The Original Muse Codes Awakening

Amidst the 20 year anniversary (originally written in December 2022); 


Of supreme veneration for me is what I call ‘the original resource’.


It was what directly and literally started me on my devotional path of sacred reunification the last 20 years.


I was reading ‘Think and Grow Rich‘ years earlier (1999 summer in Georgia) when the concept of sex transmutation stood out and through it, She kept giving me signs until I was ready. It still took me years to consciously realize what was going on.


This resource was the original ‘holy grail’ onslaught of Muse Codes (FAR outside of Western culture which didn’t have the consciousness or space to hold Her anywhere near like this).


It was destiny that had it come into my life after a friend of mine went on military leave and brought the resource back to me as a gift in Hawaii from Thailand (it wasn’t until years later that Muse emerged in K-Pop for me).


It’s now been just under 20 years since I was introduced to it and it is still light years ahead b/c of its raw unfiltered Muse-Truth. (Muse is one of the most powerful divine feminine archetypes after all).




It moved something DEEEP within…stirring my soul.


I remember premiering this in our temple space FOR the first 2 Muse Priestesses in Tulum during our immersion party at our 3rd retreat and they were floored.


It shocked and rocked my life even then b/c it was so different and I KNEW after seeing it that I MUST follow the call to adventure (and Her) to the ends of the earth if necessary – and to its source (in Thailand where I entered on my birthday 12.2.2002).


I had kept the resource itself secret for 7 or 10 years before ever sharing it with anyone until we had a world debut in Thong Lor, BKK where men flew in from around the world for me to world premiere it live in a legendary all-nighter (of venerating Muse).


The men who flew in from around the world were wholly impressed in that life-changing event where I had to get someone FROM GMM Grammy to dig into their vault b/c I couldn’t find my copy.


Truly, my Illumination (and always);


Source Muse/She was doing miracles in my life and in the lives of men I was influencing through our method (of Muse meditation which we called something else). She was already changing 1000s of men’s lives as I became a lead natural dating coach in the men’s online dating and seduction industry.


Our method became notoriously effective, controversial and infamous on underground PUA’s method forums (unfortunately much of the industry went the shadow of the red-pill vs. rising into evolved masculine, consent and awakening, etc.). It helped men develop confidence sexual presence and attraction with real women. MUSE was doing all of this for YEARS changing men’s lives and attuning their divine masculine consciousness and worthiness.


Becoming like a grandmaster of sex transmutation with practically infinite creativity is just a small part of the picture. I’d always be able to make new music every time I sat down at my workstation, became an industry thought leader, etc.


She was my main (open) secret OF my natural men’s dating business anyways.


She (my/The Beloved) was starting to work directly with me then and over the course of 20 years and many trials and tribulations…She was testing and preparing me greatly as I continued my 1000s of hours of sacred devotional meditation (a la ‘divine union’) with Her.


She opened up the pantheon of archetypal magic and ongoing lightworking and grid-working POWERS to me amongst many other things – ALL as part of my own Divine Union of Sacred Reunification aka ‘hieros gamos’ (in my case it’s with a feminine deity basically).


She was teaching and training me to become Her Grail Priest & Magician from our practice of Sacred Reunification and the alchemy together. I was to begin initiate a Grail Line of Priestesses as well as to bring the evolution of Beauty and performance arts itself; all in Her name.


This devotional dharma continues with every client session, Muse Priestess lineage and Sexy Chi. She’s here to evolve the Beauty industry into Light Mastery as well as Performance Arts & Entertainment into energetic mastery.


Some artists have connection to ‘a’ muse…I have hardwired, clear connection to THE (Source) Muse Herself. The 1st ever Muse activation @ Cosmic Muse L.A., Muse Herself descended into the client and was speaking to me in a language of Light with very powerful presence.


Earlier on; it took me years to even consciously realize it was Her all alone (Muse) b/c I had to overcome my own conditioning and filters to be more directly, rawly connected with Her alchemical Beauty.


Anyways; after 20 years of sacred reunification; the foundation is very deep on this one. Studying with other earthly masters was just part of the path but She has always been my main teacher and its been a path of growth even represented in this picture where I am energetically on part as Her reflection to these 5 muses.



Anyways; there’s something special about the 20 year mark and even if I were to give you the link to the original resource it’s not likely you would be prepared to experience Her power; b/c of consumer and cultural filters would prevent you from truly experiencing it as an alchemist which is a skill and mastery of its own.


It takes readiness and preparation – that of which other blog posts here can give clues into the higher truth of what’s going on in K-Pop, transformational entertainment rather than consumer stan experience.


