Can You Be Highly Sexed Even When You’re Not?

So….How can you be highly sexed (and reunified) when you’re NOT?


The answer is YES!!


And it’s not delusional, we just have to get outsight of your limitations and definitions OF ‘sex’.


I used to think this message was just for men, but it applies just as well for women.


It’s simple really, you just have to go to a higher truth and this also applies to attracting a soul mate healthily without co-dependency and neediness.


You’d have to expand your understanding of what Sex itself IS (beyond 3D physical intercourse and your physical concept of ‘sex’) and you’d also have to value sex, love and union from a multi-dimensional perspective. Sex already means MANY different things to our subconscious and much of it has to do with advertising and programming.


(This can resolve ALL of your sexual anxieties or approach anxieties btw.)


I created a resource years ago for men called ‘Sex Maps’ where all these values of sex (courtship, religion, fame, porn) literally = ‘sex’ to our subconscious. Most of them don’t even lead to the real thing yet even still we have to seek a higher truth BEYOND just the physical and attachment to it.




Although you may not be PHYSICALLY sexed in the 3rd dimension, you can be highly sexed, loved and reunified in higher dimensions.


This is an impossible conundrum for logical men who only view reality from the 3rd dimension because they are living 99% of their time ‘without sex’ which means someone else has the power to take it or give it; NO! That’s referring to physical intercourse which is not at all the higher truth of sex. Yet this is also where sex appeal, sexual charisma, sexual confidence and swag comes from; one is essentially ‘reunified within’ (in relation to the feminine).


It also means that people who seem highly sexed in the physical dimension may be starving in higher dimensions moreso than someone who who may be celibate in the 3D.


If you believe sex is physical intercourse (and chances are you’re referring to fantasy or something else OTHER than literal intercourse); you could still be WITHOUT IT 99.9% of the time which means you SUCK, YOU’RE LONELY, UNWORTHY, ETC. but not necessarily AT ALL. Simply seek the higher truth of Sex.


So; this is incredibly practical to all Grail work, Sacred Divine Union and Sophianic cultivation as well as practical dating advice and soul mate attraction b/c if men for example are wanting to ‘get’ something that a woman has (and he ‘doesn’t’), then they can keep coming from immense insecurity, lack of confidence and lack of fulfillment which will keep things away from them.


Cultivate reunified PRESENCE and consciousness; worthy of communion.


ATTUNE to the divine masculine and feminine; seek reunification (divine union) and thou shalt be fulfilled with the greater truth of Sex and that will attract lower dimensional forms of it to you.


It’s the same concept of BECOMING the ideal soul mate you would want and then from presence; BEING and EMANATING those qualities without seeking validation or co-dependency and attachment on someone outside of you (ie. twin flame immolation cycles).


Generally; you want to be FILLED with love and sex in higher dimensions (which is related to CHI flow) to attract it more into the physical…as you are RECEIVING of meta-physical feminine essenced chi you WILL attract it in the physiological.


Even then; you can be discerning and turning down 3D opportunities.


Again; it’s all Grail work. Activations available and you may want to subscribe & get into the Powerliminal attunements to help cultivate your own reunification with the opposite divine polarity (men to Goddess, Starlet, etc. and women to God the Lover, King, ETC.)