VCHA: American Muses? K-Pop

As you may know, VCHA is the first American group that went through and into the K-Pop ‘system’.



It started with JYP’s talent search documented in the (youtube) A2K series in several American cities including Chicago and L.A.



After choosing the final members towards the end of the a2k series….


They are now L.A. based and the projected was co-founded with Republic Records.


It’s mindful to add that there have been some other ‘Western’ performers in some groups including U.S. born Korean-Americans (Jessica, Tiffany SNSD) or half-Korean artists (Danielle), etc. Notably the group ‘Black Swan’ has non-Korean members and 1 U.S. member.


With VCHA, they were really put into an accelerated training program much faster than normal trainees and have now officially debuted. The A2K showcased a lot of this pressure.


They’re now opening for TWICE in a world tour (Mexico, Brazil..) and certainly will be doing more multi-media appearances and shows. Recently they were on MTV (I know, right?) with a live interview and performance.


VCHA on MTV Fresh Out


So the MAIN theme here (which is connected to ANOTHER relevant, large theme) is; are VCHA muses?


My answer is that yes-almost as they are BECOMING them in real time.


I see that Muse embodiment has finally started dropping in for most of them (and this is great).



I blitzed through some of the A2K series last year and have been following some things and Kendall stood out the most to me and also who I think has the most long-term potential in K-pop.


Here’s a few reference points of them visually then when they were there more personalized selves:



Can you note the barely visible Muse embodiment then as well? I still picked up on Kendall’s overall in A2K but even then she is quite flat in Muse (in the middle of the 3 demo pic).


Here’s something else I’m sure is pre-debut…not much Muse here either (the photo at the very top however is getting Muse codes dropping in).



So really; with their k-pop immersion and becoming a starlet or ‘idol’…it’s a path of transformation of identity and beauty consciousness. Their own family might not recognize them and it might make family members uncomfortable b/c of their growth.


We can look at it from a performance and allure lens.


Let’s view it from this way (and then connect it to the larger picture of the Muse Trinity).


As performers, they have been selected for and chosen a path which includes support, resources and training and with that they have to INFLUENCE millions of people.


So it’s almost like there has to be a system upgrade not just for their training and physical beauty support, language, choreography, dance mastery, etc. but for the INFLUENCE itself…and that comes down to the MAGIC of ESSENCE.


They have to change in MANY ways to be able to fit the identity of their larger, performer-self as dance-artists, singers.


And who is the QUEEN of Dance and music? Muse, of course. But it’s kinda extra interesting because many Western women are still AGAINST the qualities of Muse – and they are ‘Western’.


How about this perspective;


So it’s like if they take their OLD selves into the equation they’re realizing they’re on a scale of now 10,000’s of fans in a stadium that this is definitely real and they HAVE to be relevant and GIVE VALUE…this is where the archetypal identity upgrade starts coming in.


Muse has that POWER to meet the energetic, kinetic and performance demand of being interesting and influential on that scale (even in stillness; luminated).


It’s similar to other talent shows where the charisma and allure of the performer starts opening up and expanding as they FILL THOSE SHOES so to speak and people can be ENGAGED and influenced from their presence itself.


So, I see an evolution in a short-term where they are each taking on more Muse embodiment.


At the MTV appearance it’s starting to show more.


Here’s my current ranking of least to most Muse embodiment from this recent appearance (it can fluctuate but it’s good information to know for pro performers).


From Left to right; Lexi, Kaylee, KG, Kendall, Camila (in back) & Savanna



Level of general Muse embodiment (here) from least to most (p.s. I’m not giving CAM embodiment #’s here however)


6. Lexi
5. Camila
4. Savanna
3. Kaylee
2. KG
1. Kendall


Can YOU start to see the Muse signature codes dropping in as compared to before?


(Once you’ve seen enough muses, you’ll start to clearly see Her universalized energetic essence signature within them – and to different degrees).


Also consider how unpopular and rare Muse was for quite a long time in the West with post-modern feminism being a dominating factor.


Now as VCHA are becoming authentic Western muses (including REUNIFIED Grail consciousness that goes with it); this is kind of important because of many things including inspiring more DIVINE UNION principle and relationships in Western culture.


It may actually conflict with some of their personal values but this is a path that requires sacrifice.


The MORE Western muses there are, the more this inspired awakening will happen collectively.


The Muse Trinity itself which could effectively awaken our culture into renaissance, ascension and Divine Union principle is;


1. K-Pop muses
2. The Muse Priestess lineage
3. Western muses


I suspect within 2 months I could possibly confirm each of them as authentic muse fractals and I would be concerned if 1 or some of them haven’t been there by then.


