A Different Insight Into True Beauty

For too long (with our focus on physical, superficial skin-deep beauty); Beauty has been divorced from its true source which is Light Essences and the corresponding Beauty consciousness.


Since Beauty and really essence-based Beauty and allure are such an immortal and practically present theme here (and also is the frequency band of Gene Key 1);


It may be best to view things beyond our Beauty Industry’s superficial skin-deep focus…remember that image IS multi-dimensional light and information moreso than just digitized pixels of your 3D skin. This gets into the realm of your vibe-truth (4D) and light-truth (5D+).


Keep in mind that immortal, timeless beauty (and all the siddhic flavors) from the feminine in all of history is IMPERSONAL…this isn’t personality based stuff at all here AND since we’re talking about divine feminine (and masculine) essences that align with your immortal SOUL SELF and its infinite capacity…true beauty TRANSCENDS the limitation of your physical (and thereby mortal) self.


If Beauty is TIMELESS and your soul is immortal, how unlimited could you be? How much beauty could you express if you are divine (and 1/2 mortal)? Why would you only value physical beauty?


Heck; I’ve said before that charisma (or allure) allows average looking people to look amazing. Because true beauty (as chi essences) BENDS LIGHT and up-tunes people’s nervous systems around it.


This is a different perspective than being limited to just how ‘hot’ someone’s body is (or all concerns about aging and losing beauty).


Considering that many aspects of higher dimensional beauty are IMMORTAL; it starts bringing in high value and DEEP impact to a relationship. Remember our view here is that inner beauty isn’t something random and abstract (please overview the 7 forms of Beauty Essences that comprise what others call your ‘inner beauty’).


True power and true beauty is alchemical thereby transformational through transmutation in its presence (through the Law of Resonance and the phenomenon of attunement)…with more power comes more INFLUENCE (social, sexual and psychic, etc.)


This is why people are attracted to those of true beauty and true power (of presence vs. just accomplishments). And another term for this is CHI.


Unlike starlets who accept these greater impersonal codes;


Many people however are too conditioned as consumers to have clear enough psyche chakra chambers that could hold immortal beauty codes (chi essences).


There are different forms of power and beauty (social power, financial power, superficial beauty) but the kind to value is the power and beauty of essenced (chi) presence (most entirely of which are essenced and higher dimensional; 4D, 5D+).


It’s safe to say that the meta-value currency of the Masculine is Power and Feminine is Beauty.


This weaves through almost all social and sexual dynamics in all dimensions and essentially is essenced signatures of vibe-truth and light-truth chi.


Having more authentic embodied power of presence and/or beauty is priceless not only in attraction but also in ongoing value and magic IN a relationship long-term….and Beauty is far more than skin-deep b/c image and Light itself is multi-dimensional.


If you are a social or beauty influencer who wants more ALIGNED influence and beauty beyond just looking physically your best;


Or…if you are looking to call in a beloved, the more you can authentically embody and cultivate such Beauty (literally divine feminine archetypal & siddhic essenced beauty from the seat of your soul; the more value you’re INHERENTLY going to have long-term in a high value, high stakes relationship to the Masculine. The alchemical possibilities in Hieros Gamos become infinite.


This also means that superficially good-looking people or vacuously popular people have certain forms of power but may not influence people on deeper, transformational levels. Their beauty is disconnected from their beauty consciousness in many cases and restricted to the physical 3rd dimension.


Want to have it all? More and deeper influence on people?


For men; work on your Charisma (Charisma Makeover package available). And for women;


Why not work on cultivating your ‘inner beauty’ (which most practically when it comes to professional image IS your essenced based light-truth and vibe-truth beauty).


The Allure Makeover Package is available. After all; now that we have ‘the cloud’ your IMAGE could continue INFLUENCING and impacting people 100s of years from now. Are you living most fully?


For further Truth of Beauty contemplation and exploration; why not contemplate the Siddhic Beauty Meditation Powerliminal here?

Truth of Beauty

Remember to value the Truth…the Truth that Beauty is multi-dimensional and can influence on all dimensions. It is more than just 2D (physical) and 3D (3 dimensional physics).


Remember the energetic truth; the consciousness BEHIND with and through the vehicles of artists, performers, models and even your pro image.


That Beauty is LIGHT and different variations of it that are embodied and expressed with and through the medium of the visual and image.


If you want more influence and status; having more energetic beauty is going to INFLUENCE and sway others in the psychic, emotional and spiritual realms.


So when you reference k-pop starlets or glamorous cover models;

Mina & Jihyo of Twice (K-Pop)


I would value beyond their names, culture, genres, superficial beauty, ethnicity and such filters of the extrinsic, lest you not see the (Impersonal) Truth, LOVE and Beauty already present in its full glory.


We can accurately enough gauge and assess these different qualities practically with tools like the Charisma Archetype Model, Gene Keys and the Allure Ratio.


Start increasing your psychic ability to see, read and value energetic beauty and qualities of feminine allure.


Yes, value increasing your physical appearance (represented by the B/Q Beauty Quotient) AND you can cultivate your energetic beauty and the qualities of your archetypal and feminine presence.


One of the best ways is through direct energy work and archetypal or siddhic activations.


There are different flavors of beauty & enlightenment that could potentially emanate through your presence. Sexy Chi is the only place in the world that works directly with you on that as it relates to your professional image.


As another reference; a great example of differential between physical and energetic beauty is feng shui master Marie Diamond who by some popular Western standards may not be as physically (superficially 2D/3D) beautiful yet has flourishing energetic beauty in the 4th and 5th dimensions (and a great, beautiful voice transmission).

Copyright Marie Diamond


Beauty IS beyond skin deep. Now, we can work on the REST of it with Sexy Chi.


A note for men on relating to such high status beauty (which is spiritual and social):


The sooner you can accept you are NOT actually worthy on the personalized egoic self level to starlets (b/c you ARE relating with ie. authentic Goddess and Muse essence / power / consciousness after all), the sooner you can start allowing your impersonal masculine to grow and attune with such Love, Beauty and Truth in your process of healing and reunification.


As you transform your CONSCIOUSNESS and as you relate to Beauty closer to source, your own energetic presence, embodiment and charisma shifts so that you are on a similar worthy wavelength of frequency with such high status women.


Discover more about the truth of beauty throughout the Sexy Chi Beauty blog