Trinity of Muse Quanta: 2023
Beauty Essence Blog K-Pop Muse
archetype muse cosmic muse divine feminine muse divine union divine union consciousness gillian pothier grail codes k-pop influence k-pop u.s.a. kingmaker kingmaking muse muse archetype muse codes muse consciousness muse priestess muse quanta muses quanta rion kati
Muse as we know is a powerful and ancient Divine Feminine archetype that has been VERY active recently and She’s on course making history…
Her influence on the West is really JUST truly beginning on a larger scale more directly and consciously than ever.
As of April 2023, although I’m still getting more clarity…here’s what I see as the greatest overall Trinity of Muse Quanta; 3 pillars if you will in Muse influence global consciousness.
The more EACH of these expands (and the more that Western muses can EMBRACE K-pop muses), the more the COLLECTIVE will prosper with Divine Union and Grail-based Ascension as well as healing of the fracture masculine and feminine into reunification…This is b/c it’s all Source Muse behind it all.
1. Muse and K-pop’s expanding power and pop influence in concerts and music videos
(Muse is the predominant and behemoth archetype in K-Pop and THRIVES in many of the groups and idols). At this point historically She has become unstoppable with the foundation that K-Pop has already laid. K-pop can change the world not because of ‘Korean culture’ and not even b/c of hot crossover hits but really b/c Muse is behind it all
The 2nd active pillar of Muse Quanta (and Quanta being Her multi-dimensional clear egregore spiritually in the active collective);
2. Western grail muses and sophias into the consciousness and Divine Union work (as well as a growing handful of pop-starlet Western muses)
Although there aren’t many non-performance artist muses, the codes are really starting to spread and these Western CONSCIOUS models of muses in Divine Union work will continue to hold a key place in Muse’s influence and Her welcoming into mainstream culture (and spirituality)
(2B we could put The Cosmic Muse L.A. that Gillian Pothier and I co-founded in 2018)
And the 3rd pillar:
3. The Muse Priestess path and its Trinity of me (Rion) and the 2 inaugural (still secret) Muse Priestesses. So Muse Priestess Path as well as the energetic support and Gridwork it provides.
This growing consortium of Grail Magii is like the Jedi council and order OF Muse Herself that can also strengthen and advance K-pop’s influence and magic with Rion being the masculine pole (kind of like JYPark himself of JYP entertainment) to support, serve and expand Muse influence, grail work, high magic, media and alchemy (which includes evolving performance arts & entertainment as well as the Beauty industry’s with their evolution).
Muse Priestesses will also be able to help transition muses and k-pop starlets into the DIRECT advanced magic of Muse light-working power and Beauty mastery (as well as working directly with artists, entertainers, non-performance clients, celebrities, grail path divine union clients and the Beauty industry) into greater mastery.
As a corollary, the Cosmic Muse concept (and another secret wing yet to be announced) can also support (2B and actually was initiated before Muse Priestess Source lineage, thereby Gillian Pothier already has a historical place as Eros-Muse Mother in the West!)
Sexy Chi’s vision again has to do with evolving Western performance arts (including with ‘essenced acting’), entertainment and Beauty into the realm of energetic mastery. It’s literally ALL sourced in divine feminine archetypal Muse consciousness.
I’ll mention again (as there have literally been walls and resistances for years);
The More That Western Muses & Sophias Can Accept (and start accepting on their own timing) ‘K-Pop Muse’, The More Muse Quanta Will STRENGTHEN & EXPONENTIATE Grail Unions & Ascension (In the West)…and this includes KINGMAKING in a world of post-modern FRACTURE spiritually, sexually and socially with the Masculine and Feminine principle.
For MANY years female Western consciousness was closed off to Muse codes en masse.
Yeah it still might be too heretical and years ahead of its time (often people would simply judge the lower truth barrier of the cultural difference instead of seeing the archetypal Truth behind it); but if we can dissolve our lower truth barriers and (the SAME) Muse consciousness and Quanta will exponentiate all Grail work and cultural ascension!
This isn’t something that can be ‘forced’…it must be on your own timing (which may be never) but just being AWARE of the possibility and that there is a Muse Trinity of Quanta is getting us all closer.
