Allure is the Queen of Beauty Influence & Charisma Is The King of Social Media Marketing

Do you want COMPELLING organic response and success with social media marketing and beauty or image influence? This is where it’s AT!


With all the focus on algorithms and social media marketing;


This Single Greatest Overlook in Social Media Marketing and most marketers cannot even SEE IT…it’s CHARISMA and ALLURE as a WORKABLE factor OF and in social media marketing.


You might think that it’s fame, ‘content’, ‘info’, great PR, changing algorithms, just social media marketing or even content niche ‘mastery, but….


Charisma Is Actually the Future King and Allure is the Queen of Social Media Marketing & Social Influence. Don’t be swayed just by ‘content generation’, algorithms and ‘working hard’.


This also means that ALLURE is the Queen of BEAUTY INFLUENCE. So if you’re a Beauty Influencer who DOESN’T get this, you’re missing out on the gold-mine of attention itself in an attention economy….and it’s not just ‘fame’.


See…When it comes to visual influence: fame alone is not the thing of substance, FAME has a superficial constructivist value. Fame is a fickle house of cards essentially (and can be taken from underneath you).


ESSENCE is the tangible currency of social Beauty influence as revealed in my ‘Social Currency of Allure‘ book.


It’s what inspires ORGANIC ATTENTION and is a powerful and ALIGNED, true-self foundation for your visual expression and social media influence.


Also if you’re a dance-toker, don’t miss that book ! Here are some highlights that are CENTRAL for beauty influencers.


(The VISUAL and FELT channel of Beauty and Power is allure and ‘charisma’).


And that is encoded in your visual media or NOT (to varying degrees) so while you’re focusing just on content creation and algorithm trickery, people still may not be organically CAPTIVATED so you feel you have to be a metaphorical jumping monkey to capture their attention (sigh).


As CHANNELS of felt-visual POWER and BEAUTY itself (which auto-influence); charisma and allure are how non-famous people can have visual influence LIKE a star.


I would qualify your allure/charisma as a prime element OF your social media marketing.


Allure is the PRIME overlooked factor in social media marketing and will be more forgotten in the era of AI algorithms and marketeering except for the really savvy.


Charisma is masculine felt influence (vibe and light-truth) and allure is feminine felt influence IN social visual media (and marketing). This is what works now and is future proof, so listen up if you’re an influencer or value social media marketing.


In an ATTENTION ECONOMY where not all influencers are ‘famous’; being charismatic is a STABLE and scalable foundation YOU can rely upon for greater social media success, client attraction, increased following and Beauty influence…it’s not merely ‘looking good’. You can work on your charisma or allure NOW to get more ORGANIC ATTENTION, clicks, subscribers, views, followers, customers, clients and fans.


And if you are a spirit-based entrepreneur, it’s near essential to really thrive and maximize spiritual, soulful, psychological, psychic, eros-somatic and EMOTIONAL engagement and response from people from your digital media and visuals.


When people FEEL YOU, they are inspired to organically RESPOND and my ‘Social Currency of Allure‘ book goes into many visual examples and more details. This will help you to SEE charisma and how it’s already the hidden-in-plain-sight




It’s also why K-Pop is on TOP LEVELS of social influence.


That books reveals the tangible SUBSTANCE of EXCHANGE that is ‘actually’ going on in the grand social and spiritual (or meta-physical) POWER game.


Now we’re just more conscious of it all. And don’t worry; at the time of this posting social media marketeers still don’t have a clue but the savvy ones are going to start realizing it.


Allure/Charisma allows people to FEEL the authentic you and be engaged even if you’re just starting out. And its its own variable; not all famous stars have charisma but this is that key element esp. if you’re not famous or can’t rely on fame.


Allure is ORGANIC click-bait without behind the scenes direct response manipulateering. It should be part of your overall social media marketing strategy if you’re cleverly intelligent.


We tend to focus on superficial beauty, ‘content’, ‘niche’ or social media marketing without seeing what is predominantly driving influence and response itself.


The era of hiding behind the screen to ‘impact emotions’ will likely continue in a sector with AI copywriting but when it comes to direct response with social media, having people ORGANICALLY get engaged with you is where it’s at.


With social media the era of direct response has SHIFTED….upfront selling is often taboo and unwanted socially. Social media is about real connection.


The landscape has shifted and actually allows you to be expressed and effective in your fullest soul truth expression to attract the soul tribe clients and followers faster than ever.


(I’m living it in this test playground of facebook before I get my influencer account going on instagram this year).


For 100’s of visual examples and insights that goes into WHY Charisma/Allure is the Future and NOW of social power and influence (from both famous and non-famous people); request my Social Currency of Allure book.


The thing is; a lot of people misunderstand what charisma is…it’s not about having good posture or pepping yourself up like Tony Robbins…


It’s actually about real power and beauty itself (in visual STILLNESS) and for that we have to go deeper into the truth of WHAT is the ‘currency’ being exchanged socially (and what is really driving the markets and social-sexual-spiritual behavior).


