Anti-Aging Insights

There is such a thing as your biological age and this can be DIFFERENT than your chronological age. If you are healthier and have the body and system of someone a decade younger, that’s excellent.


So is it true that you are getting older every day? Chronologically yes, HOWEVER there are days where you can anti-age a few years or at least months.


So the Beauty 1.0 industry has anti-aging creams and the like. I’m not downplaying that but there is the deeper actual health aspects internally that are a big part of this.


Mindvalley even has a masterclass on bio-hacking for anti-aging.


So your organs and other systems in the body are critical to all of this. When they are running optimally like someone years younger than you, that’s great.


A lot of people look OLDER than their chronological age and some look younger.


So how can you really anti-age in both the biological AND image sense?


Nutrition and physical health is important but that’s not my area of specialtise.


I’d check out that Mindvalley masterclass. But here’s where it gets even more relevant; your ENERGETIC HEALTH has everything to do with your biological age.


Your energetic health affects your physical health and health of the organs. The Taoists knew of this for centuries.


If your energies are blocked or qi isn’t circulating properly…if more stress and dis-ease is in your system energetically, it’s putting more wear and tear (aging) on your entire system.


So it’s not just about general nutrition and wellness for long-term vitality, it’s also about working on your energetic health itself directly.


There are forms of bodywork btw that also help the body naturally release stress and anti-age like Micah Skye’s NMRT work and rolfing which releases tensions in the myofascial tissue.


But even that may not get to all parts of the body. This is where DIRECT energy healing comes in to release stress, dis-ease, conditioning and blocks within the layers of the energetic (and thus physical) body.


So I would look beyond anti-aging creams for image support and I would also look beyond bio-hacking the physical body, nutrition and supportive cardiovascular fitness, detoxing etc. as important as those are and I would look directly at your ENERGETIC HEALTH itself.


This is what is overlooked by most people because they don’t have an awareness in it. Yet for me, it’s easy to tell if someone is aging faster because of energetic imbalances in their system.


An energy reading with me initially covers your energetic health. If something is extreme I would let you know right away. Those readings are visual and then become 100% kinaesthetic during healing sessions itself (including remote). I can feel what’s going on in your system with imbalances, etc.


There’s an ancient axiom; if something is off in the physical body, there’s always an energetic source.


The late Louise Hay (Heal Your Body) has some great insights in this area. Keep in mind that mental work alone doesn’t always or necessarily affect the energetic reality within your system.


A YOUNGER body is free from the accumulated stresses and anxieties in life. A younger biological body has more open flowing energies instead of energies that are blocked and obstructing which can lead to cancer and other diseases.


You may be holding onto trauma from decades earlier that is secretly taxing your organs and your different systems thus obstructing free flow of energies and cells to replenish and do their job.


Remember; your chakras are depositories of information that also feed the organs. 1/2 of your life force is stored in the lower tan tien (behind the sacral chakra), but if your sacral chakra is blocked, personalized and oppressed for any reason (including trauma), it’s affecting ALL of your system.


(Even reiki itself doesn’t always directly affect the areas necessarily for optimal energetic health)


Sure, the biological body will age through time, but why not keep it as young as possible before the med beds arrive?


You want to have great energetic health and MAINTAIN energetic health. This is at least as important as good nutrition and general zen wellness.


And yes; there is a thing such as energetic organ healing and curing cancers. My own QiGong master who is also a Medical Qigong genius helped cure my arrhythmia.


I’m blessed to have younger biological health myself because of my own energetic practices – even though I don’t have the ‘all organic’ diet yet.


People consistently think I look a decade younger than I am – and I know people in my high school graduating class who look 18 years older than their age.


Great energetic health that is templated as 2 decades younger than you are would be a blessing to vitality and longevity as well as many other benefits including actually LOOKING younger than your age.


Life sometimes just adds up and stresses you down. I remember doing 1 tune-up session for a late arrival at a men’s workshop I was hosting in L.A. and everyone could tell right afterwards that he looked several years younger after that 10 minute session. Even his crow’s eyes were less pronounced. But this is normal.


So maybe it’s time to embrace but also look past the more superficial solutions?


Maybe it’s time to do some serious energetic detox NOW so your body can more naturally do what it’s meant to be.


Do you want unnecessary junk stuck in your chakras and aura that are aging you faster? 



It may be said that Nutrition doesn’t directly cover all the areas we’re talking about either as energetic or emotionally traumatic issues may STILL be stored in your system affecting not just your health and vitality but your experience of life itself.


If you really want to feel, look and most importantly ‘BE’ younger than your age, then I would consider getting some direct energetic health detox and maintenance in sessions with me or someone else with great experience in this area. And ideally, do that in addition to any other anti-aging and wellness plan you have.


Als; good energetic health is FOUNDATIONAL to then cultivating energetic beauty and allure; where your soul really gets to shine and come through in your professional image and presence.

Sessions with me can be booked here @

An activation session block can be exchanged for a longer extended, comprehensive energy healing session instead – this is what I recommend if I know you have deeper issues (and even then if it’s more extreme, may take several of these sessions).


Regular activation sessions include a shorter energetic tune-up as part of the session before the activation itself.


I hope that helps! Taking care of your body should definitely including taking care of your energetic body; the source of it all