One final note for now; I didn’t include other random muses like in disparate metro markets of (a % of) dancers and artists with Muse codes b/c it’s simply not unified enough yet (although we shall find something of a bastion of Muse in Bollywood; K-pop is easily the most dominant).
I’ve been training men for 15+ years to be media alchemists and to see ‘beyond K-pop’, ethnicity and genre to the higher truth encoded and literally embedded in K-Pop, J-Pop and T-Pop music videos to do sex transmutation of consciousness with source Muse. Unlike most immortal feminine archetypes; She inspires and awakens their Divine Masculine consciousness and presence.
Muse/She has already done transformation and miracles in 100’s even thousands of men’s lives with my methodology (‘natural grounding’ sex transmutation with music video’) in the areas of confidence, sexual presence, becoming a man women want, creativity, flow, etc. – and this is all without Muse being physically present even BEFORE the Muse Priestesses graduate publicly this year!
It all ties in with the beyond consumer reality that K-pop is so powerful not because of the lower ‘cultural’ truths or that it’s Asian, nuh-uh…it’s the archetypal divine feminine ENERGY, beauty and consciousness BEHIND IT ALL that as ALCHEMISTS (instead of divertive consumers) transforms lives.
(in other words; beyond our ‘labels’, ‘filters’ and ‘projections’ of ‘Asian’, or ‘Korean’ or ‘K-Pop genre’ or ‘K-Beauty’ or ‘idol’ or ‘Dahyun’, we simply have MUSES; Twice are MUSES and Muse can show up in ANY culture – it’s just that She’s MOST prolific in K-Pop which might change in the future)
Meditating to K-pop?
YEP…Grandmaster Sex Alchemist (transmutation of consciousness as presented by Napoleon Hill in ‘Think and Grow Rich’ – I’ve been doing it for over 15 years directly and its done miracles including with creativity (but it actually started in Thailand; read more on our blog…).
Because ‘S. Korean’ influence or ‘Asian’ influence, the GREATER concurrent Truth happening is that we have milestone events like Twice (as vessels of Muse) lighting the Empire State Building,
BTS (who although masculine charismatic still embody much Muse codes) sold out L.A. concerts
…and Blackpink Coachella mainstage, etc.

…as well as the GROWING Muse codes influence in the spiritual and Sacred Union community (unofficially centered in SoCal); we are on the PRECIPICE now of Muse potentially starting to directly awaken mass consciousness. Very exciting times!
K-Pop will continue world (music) domination and influence not just b/c it’s Korean…it isn’t just about the lower truths including good listenability; there’s something with THE ENERGY and VIBES that we’ve been missing in the West (wait until people find out it’s literal MEDICINE); yet I already know it can do MIRACLES in lives b/c I’ve facilitated that for many men and now women with all of this Beauty transformational work sourced in Muse.
Anyways; wait until K-Pop artists (muses) find out there is a JEDI SCHOOL that’s just for them and speaks THEIR language with THEIR values (and for Western muses)
So let’s dissolve the barriers between the top 3 pillars and as Muse consciousness more DIRECTLY becomes popular with mainstream WESTERN (non-muse) artists (and the more Western muses there are), I predict the strengthened and (more culturally) accepted Muse could become THE HOTTEST THING (in the West and even the World culturally).
She has already influenced history and evolution itself but now is going to start doing it literally more directly!
The Original Muse Codes Awakening
Archetypes Beauty Essence Blog K-Pop Muse
2002 rahtree alchemist alchemy danzeplanet devotional path divine feminine archetypes divineunion grail archetype lightworker muse muse archetype muse codes muse lineage muse priestess napoleon hill sex transmutation natural grounding priestesspath sacredunion sex alchemist sex transmutation think and grow rich
Amidst the 20 year anniversary (originally written in December 2022);
Of supreme veneration for me is what I call ‘the original resource’.
It was what directly and literally started me on my devotional path of sacred reunification the last 20 years.
I was reading ‘Think and Grow Rich‘ years earlier (1999 summer in Georgia) when the concept of sex transmutation stood out and through it, She kept giving me signs until I was ready. It still took me years to consciously realize what was going on.