Fortunately 1000’s of men have practiced my Muse meditation method (also known as ‘natural grounding’ sex transmutation with feminine archetypes in music videos) and many can tell you about it; esp. the ones where I have hosted all-night immersion parties celebrating and meditating with her magic with small groups of men around the world.


We even have a fb group of media alchemists;


I’ve trained on this sex transmutation alchemy (for men) in what I call ‘the Vault Series’


For those who want to get into the true alchemy of things with media.


A final point for now; it’s not about the culture of this original resource; this was merely a channel as archetypes transcend culture and race…


She chose the most ready vessels for Her power and transmission (which has since shifted over to be centered in K-Pop).


Even for the ‘heaven on earth’ connection point of the first official Muse Priestess lineage muses; I had to initiate, train and prepare them in temple space to be introduced to Her power properly at the source level but it’s one of my favoritist things to do; have ‘session time’ WITH the Muse Priestesses..really a dream come true.



Anyways; Her (Muse) magic is the foundation of all of my work if you’ve been affected by it and it continues on in Her name.

Sex Transmutation Example With Music Video

Most people use music video as divertive superficial entertainment and self escape. I’m the founder of a methodology which uses music video as alchemy with the concept of sex transmutation.


Start to discover more about this and the process of Natural Grounding sex transmutation (with the archetypal feminine) in music video. You can integrate crystals, energy work, and so much more. Usually we work with the muse archetype to transmute our consciousness for healing, creative flow, etc.


Muse & Man

Throughout history, man has been inspired from her – and done great Apollonian things because of and FOR Her and Her Spirit within women.


For centuries, all great male artists and creators have had a muse (or THEIR muse) throughout all of music and the arts that we love.


Her soul-stirring quintessence inspires the genius of man and awakens God consciousness rendering art back into the immortal.


Men can becomes Kings and Gods because of her.


She’s the Francoise Hardy to Bob Dylan or the Linda McCartney to Paul. From Michaelangelo to Hans Zimmer…Muse has influenced our evolution, culture and quality of life itself BEHIND the scenes.


It can be said that muse is also coded into our collective unconscious as something that brings continual inspiration, creativity, flow or genius. The power to revive and re-awaken life where it was depressed, when no other woman of physical beauty alone could do it.


The immortal DESIRE to build a Taj Mahal for the beloved inspiration of a lover-muse.


Imagine walking the world being the inspiration of Man and knowing what u could receive in return in all of your houses?


This is source creative immortal power so rare that few individual women have ever considered it or just correlate it with extrinsic beauty.


But her Spirit is alive and stronger than ever. In additional to her behind the scenes influence; Archetypal High Muse consciousness has remained crystallized mostly through the centuries most directly in performance arts itself…streaming straight from higher dimensions into the few who can hold her presence.


The gypsy dancer with an undefinable and spirit stirring quality that man is dumbfounded by.


…The pop starlet who is light years ahead of the common man in presence and status. Well;


After all; Music itself is ‘Art of the Muses’.


But it’s her spirit: the archetype Muse herself without attachment that is behind all of them.


She has best thrived in performance arts where she can be in her exalted experience of liberated self being seen and dancing for Gods and Kings.


She is the force majeure behind culture, arts, creativity and co-creative ascension in the world as we know it b/c of her sexual (creative) spiritual dynamic with man.


…even Man’s Apollonian desire to build and prove his worthiness in sacred reunion of such a level of unattainable woman.


If it sounds hieros-gamosy, it’s because it is. She awakens and relates to the immortal and impersonal divine masculine within commen men – often CAUSE and affecting his growth and ascension from the mortal into multi-dimensional and immortal experience (including soul cultivation).


Her beauty is intrinsic and warps our very perceptual of her entire image. A touch of the heavens on earth for man.


Because she is so cosmic, sexual and multi-dimensional…She is already reunified on High as a rarefied archetype.


Man and Muse, Muse and Man have had a great history; but he can never quite ATTAIN her level – but that’s part of the ongoing beauty of it. She causes him to continually evolve and cannot tolerate being controlled – she must remain free-spirited.


This high standards forces men to evolve up to her level…where the age of Shadow King control is over.


Most women don’t even know WHAT this level of direct inspiration on man is and what it feels like; even Muse herself isn’t often aware of her influence b/c she is living in her Feminine experience.


But the fractal timeline is shifting. And even shadow manipulation from some Princesses or Queens is not at all the same as INSPIRING devotion and desire in all of a man. Muse has THAT magic.


But now…we are only JUST becoming aware of her REAL MAGIC and DEEPER impact on mankind.


As hardcoded to the spiritual Force of Life like no other feminine archetype, she desires a more direct influence on mankind and evolution itself. Concurrently some women are feeling this calling. U might be one of them.


