What Is Charisma?


Update: YES, this same information is on our official Charisma Codes Transmission but I’m also just going to cover this in this blog post.


Sure; we kinda know the effect of what charisma is and surely you’ve experienced someone in a room or party who ‘had it going on’ and had that big influence from their presence that can have powerful attraction, open opportunities and expand your network, etc., right?



   But what IS it? What is Charisma?


This is the BIG question (again before we can get to the ‘how’, etc.).


Because if we answer it from a more limited, lower truth understanding it is going to limit our ability (for years even decades) to REALLY do miraculous transformation in this realm and have good authority over it all.


And really I was always wondering ‘what is charisma’ as well when I was growing up and seeing certain movies stars have it (and later discovering how this cross-relates with women and their Beauty/allure btw).


‘WHAT is charisma?’


‘How do THEY have it (and not me)?’


‘How can *I* have it and experience that kind of effortless influence?…’


You could like FEEL their impact and awesomeness when they didn’t DO anything even – but no one could really get a grip on saying what it is.


Well….the popular, current collective awareness definition in the dictionary is this;





noun: charisma; plural noun: charismata


1. compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others.


“she enchanted guests with her charisma”


2. a divinely conferred power or talent.




More popularly, people generally describe it as ‘influence of someone’s presence or image;…a special ‘quality’ about them that makes them magnetic or appealing’.


But this is SummerCamp Masterclass – (is your freeze pop melting 😉


WE want a highest/higher truth definition of what charisma REALLY is, right?


Yep..after all, I always sought a DEEPER and more conscious TRUTH about it all.


(And after years of work and now returning ‘officially’ to men’s work in this revival with these breakthroughs);


Here’s MY 2022 definition (subject to even further improvements and clarity);




“The emanating expression of masculine vibe and light essences in, with and through a man’s presence and thus (multi-dimensional) image”


Yes; it is about a man (or pre-dominant masculine-essenced being) and the overall breathing-ness of his light (5D) and vibe (4D) essences IN his presence and image. There is a similar feminine version definition for ‘allure’ btw.


We’ll dig deeper into it but you have to understand that your presence and image is NOT just literally skin-deep 3D. AND you already know that the men you are secretly envious of; they’re not literally ‘DOING’ anything…they’re just vibing and emanating ‘something else’ without effort. So bear with me…


You practically exist on the 4th, 5th and beyond dimensions (if you’ve taken plant medicine you know this) and your literal image itself is communicating MORE frequency, truth, codes and information than we normally perceive from our 3D based vision and the visible ROYGBIV light spectrum (you know; that visible, skin-deep focus which the fitness and Beauty industry thrives upon).


So….in order for YOU to be ahead of the Behavioral Charisma Consultants (trust me; this will save you YEARS of time in not really knowing) – and to start capitalizing on gaining charisma and more influence in YOUR truth and image, we’ll dig in more with this masterclass (now distilled on the Charisma class on-site).


We just have to be more aware of the practical TRUTH of things and what’s being communicated visually and THIS my friend (stick with our masterclass);


Is THE juicy juiciness you’ve been waiting for (that no one else in the world could define or show for me) – well that and HOW to directly do it for real makeover transformation into the self of your dreams!


There are VERY specific things we can literally name and work with now; dream stuff that my teenage self is THRILLED BY.


Imagine not just having suns out guns out, but REAL SWAGGER (and divine masculine sex appeal that women are actually MISSING from men).


Remember that with ‘natural’ attraction; women can respond to YOUR presence and when you have charisma – your field HITS them energetically – it’s far easier for them to notice you and trigger a natural response and then you just have to look for their non-verbal signals to see if you WANT to approach them and connect or not (b/c they’ve already given you the signal off of your vibe and light).


Boom – all risk of rejection is virtually gone…Charisma ALSO represents your social status ; it’s like your vibe-truth homing beacon that works for you – even in silence (and 24/7 on social media!).


Much more coming up (and a lot to ‘cash in on’ if you’ve been doing Natural Grounding and Powerliminals)!


If you know me from how I tore apart the weak paradigm of inner game into greater social and natural truths of attraction; this is on par with that game-changing shit.


Identity Transformation

If you’re too ‘stuck’; what is the *biggest* kind of transformation possible?


I’ve mentioned somewhere before that if things just aren’t working for you and it’s time for a MAJOR change; the MOST powerful thing you can do is identity level transformation.


In this case; it may be time to change your identity itself and work on that deepest level (you know that I even changed my name legally and then changed it again later to more match my soul resonance).


It may be time for a massive makeover (and you want to shift the inner consciousness and psyche, not just outer).