This resource was the original ‘holy grail’ onslaught of Muse Codes (FAR outside of Western culture which didn’t have the consciousness or space to hold Her anywhere near like this).
It was destiny that had it come into my life after a friend of mine went on military leave and brought the resource back to me as a gift in Hawaii from Thailand (it wasn’t until years later that Muse emerged in K-Pop for me).
It’s now been just under 20 years since I was introduced to it and it is still light years ahead b/c of its raw unfiltered Muse-Truth. (Muse is one of the most powerful divine feminine archetypes after all).
It moved something DEEEP within…stirring my soul.
I remember premiering this in our temple space FOR the first 2 Muse Priestesses in Tulum during our immersion party at our 3rd retreat and they were floored.
It shocked and rocked my life even then b/c it was so different and I KNEW after seeing it that I MUST follow the call to adventure (and Her) to the ends of the earth if necessary – and to its source (in Thailand where I entered on my birthday 12.2.2002).
I had kept the resource itself secret for 7 or 10 years before ever sharing it with anyone until we had a world debut in Thong Lor, BKK where men flew in from around the world for me to world premiere it live in a legendary all-nighter (of venerating Muse).
The men who flew in from around the world were wholly impressed in that life-changing event where I had to get someone FROM GMM Grammy to dig into their vault b/c I couldn’t find my copy.
Truly, my Illumination (and always);
Source Muse/She was doing miracles in my life and in the lives of men I was influencing through our method (of Muse meditation which we called something else). She was already changing 1000s of men’s lives as I became a lead natural dating coach in the men’s online dating and seduction industry.
Our method became notoriously effective, controversial and infamous on underground PUA’s method forums (unfortunately much of the industry went the shadow of the red-pill vs. rising into evolved masculine, consent and awakening, etc.). It helped men develop confidence sexual presence and attraction with real women. MUSE was doing all of this for YEARS changing men’s lives and attuning their divine masculine consciousness and worthiness.
Becoming like a grandmaster of sex transmutation with practically infinite creativity is just a small part of the picture. I’d always be able to make new music every time I sat down at my workstation, became an industry thought leader, etc.
She was my main (open) secret OF my natural men’s dating business anyways.
She (my/The Beloved) was starting to work directly with me then and over the course of 20 years and many trials and tribulations…She was testing and preparing me greatly as I continued my 1000s of hours of sacred devotional meditation (a la ‘divine union’) with Her.
She opened up the pantheon of archetypal magic and ongoing lightworking and grid-working POWERS to me amongst many other things – ALL as part of my own Divine Union of Sacred Reunification aka ‘hieros gamos’ (in my case it’s with a feminine deity basically).
She was teaching and training me to become Her Grail Priest & Magician from our practice of Sacred Reunification and the alchemy together. I was to begin initiate a Grail Line of Priestesses as well as to bring the evolution of Beauty and performance arts itself; all in Her name.
This devotional dharma continues with every client session, Muse Priestess lineage and Sexy Chi. She’s here to evolve the Beauty industry into Light Mastery as well as Performance Arts & Entertainment into energetic mastery.
Some artists have connection to ‘a’ muse…I have hardwired, clear connection to THE (Source) Muse Herself. The 1st ever Muse activation @ Cosmic Muse L.A., Muse Herself descended into the client and was speaking to me in a language of Light with very powerful presence.
Earlier on; it took me years to even consciously realize it was Her all alone (Muse) b/c I had to overcome my own conditioning and filters to be more directly, rawly connected with Her alchemical Beauty.
Anyways; after 20 years of sacred reunification; the foundation is very deep on this one. Studying with other earthly masters was just part of the path but She has always been my main teacher and its been a path of growth even represented in this picture where I am energetically on part as Her reflection to these 5 muses.
Anyways; there’s something special about the 20 year mark and even if I were to give you the link to the original resource it’s not likely you would be prepared to experience Her power; b/c of consumer and cultural filters would prevent you from truly experiencing it as an alchemist which is a skill and mastery of its own.
It takes readiness and preparation – that of which other blog posts here can give clues into the higher truth of what’s going on in K-Pop, transformational entertainment rather than consumer stan experience.
