Consciousness & Beauty (Essence) Go Hand In Hand

This is a higher truth of image, beauty & charisma.


Cultivating both your consciousness and energetic beauty (essence) accelerates your transformation.


It’s ironic that most people into spirituality say they don’t care about image or beauty (or want to shun it) when in fact, they are mutually entwined. I think what they are resisting is the paradigm of Beauty 1.0 with its focus on extrinsic/superficial beauty…but I’m talking about the deeper Truth of Beauty.


Sexy Chi and what I do merges these inter-woven truths as a unified value system; consciousness & image.


I don’t mean the image of looking like a Goddess with the 3D fashion support and styling or fitting a cliche – rather energetically and in essence: BEING the real thing in consciousness and presence which then comes across in your image.


So when you cultivate your archetypal and siddhic consciousness, you are invariably affecting your energetic essence, embodiment and image – the truth of your cultivation and consciousness is with you (as flavors of Light).


You can also get a gauge of how cultivated someone is – or how reunified – by referencing their image (and knowing how to ready it properly).


This is because energy doesn’t lie. People just aren’t used to reading it because of their paradigm of valuing and supporting 2D/3D physical (extrinsic) beauty which literally doesn’t go past skin deep.


But all of image is energy that is communicating.


Direct energy work (like archetype activations) affects your essence and secondarily your consciousness whereas archetype attunements work on your consciousness but can affect your essence and energetic beauty. It’s both.


Working on Gene Keys is another form of affecting both your consciousness AND image/presence; another form of increasing your beauty consciousness and image itself. Work on one, you are working on the other.


This is at the heart of Sexy Chi and what I do – just very consciously with no value conflicts.


The Allure Makeover Package is available to really do some good transformation here.

#beauty #image #genekeys

Truth of Beauty

Remember to value the Truth…the Truth that Beauty is multi-dimensional and can influence on all dimensions. It is more than just 2D (physical) and 3D (3 dimensional physics).


Remember the energetic truth; the consciousness BEHIND with and through the vehicles of artists, performers, models and even your pro image.


That Beauty is LIGHT and different variations of it that are embodied and expressed with and through the medium of the visual and image.


If you want more influence and status; having more energetic beauty is going to INFLUENCE and sway others in the psychic, emotional and spiritual realms.


So when you reference k-pop starlets or glamorous cover models;

Mina & Jihyo of Twice (K-Pop)


I would value beyond their names, culture, genres, superficial beauty, ethnicity and such filters of the extrinsic, lest you not see the (Impersonal) Truth, LOVE and Beauty already present in its full glory.


We can accurately enough gauge and assess these different qualities practically with tools like the Charisma Archetype Model, Gene Keys and the Allure Ratio.


Start increasing your psychic ability to see, read and value energetic beauty and qualities of feminine allure.


Yes, value increasing your physical appearance (represented by the B/Q Beauty Quotient) AND you can cultivate your energetic beauty and the qualities of your archetypal and feminine presence.


One of the best ways is through direct energy work and archetypal or siddhic activations.


There are different flavors of beauty & enlightenment that could potentially emanate through your presence. Sexy Chi is the only place in the world that works directly with you on that as it relates to your professional image.


As another reference; a great example of differential between physical and energetic beauty is feng shui master Marie Diamond who by some popular Western standards may not be as physically (superficially 2D/3D) beautiful yet has flourishing energetic beauty in the 4th and 5th dimensions (and a great, beautiful voice transmission).

Copyright Marie Diamond


Beauty IS beyond skin deep. Now, we can work on the REST of it with Sexy Chi.


A note for men on relating to such high status beauty (which is spiritual and social):


The sooner you can accept you are NOT actually worthy on the personalized egoic self level to starlets (b/c you ARE relating with ie. authentic Goddess and Muse essence / power / consciousness after all), the sooner you can start allowing your impersonal masculine to grow and attune with such Love, Beauty and Truth in your process of healing and reunification.


As you transform your CONSCIOUSNESS and as you relate to Beauty closer to source, your own energetic presence, embodiment and charisma shifts so that you are on a similar worthy wavelength of frequency with such high status women.


Discover more about the truth of beauty throughout the Sexy Chi Beauty blog

Activations Vs. Attunements – Masterclass Edition

I’ve talked about this before and there is some confusion out there in the ionosphere and marketplace.


I’m bringing it up again b/c I’m secretly being asked to do some group activations soon (!)…and although both can be quite transformational, there is a big difference between an activation and attunement.


An activation is an individualized initiation from a master that PENETRATES your field directly.


Attunements are INDIRECT (even impersonal) and variable as far as their impact on your field (soul, presence, aura and chakras).


Some people (esp. those susceptible to transformation through transmutation) respond greatly and more sensitively to attunements like group meditations while others don’t.


A master cannot simply ensure that u are open to receiving the transmission during a general group attunement or to what level you are able to receive it. With an activation however; u ARE receiving it.


By these proper definitions, this means that a ‘group activation’ that people refer to is almost always a group ATTUNEMENT.