It’s not always necessary but this gives you bigger shifts in who you are, who you are allowing yourself to be and how you show up in the world…who you define yourself as.


Identity; it’s your true foundation itself (although for most people; conditioning has taken over and runs the show while their soul self remains largely dis-embodied).


You know who is GREAT at this kind of deep transformation so much so that it shifts their vibe and how others relate to them? Professional actors.


Actors and actresses give themselves PERMISSION to take on, embody and explore different ways of being, living, experiencing and expression. That includes the PANTHEON of archetypes and archetypal consciousness and beauty/charisma.


I’m thinking I’m about ready to finally take on Hollywood soon enough.


Now; if you’re a man – it’s not that you have to become an actor (or rockstar), but if you sense that you’re many years behind your ideal higher timelines (and have been ‘stuck’ in a pattern of self-identity), it may be time for a more SERIOUS transformation or makeover itself.


I’m not just talking a style makeover like with alpha m.; we want to go deeper.


You’ll want to do IDENTITY level transformational work and you’ll probably have to work with masters like me or someone else in order to bring in tremendous experienced leverage to get out of your own ‘inner game’ constructed ego-identity rut itself (but you have to be sharp enough to even recognize that).


I know that for myself and MY identity change over these years; attracting masters and initiations helped ME to make quantum leaps as I’ve been cultivating my powerful, embodied true self. And that includes immense archetypal charisma and consciousness which I’m already showcasing on my main FB profile friends only story-feed.


The Charisma Makeover Package (and Allure MP for women) is actually a perfect support for such a transformational shift. Getting divine masculine (or feminine) initiations, embodying archetypal CONSCIOUSNESS and vibe-truth codes of warrior, lover, eros, prince will shift your reality fast when it’s the real work (and this is exactly what we do in the CMP).


Explore more @ The Charisma Makeover Package

More Info About Masculine Archetypes

You might be wondering what are more specific details about the individual masculine archetypes that you could work with (remember; archetypes are impersonal, immortal and iconic aspects and truths of consciousness and presence from what we know of them in the collective un/conscious).


Although the Archetype Activations work directly with each of their signature qualities (I can consult on any of these in person btw), our G7 (Guided Yang Attunement 7) Powerliminal series goes deeper into details with 13 different masculine archetypes.


You can also find out more basic information on our Masculine Archetypes Overview for reference. (Divine Feminine archetypes also listed on-site).


There’s also whatever we have on the Powerliminals channel like that version of the Soul Warrior Archetype, Eros (Dark and Light) (also in G7).


There’s also the book which I have and recommend;


King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine


Archetypes hold unlimited practical power and consciousness for identity expansion, presence and charisma when you can work with them effectively.


I’ve done 100’s of paid archetype activations by now with the main work I’m doing (available in individual, 3-pack or Charisma Makeover Package sessions).


I also carry a lot of archetype codes b/c I’ve been working on my consciousness and initiations for many years.


Around the site I may share some Arch series charisma photos that will help you to tune into the different signature qualities of their charisma (also on my friends only main FB page).

The Warrior Vs. Fighter Archetype

The Warrior is a different archetype than The Fighter.


The Fighter archetype is more reactive, aggressive, gets magnetized fast to shadow and primarily exists in the lower physical and astral dimensions. It often attracts fire elemental chi.


Although there can be cross-over; not all fighters are warriors and not all warriors are fighters (in all dimensions).


Guardian has purer divine masculine essence and consciousness than Fighter but Fighter-Truth can come in handy when aligned to a truly virtuous cause; quite often Fighter mixes with the shadow, ego and self-service of most who embody it. Warrior has a purer, refined spiritual quality.
The Warrior is seat of the soul-based and generally embodied in the solar plexus.

Warriors WILL be tested to prove their worth; often brutally and yet this is now mostly in the non-physical.


Warrior USED TO BE divine masculine principle embodied literally more physically (think of Gladiator and Ben-Hur times and spirit); but often it was still manipulated for politics and shadow games.


Now; since War itself is less common in the physical dimension to most of the awakened world, we have shifted to higher dimensional warriorship which carries all the same qualities – preserved – and TESTED in other realms of battle.


You can attune and cultivate your (divine masculine) Warrior consciousness, truth, essence and power with the Warrior Archetype Powerliminal on youtube. (There’s also the G7: Warrior paid version as part of the G7 original archetype series).


Mike Tyson has both Fighter and Warrior archetypal consciousness (he took Bufo 5Meo-DMT and that is a real and great test of soul warriorship).


Although there are fighters (like in the MMA and arts) who can have Warrior consciousness (legendary Muay Thai boxer Buakaw for example);


The Warrior is much deeper (and more principled) than Fighter and has shifted in the collective unconscious generally to Soul Warriorship and higher dimensional battles.