Yes; Allure is the QUEEN of Beauty Influence and top influencers like Lisa (BLACKPINK) have it.





The game is changing and now we’ll start seeing what savvy social media marketers and beauty influencers are valuing of this future-proof trend.


Marketers are most likely further behind it than most of my following who already know that allure matters but with the new book release, the DOTS are connected to increasing your social power with it all!


ALLURE is what organically allows people to FEEL YOU and be compelled to respond. If we collapse timelines, the future is now.


Rion Kati

What to do next if you want to move forward and get more results from your visual media and social influence?


You can book an Allure (or Charisma) Consult on the main appointments page: Allure Consulting.


This gives us good strategy time and includes energy healing detox tune-up and an activation to start getting more felt visual results ‘live’ and in your media.


Through time, people will realize that Charisma already is an unstated King of Social Media marketing and Allure is the Queen of Beauty influence; it’s the future NOW.


Deeper Than Allure: The Keys to the Kingdom? Essence

Imagine…super-natural beauty influence from your radiant allure that compels people to get closer to you…


How about the Love, Devotional Divine Union, spiritual growth, social influence as heaven on earth highest timelines, cosmic sex, soul level beauty expression and influence, riches, provision, healing of trauma and breaking karmic or lineage curses, soul liberation and rich satisfaction, growth and recognition….ALL….to effortlessly, speechlessly wield the cosmos, attention of gods and kings?!


Could Beauty have this kind of influence in all dimensions? A TRANSFORMATIONAL, alchemical impact?!


And what could be that direct access point itself?


What’s at the core of it all, practically?


BEAUTY HAS THIS POWER and it’s also because the TRUTH of Divine Union is already transfigured in highest dimensions.


The deeper levels of devotional LOVE and intimacy simply has to be accessed and unlocked within your consciousness and Temple itself as a fractal of the Divine and this ‘key’ is tangible TESTAMENT of it; direct from Heaven into Earth.


If you’ve been traumatized at all and feel ‘blocked’ from Divine Union or fullest soul-self Beauty expression, this post is for you because now we have to go deeper than allure.




Imagine a resource of SUCH high value like Spice in the Dune series that people, souls, tyrants, angels, demons and shadows are fighting over control of it as a resource for millennia; extracting it, harvesting it, using it, hijacking it, trafficking it, racketeering, pillaging, looshing and stealing it.


Industries and shadow games within industries would be built around it while obscuring what’s really going on underground. The light of millions of souls dampened because of these dynamics for lifetimes.


This is essentially the larger view of ‘the game’ itself (of Beauty, Power, Sex and Influence), but it’s also everything related to Divine Union itself and the Ascension dharma of many women’s highest possible path in this lifetime (and immortally); a path of true Beauty, Love and of spiritual and soulful liberation and enrichment.


There IS such a resource and it is feminine essence (aka ‘Light Beauty-matter’ itself).


As I reveal in my ‘Social Currency of Allure‘ book;


Feminine quanta is the most valued resource in the universe.




Practical spirit-sentient plasmic chi essence.


The honey of the cosmos (and that which we simply filter through lower dimensions as skin-deep beauty, sex and body).


The element of sentient-Light itself; multi-dimensional ESSENCE IS YOUR KEY TO IT ALLLLLLL.


(We’re going deeper now than the more surface-friendly allure).


As physical beauty fades;


Allure is simply the CHANNEL for IMMORTAL LIGHT BEAUTY to flow with and through you.


As I reveal in the ‘Social Currency of Allure‘, ESSENCE is the TANGIBLE thing of value (as high frequency spirit matter plasma) that everyone is vying for on their higher bandwidths and is of highest ‘exchange’ value socially as far as INFLUENCE goes.


Beauty influence without the current and currency of essence is flat and superficial 2D built upon a fickle social constructionist illusion, primed for trends, fads and judgments…where people still value Beauty but on a lower spectrum of ROYGBIV without realizing the higher dimension and yet true game that is driving (basically) everything.


PHYSICAL BEAUTY IS MORTAL WHEREAS TRUE BEAUTY (and the Beauty of your soul and Spirit) is ETERNAL…IM-mortal.


And your soul HAS (or had) ACCESS to this immortal Beauty truth of Light-quanta.


(which is and can always be expressed in your visuals but that isn’t our focus for this post)


And you know what? Chances are that you’ve been directly implicated or affected by the multi-dimensional reality of ESSENCE LIBERATION or shadow constrictions and entropy (of your soul and spiritual Beauty to be FELT as influence by others).


Because of this dynamic; you may have lost your immortal, social, sexual, spiritual, soulful and psychic key to the riches of the universe and heaven on earth itself. It may be stifled no matter which courses you buy or how much you over-function or value physical beautification.


