially Communion itself; the Holy Grail where God the Lover and the entire spectrum of Divine Feminine consciousness meet in Union.


If you are on a path of Divine Union know that this is possible (and if you are in a relationship and it isn’t this yet, you may have more work to do not with each other but with your templating, devotion and encoding itself).


Even phenomenal conscious tantric loving is almost always missing the power and purity of the Devotional codes themselves.


Hieros Gamos (termed from ancient Greece) is the concept of Sacred Reunification (of God and Goddess consciousness) within.


The concept of ‘Sacred Union’ in more moderns terms is essentially the same encoded concept (and one which can easily get lost in entropy when one strays away from the source codes or pure teachers).


With hieros gamos; multi-dimensional partnership is with the immortal divine of the opposite polarity and not merely a mortal agreement with interpersonal and physical intercourse. Being IN a relationship called a divine union can actually introduce all kinds of mortal conditions and entropy from the pure connection.


‘Hierogamy’ itself is more explicitly the act of Communion in intercourse between God and Goddess (consciousness essentially) embodied and on all dimensions. It is the God-encoded architectural templating that is RADICALLY different than normal Lovers…it essentially requires one partner (at least) to be Grail encoded and activated.


The term ‘Siddhic’ on its own (from India) is ‘enlightened’ and we look to the Gene Keys spectrum of consciousness to discover 64 different enlightened and essenced aspects of Source; that of which can be activated and embodied as divine masculine and feminine truths and as aspects of ‘present’ beauty.


Siddhic Hierogamy (more specifically); I like to differentiate as the expanded experiential and practical alchemy amongst the Archetypal and Siddhic Masculine and Feminine.


It is profoundly powerful BECAUSE it allows alchemical truths to be transmitted, emanated and experienced in all their implications such as Florescence, Honor, Tenderness, Innocence, Purity, Valor, Majesty, Humility….where some of these aspects may be signature to YOUR Grail Lover encoding that can INFUSE and create magic with your Beloved’s siddhic qualities.


His immortal Honor (through the vessel of the masculine pole) melts into the Beauty of the Unity of the divine feminine of all feminine in the bedroom or his Majesty melts devotionally invincibly into her Quintessence, ie.


This is siddhic alchemy in the hierogamic (aka ‘grail’) templating.


The relationship industry literally can’t get there because they are building from the mortal, relational and conditional up. For siddhic alchemy you integrate the Source Code architecture itself which created all.


How do you experience such Love and Sex (let alone without abandonment issues and twin flame immolation or co-dependency)?


Access and embody Grail Codes (and this may require great sacrifice and tribulation). You must live the path and through your devotion allow the purification and sacrifices necessary.


This might be any form of Grail path such as Grail-Eros Lover (Gillian’s work), Rose lineage, Muse lineage or Sophianic lineages…becoming a Sophia-Lover or Grail-Queen for example.


Siddhic Hierogamy is the ultimate templating to UPGRADE to if you are IN a relationship and there’s going to be a whole new marketspace opening up for such a thing. Ultimately yes; Siddhic Hierogamy can include the entire Dark and Primal spectrum in your PRACTICAL experience but it’s the devotional templating that secures the FULL spectrum possible of God making love to Goddess AS God and Goddess.


One partner at least must be yoked and there are other dynamics including how receptive they are, etc. Yeh; if BOTH partners are yoked in Grail Codes; you’re talking legendary, epic love.


To delve further into Siddhic Hierogamy insight, I will link to a post I did on that a year ago or so which supports a template for advanced love-making that is far more about truth-encoding rather than technique.


As you do your Grail work, your GRAIL BEAUTY and ALLURE flourishes which is the LITERAL thing he gets to COMMUNE with in the TRUTH of that PRESENCE. To the masculine that (and that level of power/beauty consciousness) means everything; after all, he seeketh the Holy Grail.


Again hierogamy (and more specifically ‘Siddhic Hierogamy’) is this Source Remembrance of Communion itself and the nexis point of all creation. Most mortals are singular bodies with personalities nowhere near sacrificing themselves enough to allow such powerful God and Goddess truth to re-commune between them.


(I’ve had a great spectrum of experiences and hierogamy only once so far; ok twice with 1 woman and it was LIGHT YEARS beyond even other conscious loving).


Thoughts? Questions?


