I’m excited to announce the release of the middle book in this Fotonic Beauty series (on how image itself can have such power, move, inspire, heal and ‘sell’):
You can simply download at the link above (it’s still free!). My theory itself starts on page 32.
Basically, Uniphied Theory provides a deeper scientific and spiritual background in order to explain quantum remote healing & transformational beauty magic like archetype & allure activations where the Fotonic Quanta Theory itself is more directly about the science of allure, charisma and professional image light itself.
This Theory I propose sets the scientific and working foundation for all future Allure & Essence Transformation worldwide. It explains it. It covers it and although it’s mired in scientific, divine and left brain oriented LOGOS, it gives us a more secure conscious competence in order to understand and do allure and charisma transformation work itself!
This is the best yet foundation for Fotonic Beauty and Charisma/Allure transformation itself! Enjoy!