Social Influence: ‘Power’ MV – Little Mix

I’ve got some thoughts I want to get out about this music video in the hopes of helping make people more aware of what’s really going on with media and the kind of influence it has…social dynamics.


Let me first say that I love their sound and that they ARE empowered….remember that I’m not just about tradition. The work I do for women IS about empowerment (although mostly in their more spiritual feminine qualities).


I will continue Goddess activations and so forth and would love to work with them. Here’s the video:


Little Mix – Power (Official Video) ft. Stormzy


So it’s like a Girl Power, Independent Woman, Feminist anthem.


This is AWESOME – for what it is.


In this case I’m not going to talk about their energetic beauty but about the social dynamics going on.


First of all, I LOVE the sound of it. It’s got a very catchy hook – which is what also makes it dangerous. DANGEROUS for conditioning because it gets in the emotional belief system of those who listen to it.


The catchy hook is ‘I’ve got the Power’.  …”I’m the one whose in control”


Now; I’ve got a couple of angles on this so I wouldn’t just assume that I’m just a Conservative and put me into a box.


I’d love to work with Little Mix as artists and help them btw. I would relate to them WITH power and as much as this is a feminist anthem, we want to look more deeply into the implications of that.


From one perspective…a post-modern feminist one, it makes sense for women to now have a lot of power and status after eons of oppression under shadow aspects of what some refer to as the patriarchy.


What’s missing in this music video however are Kings. Keep in mind that I’m not coming from the perspective of being an incel. I’ve worked with single men for years however and am aware of what THEY are going through and how they are being left behind.


Remember; I’m on the FOREFRONT of empowering women – just not in all the popular ways however. And I think it’s on men to be aware of the social and power dynamics so that they CAN relate to women like this and NOT remain beta weaklings.




Their expression here in the video and song is about the shadow dynamic of ‘control’; control of the man and the relationship while having even higher status and power.


This is kind of like a Shadow Queen or Feminist-Diva – and there are OTHER archetypal expressions (also of which I’m sure Little Mix explores although I don’t know all of their work).


The thing is, modern Western men are getting left behind with this kind of emotional and CULTURAL programming that influences millions of women to adopt this behavior.


It becomes about unattainable superstar status women.


So is it about breaking down modern men? Kind of. This is ‘WHAT SELLS’. And it’s what’s popular…yet meanwhile, men are lost and there are no women encouraging real Kings or relatability (on any level).


From a Feminist perspective this is GREAT and very empowering – esp. after such SUPPRESSION of the meta feminine (which I also talk about) for eons.


HOWEVER…; be wary of the messaging…


If she has the ‘control’ in the relationship, he is going to be a beta weakling servant to her desires. 1 partner has to hold the dominant polarity.


From a healthy relationship perspective it’s not really about ‘power’ anyways…it’s more about connection and flow.


This is more of the social status power play to make up for a micro-fraction of men being in power in society while again – MOST MEN are being left behind.


Most modern single men can’t relate to this status of women and yet millions of women for over a decade keep getting further ahead sexually and socially. The social dynamics are real.


It’s a cultural phenomenon and issues; this disconnect and also fracturing of the masculine with the feminine (and where sex and the idea of relationships sell).


I just think men have to find a way to BE empowered themselves instead of all of the social messaging which is breaking them down and leaving them hopeless while buying into the fantasy of relationships (which sells).


So Little Mix are unreachable in status for almost all men. I personally LOVE THAT b/c after working with men for so long I’m about the advancement of women now.


It’s on men to find a way and I’ve given a path….just be REALLY cognizant of the social programming values and influence here.


The song conditions that women have the upper hand culturally, personally and sexually on an emotional level so men hardly have any chance and they go out into a world where other Western women are adopting these beliefs and behaviors. I’ve been teaching on this for 18 years now as a former top men’s dating coach.


So; men are essentially nothing here unless they can ESCAPE the literal program-receiver stimulus-response conditioning relationship which this presents…


Again; there’s no Kings and no support FOR what we could call as sacred reunification. It’s about power dynamics.


Control itself is the shadow of Valor (21st Gene Key) with the Gift of Authority.


Hetero men to put it bluntly have zero authority in what this MV represents…so again, just something to be aware of because if you’re not the values and conditioning is going right into your emotional system.


This POWER is exciting and real. It’s just about how you relate with all of it. A King knows something else. Siddhic frequencies and values of love are above the shadow games of power, status and control.


And it can’t be overlooked that Trans actors and divas are featured in this MV too. That is significant as well.


Without going deeper into it too much, it’s doing 2 things (whether self-aware with an agenda or not);


1. Making Trans more popular and acceptable

2. Breaking traditional relationship values and King-Queenship up even more, pushing regular hetero men down the social scale even further


This ends up with the women themselves being RESENTFUL towards men and wondering (ironically) where the real Kings are.


A King knows how to relate with all of this differently. He’s not the consumer pawn.


So BE empowered as men and women…I’ll all for that but also know HOW to relate with power itself.


Men have to find a way to navigate all of this because they are being left behind socially, culturally and sexually whereas only a fraction of men excel in this dynamic.