Can You Be Highly Sexed Even When You’re Not?

So….How can you be highly sexed (and reunified) when you’re NOT?


The answer is YES!!


And it’s not delusional, we just have to get outsight of your limitations and definitions OF ‘sex’.


I used to think this message was just for men, but it applies just as well for women.


It’s simple really, you just have to go to a higher truth and this also applies to attracting a soul mate healthily without co-dependency and neediness.


You’d have to expand your understanding of what Sex itself IS (beyond 3D physical intercourse and your physical concept of ‘sex’) and you’d also have to value sex, love and union from a multi-dimensional perspective. Sex already means MANY different things to our subconscious and much of it has to do with advertising and programming.


(This can resolve ALL of your sexual anxieties or approach anxieties btw.)


I created a resource years ago for men called ‘Sex Maps’ where all these values of sex (courtship, religion, fame, porn) literally = ‘sex’ to our subconscious. Most of them don’t even lead to the real thing yet even still we have to seek a higher truth BEYOND just the physical and attachment to it.




Although you may not be PHYSICALLY sexed in the 3rd dimension, you can be highly sexed, loved and reunified in higher dimensions.


This is an impossible conundrum for logical men who only view reality from the 3rd dimension because they are living 99% of their time ‘without sex’ which means someone else has the power to take it or give it; NO! That’s referring to physical intercourse which is not at all the higher truth of sex. Yet this is also where sex appeal, sexual charisma, sexual confidence and swag comes from; one is essentially ‘reunified within’ (in relation to the feminine).


It also means that people who seem highly sexed in the physical dimension may be starving in higher dimensions moreso than someone who who may be celibate in the 3D.


If you believe sex is physical intercourse (and chances are you’re referring to fantasy or something else OTHER than literal intercourse); you could still be WITHOUT IT 99.9% of the time which means you SUCK, YOU’RE LONELY, UNWORTHY, ETC. but not necessarily AT ALL. Simply seek the higher truth of Sex.


So; this is incredibly practical to all Grail work, Sacred Divine Union and Sophianic cultivation as well as practical dating advice and soul mate attraction b/c if men for example are wanting to ‘get’ something that a woman has (and he ‘doesn’t’), then they can keep coming from immense insecurity, lack of confidence and lack of fulfillment which will keep things away from them.


Cultivate reunified PRESENCE and consciousness; worthy of communion.


ATTUNE to the divine masculine and feminine; seek reunification (divine union) and thou shalt be fulfilled with the greater truth of Sex and that will attract lower dimensional forms of it to you.


It’s the same concept of BECOMING the ideal soul mate you would want and then from presence; BEING and EMANATING those qualities without seeking validation or co-dependency and attachment on someone outside of you (ie. twin flame immolation cycles).


Generally; you want to be FILLED with love and sex in higher dimensions (which is related to CHI flow) to attract it more into the physical…as you are RECEIVING of meta-physical feminine essenced chi you WILL attract it in the physiological.


Even then; you can be discerning and turning down 3D opportunities.


Again; it’s all Grail work. Activations available and you may want to subscribe & get into the Powerliminal attunements to help cultivate your own reunification with the opposite divine polarity (men to Goddess, Starlet, etc. and women to God the Lover, King, ETC.)

Why Most People Will Never Have Allure or Charisma

Personalized identity of self and conditioning prevents embodiment of beauty and power (chi); thereby prevents allure and charisma.


Allure (feminine) and charisma (masculine) again is the flow and emanation of essences with and through chakric and auric embodiment.


(And this is all VISUAL as well because image itself is multi-dimensional light…it’s why we can feel things stir with those who carry true power and beauty like many celebrities just from their image)


Personalization (and the Western value of ego and personal growth) + conditioning is why MOST PEOPLE don’t even have allure and charisma and NEVER WILL. It’s how many modern men especially don’t even have archetypal qualities because there is just CONDITIONING instead of access of immortal masculine chi essenced consciousness/codes.