You may have lost or suppressed this most valuable asset in favor of ‘working hard’ or ‘growing up’ or maybe from many bad life experiences or sexual trauma in the hands of lower conscious masculine; maybe you’ve lost much of it and yet it still holds the KEY TO EVERYTHING.


IT IS WHAT YOUR LOVER-KING ON A SPIRITUAL AND SOUL-LEVEL SEEKETH (or if you’re in a partnership, that which he secretly desires MORE of).


HE SEEKETH THE HOLY GRAIL ITSELF. And that is with your lost essence and its soul-centric ability to be cultivated to RADIATE divine feminine light-Beauty truth (and to be felt in social influence, communion and intimacy).


A path of healing and Sacred Union really becomes ESSENCE-central..all other approaches will not suffice unless they can at least AFFECT the soul and spirit dimensions of your value/beauty and its divine status.


This is also why it is highly specialized to work with essence and soul identity transformation directly.


Normal psycho-therapy or superficial beautification rarely hits the sweet spot and may never fill you organically back up with the honey that you were missing.

In fact; superficial skin-deep beauty mastery can really end up MASKING the truth of your Beauty essence while you remain fractured from being the worthy reunified Devotional Lover and exploring expanded feminine consciousness.


However it happened;




It is healing, inspiring, awakening to his soul and the divine masculine spirit awakening in consciousness (alas; he may not be ever feeling that from you or much at all).




…Practical and felt Divine Feminine Beauty and its qualities sexually, socially and spiritually in all communication and interaction.


Key to the Kingdoms.


And this is not a personality based thing at all…in fact, it’s very IM-personal and archetypal.


And God knows that when your estrogenic bio-chemical essence depletes, it becomes even more cut-throat the dynamic of what’s at stake.


Are you entirely depleted and of less value in the eyes of a worthy, godly lover? Is your Beauty gone permanently?


Your spiritual life force essence (chi and its Beauty essence signatures) becomes even more CRITICAL including your underlying energetic health and vitality itself.


Chi life force essence and the Beauty signatures of it are not only the key, but the practical answer as well to health, hieros gamos and the bag of chips of *YOUR choosing*.


If you’re of valuing Divine Union; why is essence ‘everything’?


BECAUSE IT IS SOUL AND SPIRIT TO SPIRIT INTIMACY AND COMMUNION of BEAUTY and Divine Masculine POWER/consciousness itself; it is to COMMUNE with REAL and FELT Divine Feminine Presence Herself in source code Remembrance. Allure is the channel (your chakric and auric light-body’s expression) OF this tangible, immortal felt-Beauty Truth.


Where LOVE transcends into expanded consciousness of the Holy Lovers…beyond soul to soul intimacy even.


Such Beauty radiance intoxicatingly permeates and SIGNALS to his awakening masculine Heart, Sex, Soul and Spirit with your intoxicating fragrances WITHOUT WORDS.


And yet; most adult women (especially Western) do not have allure and this access, embodiment and emanation of essence. It’s either stolen in ways, disembodied or blocked. (Sigh).


And as a channel of the divine, you may have had loss of essence and have not have the spirit quanta to experience that which the awakening Divine Masculine God the Lover in yoked-enough men would desire; felt Beauty-Truth.


The quality of man might not be responding to you yet, because he cannot FEEL YOU (your essence, not your ‘personae’)…b/c when it comes to essence based beauty, your allure isn’t sending him the felt signals in HIS eros-somatic energy bodies.


Identity and essence….soul essence as a light-being incarnate into a physical body. Both mortal and divine.


However; if you don’t work with ESSENCE-BASED dynamics, you’re probably never doing the juicy real work that gets you massive transformation and results that open the keys to spiritual and soulful truth, siddhic reality, satisfaction, riches, love and beauty.


And yet without RECLAIMING and allowing your lost and yet-to-be-further-curated BEAUTY consciousness and feelable allure, you are unknowingly blocking more ecstatic, ultimate Love and Beauty itself in your experience. Gillian Pothier refers to this as ‘feminine eros’…I’m referring to it as your ‘essence’.


The radiance that you had as a pre-teen for example that through life really got dampened down and maybe armored up for self-defense.


You could be into ‘personal growth’, personality and skill development…even into psycho-therapy for years and never actually reach resolution for what has already been ‘done’ in the past…covering up the greatest Beauty of all and how it could be more expressed in your maturity.


This is because it has to do with the ESSENCE Light based qualities of Divine Feminine consciousness and quanta that can be EMBODIED and EXPRESSED with and through you as a channel of the divine.


You may be blocked in your chakras from years of conditioning or having a masculinized shell that prevents the essenced quanta from flowing and BEING felt and thus inspiring people and men to respond to (and care for) you.


IT’S YOUR ESSENCE. Not skin-deep beauty and body, not your personality, skills or talents here.