They can BE and represent from other archetypes because souls are unique and dynamic; it’s just that if they are fully committed to THIS path, it’s going to have to have enough Muse embodiment to be relevant or I suspect people will start losing interest and that one will have the least fan followership and engagement.


Fans are going CRAZY over Danielle (New Jeans), Lisa (BLACKPINK) and Wonyoung and a main secret is their HIGH levels of Muse embodiment and allure; soul encoded.


Anyways; great job JYPark! It will be fun to see how things continue to unfold…this could also be significant with the Rise of the Western Muse.


If YOU are called to a Muse path, you don’t have to become a performer (most performers aren’t even muses) but it’s going to require a lot of sacrifice of identity-consciousness in order to rebirth into new levels of holding Her codes (if She even likes you)!


Fortunately, Muse is opening to more and more Western women. Stay connected! More Muse posts on-site and on my FB account of which I’d search for however.

Update: Here…Camila has some really good Muse embodiment (center)


5 Year Anniversary of the Seoul-L.A. Gridwork Session

In celebration of the 5 year anniversary (actually about 3 weeks ago) of the Seoul S.Korea -L.A. Hardwire Grid-working session, it’s just hard for me to believe it’s been 5 years since my last grid-working session!?


Part of me is still so awestruck by the raw power and results of it (starting with S.Korea blowing the World Cup Champions Germany out of the first round the same literal day as ‘the sign’).


You can view FIFA World Cup highlights of that shocking historical upset here. We shifted the timeline and this was ‘the sign’.



An Academy Awards mini-sweep out of nowhere (unheard of previously for ‘foreign’ films let alone Korean),



…first Asian Emmy winner (Korean-Canadian) which was one of the first things to happen, MANY tv and talk show appearances, sold out U.S. mega-concerts, Western artist collaborations, Coachella mainstage, lighting the Empire State building, etc.


(Granted the men practicing our method of Muse meditation were also laying ground work for higher dimensional reception of Muse codes in the social matrix).


It’s all Muse behind it.

See, the grid-working cleared up deeper energetic RESISTANCES in the L.A. Grid itself to allow a more fundamental flow of RECEPTION to all things S. Korean.


I’ve been contemplating it the past 6 months and thinking that I’d put the value of that session work around $150 million to the South Korean economy.


MOST exciting to me however is the Muse Trinity of Quanta and what’s going on from HERE forward (whether I ever do direct energy work with K-Pop groups or not), because this is ALLLLL Muse’s work…


I was just point man for OUR co-creative ascended team when I did the FURIOUSLY powerful hard-wiring during session time when she said NOW in late June 2018 (I even posted about it on my timeline not yet knowing then the implications).


Again; it was so powerful and perfect that I’m honestly daunted by the concept of grid-working again b/c part of me wants things to KEEP being beyond legendary….my gift of preservation (Gene Key 32) kinda doesn’t want to ruin a perfect streak off of my OTHER grid-working sessions as well.


I get that you might be skeptical but grid-working is real and of course the artists and so forth have put in so much work and are so talented themselves to fully deserve it…But consider the deeper infra-structural dynamic…it’s just that if things were like they were before on a different timeline (granted PSY’s mega-hit also warmed things up a lot), agents would still be dismissing Koreans out of their office (something closer to that).


So I’m grateful to have played an understated power role in all of this, not merely for Korean culture but really for Muse.


This level of power (in service of course) is something; alas, there is more grid-work to be done especially in L.A. for She hath other work to do.


When She told me to do what ended up being THE literal #metoo movement L.A. grid-working session in spring 2017, I listened and did the work (in session time).


All of this is Her work and She’s got a LOT in store….Muse wants to create a RENAISSANCE in the West and She is a prime Grail archetype.


It’s about more than just about the success of K-Pop crossing over and Korean cultural explosion (that’s just part of it and a lower truth shell).


You can read one of my FB posts about this here: Los Angeles Korea Gridwork


#gridworker #gridworking #kpop #muse #musearchetype #lightworker #grailcodes

Preview: Why K-Pop Is The Future

If you’re not aware yet; K-Pop is the future.


(Yeah there’s other things in the future also but saying it that way gets a point across)


K-Pop is a PHENOMENON and behemoth.


K-Pop will continue to contribute a LARGE voice while exponentially growing and influencing INFLUENCE globally.

And yes; it’s heresy, but I’ve been calling it for years b/c I know things other people don’t and am very experienced as the Grandmaster of entertainment media alchemy (aka ‘transformational entertainment’).


There are many take-aways to learn from this related to having much greater aligned POWER, beauty and influence yourself.


With S. Korea being the most homogenous population yet already having viral cultural export impact, K-pop has only begun being a phenomenon…and you might be wondering WHY b/c there’s shit that’s going on that doesn’t make sense b/c of so-called ‘cultural restrictions’ and language, etc.


