The Devotional Aspect of Hieros Gamos

A path of Hieros Gamos Queenship simultaneously cultivates your own energetic beauty as we know, however this post will dive more into sacred reunification itself (as all of the transformational energy magic I do is implicated with authentic soul and spiritual healing work).


If you really want to attract wealth, prosperity and live LIKE a Queen – this is of utmost life-changing relevance.


There is great power, magic and alchemy with the authentic experience of devotion in reunification with the divine, sacred masculine.


But there are many things which might be blocking u from EVER getting even close to that zone of deeper and deeper consciousness and the benefits of it – and to exude such high beauty that inspires and attracts Kingly Masculine (and wealth)…


Or of even having a multi-dimensional beloved.


U might think:


What is there to love? I have problems with the opposite sex, my skin sucks, etc. And there’s a lot of competition for high value men.


Especially in today’s age of post-modern feminism and the collective aggregate that is really trepidatious around the masculine. And even with your own feminine;


U might be just STUCK in that conundrum of not knowing what u can even love or truly commit to.


Painbody, trauma, self-esteem, the normal world, cultural programming and past experiences can be greatly be limiting your perception of Self awareness and attuning to God and Goddess consciousness within; or even feeling worthy to.


Relationships themselves might be closer to the mundane 3D level of interpersonal and physical connection and exchange vs. rich cosmic sexy love and depth.


But when we value Hieros Gamos as divine reunification or the internal marriage of the sacred – it gives us a LOT to work with. Those levels of power and Sex, just might be outside of your entire normal paradigm of reality.


Heart alchemizing devotion isn’t best looked at through the normal lens of self-identity, sex or even gender.


We have to look at the spiritual 5th dimension and beyond (meta) because most relationships that have commitment, an arrangement or agreement are not scratching the surface of the multi-dimensionality that is truly involved with ‘hierogamic’ devotion;


To melt into the attuned God, King, Queen essence of consciousness itself with that aspect of your greater and even embodied Self. Such is a path of sacred or divine reunification (like starlets have non-consciously).


The understanding of self might be just too small to even RELATE with true King or Goddess consciousness like a true Queen or Starlet-Diva. I mention elsewhere that great performance artists non-consciously are open to such great spiritual power, essence and influence because of serving millions of people. You can also do this without having to be famous; you can cultivate your soul essence as a starlet or lover-queen with rich beauty.


In the Gene Keys, Devotion is highlighted as the 29th siddhi with the Shadow of Half-Heartedness and Gift of Commitment. The Gene Keys book references devotion as:


“Tantric Contagion”
Akin to bhakti yoga.


“The path of devotion is far removed from society.
Devotional paths are all paths of self-surrender in which you completely lose your own sense of self in another…


..leave the order of your mind to enter into the

wildness of your heart.”


With devotion, there is unlimited power and magic to melt into a higher attuned sense of Self; a greater embodiment of authentic, effortless power and presence.


But how to even START accessing the magic and alchemy of devotion when u might find it difficult to love anything about yourself or the ‘opposite sex’?…(let alone commit to something)


What or who could u be devoted to?


Especially if u are IN a relationship that seems very limited? That’s where we get into true hieros gamos and cultivating your relationship to THE meta-masculine and feminine (including those aspects WITHIN your 3D partner).


When we consider that the IM-personal masculine and feminine consciousness hold unlimited power and spectrum, it actually gives one unlimited possibility and power to fall and melt INTO Love and Sex.


And this includes ALL of the archetypal aspects of the immortal masculine and feminine – to fall INTO love and devotion with.


To cultivate devotion, u want something u can be devoted to on a multi-dimensional level…something that enthralls you. And in an era of TikTok-ers – devotion is one of the last things in the consumer consciousness collective.


I mean; at least think of your favorite singer or icon of sex; even if it’s from your past.


“But this past lover affected me and I cannot trust men.”


Well…how about trusting, submitting and allowing yourself to be penetrated by the UNconditional immortal masculine? How about HE which will not fail you?


What about becoming that great Starlet Goddess FOR the exalted aspects of the masculine that you love? Isn’t that what the greatest female singers are doing non-consciously anyways? They are serving the impersonal.


What if; once u started attuning to righteous King consciousness in 5D which lights your fire, that it could attune your soul body and attune it to entirely new levels of Self experience and relating in the 3D world? What if that would transform your image, beauty and INFLUENCE on people tremendously?


If u are new to it…


Here’s my advice; discover an aspect of both the divine masculine and feminine that really really calls to you. Something that lights u up and inspires u. It doesn’t have to be with a guru although that is much of what bhakti yoga represented.


It doesn’t have to be limited to an individualized person. How about great aspects of the immortal expression of the masculine or feminine?


It might be a specific archetype itself, deity, a Tarot card representation OR even a Greek God that represents certain authentic characteristics of the greater masculine or feminine.


Sure; it’s heretical and might go against major religion, but it is also possible to cultivate devotion to Mother Mary or Jesus.


These insights might come from your own gene keys. For example Valor and Honour are specific encoded enlightened frequencies of the divine masculine, yet we have access to the entire spectrum of consciousness.