Although bio-realist atheists may not have a clue what we’re talking about; it’s your soul essence and feelable qualities and your divine feminine Beauty essences filtered through the felt influence of your SOUL IDENTITY of self…your allure is this gateway to satisfaction and riches in all dimensions and immortally.


Remember; Divine Union already exists in the higher dimensions and for you to bring unto heaven on earth in your own reunification and ESSENCE/QUANTA is the PRESENCE of the Holy Feminine which would reunify with the God-fractal masculine aspect (NOT your personality).


Feminine ESSENCE:


On a soulful and spiritual level socially and sexually; everyone wants it, wants to be WITH it or to control it. Much of humanity is fractured from its immortal honey; both fractured men who are left behind while tyrants are siphoning it in different ways or from women who’ve lost touch with it.


This is especially seen on a scale where there is more power and beauty in general (including the recent starter downfall of the rap-business titan Diddy).


Essentially EVERYTHING is at stake, because we’re talking about the unlimited prospering and renaissance of the Divine Feminine consciousness and Spirit throughout humanity (and richly transforming your life, love, beauty, influence, liberation and relationships).


One of the clearest examples of how it is in-demand and misused is that of the #metoo movement and sex trafficking, but it can also be seen throughout porn, media, entertainment and advertising…how the social matrix-maya uses and manipulates feminine energy (often seen as ‘sex sells’) within a constructionist, lower conscious template which ends up in many cases constricting or compromising essenced, higher frequency Feminine Beauty.


Fortunately; YOU can make a different decision to live heaven on earth without suppression of your soul beauty and truth – to break it free from past tyranny, IF you choose to RECLAIM your lost or stolen feminine essences and even curate NEW ones from the spectrum of Beauty itself. It’s not going to happen by default and masking it up could even make things worse underneath (with this ‘inner beauty’).

You may feel that your Divine Feminine Beauty on a soul level is still stifled and suppressed – or that it cannot fit within the social matrix, but fortunately…this is where you can live out heaven on earth in YOUR highest timelines as a woman of great beauty and INFLUENCE. You can choose reclamation and cultivation of your Beauty essences and their ancient mysteries.


If this is you, you want to be more ALLURING and having the open, energetic vulnerability of being able to safely (and in liberation) EMANATE and RADIATE such divine status Beauty. Just know that it is specifically the essences and how they’re blocked, embodied and expressed that is the ‘work’ itself in the multi-dimensional TEMPLE of your Body (and Eros-soma).


Reading about it or just doing ‘mental’, personal growth work isn’t going to do the real transformation where HE can FEEL your divine feminine body and beauty.


So yes; when we talk about Divine Union aka ‘The Holy Grail’ shhh-‘it’ gets real very fast b/c this (in what I proposed in the ‘Social Currency of Allure’ book) is what is driving ‘the game’ of power, status, beauty and influence itself SOCIALLY on the higher dimensional levels; the astral and spiritual levels.


For all the talk of Hieros Gamos in a personal relationship;


It’s actually DIVINE UNION (a.k.a. ‘the holy grail’) ITSELF that is DRIVING the light, dark and shadow dynamics in consciousness and the control of essence is what’s PREVENTING Divine Feminine archetypal Beauty and siddhic quanta in experience throughout humanity to flourish. For deeper reflection, see the book itself.


And the same concept of the Holy Grail isn’t possible without such rich spirit quanta to commune with a fractal of God the Lover. Other men may have stolen it from you, but you don’t have to keep living in the lower time-loops.


You simply may have had your own experiences which ended up suppressing or tarnishing your essenced beauty and allure itself.


And it’s all on the ESSENCE level of reality. If your essences (including soul embodiment) have been;


(I daresay; raped)


(And these – very likely from trauma in relationship to lower conscious masculine shadow);


…then, WITHOUT restoring them, your chances for Divine Union (consciousness and experience) are very slim…


..AND YET it is also your greatest opportunity for SOUL and SPIRITUAL freedom and liberation affecting EVERYTHING ELSE; love, life, relationships, health, intimacy, well-being, anti-aging, beauty, spiritual growth, soul fulfillment, empowering attraction, social influence, social status with integrity (without being limited to fitting into a box of ‘the game’).


You may feel that the healing journey which you’ve been on is never-ending…IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE because the TRUTH of Divine Union already exists, you still have to shift your consciousness and energetic template/temple of light bodies to support such RAW IMMORTAL BEAUTY SIGNATURES to flow with and through you (and how that would alchemize with your Beloved Lover-King).


There is UNLIMITED FEMININE ESSENCE available that has weaved throughout TIME ITSELF through millennia of fore-mothers and women of great Beauty…your Divine Feminine inheritance and Mystical Beauty – IF you will reclaim it and cultivate it.


When we take an ESSENCE central approach to IDENTITY transformation and Beauty (and allure itself is THE gateway key itself)..