Having a PERSONALIZED self/ego and conditioned field (literally in the chakras) leaves one disconnected from soul embodiment as well as the other archetypes and their power/beauty.


Deep ‘inner game’ for men will endlessly keep them disavowed from their divine masculine inheritance as well as worthiness and presence with the divine feminine (necessary for Holy Grail Communion).


And for many women; they’ll keep relying on mastery of superficial beauty instead and wondering why people don’t FEEL them from their presence/image. They’re not connected to and embodying of the beauty codes.


They’re walking around with conditioned social and parental programming filling their chakric psyches and they haven’t unwound from all of the programming.


It’s kind of like having radio scramble FUZZ visually vs. the clarity of a high frequency CHANNEL streaming through; they’re not able to receive or transmit other signals of beauty or power b/c the chakric psyche is visually (with light and psyche) filled with chaos and distortion from conditioning.


How could they express divine feminine or masculine power or beauty in their presence and image (like purity, peace, ecstasy, honour, King, etc.) when it’s all just conditioned, distorted programming and chaos?


And when their PERSONALIZED IDENTITY constricts them from their unlimited soul identity consciousness that can take on immortal qualities and powers?


So you actually want to get into IMPERSONAL growth rather than personal growth (and archetype transformational work with attunements and activations holds a key power piece) and you want to DECONDITION your chakric psyche which isn’t communicating charisma/allure to others and alchemically influencing them.


Also; most people also have strong influential implants on the back of their chakras which are also preventing psyche and spiritual sovereignty in those areas.


Embodiment of what? SOUL Essence, the true self as well as other archetypal, element and siddhic essences.


Then the big question becomes: “How can I decondition?” And…”how can I depersonalize”?


(And how can I get to the real beauty and power that is possible for my soul-self that people can know and feel as real?)


There are many things you can do including living your Human Design strategy and authority for 7 years to de-condition on a cellular level but I would also be doing DIRECT chakric energy work releasing/deconditioning as well as other forms of professional releasing. Much of the junk stored in your psyche is other people, parental, religious and societal conditioning and programming that is BLOCKING your divine beauty and power (thereby charisma and allure as the energetic and visual truth of it).


If you are on a spiritual path and journey, remember that your ‘inner beauty’ isn’t disconnected from your beauty itself; it just practically shows up in the FORMAT and laws of essence, embodiment and expression as higher dimensional 5D Light-truth (and flavors of it) and 4D vibe-truth in ALL image.


Once there is more deconditioning (of social programming, lower self identity, trauma, lower timelines) there is more multi-dimensional ‘space’ in the cauldron of each chakric psyche, thus there is room FOR ie. Goddess or Queen mixed with your Soul essence to ‘be’ embodied and then expressed.


EVERY activation session (including archetype activations) I do for clients includes deconditioning energetic health growth maintenance, detox so more soul-truth and other essences can be embodied (thereby more presence of power and beauty that people can FEEL).


You also want to value shifting your seat of self from the egoic and conditioned personae/identity into the seat of the soul-self which is potentially infinite and then you can start accessing impersonal powers like the archetypes to then mix with your expanded soul consciousness.


It is what the great icons in history (as well as actors and actresses) have given themselves permission to do.


And as I’ve mentioned before; the personalized ‘inner game’ of conditioned men in a culture where the divine feminine is FRACTURED with divine masculine consciousness – and a reality where the divine feminine is rising in sexual and social power and status – keeps most modern men in consciousness, truth and presence DISCONNECTED and unworthy of attracting, communing and relating with the divine feminine aspects within women and beauty (this includes Divine Union level relationships of Love beyond soul mates).


Most people just aren’t doing the work OF deconditioning or transcending the limited egoic self construction and personae; they’re strengthening it and their conditioning; led by others programs and values instead of leading from the compass of their soul and its grander desires and liberation.


The answers are here; we’ve just been focused on the wrong things with a distorted lens. Allure and Charisma Makeover packages available on site ((where we work with your soul, deconditioning and the beauty/power codes (essences) themselves DIRECTLY for real presence, consciousness and image/beauty transformation!))