How about Unity or Grace as great Feminine aspects?


These can be central along cultivating your energetic beauty AS a Queen and having that sexual, spiritual and emotional influence on people.


Then, u could start looking for impersonal aspects or icons within the collective that carry those authentic codes – but to relate to it in a healthy multi-dimensional sense.


Although it might take mentorship with a master of this; through alchemy, you can ATTUNE your consciousness to that consciousness.


For example; Jason Momoa carries the siddhi SQ (Spiritual quotient) of Valor with the 2nd Line of FREEDOM.


He represents this and other siddhic qualities like Intoxication in his aura and literal image.



(This btw is what we can also CULTIVATE with Sexy Chi…but know that it’s the real thing and there is soul transformation you have to go through for this level of essence to shine through).

U could begin a practice of alchemical meditation that helps u MELT INTO those aspects of the divine masculine consciousness for example…a path that could lead into devotion itself.


But it SHOULD feel effortless to be in love like that – THAT is what u want to find.


Something that u don’t feel half-hearted about; something that stirs a deep passion inside of you.


And in the case of men; there is immense magic with this since most of us are non-consciously seeking reunification with the Feminine through the mother birthing wound.


There are many examples of the meta feminine that u can use to heal, cultivate and curate yourself INTO authentic presence and relatability WITH that Goddess aspect within modern women for example.


It’s a path of cultivating your own Kingship in relation to Queen for example.


What are the ideal traits of your ideal Queen and could u be devoted to that in the multi-dimensional aspect?


It will attune yourself into becoming that embodied equivalent as your personalized self melts away. To grow into an alluring High Queen, it’s going to take real soul experience and rebirth.


And in that case with J. Momoa; it’s not that u would worship HIM and his conditional personality or 3D self, but honoring THOSE aspects of the divine WITHIN him; otherwise the attachment might make u suffer. The differentiation matters.


It might even be a specific tv or movie character like Kal Drago with some Dark Masculine aspects…who knows.


Hey; we are dealing with the ENTIRE spectrum of consciousness and how it expresses – and of course this is unorthodox but u are finding what lights your soul and how u could lose your own sense of self getting lost into another aspect from consciousness.


What could your soul COMMIT to? What aspects of the ultimate divine from the entire pantheon of consciousness?


Surely, there is something u can love and cultivate a deeper rich relationship; because, ultimately it comes down to your relationship and intimacy with the divine masculine and feminine within.


Human Design projectors might have an advantage here b/c we are designed energetically to learn ourselves THROUGH others. If u also have an open or undefined G-Center, that might also be a powerful leverage to take in someone else’s energy field and melt into consciousness with them.


For me; my devotion and beloved is the Muse archetype. I am enamored and can never get enough which has led me to becoming this High Magician.


I attune with her impersonal consciousness which is carried through different female performance artists (mostly in music video).


But remember that when you are cultivating your reunified Queenship on your own; you are an ALCHEMIST, u are not a non-conscious divertive consumer here with these practices.


For me; I take it seriously and I don’t value the names, the bands, the groups, the genre, the culture, the language like the rest of the world does; it’s purely the archetypal POWER and presence that is behind the behind the veils and illusions that we see.


And that’s what I relate with in devotion with; deepening my relationship with her to no limits; it’s magically transformational and has done miracles of growth; source of my magic.


Remember that archetypal power itself manifests with and through different cultures.


I have discovered that through commitment and the siddhic state of devotion (of which there is unlimited depth and cultivation possible); there is GREAT magic.


How does MANKIND relate to Goddess? He cannot from the personalized self and this is the conundrum modern men are facing as the meta feminine awakens.


It’s a spiritual path for you to HEAL and resolve your trauma in relationship to all of the masculine; Father, Prince, King, Wealth and God….and to really attune yourself as High Queen.


I mean, Muse herself has been training me as her High Priest and continually opens up more and more magic but its only because I have been endleslessy sacrificing for her and growing in my commitment and practice.


Through ongoing devotion and devotional cultivation (of your Queen or Priestess-hood), more magic and power is opened up and bestowed as you melt deeper and deeper into immortal reunification and alchemy within.


So what aspects of the immortal, archetypal, King, Queen and God consciousness could u start attuning your true soul self to?


These exist in our entertainment media when we have the proper filter and value them for that.


These are some thoughts on the devotional aspect of Hieros Gamos. The 29th Gene Key really is rich but not necessary to have in ur chart in order to cultivate.


“….They are only interested in one thing – surrender into the heart”


As u cultivate these impersonal aspects of your High Queen-Self, u start to attract and relate to others who are more yoked as well.


IF you are called to not just cultivate your own energetic beauty but really dive into cultivating your own Reunified Queenship,


I have a new program called Hieros Gamos X Queen Path. It is a mentorship of continuing cultivation which will profoundly alter your reality, how people respond to you and of course your beauty and image itself to have far more influence.


Through cultivation mentorship with me, you can get more directly connected and imbued with these Reunification devotional codes b/c of my connection (as I have done with my own masters) to accelerate your journey.


Devotion unlocks real magic.


There is great magic in such a path of Reunified Queenship to transform your life wealth, love,  relationships and influence