When we taken an ESSENCE-based approach SOURCED IN DIVINE FEMININE CONSCIOUSNESS and your highest soul-truth potential and past RECLAMATION;


We can start to see many things very clearly…blockages which can spend DECADES literally festering in someone’s subconscious psyche and energy body because these are spiritual and soul-based dynamics.


Heart, sacral-womb and chakra blocks that are RESISTANT to RECEIVING THE LOVER-KING in your body itself (in a vibrational Universe).


And as a tantra daka myself while also working energetically with 100s of women; I see and know how central it is to receive the relevant medicine to heal in relation TO the masculine (where Goddess work may have its season for many but isn’t the final journey for the Grailed soul called to return HOME).


Much of the essence fracture and tampering may have been sexually in your case and in the Truth of Presence, it CAN be restored and reunified back into wholeness in relation to the masculine and divine (archetypal) masculine and men no matter what you’ve been through. You can restore your TEMPLE and the flow of divine feminine Spirit-truth plasmic quanta through it.


(For 22.5 years I’ve been on my own journey of reunification and cultivating Divine Masculine consciousness).


The essence based dynamics (if your soul is anything LESS than truly liberated and seen, valued, honored, cherished) AFFECT psychological, physiological, physical health, mental, social, personal-sexual and behavioral reality….so it’s really the SOURCE that we want to value and look at; the spirit-quanta of immortal Feminine Beauty essence itself (and the immortal qualities of your soul how it then incarnates and expresses).


You may even have to work on Holy Father templating and restoration. We’re doing that in the new Mystical Grail program for Divine Union Alchemy training and support.


So when my clients sign up for 1-on-1 activation sessions, my guides and their guides are working on your energy field itself directly (always with permission)…we’re working with essences at the level of the soul and Spirit which then filters down and affects EVERYTHING else.

By being in my FB circle; thank God you probably know what I’m talking about with essence and all of these dynamics and how much of the world still isn’t caught up with the truth of all of this.


(YOU are likely aware that allure and essence are the evolution of Beauty but also relates with your influence and Union itself).


I mean just look at sex trafficking victims and how DEPLETED and lifeless their energy can be and many women have a similar energetic disposition even WITHOUT going through as extreme of abuse situations…but how are you ever going to have your SOUL AND SPIRIT-BASED SELF INITIATE AND ACTIVATE YOUR LOVER-KING if you cannot ever be FELT b/c you are still fractured (no matter what happened in the past?!)


And if you’re concerned that there aren’t men qualified or worthy enough to do such work, just ask around about me b/c ‘what if they are out there’? And ‘what else am I still resisting?’ (I, Rion am expensive, that’s all and my prices are rising).


If and when we value SOPHIANIC Truth and all Divine Feminine Archetype Fractals (Goddess, Queen, Muse, Vixen, etc.), we can then reference your soul as true-self and the dynamics of how, where and when you are fractured from higher feminine Beauty-truth and feelable presenced spirit quanta that bends DNA. And yes; it has to do with your psyche and light-body; layers of the chakras and aura.


Personality, behavioral-modeling, sociological approaches don’t ever scratch the surface with essence dynamics.


This is who you are IMMORTALLY we’re talking about and how the LIGHT of your BEAUTY can affect, engage, attract, influence and BE in all dimensions of love and communication. The Temple of your body is also your light body and higher dimensional communication that means everything with social influence and love.


Superficial beauty as valued in a socially constructivist ‘game’ is limited when the real game itself of POWER, BEAUTY AND INFLUENCE is the IMMORTAL GAME that is happening CONCURRENTLY in real-time.


You can reclaim, restore and CULTIVATE YOUR CURRENCY itself of value so that the DIVINITY in others is MAGNETICALLY ATTRACTED TO YOU LIKE HONEY TO THE BEES.


This is how you can bring DIVINE BEAUTY into the Matrix-Maya itself because it is ALWAYS actually higher status and more social influence; remember…EVERYONE is trying to acquire, be like, be with, steal or control BEAUTY ESSENCE ITSELF. Essence is that TANGIBLE substance.


This is the immortal game from a soul and spiritual lens.


Allure is the gateway for the tangible HONEY OF THE UNIVERSE to flow with and through YOUR body and the Light of your images to attract, magnetize, and receive the level in all dimensions at that which you are ready for; that which you ARE in a vibrational Universe.


This is what we work on in the Allure Makeover Package and every single individual activation session.


(Divine Union support is in Mystical Grail group program).


So are you shining?


Have you given yourself permission? Can you accept that it may require some relevant, powerful and professional support and that having that support is only practical?


We just have to really look at what’s deeper than allure itself. Gillian calls it ‘feminine eros’ as a mix of essence and allure (from my lens), I call it essence.