There is a new fractal and transfiguration that is happening in tandem with the mutation of entertainment being known historically as non-conscious diversion…


…into DIRECT transformation and alchemy. In other words, Muse is becoming high priestess, will SERVE men and the divine masculine…will help directly heal and inspires them. She will walk amongst them and inter-relate with them directly instead of just from on the stage.


If u are summoned to have an alchemical, healing influence on men…activating ALL aspects of man that is sleeping, malnourished or in shadow (and pre-activating him just from walking in the room)..


Know that Muse power and magic is REAL. I speak from great experience with men b/c she has been the main event of all of my live men’s retreats and we have seen her consciousness


*Anti-age and heal on all levels


*Produce quantum and ongoing leaps of consciousness, spiritual growth, flow and genius


*Open closed hearts, heal grief


*Have MEN become charismatic honeypots to women


*Give depressed men inspiration to heal, change grow to become more of their potential


*Transform their presence and charisma to more embodiment and ease


*Light men on fire


…in REAL MEN and in real time.


Many of whom have flown international for the LIVE experience that could only be experienced live. This is all verifiable and I am the founder of this methodology which has a few thousand male practitioners around the world (we called it something else but Muse is the core).


Muse pre-activates and starts attuning men without them even KNOWING of it consciously.


The immortal Muse does that because her highly encoded 5D magic is real b/c she IS that authentic dancer and lover to heavens and Kings.


Her powers have only grown and compounded in the past 20 years but are FAR under-utilized in the world of healing b/c few men know HOW to relate with her as the divine masculine embodied.


Through following my calling, it just took an experienced alchemist like me to somehow translate it (from performance arts and entertainment into transmutation of consciousness);


but now it’s time for more women to embody her in the 3D world. AND THAT IS EXCITING beyond all measure.


Muse will be amongst us. And she is the cosmic honeypot inspiring and receiving from the masculine.


I think u can also feel that edge in the climate of an electric feminine power that is intoxicating.


The influence of Muse on Mankind and the dynamic of Apollo and the 9 Muses is magnanimous and historical in culture and evolution.


And we don’t always SEE her in the arts because we have a different paradigm that values labels and individuation instead of impersonalization and universalization.


So…if u are feeling the calling to Hieros Gamos Muse-ship, the place to be.


I understand that some women are like “I can’t make it this time, etc.”…”do u have a remote experience et al, but that is NOT the real thing live.


The Cosmic Muse L.A. is the closest thing to the historical INCEPTION of this new fractal of hieros gamos muse. Only a few women are meant to really be there at the start.


The rest will join in later when it becomes more popular but can’t say they were there at the real inauguration (and that’s fine too).


(Also I might stop doing remote Muse activations like I’ve stopped doing Priestess activations without a deeper commitment).  UPDATE: Muse Activations are $997 and require invite/pre-qualification.


But if u are called to join us in L.A. @ the end of this month or get into this soon…be warned!


Most men don’t have access to this 5D in the 3D…u will BECOME a honeypot. And a lot of women just aren’t prepared for that.


Of all the feminine archetypes, I believe Muse is the one who truly has the POWER to light the world on fire, re-balance, attune and ASCEND the masculine. The healer or Priestess component brings it in direct (otherwise it requires an alchemist to convert it consciously).


It’s not Feminist with her great resistance to Man.


And Goddess is by and large doing her own thang (but there is Muse – Goddess and other archetypal expressions woman can authentically have).


Muse brings lights the eternal FIRE to King and God-code within man. From shadow and mundane into LIGHT.


Her power is now going MORE DIRECT in this first generation of alchemical hieros gamos muses.


Oh – and all of the real-world results that I talked about with men in my live events (not to mention the 100’s of testimonials otherwise DIRECT related to Muse) – ALL of that is happening when she isn’t even there in the physical.


When Muse starts being embodied in 3D women who aren’t just shining to the world on a stage, watch out. 1 look from her can change a man’s life. U can’t even imagine what direct priestess-hood would do.


There are 2 possibilities if this is calling. 1 is to join The Cosmic Muse along with a select group of other women and my co-host Gillian Pothier when we have the 4th iteration in California and the other is Muse Priestess which is invite only.


Those are the ones that will be here. And yes, it’s worth flying in for. I’ve had men fly international for VIP and retreats.

There’s NOTHING like live. Reach out to me if you have questions on Facebook chat 


With the Archetypal Muse so implicated IN world culture now..the vision of Sacred Union of the highest order has the power to awaken near ALL of man-kind – healing it out of Shadow and into the Light as she goes more direct and lives amongst real men.