Preview: Why K-Pop Is The Future

If you’re not aware yet; K-Pop is the future.


(Yeah there’s other things in the future also but saying it that way gets a point across)


K-Pop is a PHENOMENON and behemoth.


K-Pop will continue to contribute a LARGE voice while exponentially growing and influencing INFLUENCE globally.

And yes; it’s heresy, but I’ve been calling it for years b/c I know things other people don’t and am very experienced as the Grandmaster of entertainment media alchemy (aka ‘transformational entertainment’).


There are many take-aways to learn from this related to having much greater aligned POWER, beauty and influence yourself.


With S. Korea being the most homogenous population yet already having viral cultural export impact, K-pop has only begun being a phenomenon…and you might be wondering WHY b/c there’s shit that’s going on that doesn’t make sense b/c of so-called ‘cultural restrictions’ and language, etc.


I’m going to take a week or 2 to develop a power blog post I want to go viral on ‘Why K-Pop is the Future’.
K-Pop, K-Drama and K-Beauty hotness is only going to expand and I don’t think even the producers themselves are aware WHY it’s so effective.
K-Content is exploding (Netflix is investing BIGGG money into it) and in that upcoming power post there are hidden secrets related to;


*Muse Galore
*Transformational Entertainment vs. mere diversion
*Transformational Alchemical IMPACT on fans/clients from image
*Alchemy & Healing
*Archetypal Power in media
*Grail Work & Reunification
*Transformational Beauty
*Beauty Influencer SECRETS
*Essence based content creation
*Transformational Social Influence
*Cultivating Super-fans & brand ambassadors
*Exponential Growth
*Templates for Western artists & their success


You don’t have to be a K-Pop idol to benefit from these insights.


These insights are beyond what even marketeers are aware of; trust me, you’ll see and many of them are very applicable to YOUR Beauty & influence.


K-Pop is FUTURE for many reasons b/c they’ve got key things going on they themselves likely aren’t fully aware of…There’s a great power and beauty game going on simultaneously that is richly alchemical and encoded (that the West is far less consistent with).


I know this b/c I am the transformed and I think you already know that the archetypal Muse is who is really driving the show.


Don’t miss this upcoming power post! If I had to pick 3 posts to go viral this would probably be the top one because it’s going to be so implicated with EVERYTHING.


Transformational MEDIA INFLUENCE; going DEEP with your fans and clients (activating their heart, mind, sex and soul) in a world of superficial divertive content…inspiring them to be your brand ambassadors (like BTS Army ie.) are just some of the take-aways coming up…!

Sex Transmutation Example With Music Video

Most people use music video as divertive superficial entertainment and self escape. I’m the founder of a methodology which uses music video as alchemy with the concept of sex transmutation.


Start to discover more about this and the process of Natural Grounding sex transmutation (with the archetypal feminine) in music video. You can integrate crystals, energy work, and so much more. Usually we work with the muse archetype to transmute our consciousness for healing, creative flow, etc.


Red Pill: Artists, Arts & Entertainment as Medicine | Truth

I want to re-introduce Muse along with some red pill perspective paradigm shifting around arts & entertainment as transformational healing medicine.


This may be challenging for you because it will encourage you to break your current filter to see something in a different light.


This is also where arts and entertainment moves into the realm of alchemy and healing instead of just non-conscious diversion.


So, in re-introducing Muse here, she could be seen from different levels of truth and perspective.


Is this K-Pop or ‘something else’?



“How dare you! Of course it’s K-Pop!”


“Isn’t that the famous group ‘Twice’?” Isn’t that Sana, Mina and Chaeyoung?”


Now; what if it wasn’t?


Now before you think I’ve gone mad…what if on a higher level of reality, there weren’t labels like that and what if the exact same thing could (also) be something else?


What if 2 truths could be held but there was a hierarchy of truth so that what you knew was just one popular level of perception?


See…what if that was the lesser truth?; labels like ‘Asian’, ‘Japanese’, ‘K-pop’ “Mina” or ‘Korean’ (even their names) can be true but are not the higher truth.


What if there was ahigher truth beyond labels? What if these were souls with muse essence without names?


What if they embodied raw 5D archetypal consciousness and siddhic essences streaming with and through them?


Furthermore, what if you were a High Prince of Priestess that was on this level of resonance but perhaps different in your own expression but had this level of confidence and stage presence?