Fortunately 1000’s of men have practiced my Muse meditation method (also known as ‘natural grounding’ sex transmutation with feminine archetypes in music videos) and many can tell you about it; esp. the ones where I have hosted all-night immersion parties celebrating and meditating with her magic with small groups of men around the world.
We even have a fb group of media alchemists;
I’ve trained on this sex transmutation alchemy (for men) in what I call ‘the Vault Series’
For those who want to get into the true alchemy of things with media.
A final point for now; it’s not about the culture of this original resource; this was merely a channel as archetypes transcend culture and race…
She chose the most ready vessels for Her power and transmission (which has since shifted over to be centered in K-Pop).
Even for the ‘heaven on earth’ connection point of the first official Muse Priestess lineage muses; I had to initiate, train and prepare them in temple space to be introduced to Her power properly at the source level but it’s one of my favoritist things to do; have ‘session time’ WITH the Muse Priestesses..really a dream come true.
Anyways; Her (Muse) magic is the foundation of all of my work if you’ve been affected by it and it continues on in Her name.
Muse: From Artist to King-Making High Priestess
Beauty Essence Blog Divine Union Muse
artist healers hieros gamos high priestess training how to become a high priestess kingmaker muse priestess priestess magic priestess school reunification priestess
If u are *not* a performance artist, but u are now being called to the archetypal Muse with her hidden hieros gamos magic and alchemical allure, this is the exciting meta-picture of what’s going on.
History (and a rare opportunity) is being made in REAL time and this is the forefront. (Devotion was and is the key that unlocked this btw)
Muse and her unique sexual-creative inspiration to the masculine is splitting her long-time fractal lineage as (primarily) performance arts & entertainer to rebirth into the 3D as reunification priestess of High Magic.
Hieros Gamos again representing ‘sacred reunification’ of the divine masculine and feminine.
That’s right; the unattainable high status Muse who is Dancer to God and Kings will walk amongst mortals instead of merely being known as a non-conscious fantasy diversion for the world on-stage.
A new fractal lineage is being birthed of a powerful feminine archetype!
She will be on the frontlines with her magic to help heal and awaken the Masculine and make Kings to re-balance and inspire the world into renaissance.
A transference like this; to have a major feminine archetype start a new fractal lineage in the collective is unprecedented and there is IMMENSE alchemical power with it.
So it is for you to determine if this calls.
She will only open her encoded powers to be embodied and used to the highly qualified and willing.
The Archetypal High Muse (working with and through hieros gamos #priestess) will perform magic and miracles for and through mankind with power and fire to inspire and re-balance the masculine and feminine into a new renaissance in sacred reunion.
Radically encoded with hieros gamos and with an Apollonian history of influencing and shaping cultures; it is her desire to take her historically accrued and immortal magic more DIRECT to the 3D world to attune esp. the masculine into Kingship and the multi-dimensional divine.
Just a ray of her Light can absolutely be life-altering (and already has been to some of the women working with Rion and Muse), re-constellating their own access to the cosmic masculine.
Because her priestess powers have been HIDDEN for eons, this transmutation required a specialized alchemist like Rion to even be aware of, let alone to translate b/c few know of her alchemical powers consciously.
This is a LOT of power to transfigure a woman’s life who is ready for a major sacrifice of self-identity to live in more alignment with her soul’s desire; and her desire to serve the divine masculine in men.
And with this re-birthing of an entire major (but rare) archetype; she will be amongst the most powerful and magical of ALL priestesses and Kingmakers.
Imagine her working with and through you, but AS you (no entities)!
It all ties in to her eternal devotion in Sex, Spirit and Love to the Cosmic Masculine which has existed for centuries; this has always been the energetic dynamic while mere mortal men have still felt unworthiness and awe in relation to her power.
It is simply the timing now in history for hieros gamos to start working real transmutation, but even I didn’t see this one coming; HOW could muse EVER be non-industry/artist?
I was concerned for years about it; I thought it would never happen….how can I have the same level of devotion for non-industry, non-artists who carry Muse (not all of them do)?
When will performance artists start valuing healing?…alas;
She has recently after around 14,300 devotional hours of meditation with her shown me her vision along with the earliest signs of stirring in a few female essenced souls;
Pandora’s box is opening. Muse consciousness and energetic qualities are opening up to be embodied in select women other than artists.