I’m going to take a week or 2 to develop a power blog post I want to go viral on ‘Why K-Pop is the Future’.
K-Pop, K-Drama and K-Beauty hotness is only going to expand and I don’t think even the producers themselves are aware WHY it’s so effective.
K-Content is exploding (Netflix is investing BIGGG money into it) and in that upcoming power post there are hidden secrets related to;


*Muse Galore
*Transformational Entertainment vs. mere diversion
*Transformational Alchemical IMPACT on fans/clients from image
*Alchemy & Healing
*Archetypal Power in media
*Grail Work & Reunification
*Transformational Beauty
*Beauty Influencer SECRETS
*Essence based content creation
*Transformational Social Influence
*Cultivating Super-fans & brand ambassadors
*Exponential Growth
*Templates for Western artists & their success


You don’t have to be a K-Pop idol to benefit from these insights.


These insights are beyond what even marketeers are aware of; trust me, you’ll see and many of them are very applicable to YOUR Beauty & influence.


K-Pop is FUTURE for many reasons b/c they’ve got key things going on they themselves likely aren’t fully aware of…There’s a great power and beauty game going on simultaneously that is richly alchemical and encoded (that the West is far less consistent with).


I know this b/c I am the transformed and I think you already know that the archetypal Muse is who is really driving the show.


Don’t miss this upcoming power post! If I had to pick 3 posts to go viral this would probably be the top one because it’s going to be so implicated with EVERYTHING.


Transformational MEDIA INFLUENCE; going DEEP with your fans and clients (activating their heart, mind, sex and soul) in a world of superficial divertive content…inspiring them to be your brand ambassadors (like BTS Army ie.) are just some of the take-aways coming up…!

Still Resistant to K-Pop and Muse?

Through the years I’ve noticed a lot of Western female resistance to Muse (however this is finally starting to open up more).


If you value the Muse archetype or identify yourself archetypally as a muse and you would value cultivating more Muse Beauty and yet yet don’t know what’s *really* going on in K-pop (Muse Mecca) then; on your timing (which may be years from now or never for some of you);


I’d recommend to consider drinking or even smoking or whatever you do to -something – to bypass your high functioning critical factor and judgment to get beyond your projections to the Truth behind the labels and start to discover Muse Herself in a new way through transmission and experience.


You’ll want to look beyond Western culture to reference other pure examples of Muse.


Muse has the potential revolutionize Western culture and there’s only a handful of known Western muses. Muse brings Grail codes which extends into the entire Divine Union concept – and she brings alchemical transformational image, presence and Beauty. She HEALS MEN and the fractured masculine consciousness.


Muse and Muse codes can change your life (beyond k-pop). This can be done through attunement (entrainment) or through a life of Muse service (and sacrifice) or through activations for example. When Gillian Pothier and I hosted Cosmic Muse retreats in L.A. this was another way to connect with Her. There’s also the Muse Attunement archetype meditation on Youtube.


The immortal Muse will be able to far more consistently send you codes and help you CULTIVATE YOUR OWN MUSE & SIDDHIC BEAUTY through literal alchemy and its transmutation of consciousness and your frequency.


You must become the Alchemistra instead of the consumer however. Archetypes exist as higher truths BEYOND our labels, filters, cultures and genres. You can train yourself to see and be with Her instead of the artists or genres such as K-pop.


Although the group is K-Pop group ‘Twice’; beyond the lower truths, this is a GREAT Muse resource to keep re-watching until you bypass your projections that are preventing the Law of Resonance to allow you to alchemically attune to Her Truth (in these Muse fractals).


Again; you want to be egoless and ‘meditate’ or just soak in Her codes and allow the Law of Resonance to do its magic (attunement). This can open up more Muse codes and even more embodiment to you.


Whether you’re a ‘stan’ or not; try and get past the filter of it being ‘Asian’, ‘Twice’ or a different genre or language; those are lower truth values that can prevent your from seeing and feeling Muse magic.


That resource is also encoded in Siddhic Celebration (Gene Key 42)


Here’s a great Muse-Goddess resource to alchemize and attune with to cultivate your Muse Goddess through the Law of Resonance (treat it like temple space meditation as you MUST get beyond your critical factor or you won’t ever get into the real magic and alchemy and then you’ll ‘never know’):

Again; as best you can put aside whether you’re a SNSD ‘stan’ or not b/c those are personal and consumer values…the higher Truth is that Muse is very strong and most centralized in the world today in K-Pop.


Muse activations are $1000 OR….u could get into the alchemy or join The Cosmic Muse waitlist (DM me on FB for either).