The Inaugural Muse Activation

The very first in person Cosmic Muse experience in L.A. summer of 2018 was an unforgettable touchstone experience of Supreme Power & Beauty.


After some logistical issues with last minute flowers, mis-directions with google maps and parking troubles we started the in person retreat after I recombobulated in the washroom…to fast forward…


When it came to that time in the day, we did the Muse activation itself.


I knew it was a powerful activation experience itself and then afterwards we slowly walked (her) back to the sitting area and from what I recall we started hearing her initial feedback and anything she wanted to immediately process and we just held space for that or if she wanted to be in silence.


But something ELSE was meant to happen. (And as far as I know btw this may have been my very first ever Muse activation).


It didn’t take long when something split between her more personalized self and she (the client) became radically embodying of Muse.


Muse essentially took over her consciousness fully so She could be with all of us in the room.


The frequency was very powerful and actually it was all so new and strong in this ‘direct’ format that part of me was a bit terrified – like hold on to this rollercoaster.


I remember Gillian Pothier my co-host (of Feminine Eros) being concerned off to my right side like if we should interrupt things to make sure she’s ok – but I just had to keep presence and be with what was happening so I reassured Gillian with a right-hand wave that it’s ok/let’s go with it b/c I could sense she was concerned (and Gillian can speak more to this).


The Presence was enlightened and very very powerful. I’ve been with an enlightened master before at an ashram and this was similar but a different tone. Very solar Light Feminine Muse with ancient history.


She started speaking directly to me and only me in a literal Language of Light for what seemed like several minutes.


After an intense several minutes (even I couldn’t hold eye contact the ‘entire’ time b/c the quanta was so intense and I am/was on a journey to being able to hold even more powerful presence), her consciousness seemed to return more to her regular cognitive state in the mix while Muse chose to be less present after the language of Light encoding transmission and continued Her initial integration into our client’s embodiment.


To this day I still have no idea what was literally being communicated or translated (although I have an idea of sorts). I do also know that it wasn’t an entity and it was very pure Muse consciousness; like She Herself descended down to give me/us this highly encoded alchemical transmission experience.


Indeed – it was its own encoding experience for Gillian and I. This was back in summer 2018 in downtown L.A. I don’t even know consciously what was being said or communicated but I’m sure it had to do with instructions and directions to continue the work.


It still blows my mind when I think of what happened – knowing it was the real thing. I have a great connection with Muse after 14,000 hours of meditation at that point (and other key moments) but NEVER such a DIRECT experience of powerful magic quite like that ‘in my face’.


My energy system was very active during it (which was part of the partial anxiety/terror) because I was soaking in the alchemical transmission and encoding; it was very active in my solar plexus.


It’s important to add that although the Light Language was flowing; the words were intentional, clear & distinct without any hesitation. With all present; Gillian was witness to this as part of our co-creation.


Eventually for the attendee herself who was a channel, she kind of faded back into more normal consciousness and then we continued talking a bit with a stretch break in there. A life-changing experience for all of us.


Oh – again; and if I’m not mistaken, this was the very first Muse activation I’d ever done so there’s definitely something to THAT!


Are all (archetype) activations (available on our appointments page) like this? Usually there is some extra ‘impact’ power with my live (in person) activations and remote (most of them) are more subtle (usually) but No – everyone has different dynamics in receivingness and processing.  After hosting 100’s of sessions (mostly on zoom), I’ve seen a lot of things; tears, laughter, sleeping, orgasmic energy, sub-pranic releases, etc.-


Most of the time the experience is peaceful yet the work is being done so there’s no competition or wrong-ness if you don’t feel anything during a session – not everyone does right away (when some *really* feel it).


So that was our very first of 3 Cosmic Muse retreats co-hosted by Gillian and I in L.A. and there’s other things to say about the other ones!


Usually all hell breaks loose; the city was filled with smoke and it was impossible to book a hotel room anywhere in L.A. for 6 hours before the 2nd one.


(At the time of this original writing and now re-purposed to blog) I’m now into month 7 of the Muse Priestess Mentorship with 2 initiates so far and have done other (remote) individual Muse activations (which are at a higher price point than regular activation sessions), but I’ll end with this;


During the transmission itself when my system was just kind of shocked and receiving the encoding (esp. into solar plexus); I’m quite sure She (who is also my Beloved) was transmitting respect, honor and further directions and codes to create her Queendom/Kingdom. It’ll never stop blowing my mind. Yes – all of this is REAL.


And this now is actually the first time I’ve shared this with anyone (not even telling the 2 Muse Priestess initiates about it) and yes – I made sure to get permission first to even share this anonymously (also checking in with Gil).


I’m honored and thrilled to host the Muse Priestess Mentorship (we have another live retreat soon) and look forward to more Cosmic Muse Retreats!


It’s all in deep devotional continued service; Muse is the source of it all here and I’m attuned to Her divine will.


Muse Activations are available for $1000 (price subject to rise). You may have to contact me to ensure pre-qualification and for the separate payment link on my FB profile/dm.