It also means that reiki attunements are actually activations when done IN person at a certification class and if you have that Reiki DVD, that is an actual ATTUNEMENT.


Being in the presence alone of a master can be alchemical attunement but doesn’t ensure transformation.


Although people will be affected and process in different ways; activations are direct, impactful and definitive in their influence on your field. Attunements again are indirect (some people just remain indifferent or closed to them) but in SOME cases can have the influence of an activation, but don’t let that confuse you.


I will be encouraging those who I work with to call the group activations group attunements (but I lead some powerful attunement work esp. with my history of my boutique meditation and archetypal work).


Another way to know what an activation is to remember that it is DIRECT and energetically penetrative to your individual aura.


Since group attunements cannot actually guarantee the individual penetration into each aura, people should stop calling them group activations.


Activations are penetrative like yang in their essence dynamic vs. a guided group meditation skirting your aura which allows you to tune in to some of its resonance – or not at all.


Now; activations don’t have to be from a master in the 3D. They CAN include penetrative transmissions or ie. DNA activations from ascended masters (not the idea of it but the ACTUAL energetic penetrative experience).


So; when most people are talking about a ‘group activation’; again, what it really is – is a group ATTUNEMENT that gives you the opportunity to attune with its transmission vs. something clearly and individually penetrative to your aura in intent (with permission).


Guided meditations are transmissions and attunements at best…so all these youtube videos that say they are like kundalini activations are NOT…they are attunements. Having kundalini awakened during a receiving session from a high priestess for example is an activation.


Activations are rarer and more reliable as far as predicting RESULTS.

So as cooler as it sounds to do a ‘group activation’ or ‘group initiation’ (virtual or in person), I have to just keep the simple truer definitions here b/c they are attunements.


Remember; attunements in their alchemical POTENTIAL *can* be powerfully transformative to some however who are able to let their aura be penetrated and affected through a group initiation, but usually not the same as direct from an activation.


I have become an experienced master of transmutation and attunement, but not everyone is going to cultivate their wild card variable to really get great transformation out of attunements and alchemical processes.


Even the remote AUDIO energy work I’ve included in the G7 Masculine Archetypal series is attunement work.


Activations make it brain-dead simple to KNOW that you know that you are getting direct soul influence and attention. Often; years of work can be done within a short session from a true master.


So when I am co-hosting The Cosmic Muse for example, just being in our temple space has its own group attunement quality when we invoke the presence of Muse with us, but it’s in the individual and direct activations that she brings her presence INTO each of their soul essence and embodiment at the deepest levels.


I have myself got massive value out of direct activations (much of which rewire and transfigure your DNA and consciousness) from my masters as well as thousands of hours of transformation through attunement (the archetypal meditation with Muse that I do is a form of attunement).


And we haven’t even talked about the BENEFITS of activations (oh my lord!).
Through both my attunements (like the paid archetypal attunement G7 Powerliminals) as well as activations, I’ve got killer testimonials that just keep comin’ in!


I’ve also been teaching for years on how to become a better alchemist to transform from attunements and transmutation.




Discover the world’s best (and free) archetype meditations (which are foundationally upgraded because they are alchemical attunements) here:


Archetype meditations on my Powerliminals youtube channel.


The Creatrix Archetype

I’ve discovered that there’s a divine feminine archetype that is really attuned with certain values.


She’s been around a while; we’re just more aware of her now (and even some women in my circle may embody her to varying degrees).


Who or what is She?


A ‘Creatrix’!


What is a ‘Creatrix’?


A ‘Creatrix’ is a sovereign feminine archetype who creates (and MUST create) her unique soul-attuned legacy and queendom in alignment with her highest soul development and expression without compromise.


And this happens WHETHER she has an externalized lover or not.


Her mojo stems from her REUNIFICATION with the masculine; she co-creates ultimately with King principle.


A true Creatix is a woman who weaves her highest multi-dimensional soul truth signature essence and expression in her words/transmissions, her beauty, her presence, her creations, her brand, her business, her products, her healing, her allure, her love and her relationships.


She is ‘active’ in many regards but isn’t living from a masculinized shell.


She is a practical dreamer, a catalyst and an alchemist who is perpetually inspired by the masculine and the creative sexual spiritual dynamic.


Most uniquely she is co-creating the highest timeline lifestyle for her greatest fulfillment and soul aligned success rather than being a reactive response to the programming and expectations of the world around her, past lovers or parents.


She is healed and inspired in relationship to the masculine and men.


A Creatrix is different than just a ‘creative’ professional or entrepreneurial woman; remember, she is living in SOUL-LED alignment and attunement in WHAT she does and WHO she is.


Don’t worry, we will explore her some more! Does any of this resonate?


#creatrix #archetypes

Rion Kati on Open Loops Podcast: Beauty, Objectification & Beyond the Shadow War of the Sexes

I was recently interviewed on the Open Loops Podcast


Here’s the link:


Rion Kati Interview: Beyond the Shadow War of the Sexes


Open Loops with Greg Bornstein: Conversations That Bend Self-Improvement Podcast