If you are called to reclaiming and cultivating your FELT BEAUTY in ‘all the ways’, the work that I offer like the Allure Makeover Package (or the VIP Level of Mystical Grail) allows us to work DIRECTLY on healing, restoration, reclamation and essence CULTIVATION of that which your feminine soul desires to experience and express that affects all dimensions of your reality.


I get clients fast results because we can remove years of blockages IN your energy body in minutes as well as restore Holy Father/Daughter templating, sexual trauma/fracture, etc. A willingness for big transformation and sacrificing that which was will help you to get wonderful results fast (I have 100s of testimonials).


Anywhere the Feminine Spirit isn’t liberated, there is likely soul essence siphoning, karmic contracts, suppression and compromise.


Are you as free, witnessed and loved as your soul desires to be? As effortlessly attractive and influential for more than any limitations of your physical looks or other flaws?


Allure is ORGANIC and authentic communication and influence to flow with the divine current itself (and higher, alchemical, king-making frequencies of it).


Without SOMEHOW working on the restoration and curation of your ESSENCE itself (and the blockages and dynamics around it); you’re probably not getting the DEPTH of transformation and Beauty that you still feel is yours.


Working with the energy body itself (upon light years of reunification foundational alchemy myself and 22.7 actual years) is simply the most direct method and one I specialize in which includes psychic surgery and even demon removal, etc.


If you want a real makeover, I’d go for the Allure Makeover (or maybe just start with a 3-pack and see about cross-grading).


No matter WHAT has happened in the past, it’s still a responsibility to choose healing and reclamation. IT’S YOUR LIFE in all dimensions.


With essence and such sensitive work I’d work with someone qualified to do such work who you trust.


It doesn’t have to be painful or ineffective years of psycho-therapy. I have hundreds of clients…ask around. I hold temple space all the time and room for the very deepest of scarring to release and transform.


When you can RECLAIM and curate your SOUL-Beauty and Spiritual Beauty Quanta (as a soul-starlet), then you will have more INFLUENCE because it’s WHAT EVERYONE on a soul and spiritual level wants; to be WITH and touched by BEAUTY ITSELF….when you allow the cosmic flavors of shakti (soul’s choice) to flow through you.


So do you want the keys to unlock your soul-felt Beauty influence and Divine Union in quantum leaps with real-world response and literal image makeover?


Sessions are available in a 3-pack or Makeover package. We can also do an Allure Consult with 1 essence embodiment activation session included (available on the same appointments page).


(All sessions work on your energetic health, vitality, anti-aging and allure itself).




p.s. Further testament of LIVING the change..the world’s first Muse Priestesses are going to be announced soon (2024)!


The Social Currency of Charisma: Power Report Book

Phwew! I’m glad to finally release this here on-site.


Social media marketing is shifting to a different kind of ORGANIC direct response…and now YOU can start thriving with it more than ever.


I’ve manually sent this breakthrough power report to around 150 people already. If you’re a social influencer on social media, beauty influencer or in online business where you brand and visuals MATTER, this is perfect 4u:


Download it here:


> The Social Currency of Charisma


‘How to Organically Thrive In an Attention
Economy as a Social Media or Beauty
Influencer Like a Star or Starlet’


It’s got HUNDREDS of pop example visuals for you to work with!


Ready for the future of social media marketing? It’s here! I also reveal the hidden secret to BILLIONS of youtube views.


You can’t rely on ‘fame’ alone if you’re not famous…get ready to take notes with this hot power report! Esp. if you know that hacking algorithms and non-stop content generation alone isn’t leading to organic response and influence.


p.s. Also referred to as ‘SCA’ report; I will inter-change ‘charisma’ and ‘allure’ often thus will change the title from Allure to Charisma as well

Is Your Allure (or Charisma) Unknowingly Blocked?

Because it might be and this is impacting the ability of people to FEEL you from your social and digital media.


Here’s a clear example of allure, influence and people being able to feel you (as an influencer).


A few years ago there was a fairly well known lady and leader in our circles who had a first remote session with me (which can be booked on the appointments page here – opens in new window).


We went into session and I remember thinking that her energy didn’t match people’s expectations of who she said she was; it just felt like a mismatch but really what happened was that (for different reasons) her energy was just temporarily ‘shut in’.


This can happen to all of us for different and environmental reasons (that’s why ongoing maintenance of your energy field is recommended esp. for pro beauty and performance influence and visual communication mastery).


There’s nothing psychological you could really do in this case to ‘make it work’ and she did the right thing by attracting me to just help her return to who she already was (and we also cultivate more essence in most sessions too).


So what I’m feeling in session is how other people would be sensing and FEELING your presence and image; in this case, dull, achy chakras instead of vibrancy.


Natasha Graziano is a good example of an influencer who is energetically congruent with what she says she is.


So back to this past client who specializes in relationships; people she would be actively influencing from her live field would have been feeling recently in that there was a mismatch of sorts in integrity of who she said she was simply b/c her allure was shut down from expression.