Prison for example has a lot of Fighter consciousness but not necessarily much Warrior consciousness; let alone multi-dimensional tribulated sacrifice and honor.


Mercenary is another (generally Shadow) archetype that’s even more corruptible per spiritual principle.


Soul Warriors can do good to activate their 3rd dimensional Fighter consciousness through trials and tribulations but especially in the physical as it comes to fighter consciousness. This helps to GROUND their Warrior in the earthly plane even moreso (and it’s also why even as a U.S. Army Infantry vet, I’m getting into fight training).


Fight training, sparring, martial arts, etc. are relevant…this helps it to breathe in all dimensions.


Although it may actually be more challenging esp. for spiritual growth; fighters would do good to cultivate their Warriorship; their deeper principles which includes Faith, Devotion, Sacrifice, Virtue, Honour and Valour. Many fighters are in it for the money and selfish – just channeling their aggression.


There are many women in my circle who have immense Warrioress (while still retaining core feminine essence) but popularly, Warrior/ess often gets confused with Fighter.


When I refer to Warrior; it’s mostly Soul Warrior.


Also relevant is the Spiritual Warfare Powerliminal attunement meditation on our Powerliminals channel.


To partake in ayahuasca with a heavy-duty shaman is absolutely no joke and there are many men who don’t have the (Soul) Warrior strength to do such a thing and yet many women have.


The cultural, soulful and spiritual warfare today as well as the soul death and rebirthing process that many are going through requires immense AUTHENTIC Warriorship including quite often Sacrifice and Devotion; things unfamiliar to those who are NOT sacrificing themselves for a higher cause and merely get physically reactive to things or misuse power as abuse (the shadow of Fighter).


Soul Warrior Activations available as well as Siddhic Honor, Siddhic Valor (with general pre-qualification approval from Rion) on the Appointments page.


The Disclaimer is that when I/Rion do (Soul) Warrior or Warrioress Activations; things often get WORSE for a client b/c their soul is upgrading their integrity to making difficult decisions for their higher timelines – this can CONFLICT with the comfort and disembodiment they’ve been in of not being a Warrior for their greatest self timelines. So be mindful of that.

If You Don’t Have Charisma or Allure

…Your Attraction, Influence & Success Relies More Heavily On Other Ways & Means


Like super good looks which you may not have – or a voice that’s not fully developed, or amazing writing skills, or a certain personality alone.


Yet image is still part of everything so have you been LIMITING your impact by NOT communicating your greater visual truth (IN your social media presence)?


When you DO have charisma / allure; it sells, engages and influences on its own (24/7) and makes recognizing you much clearer & more compelling – even though you and I aren’t actually the ‘best-looking’ person physically.


Yes; image is a major part of influence but for example; Taylor Swift is not that alluring BUT she has the POWER leverage of her songwriting talent, music and music videos to bring other value to people.


You may not have her exact gifts! But if you don’t have much allure and public image and social media presence MATTERS; it just creates more entropy and reliance on other factors for people to recognize (and hire) you…this is in part b/c they not FEEL you just from a single image.


More allure, more charisma = EVEN MORE INFLUENCE and this is a major secret of K-pop’s success, but if you don’t have that channel working for you, then (again;) your influence relies more heavily on other means which in many cases becomes ‘marketeering’.


Allure is ALSO your authentic TRUTH communication maximized visually and energetically; so that people can KNOW and FEEL that you are the ‘real deal’ (which means everything in spiritual, aligned and feminine business models).


How about being MORE of you and having MORE influence all the time while efforting and working LESS? Allure can do that.


Find ways to cultivate the breathing-ness of your authentic truth, consciousness and essences. At the highest levels; we’re literally talking alchemical, DNA-altering Beauty even if you aren’t that great looking physically.


If you want to MASTER the visual component and that aspect of you, your attraction, your work, your influence and empire; I’d work directly on your allure/charisma. The Allure Makeover Package may be the perfect choice.


(If you’re a man, you can also get the AMP booked – just change the name of it in your mind to the Charisma Makeover Package and we work on YOUR issues and possibilities with masculine archetypes, etc. I’ve been working with men for years)


Everyone may have different reasoning and a different balance of how central their image itself is to attraction, communication, selling and influence.


For some it is more reliant on their other talents, looks alone, writing, specialize expertise, comedy, personality, etc.


Chances are you may still want to master it and your visual communication so that your truth is working for you 24/7 anyway.

To really go through a Charisma or Allure makeover, check out more details here.
p.s. and if you do happen to be #TSWIFT, have someone reach out because we can get some upgrades going on fast!