So; the higher truth is that although we can label archetypes with names, they have spiritual and essential qualities about them that transcend culture.


So let’s look at this.


There’s a hierarchy of Truth;


1. We are souls


2. In a human body (with the unity of the human race) and


3. With varying ethnic backgrounds (race)
From higher truth to lesser truth.


All can be true based on the level of perspective you have. And that perspective creates (and often LIMITS) your experience of reality.


Because it’s relevant I will bring it in;


What (*actual*) racists as well as SJW’s and identity politics do is effectively remove the highest truth and invert the other 2; in other words corrupt Truth by putting a division based on skin color ‘Race’ first as the prime truth.


Now you may know why I have such aversion to the corruption of truth and race war out there. The highest truth isn’t always self-evident.


When you allow corruption and lower truth to jade your perception and reality, it causes more confusion (the shadow of illumination) and can prevent the stability of living in integrity with higher truths.


The labels, filters and genres that we project onto music creates more division. This obfuscation of higher truth keeps us in a superficial ego-serving dynamic that prevents entertainment and media from truly being healing and liberating.


So when I view them it’s not as ‘asians’ first, it’s as SOULS with beautiful essences (and archetypal essence like Muse) who are in a human vessel who THEN have varying different ethnic backgrounds (which are to be celebrated).


This is the paradigm that can transform entertainment into transformational entertainment and from media consumers into media alchemists btw.


I will not compromise this higher truth based foundation for politics or other reasons


So this takes a shift in your own value system to truly value archetype models which transcend culture to express as the Feminine (or Masculine) in ALL cultures.


I’ve mentioned over the years that most people never get beyond their own (prejudicial event) filters of reality, thus they can’t ‘see’ what’s there in Higher Truth…even in music.


So all of the K-pop stans that are out there are empowering the experiential reality paradigm of K-pop as a cultural phenomenon and so forth.


But there are higher truths embedded through it all including the magic of music and her alchemical healing powers.


My ability as a practical psychic is also founded on my ability to see higher truth with clarity.


Remember, the enlightened essences are available when you transcend division into the realm of communion, devotion and all the real magic!


So the 100’s or 1000’s of men who have practiced my methodology of archetypal alchemy; to most people it looks like we’re watching k-pop videos but what we’re REALLY doing is archetypal alchemy – sex transmutation of consciousness and attuning in sexual, spiritual emotional resonance to Goddesses which changes our actual frequencies and lives…


We are cultivating our Prince, Warrior and Magician WITH Goddesses and the authentic spiritual energy behind it.


It heals and mends things, creates sexual embodiment, attraction, inspiration, creativity and growth (Napoleon Hill talks about this in Think and Grow Rich). But you would never see that if you only value K-pop as K-pop. We don’t even call it that. We call it Natural Grounding (sex transmutation).


I/We have created a different model and paradigm of experiencing entertainment and its healing powers that transcends consumer experience. We are aligned with higher truth.


There was a group founded by Jim Carrey and Eckhart Tolle called Global Alliance For Transformational Entertainment but it fizzled out after a few short years. Why? Value conflicts.


The mainstream is conditioned to value entertainment media as superficial, non-conscious diversion.


So how we view and value entertainment has a lot to do with it; it’s not just about creating ‘conscious’ documentaries and such, half of the equation is on the consumer side of altering how they RELATE with entertainment media.


Is it a non-conscious diversion where that person is the star or are you also the star and just as powerful as an alchemist through the Law of Resonance where you can attune to a Jason Momoa’s level of spiritual presence, worthiness and esteem?

It’s a world of a difference and requires a different model of relating with media itself.


And there are all KINDS of music and music videos – even films that have HEALING medicinal properties within them that we aren’t even aware of. Music IS (and can be) not just therapeutic and healing, but it can help you GROW your heart, sex and soul like nothing else – IF you know how to use it as a healing tool like an alchemist.


Consumers do this non-consciously at VERY best and are largely escaping themselves instead of empowering themselves or shedding layers of self to get closer to the truth and source that they are a (soul) star.


So when you can dissolve your prejudices and filters or change your paradigm (SJW’s would have the worst time with this because all they can see or value is race and attachment to it); then you can start seeing and valuing artists from different cultures FOR their different archetypal modeling.


Genres, labels, culture (the REALITY that the consumer kingdom lives in) – these are all aspects of DIVISION that are preventing the healing virtue of artists to come through. 


