An Abridged Intro to Archetype Reading

It’s actually pretty easy to start energy reading Archetypes as a ‘practical psychic’.


Here on Sexy Chi you can request your own extended energy reading which includes an archetype reading for masculine or feminine with the top 10 (or so) archetypes as well as your embodiment, expression on a 0-10 scale.


If you want to start doing psychic energy reading yourself, this blog will give you more tips and insights.


Of course this is all something I would train to apprentices in detail to be able to independently do their own psychic readings for clients.


Before u might get into reading Essence, Embodiment and Expression with archetypes; just start with gauging the primary 2 (or 3) leading aspects and built a practical, referential database from there.


You can learn to calibrate your archetypal and energetic awareness in doing your own celebrity, friends or client’s readings.


I like to start with clear examples that everyone can relate to:


Zayn Malik would be Lover-Prince


2020 Taylor Swift: Princess-Diva Queen


Early Ariana Grande: Lover-Princess


Jason Momoa: King-Warrior-Eros


Madonna would be Diva – Queen (Her secondary changes through time; ie. Martyr, Heretic, Lover)


Oprah Winfrey: Goddess-Mother*-Diva


Anna Wintour: Princess-Queen


Oh what they hay – here’s another Jason Momoa if you won’t complain but with a DIFFERENT archetypal template:




Selena Gomez: Lover-Princess

Selena Gomez Lover Archetype


Those are some examples and the primary-secondary archetype can really change from time to time. We can see this in evolution of artists or in different performances. Sexy Chi allows us to have more direct energetic mastery over this!


So we all know that #archetypes have certain impersonal and authentic aspects and traits b/c they exist in the collective un/conscious.


It’s the authentic energetic quality that you want to look for, get accustomed and attuned with so that it’s easier to sense and see those qualities in others.


For example; 1Direction has tons of pure PRINCE consciousness



Whereas Jason Momoa more recently has more settled King archetypal image and presence. Much of that has to do with his relationship to a/his Queen btw.


So having such Prince with 1D – that’s a major part of their (past) appeal and success; it’s a perfect correllary to all the Princess consciousness of most of their fans. Even as solo artists now they are in still carrying a lot of Prince each.


Prince has high status, clean aura, divine self-esteem and self-acceptance, graceful energy for example that can move in and out of higher social circles; if a man didn’t HAVE that he wouldn’t be a true Prince (consciousness) b/c that’s what we know it as from the collective un/conscious.


Once you know that, you can also look at the Dark or Shadow aspects (like tyrant, weakling) referencing models of them (ie. movie villains) or Brandon Lee in The Crow (Dark Prince).



There are a lot of Wuss Prince and Wuss Father models now in TV and otherwise to reference. Anyways;


Dark is usually ‘healthy dark’ aspects like Malevolent in the swamp. The thing is Dark is closer to Shadow where things can get into all kinds of destructive behaviors.


It’s harder to have a clean dark energy without corruption; the Sheriff of Nottingham in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves – obviously Dark but also a lot of destructive Shadow.



So all of this here is another intro as this is all an extended study. Even I am always learning more about archetypes.


That singer from Die Antwoord ‘Yolandi’ would have a lot of Dark Princess embodied.



Follow your intuition but from a practical baseline of awareness b/c it’s the collective qualities you are reading and attuning to.


We want to psychically tune into general, accurates truths – and then get into more details.


U can also gauge Prince archetypes from the lack of matured Kingship qualities (we can talk a lot more about all this).


Harvey Weinstein was definitely a King with a lot of power, but he was a Dark Shadow King.


I personally have a master list of celebrity archetypes (their primary and secondary) featuring 100 women and it’s open to continue growing. 


Once u have clear examples, it’s easier to then read prospective client aspects for identity work, image transformation, spiritual growth, etc. U can go a long ways just accurately gauging the primary and secondary archetypes.


For more detailed reading, you could get into the Charisma Archetype Model which gauges Essence, Embodiment and Expression of archetypes on a 0-10 scale for each variable.


I will be adding more of these readings to the Sexy Chi Beauty Blog where we value reading the REST of someone’s multi-dimensional energetic visual communication (this is where the power and influence is).


To get your own custom energy reading, click here.