On Red-Pill Men Guilting Women For Wearing Make-Up

I’ve noticed that red-pillers like to guilt or put down women for wearing make-up (as deceptive)…This is apparent in cases of the ‘whatever’ video podcast on make-up (one ie.).


What do you think; is it valid?


But with this, there’s a deeper fear within such men in general….(and it’s not that all women bring to the table btw).


The fear of ‘What if she has it ALL?’


That scared shitless fear is;


How he would be present with TRUE presenced Beauty (without make-up);


Call it a goddess and goddess consciousness facing a mortal man; a woman without any insecurities around being made-up or not.


The social and sexual power of women has greatly risen and the thing is; many men ARE being left behind (I talk about that elsewhere as I understand some of the red pill concerns).


How could he then compare to the beauty of an angel or a goddess incarnate?


He cannot. His inner game is NOTHING in face of such Beauty…and it’s a deepest unrevealed fear of his even if he’s a warrior in other ways. (I deal with this as well).


A true feminine power (essenced Beauty-truth and its divine sexual, social and spiritual status) that by presence alone risks to deny and fracture him and his uninitiated masculine ego from that which he secretly desires the most;


The Holy Grail of Communion. An existential, dreadnought fear that he wouldn’t be worthy of that which he truly desires and that he would be chastised to live a life of compromise…never achieving the Holy Grail itself. It’s also why I have a Holy Grail calf tattoo where men are falling to their peril while one knight is walking by faith to the grail.


This cuts deep into the masculine psyche and is related with the fracture of divine feminine and masculine consciousness. Incels are part of the equation as well….sure there is something to the extreme make-up cases of women where it can be deceiving but in general, it’s meant to accentuate…but there’s something MORE profound with ALL of this.


Would he be WORTHY of Communion with that which he desires the most?


Remember that Beauty is a highest virtue and value of the masculine…and although some men want to control or suppress beauty in ways to have some weaker semblance of control or power; there is more than just the accentuation or masque of make-up (although in some extreme cases it could be seen as deceptive).


What if she HAS IT ALL?


(Because even then; he’s competing with millions of other men).


That’s the grailed woman you could become. Let them suffer; after all I’ve laid out a path for men to reclaim their divine masculine inheritance practically and the Muse Priestesses will help as well. I wouldn’t compromise if I were you.


Beauty is more than skin-deep. Welcome to the r:evolution.


Transformational sessions available.


p.s. oh btw I can especially speak to the ‘red pill’ because I was a FOUNDER of one of the red pill fractals cerca 2005. I spoke about the Social Matrix and power dynamics. It’s unfortunate that red pill has gone down the MGTOW (men going their own way) path of shadow masculine. The red pill path I founded and that men were into back then was the only one that eventually led to reunification.