This can be inspiration if you are on a solo path of preparation…


Siddhic Hierogamy is an alchemical dynamic in which God consciousness and the entire palette of archetypal divine masculine can descend and be experienced in Holy Grail Communion and infusion with the Divine Feminine Goddess; Sophia and the pantheon of archetypal feminine and siddhic essenced beauty now able to alchemize and the POWER of these TRUTHS (ie. Majestic yet Florescent Queen & Valorous, Perfect King) MELT into each other in Devotional Remembrance.


Hierogamy and more specifially Siddhic Hierogamy is a form of supreme alchemy unattainable by mortals and trauma bonds.


It is practically unattainable by conscious lovers for they aren’t encoded with the proper template of Communion itself. So if you want or are preparing for ENLIGHTENED cosmic love and sex (and if that might be of value to you or in calling in a beloved), yeah….dive further into your devotional path.


Remember that Beauty as we know it and Power (Goddess and God) at Source are IN Communion…everything (in consciousness) is far deeper than just physical or superficial beauty and has everything to do with everything…after all, the Masculine psyche is seeking reunification (with Goddess consciousness and Her True Beauty).



Twin-Flame Soulmate Energetic Template in Relationships



Twin-flamers on average have *massive implants* on their back chakras to and from their 3D lover and often a deadened, cloaked Crown chakra to masculine source itself.


These can be greatly PREVENTING an even richer, sexier, more fulfilling cosmic love life because hierogamy itself (Sex of God/Goddess) is different than just conscious loving.


It’s about what is your relationship to source.


With my work, I connect to your energy field with approval and I can literally and kinaesthetically feel this truth about someone with accuracy b/c the energy doesn’t lie (wherever their energy, health and connection is at).


So if you are on the looking of waiting and needing the ‘right man’, this can be its own inhibitions. It also means you aren’t as fulfilled IN your own presence.


So this energetic template is greatly restricting because of its level of attachment.


“Attachment leads to suffering” – the great Buddhic saying.


It requires the right man to allow you to connect to source in union and while that makes sense from most paradigms, it isn’t the highest possible.


What happens if you lose your lover or they let you go? More suffering, betrayal and abandonment? Months or years of grief and low self-esteem? That’s just not a Reunified Queen however.


Then you are a woman who needs a new partner at that level of fill the void in order to connect to the divine through twin flame union. Even if you believe you have a soul-mate, it could be wired in this twin-flame union template.


This is the template that love songs make popular as well but it’s where you burn down together instead of truly rising in sacred devotion and love with the divine within each other. The Holy Fire foundational element is missing.


A healthier template than twin flame soul mates would be that of Hieros Gamos where your connection and devotion is to divine masculine principle instead of being attached just to your 3D partner.


Now, if you ARE in a relationship with a partner, it can take a lot of work in order to shift entirely what you know of each other to bring the sacred into the bedroom like never before and to unlimited new heights and depths of connection and love.


To transfer into true 5D devotion and throne living – *energetically* the profile dynamic is that u would want a brilliant, lit receiving CROWN connection to source masculine W/O the psychic cords of *attachment* on the back to a 3D Lover.


U would also want deep trauma and other entropic fear-based energies removed from within the psyche itself (literally in the chakras themselves); cleared, restored and mended into clarity of presence instead of stuck with lower frequency interference, shadow attachments and junk from the past.


Change your relational architecture energetically and everything shifts profoundly. And I know other hieros gamos teachers have their methods that also work. Nicole Gayle is one of those guides.


However for me; instead of being ie. a 99% listening psycho-therapist to keep hearing about your attachment and story to your twin-flame lover;


I just like to WORK on the energetic level for women who are actually ready to move on and cultivate b/c we can get so much done there foundationally with the results also being shown in energetic beauty.


So if you want to break the cycle of being in dysfunctional twin-flame relationships and desire more connection to God the Father, God the Lover and God the King for example – which can greatly increase your Queenship attraction, power and influence in life and relationships, maybe we should talk.


I have helped clients profoundly heal and shift their relationship patterns. What might be the best next step is to take me up on a complimentary Hieros Gamos Chat.


You can answer some questions here first and we can schedule a time.


This way; I can meet you with wherever YOU are at if you are desiring more relationship wealth.


And that might mean breaking a lifelong pattern of attracting the wrong men.