Physical Beauty vs. Energetic (Essence) Beauty

With Sexy Chi Image Consulting, we value both physical and energetic beauty.


Physical or ‘extrinsic’ beauty is everything that we know of as the multi-billion dollar Beauty industry today focusing on literally the skin-deep and topographical 3D surface of body and image; hair, skin care, make-up, fashion, etc.


What often gets overlooked is ENERGETIC Beauty – which is also ALWAYS communicating in all video, photos and film as well.


Btw for a deeper dive into the evolution of Beauty check out the in-depth Beauty 2.0 report here


So; what we know of as beauty now is the 3D physical dimension of skin that then converts into 2D when it is digitized into media for use on our tablets, tv’s, computers and mobile phones.


But is there more? Yes. We’re still overlooking energetic beauty consciously.


To really ‘see’ energetic beauty, you have to learn to ‘see’ from a different perspective that doesn’t value the same things that 3D beauty does.


If we JUST value and focus on extrinsic superficial beauty that is literally skin-deep.


Whereas; when we value that Image is multi-dimensional LIGHT communication and that 4D and beyond are ALSO transmitted and communicated visually in image (video, film, photos), we get to assess the actual entirety of visual communication itself.


So we start to sense and see the truth of a woman’s energetic Light communication in her image.


That’s what you will find throughout the Sexy Chi blog here with celebrity energy readings and other insightful blog posts.


Beyond the literal physical 3D material plane (which ironically is also energy); 4D is the psychic realm and the realm of ‘vibes’. It’s how you go into a room and feel something is ‘off’ and find out there was an argument there.


Or how when people refer to someone as having ‘creepy vibes’. It’s this higher realm of non-physical information and communication.


5D is generally speaking the direct spiritual realm but there are higher dimensions beyond that.


So again; these are all coming across IN all of your photos, Instagram uploads, videos, etc. – We just don’t really value or see it from the 3D perspective of Image and Beauty.


Etienne Charland talks about the 12 dimensions of consciousness from this perspective here.


So with energetic beauty, we are really valuing ESSENCE and how it is embodied and expressed. This is a skill that can be learned btw.


I learned from Rose Rosetree a little bit as a student of hers but mostly I have learned to read energy on my own over 1000s of hours.


So, in ALL image you are communicating information from these other realms (4th and 5th dimension); just because you may not be aware of your energetic beauty and how to work with it, doesn’t mean it’s not there.


It kinda just takes a psychic to value it first of all, and then to tune-in to the truth of that information while not only valuing the 3D realm that everyone else does.


Body language reading btw is an indirect form of reading people btw because it relies on 3D cues and some non-conscious physiological cues to read.


With the way I do energy reading image consulting, we go direct to the 4D and 5D; both the realm of essence, archetypes, masculine / feminine, elemental and other energetic information.


In some celebrities and spiritually evolved souls there can be even higher dimensions and layers that are more transparent that can be sensed in image. Many people are denser however so there isn’t as much high frequency light transmitting through.


So now; with energetic beauty we are really in the realm of cultivating your soul essence, archetypal and siddhic qualities for example OF your beauty.


This is the secret btw if you check out the Beauty 2.0 report of why some people have FAR more influence from their image on fans and such; they are communicating more power, consciousness, essence and qi in their multi-dimensional Light transmission.


It’s not just they have a ‘hot hairstyle’ that people are responding to when something stirs inside of them.


So you can learn to start SEEING and assessing energetic beauty. And as mentioned throughout this site; we have new tools like the Allure Factor, Archetypal Model and Beauty Quotient to gauge your energetic beauty.


Readings can include a lot of detailed information. Energy doesn’t lie, you just have to become an experienced psychic enough to read the truth of someone. I’m only sharing what would be verifiable information…and it’s a world of its own.


Human Design and Gene Keys can reveal so much more with psychic powers as well about your energetic beauty (which we can now WORK with).


For example, sometimes you can energetically gauge those who are ‘generators’ for sure or projectors for sure and then you know ALL kinds of details about their life and behavior.


And you could accurately say something like, “People don’t listen to you in a group unless they ask you, do they?” And you can say things like that with accuracy and certainty.


So your image is communicating FAR more information than we realize.


We can’t always know what you are thinking for example but we can gauge and assess the essence and energetic QUALITIES that paint your multi-dimensional influence with beauty.


Qualities like peace, virtue, valor, majesty and devotion are essence qualities. Again; throughout the blog I help you to see these. (Somehow Jason Momoa keeps popping up as a reference point model).


Celebrity Energy Readings on this blog


Or elemental qualities like water, air…or archetypal qualities like Goddess essence, Princess essence and embodiment, etc.


So, yes! You can learn to read and tell a LOT back to someone when you develop the skill of psychic energy reading people.


It also means that in the world of image and beauty consulting, we can take the exact same photo and professionally assess it in both the traditional and now new and expanded ways for more mastery.


Physical beauty is GREAT…but if you felt there was something more or really ‘deeper’ and not so superficial; well – you are in the right place to have it all.


It’s just becoming conscious of beauty in a new and practical way – and this is how Beauty can evolve into HIGHER levels of Mastery btw (also great for professional performance artists and their own mastery).


Instead of great make-up brushes and eyeliners, now it’s a different set of pro beauty tools.


So, I value both. The Allure Factor and Beauty Quotient helps you to maximize the ENTIRETY of your beauty but it does so much more because you are now able to cultivate your really influential levels and qualities of beauty that people really respond to beyond just the surface; energetic beauty.


And if you are a man, it’s also about cultivating your masculine essence qualities and charisma to have a presence that is insatiating.


So, I’ll leave it with this;


If you are so conditioned into valuing beauty with the 3D (like the armies of stylists, personal trainers, make-up artists, etc.), it might be more difficult at first to differentiate from just reading someone energetically.


But you can start flexing that muscle with insights in celebrity energy readings (and Beauty 2.0) on this site.


Again, it’s a different and more expanded toolkit to be able to gauge and read energetic beauty and essence, but Sexy Chi is where you can start diving into this world that ALREADY EXISTS – we are now able to work fluidly within it to take your overall beauty to even higher levels of satisfaction and influence!