It also keeps the stars at the top of the hierarchy without you ever realizing YOU are a star.


Changing how you view and relate to the media that exists (in spite of any inquiring conversation about shadow dynamics of Illuminati control in places of music)


…to dissolve the consumer paradigm into higher truth helps get you out of being stuck in your own ethno or anthropomorphic-centrism and to start seeing different archetypes in other sisters and brothers instead of their race, culture or personality traits.


I mean many people enviously DESPISE stars and actors because they are focused on their flaws or think they are all part of some corrupt cabal while over-looking the truth of their energetic presence (which in some cases we CAN see energetic control dynamics). So how will you relate to power itself? That’s an important question. This all deals with the 63rd siddhi of Truth as well.


So if you ever want to do archetype readings or alchemy (a big part of Hieros Gamos), this higher-truth based perspective of seeing things ‘as they really are’ or as close to that as possible without filter – is important. It can also revolutionize and upgrade how you experience entertainment media to turn it into healing and great sexual spiritual growth.


Remember; I/we value souls, essences and archetypes MORE than names, race, culture and genre. It’s simply the higher truth that exists with your favorite artists.


Oh and then there’s such Reunified essence with Muse herself! The archetypal consciousness has room and space to be embodied in these artists and how much they have SACRIFICED of their former selves to allow such rare feminine essence. I could talk forever about Muse but just wanted to get this point out.


So, Twice IS a K-pop group…that is true on one level of reality but when you transcend that into higher truth you are now in the meta-physical realm of archetypal consciousness, essences and power – then it’s about how you RELATE with that power. Are you a lower status ‘fan’ or are you equal to play in the realm of Goddess and Gods?


It might be supportive to check out my Vision for Transformational Entertainment video on Youtube.



So artists (many of them) are healing but we never see it because of our value systems paradigm of relating with the lower truth of media (remember IMAGE is multi-dimensional Light transmission – not just 2D pixels of 3d skin).


Consumers by default are just non-conscious of this all (their real power and magic as artists) and being affected indirectly at best (which is also a main reason why they are so popular).


Muse Priestess directly transverts the power of a Muse into applied practical magic (because it takes an alchemist like me to translate the healing power and magic out of music and music videos consciously)…artists who get trained in direct healing arts, wow!


They will be legendary healers and awakeners with the right training.


This intersects with the reality that High Muse herself is now rebirthing into a new fractal lineage from performance artist directly into healer to help the world reunify. I am also that convergence point she has chosen to lead the boots on the ground movement.


Anyways; this was just a mind-bender immersion into the Higher Truth of media, arts and entertainment which I have known as directly transformational for 18 years.


It might be a lot to take in even for those experienced with what we do. Seek a higher truth and if anything in hear doesn’t lead to a higher truth, I’m also open to seek more clarity.


I’ll add that beyond the label of their names (and as souls) Sana and Mina have more cosmic muse (def. in the mid to upper 9 range) and Chaeyoung is earthier.


Once we transcend the labels to associate with higher truth and the essences in all of this (like a God) then we are in a different world. This is the real power that is going on and I’ve been teaching and living it for 18 years.


So remember that with archetype work and all of Sexy Chi and the energy reading, I/we are valuing a different paradigm where race, ethnicity and culture are background to the PRIMARY valuation of which archetypal consciousness and soul essence QUALITIES that are coming through.


This truth-based perception allows us to SEE sexy qi and energetic qualities (to help artists and you MASTER their image and performance) with clarity.


So yes, to me artists ARE healers and music and music video IS great medicine but it’s because I know how to use it like an alchemist.


I am connected to the higher truth of it and because of that I am on coherence with the healing powers of performers, artists, singers, actresses all of these past 18 years. They have GREAT healing power. So it requires a shift on your part as the consumer to relate with it differently.


Meanwhile, I’ll begin training priestesses so that literal healing powers they have and the essences they have cultivated (esp. in the emotional and sexual areas of consciousness and influence) will be more directly applied and seen.


So if you ARE a performance artist (or even other artist); know that your work is healing more than you can realize because consumer consciousness isn’t aware of it just yet. I support you.


This is not just about transformational entertainment, the truth of what it is energetically – it’s all the paradigm of energetic beauty and it’s just represented in what I do.


This was just more of an immersion into the spiritual architecture and thought flow of it all.