What is Allure?

So…we’ve heard of it often, but…


What is Allure?



1. the quality of being powerfully and mysteriously attractive or fascinating.


2. powerfully attract or charm; tempt.


Or as Gillian Pothier says:


“Allure is the energetic capacity for women to captivate, magnetize, spellcast and wield influence REGARDLESS of their “extrinsic beauty”.


I also like this definition for our practical purposes:


Allure: ”The effective visual expression of a soul that wields influence”


In other words; it is about a woman’s energetic beauty, essence & authentic soul (or energetic) communication
IN her professional image and presence.


It’s also how she can drive men wild and activate parts of the masculine psyche without doing anything.


This is because Image is multi-dimensional Light communication and we are more than just the 3D physical layer.


While the multi-billion dollar Beauty industry is focusing on 3D extrinsic beauty, energetic beauty (and the influence with feminine allure) is what’s missing and gives us a bigger picture ‘totality’ of her professional image and non-verbal communication.


‘Allure’ is also the feminine essence form of ‘charisma’ & great starlets like Marilyn Monroe have wielded it.

It does taking learning to discern it because it is a quality of feminine essence rather than just physical, skin-based ‘canvas’.


Allure is a hidden secret to romantic attraction, higher status, deeper influence on people, greater beauty, fuller
divine self expression.


It reunites ‘beauty’ with the divine and not just the superficial or extrinsic.


Far too many woman have lost touched with these powers today; they have masqued or closed OFF their more vulnerable feminine expresion and influence to adapt to a more patriarchal world (where they use their body or sex to influence or even manipulate – and as Gillians says about this disconnection “it renders us un-feelable.”


Allure can be gauged as the relative level of breathing-ness and general feminine archetypal essence of a woman’s soul IN her image.


And this means everything for coaches, actresses and other social media or image professionals who use their image, photo, video or film for influence, transformation, entertainment or selling.


For image professionals and for your own personal insights;
Allure can be ‘read’ from any woman in video, photo, film or live @ any point in captured history through Rion’s Allure Ratio.


The Allure Ratio (A/R) consists of the Allure Factor {A/F} and the Beautv Quotient {B/Q}.


These gauge the breathing-ness of a woman’s soul in her image on a 0-10 scale {A/F} and the B/Q gauges the level of her actualized extrinsic beauty potential on a 0-10 scale unique to her @ any point in time.


Check back on this blog for energy readings on celebrities as examples or how to reach out for your own energy reading including the Allure Ratio.


The Allure Ratio is a pro image consulting tool that would yield accurate and verifiable assessment from makeover specialists and other image industry professionals (personal trainers, skin care specialists, master hairstylists, image consultants, fashion experts, etc.)


Without accessing and increasing the quality of her allure and overall energetic beauty; a woman is limited more to her physical beauty and prevented from her fuller divine emotional, sexual, spiritual and soulful expression in her presence and image, thus limiting her impact and magic…even constricting her to work harder by using her body or mind as ‘tools’ or competing just on extrinsic beauty alone.


Alas, there is so much INFLUENCE with authentic feminine essence that is yet to be re-awakened and reclaimed in many a woman.


Many women have energetic blocks from expression their own sexual energy because they are reserving it for their personalized sex life without realizing that they are constricting the creative juices that can lead to her desires.


Also, if you are a woman who has done a lot of soul work and spiritual growth, it might not be showing in your image near where it could.


Previously allure was intangible, but now we can professionally work with it to increase your beauty as well as INFLUENCE from your image – related to important aspects of life.


Sexy Chi Image Consulting is about cultivating your energetic beauty, feminine essences and allure. Activation sessions and the Allure Makeover Package are available as well as paid energy readings.

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