The Divinity of Objectification: Part 1

Is sexual objectification of women GOOD? Is it toxic and unhealthy?


Is it demeaning, disempowering or bad to see women objectified throughout pop culture, magazines, movies, beauty and advertising?



I’m going to bring in a different perspective which may deeper your contemplation on all of these dynamics.


After all, we are talking about the power and influence of Sex and Beauty.


So welcome to this 3 part blog-series…Let’s dive in.


What if there was a reality where:


*Women aren’t just seen as ‘lustful objects of desire’ from men but are valued as artists, spiritual guides, priestesses and alchemical muses?


*Sex and Beauty is acknowledged as part of a woman’s full empowerment and not hypocritically shamed or judged?


*A woman’s image is immortal and medicinal?


*Sex, allure and sensuality are healed from trauma with the shadow masculine and reclaimed?


*Feminine allure is central to soulful self-expression and professional image as well as life-giving, healing and inspirational to awakening the benevolent Masculine and Kingship?


*Individual, soul aligned sovereignty and self expression is more important than social power play games and maneuvers?


*Beauty is valued as both intrinsic and extrinsic in her image and presence?


*An era of archetypal, allure, intrinsic beauty and energy work for professional image is thriving?


*Co-creation and co-healing is valued over profiteering and disavowing lower status members of the social game?


*A woman can explore a full range of unlimited feminine powers, embodiment and expression without shame?


*A woman can be free to be in her fullest sexual expression (and explore it beyond even that) without being labeled a slut or risk harassment or rape?


*Attention from men fuels her more into her Queenship?


What if there was a future where her image inspires and cultivates beta men into Kings and Warriors through the transmission of her own presence?


Where a woman can be seen and valued as a radiant goddess with real meta-physical powers of influence?


What if all this was possible?!


Now; based on your perspective…Consider that..


There IS a Divinity of Objectification and much of it has to do with how we relate to the POWER of a woman moving from shadow and non-consciousness into working as magical, alchemical Lightworkers.


Beauty, sex, sensuality are GOOD – not something to be shamed or embarrassed of. Sexual desire from the conscious Light and Dark masculine is good as we remove shadow aspects.


There is a future where a woman doesn’t have to choose between a postmodern feminism bandwagon or higher status in a superficial capitalistic game but where FULL sovereignty and unbridled feminine power is the unharbored value.


Where her image isn’t just for low-brow diversions of non-conscious male gaze but for the inspiration, cultivation and connection for the divine masculine in men.


The divinity of sexual objectification is where we get into the spiritual implications and the CONSCIOUS aspects of relating to each other as gods and goddesses;


Kings and Queens….of becoming more powerful sentient beings LIKE stars because of the power of Media and Image (and how it amplifies our influence).


And it’s a meta-physical world of multi-dimensional eros power where archetypes play and live as immortal Gods and Goddesses.


Where a woman’s im-personalized essence and body in photos and video can be related to and with in reverence and medicinal alchemy.


And where men are inspired and healed from the presence of women instead of disavowed or looked down upon as lower status pawns in a social power game.


But before we go into more detail about the divinity of objectification as well as the awakening, co-creation and healing that is possible;


Let’s next look a bit at our current state of objectification; the IMAGE of women, sex and beauty socio-culturally as well as how it intersects with post-modern feminism.


(Because this ended up being so long, it’s split into different parts)


See…. The Divinity of Objectification Part 2

{The Shadow Paradigm}