After 16 Years of Working With Men, I Could Sum Much Of It Up Like This…

Men; if you’ve been struggling for years in this area (with attraction and worthiness around women as well as resolving anxiety)…even if you don’t want to compromise on the quality of woman for long-term…perhaps consider that you may NOT be actually worthy of her Divine Feminine.


Those butterflies you get and what’s at stake with rejection and the compromise dynamics; that this unworthiness may be a greatest secret fear but if you could stomach it, it could save you decades more of bitter frustration, hopelessness, depression and despair to start accepting the possibility.


YES; her power and beauty is real and verifiable and it scares the crap out of you that you could be that small (and fractured for all of eternity from Communion with it).


You have to expand your definition of who you really are and get it in PROPER alignment; to move from the egoic and conditioned, disempowered self into the seat of the soul, unlimited, immortal self.


The inner game centric egoic self ‘psychology’ CANNOT resolve this impossible conundrum of how to be worthy of her level of SEX/Beauty and it will only corruptively conflate the ego to think that it is worthy.


But it’s not her ‘personal’ self you’re going up against; it’s mostly her VERY REAL beauty, status, sex and its power which is impersonal, ancient, immortal and archetypal.


The sooner you can accept that you (as you previously knew it) is NOT worthy; the sooner you can move on and reclaim your divine masculine inheritance that IS worthy – and embody HIM as an expanded aspect of your SOUL-self truth (ideally along a path of sacred reunification itself).


This Divine Masculine (archetypal, elemental and siddhic) Power (and His consciousness) is what relates to Her Beauty as an expanded aspect of Self (not constricted egoic self).


You don’t have to keep suffering and wasting years and decades of time remaining unworthy while market forces and socio-cultural conditioning capitalize on your disempowerment and fracture with the Divine Feminine.


The archetypal, divine masculine truth and power already IS worthy and relevant to Her divine feminine Beauty and radiance. Activations available to embody your divine masculine (King, Lover, Star, Eros, Warrior, etc.)


What if your dis-embodied divine masculine WAS already worthy, you just had to ACCESS and EMBODY Him instead of relying on your conditioned and egoic identity of self? Hmm…and then shift your transformational work around it (and watch as women with divine feminine qualities start responding to you!)


The larger picture answer is with Divine Union or sacred reunification (aka ‘hieros gamos’) but it’s too much to introduce here.


Cultivate your divine masculine presence, sexual confidence, social status and charisma with Archetype activations on site. The Charisma Makeover Package is also available

The Masculine Eros Archetype

Ahh Eros…


More than the Greek God of erotic masculine sensuality, Eros lives on through history as the prime immortal masculine sensual essence.


Centered more in the sacral than the Heart of the Lover archetype, Eros consciousness and codes can provide unlimited sexual and sensual essenced potency, fire and magic.



For your charisma; imagine embodying more Eros presence and His signature flavor of immortal masculine truth yourself!


I’ll write a bit less on this one b/c (as a powerful follow-on study or masterclass immersion), you’re invited to discover the (Masculine) Eros Powerliminal attunement featuring Dark and Light aspects.


Click below to go to youtube off-site b/c of 18+ requirement.


divine masculine eros

Masculine Eros Archetype Meditation

(Light Eros begins around minute 7)


Remember, that with masculine and feminine archetypes (icons of impersonal masculine & feminine in the collective psyche), we are able to do Archetypal Alchemy and transmutation of consciousness. You can now use archetypes not just from a psychological or analytical approach but now to EMBODY and work on cultivating your own divine masculine or feminine charisma, power, beauty and presence.


Archetypes God-fractal aspects are no longer ‘out of reach!’


Archetype transformation can be done with attunements (like that Powerliminal) or with direct archetype embodiment activations with Sexy Chi.


Eros Masculine and Feminine activations available by simply booking a session on the appointment page! > Eros Archetype Activation


What Is Charisma?


Update: YES, this same information is on our official Charisma Codes Transmission but I’m also just going to cover this in this blog post.