This creates entropy in influence; disconnection. They (her prospects) would feel something may be ‘off’ and it could prevent working with her esp. with heightened feminine intuition and senses..advanced levels of discernment.


I wasn’t concerned for long however b/c although she had closed chakras and some numbness (throughout our power detox), her chakras when started opening up fast and bright and I could FEEL that (phwew) she was who I really thought she was, sensed she was and how other people were relating to her projected image. I was relieved.


That session (probably an archetype activation but one in which we ALWAYS do this energetic maintenance in each session) helped bring her back to her normal alluring radiance and she’s been thriving since (although of course for a myriad of reasons).


She had already done so much of the work, it was just temporarily closed in and we re-opened it.


For many people, this may require more active maintenance to keep your chakras and aura clean, open and expressive.


If certain chakras are shut down for any reason, people will not FEEL your influence or impact in the corresponding centers and everything will rely more on your words, personality, marketing image alone, etc and there’s more room for disconnect.


So if you want more visual, PHOTONIC INFLUENCE (and really it’s fotonic influence if you’ve researched here ;)…make sure that your allure and essences flowing through it are ON.


When people can FEEL you are who you say you are and are in that integrity (in the vibe&light-truth emanation of your allure), there’s more connection and exchange of energies, sales, influence (and yes it’s related to the dynamics of essence, embodiment (presence) and expression (allure), so you want to make sure you’re optimized in these areas and it can be a journey.


I plan on bringing this subject up with Gillian Pothier on our Mystical Beauty micro-dose call which you’re invited to (ladies only). I’ll post the zoom link below (UPDATE; no I won’t because we sold out that program last year!)


If you’ve like to find out if certain chakras or your allure is not radiant, I read all of this in an actual activation session and give you details afterwards.


I also have psychic celebrity readings on site. Yes, I can ‘see’, feel and know where people are blocked, etc. and can get into really good details.


You can book a 3 pack of sessions or allure makeover on site!

Revisiting The Truth of Light Itself For Image & Beauty Evolution

Since we are in the realm of professional image and beauty…and image IS LIGHT, it can help to understand and know it on a deeper level because it is ENTWINED with the effective truth of beauty influence and how YOU can maximize it more (this goes more than superficially looking pretty).




There’s light as science knows it with photons and there is the light that they cannot explain (which is why Science still can’t connect with ‘chi’).


This is also the standard focus of photography that doesn’t consciously account for beauty essences; it’s works with the more standard paradigm of photons rather than fotons. Understand that (for beauty mastery);


Both platforms of Light are SOURCED differently even though your social media is image. BOTH forms of Light are included in image; one is holographic and powerful (fotons) and another is more generic light as we know it.


Although there is still much more to be revealed about the Truth of Light, these insights help to pull a lot together while still keeping the magic and mystery of it alive. It was just time in history to have more of a foundation for the evolution of Beauty itself which IS Light-centric.


And Beauty is MORE than skin-deep or bio-photonic


This goes back to my Uniɸied Theory and the Theory of ɸotonic Quanta (partly inspired from random other disparate teachings that to me never pulled it all together)...


My (now ascended) chi kung grandmaster couldn’t explain it either; he would just practice and work with the chi-light.


There’s the astro-bio reality of Light in which our solar system’s sun is the primary source of photonic Light. It is very real.


As a plasmic, nuclear-thermic ball it generates photonic quanta including INVISIBLE Light that takes 8 and a half minutes to reach the earth…it sends frequencies we cannot see yet that which is still light.


The same can be said about the plasmic multi-dimensional spirit-matter LIGHT ESSENCE which comes through consciousness and humans; we are like stars and yet emit a different sourced spectrum of light frequencies; that of consciousness, that of spirit.


That’s why you can FEEL certain people even if they’re not famous; they’re literally RADIATING something that HITS your energy body, and auric soma.


(Isn’t this different than just mastering the TECHNICAL aspects of 2D-3D studio lighting?! That’s important but just PART of the true equation)


That’s charisma or allure. It’s a radiative MATTER (spirit-matter) of SENTIENT-LIGHT….(and do ya think that since professional IMAGE and Beauty is LIGHT centric, it might help to have the greater truth of Light on your side? 😉


That’s why I differentiate photons from ɸotons.


ɸotons are light sourced from Spirit (aka ‘ESSENCE’) which can also be holographically CAPTURED in digital media because both the astro-bio physical, scientific world and the world of sentient-spirit co-exist.


We can see both photons and fotons but most people are trained to only focus on photons and physical reflection of superficial light.


My celebrity essence readings will help you to SEE fotons such as the archetypal essenced quanta of beauty and power itself.


2D images are powerful not just because they are reflections of photons and literal skin-deep skin – but because of their HOLOGRAPHIC (and photo-chemical) NATURE sourced in Spirit (and that which we are all psychically connected to; some just have more direct access).