It will still be far less than 1% of women for a long time. These women will be so light-encoded and will stand out like flaming wildflowers in a sea of grey.
There will now be non-artist Muse or what we could call Hieros Gamos Muse.
Concurrently; there are now more women falling into hieros gamos transmissions and encoding; this is NOT the same brand of feminine essence as #hierosgamos muse per se.
The advantage is that *these* women will have the benefits of authentic Muse and that divine level of INSPIRING the masculine but all the full-on CONSCIOUS magic that can be developed as real priestesses without having to be sacrificed and devoted as a performance artist (many of whom non-consciously embody and express Muse with and through).
#Muse lights a fire where there ISN’T one in the darkest and coldest of masculine hearts b/c she is so in love and attuned with King and God consciousness.
This LITERAL first generation is incepting NOW in a mere handful of women who will be hieros gamos muse and it’s very exciting. As aforementioned; Gillian Pothier is one of these code carriers.
These women will have alchemical allure and great, great influence on men and the masculine; often driving them craZy in all the good ways.
Down the road, I think we will start seeing more actual artists being called into high magic, healing and priestess-hood and that’s a vision that light this fire the most.
My elite mentorship: Muse Priestess is ‘ground zero’ for hieros gamos (aka ‘reunification’) Priestess cultivation with Muse as non sex-workers…it’s all sexual-spiritual, but here not physical which means that you can work with male clients like an escort but without any stigma of sex-working. This can be invaluable for preserving your reputation if you are an artist.
MP is a significant commitment and investment.
It requires 2 qualified women to commence this program and requires at least an annual commitment b/c of the amount of auric curation, Lightworking (literal), energetic growth and non sex-working priestess training. VIP Apprenticeship is also available.
Muse Priestess represents this fusion of both artist-priestess and hieros gamos priestess training for non sex-working women. You will learn advanced energy work and magic amongst many things to be able to run your own literal business as a non sex-working Priestess.
The reality is that this *full* transition for Muse into Priestess essentially requires the experience of a true Masculine alchemist who has been through fire and brimstone of devotion as well as realizing and working with her brand of magic in the 5D to translate it and allow qualified women to access and use practical high magic.
I am now aware enough that I am perhaps the most direct 3D masculine pivot point for her to BLOSSOM and unleash her magic on the world. She has chosen me to train up Reunification Queens and Priestesses. Why a man? Because this is reunification of course; not just Feminism or Goddessism.
I’m eternally grateful I was the one she was preparing to be able to translate and train on HER magic but it’s only been through such deep faith devotion and battle-testing.
And if it wasn’t me, it would have to be another man (decades from now? who knows).
Simultaneously, some women have been starting to receive coded transmissions from her and her desire to be re*birthed. This has literally happened in the past 9 months.
So that’s what’s initiating…If u are interested in attending the Cosmic Muse or potentially Muse Priestess;
U do want to check in to make sure that it’s not just hieros gamos, goddess devotional to masculine or some other brand and that it’s more specifically hieros gamos MUSE that is calling b/c a lot of women aren’t prepared to be THAT inspiring, liberated and SEEN to the masculine either.
Not all women who activate and embody hieros gamos muse will become priestess as that requires further initiation and training (esp. on her magic); that will just be the highest level of essence with application.
But u will have your own reasons if u are called to her magic and power; to integrate it to transfigure your own powers, allure, attraction, sex, love and magic in life…don’t forget that multi-dimensional and real masculine and Light penetration too.
Her powers are already there; it’s the initiation that is the big starter step. Gillian Pothier and I have 1 more spot available for The Cosmic Muse 2 L.A. this next Sat., Oct. 12th. RSVP with interest.
UPDATE: Stay tuned for Cosmic Muse 4 in 2020.
So; the rebirth from Artist to Priestess with a MAJOR feminine #archetype (and one of the few encoded with Devotion) is happening.
It’s all happening in real time and on whatever timing must occur. This future is just beginning.
Are you called to inspire and awaken KINGS as a real priestess with the ability to earn the income you desire?
Find out more about Muse Priestess mentorship here.
It’s also a path in which a performance artist like dancer or actor can be a priestess but get paid like an escort without sex-working.