Sure; we kinda know the effect of what charisma is and surely you’ve experienced someone in a room or party who ‘had it going on’ and had that big influence from their presence that can have powerful attraction, open opportunities and expand your network, etc., right?



   But what IS it? What is Charisma?


This is the BIG question (again before we can get to the ‘how’, etc.).


Because if we answer it from a more limited, lower truth understanding it is going to limit our ability (for years even decades) to REALLY do miraculous transformation in this realm and have good authority over it all.


And really I was always wondering ‘what is charisma’ as well when I was growing up and seeing certain movies stars have it (and later discovering how this cross-relates with women and their Beauty/allure btw).


‘WHAT is charisma?’


‘How do THEY have it (and not me)?’


‘How can *I* have it and experience that kind of effortless influence?…’


You could like FEEL their impact and awesomeness when they didn’t DO anything even – but no one could really get a grip on saying what it is.


Well….the popular, current collective awareness definition in the dictionary is this;





noun: charisma; plural noun: charismata


1. compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others.


“she enchanted guests with her charisma”


2. a divinely conferred power or talent.




More popularly, people generally describe it as ‘influence of someone’s presence or image;…a special ‘quality’ about them that makes them magnetic or appealing’.


But this is SummerCamp Masterclass – (is your freeze pop melting 😉


WE want a highest/higher truth definition of what charisma REALLY is, right?


Yep..after all, I always sought a DEEPER and more conscious TRUTH about it all.


(And after years of work and now returning ‘officially’ to men’s work in this revival with these breakthroughs);


Here’s MY 2022 definition (subject to even further improvements and clarity);




“The emanating expression of masculine vibe and light essences in, with and through a man’s presence and thus (multi-dimensional) image”


Yes; it is about a man (or pre-dominant masculine-essenced being) and the overall breathing-ness of his light (5D) and vibe (4D) essences IN his presence and image. There is a similar feminine version definition for ‘allure’ btw.


We’ll dig deeper into it but you have to understand that your presence and image is NOT just literally skin-deep 3D. AND you already know that the men you are secretly envious of; they’re not literally ‘DOING’ anything…they’re just vibing and emanating ‘something else’ without effort. So bear with me…


You practically exist on the 4th, 5th and beyond dimensions (if you’ve taken plant medicine you know this) and your literal image itself is communicating MORE frequency, truth, codes and information than we normally perceive from our 3D based vision and the visible ROYGBIV light spectrum (you know; that visible, skin-deep focus which the fitness and Beauty industry thrives upon).


So….in order for YOU to be ahead of the Behavioral Charisma Consultants (trust me; this will save you YEARS of time in not really knowing) – and to start capitalizing on gaining charisma and more influence in YOUR truth and image, we’ll dig in more with this masterclass (now distilled on the Charisma class on-site).


We just have to be more aware of the practical TRUTH of things and what’s being communicated visually and THIS my friend (stick with our masterclass);


Is THE juicy juiciness you’ve been waiting for (that no one else in the world could define or show for me) – well that and HOW to directly do it for real makeover transformation into the self of your dreams!


There are VERY specific things we can literally name and work with now; dream stuff that my teenage self is THRILLED BY.


Imagine not just having suns out guns out, but REAL SWAGGER (and divine masculine sex appeal that women are actually MISSING from men).


Remember that with ‘natural’ attraction; women can respond to YOUR presence and when you have charisma – your field HITS them energetically – it’s far easier for them to notice you and trigger a natural response and then you just have to look for their non-verbal signals to see if you WANT to approach them and connect or not (b/c they’ve already given you the signal off of your vibe and light).


Boom – all risk of rejection is virtually gone…Charisma ALSO represents your social status ; it’s like your vibe-truth homing beacon that works for you – even in silence (and 24/7 on social media!).


Much more coming up (and a lot to ‘cash in on’ if you’ve been doing Natural Grounding and Powerliminals)!


If you know me from how I tore apart the weak paradigm of inner game into greater social and natural truths of attraction; this is on par with that game-changing shit.