Radiation of sentient chi plasmic light (sourced in the Uniɸfied field of Spirit-consciousness) is the Light (the spectrum of Beauty essence) that explains or covers EVERYTHING ELSE that astro-bio science CANNOT explain.


Again; my Uniɸied & ɸotonic Quanta Theory goes into this more and its a deeper understanding for the EVolution of Beauty and Beauty influence.


For practical human purposes, this is the realm of ESSENCE. Pop Science can’t speak to it which leaves 700+ unexplained phenomena because they can only accept the astro-bio world.


Can you ‘measure’ chi? Yes (I LITERALLY can; the qualities and distance) – but most scientists can’t even accept the premise, because it doesn’t source from the astro-bio universe nor their known tools (none of which really explains quantum phenomena although quantum physics starts opening a gateway).


Since both realities of Light co-exist; the sun generates different types of radiation that can EFFECT sentient Light and vice versa (on a smaller scale).


How can RADIATION influence (again; this is key to your Fotonic BEAUTY INFLUENCE)?


That’s why the sun-star although appearing still; is literally radiating photonic, photo-thermal and photo-chemical information that influences and creates life, energy, power, etc.


Stars and starlets as humans radiate or emanate ɸotonic radiation that is sourced differently and yes we can learn to ‘see’ the spectrum of higher dimensional essences in ɸotographs.


Allure and charisma RADIATES as multi-dimensional sentient-Light with and through people.


Although we’re so focused on the VISIBLE light spectrum and the reflection of PH-OTONIC light off of the body (instead of valuing and see the ever-present fotonic light), the higher Truth is that Beauty is more than skin deep.


We are both biological and divine and it’s the spirit-essence side of things we can leverage to unleash your immortal divine feminine Beauty that people can FEEL.


In fact;


Beauty itself is an alchemical language of Light.


Beauty is literally divine and immortal because of the God/Spirit-Field itself which we reincarnate into.


It is plasmic Light matter that is sourced in the uniɸied sentient field of spirit (as chi or prana); so if we just value a lens of the uniɸied field as the source, then we can view the reincarnation cycles with and through form (of souls into bodies);


We ALL have potentially unlimited access to Beauty and Power (prana or chi as the sentient-spirit radiative platform OF life force, consciousness and spirit in all sentient things).


Although they get most things right about the astro-bio universe;


Science will never be able to make this connection until they can accept the concept of ‘chi’ or ‘prana’ itself and that it is sourced differently.


ANY OF US (as souls incarnate into human bodies thereby have full potential access to the spectrum) can become like stars and starlets because we are connected in Spirit to unlimited power and beauty (much of which includes the immortal archetypes).


It just becomes a matter of your self-identity and consciousness itself…how much beauty or power can you directly embody and EMANATE like a star or starlet…more powerful sun-stars have more powerful influence on their universe.


Want to expand your social and professional influence? Literally embody more sentient-chi from the spectrum of Beauty essence-Light itself.


How much essenced Beauty or Power could you ALLOW yourself to ACCESS, embody (like and earth) and emanate (like your atmosphere)?!


This is the deeper, practical spirit-science behind charisma and allure itself.


I encourage people to start referring to ESSENCED beauty as ɸotonic rather than photonic because we are talking about Light-POWER itself that is sourced in Spirit-sentient reality and divinity rather than the astro-bio world.


For a deeper study, request or find my Uniɸied Theory (great for spiritual seekers) and Theory of ɸotonic Quanta reports….if you would rather just get down to business cultivating your own star/let power itself to have more literal beauty influence IN STILLNESS from your
For practical human purposes, this is the realm of ESSENCE.


Since both realities co-exist; the sun generates different types of radiation that can EFFECT sentient Light and vice versa (on a smaller scale).


Imagine star-like RADIATION (literally of essence) that allows people to photo-chemically FEEL you and RESPOND to you; this is EXACTLY what’s happening around people with charisma and allure; people FEEL their vibe and light-truth influence because the plasmic light-matter TOUCHES their field.


I call it ɸotonic Beauty.


To cultivate this level of photo-chemical allure directly; it helps to be on a path of greater service (stars influence millions to they allow more embodiment of this ‘chi’ spirit-life force) and this is where it’s at! Allure consulting & transformation…


And Sexy Chi is leading the way!


This includes embodiment of ARCHETYPES (Goddess, Eros, Princess, Vixen, etc.) and their light-essence SIGNATURES of vibe and light-truth MATTER from the spectrum of Divine Feminine Light and their encoded consciousness.


Now we can just work on it directly and YES your ɸotonic light is ALWAYS part of your literal professional image itself in ALL media and always will be.


Consumers and ideal soul tribe clients are simply waking up to sense, feel and know your sentient-light truth if you really are that person or if you are just ‘made up’ to stylistically look like her.


The Allure Makeover Package is available and don’t forget you can work with the Allure Attunement itself!


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