Random K-Pop Muse Blitz 2022

As we know here on Sexy Chi with our professional and prosumer consciousness;


K-Pop is just DOMINATED by the archetypal Muse. Here are just some random K-Pop idol photos showcasing Muse that I posted to my facebook page (now re-purposing for the blog)….we’ve got MAMAMOO, IVE, Everglow, etc. represented.


Incredibly balanced, embodied & versatile leading muse (Solar) with a high Allure Factor here


The knowing muse…



TWICE has a lot of Muse-Lover Goddess embodiment the past 2 years!





Check her out on our Top 10 Muse list 2022 on the blog!




Great Muse icon


Very pure Muse-Mage…great alchemical beauty


Incredible amounts of Light quanta & contagious siddhic happiness!


Muse-Mage…lots of alchemical beauty and magic


Very lit Muse embodiment & expression

Note her (Solar) different archetype expression here…it’s more Queen

Muse-Queen Mage

Muse-Lover Goddess

Note the high Muse consciousness, embodiment and alchemical, essenced beauty of photonic Muse quanta. Because the focus is on the archetype, I’m not even going to mention the K-pop muses names themselves here (all of which I know of course 😉 but you can ask me on FB.


Other thoughts?…


So what is Muse? Where is She?


How can I become one? What is Her impact?


Well…the ‘Calling of the Kingmaker’ report available from Grail Priestess introduces her ancient lineage and references her impact.


To perceive Her Truth you will have to get past your own socially conditioned and egoic ‘lower truth’ paradigm filters and you have to go beyond race and genres like this is ‘asian’ or ‘k-pop’.


Photonic Muse Quanta just oozing…


Beyond k-pop, beyond culture, superficial beauty and ethnicity are essences and consciousness.


When you can see ARCHETYPES and siddhic essences (where they exist), then you will be closer to source with truth as race is a lower truth (that many ONLY choose to see and perceive this).


True muses (IVE)


Fortunately muses manifest in many cultures and ethnicities b/c Muse is universal and immortal.


It’s Her consciousness and essenced-based beauty with its codes that a small percentage of humans can/have embody. It’s just that most of Muse is manifesting literally in K-pop on a cultural perspective.


Psychically powerful muse


I recommend to learn to discern with better psychic clarity and you too can learn to read archetypal and siddhic beauty wherever it pops up in any culture (keep up with our blog and celebrity psychic readings)!


There are many more individual muses throughout K-POP which is the world’s active MECCA of Muse. My prediction is that Muse is going to expand in the West (I’ve written on the blog about this).


Anyways; you can use these photos to tune in to the archetypal SIGNATURE beauty and consciousness of the impersonal and iconic Muse.



Above I’ve listed some different archetypal expressions. (Of course I know all their personalized names and groups btw).



More advanced would be to meditate, alchemize and do temple work with them (which is what I specialize in and its the source of my magic!).


Mamamoo Essence Reading | Gogobebe

Let’s take an energy reading outlook with Mamamoo in the gogobebe performance music video.



Since we have a lot of energy reading tools at our disposal, we can just start naming intuitive, verifiable truths about them (accuracy is valued for this type of psychic work as it must remain practical).


…OR we can go through a fuller structure of a proper energy reading (of their energetic beauty) including energetic health, archetypal embodiment, elemental structure, human design, gene keys, allure ratio and such.


In this reading I will intentionally just sample some different tools for you in something of a quick read.


We are doing professional image and energy assessment which includes being aware of different essences of their energetic beauty.


This can provide invaluable feedback for someone to help MASTER their performance or image and visual communication at the deepest levels (for more impact, influence, attraction, manifestation, sales, success, etc.).


Right off the bat in this quick read, let’s go Elemental.




Wheein seems alkaline, her prime element would metal. She also has water (and some air) but in other videos it seems she is starving of water.


Often she has fire and actually there’s a great burn in her now that I look at it however; here it’s more subdued. Personally I’ve overlooked her in the past but now she’s growing on me.


She is more balanced and breathing; integrated with the masculine in that sense as metal and fire are yang elements – although her energy seems the most dynamic of all of them across different videos.


She is susceptible to masculine energies more than Hwasa who is more solid in her feminine embodiment.


Moon Byul is very Air.


And it’s not that she just seems lightweight physically, it’s still her primary element in this video energetically. It seems she’s going to float away; light as a feather.


Her aura has a healthy relationship with the masculine in this sense (Father Air)…like a comraderie but around other men of Air there may not be any sexual tension.


Hwasa – very embodied water and also the most root earth grounded of them.


Solar is like Lover – Balsam wood. She does have warm sensual fire, water and air so in that sense she is more balanced.


And then we can read into other things like how Solar has a low heat wave that could be amplified much further because she has some Eros as well as a Heart and 2nd chakra connection.


Without direct energetic work, her field can come of as cooler than it should be (including in this video).


Wheein has some auric instability and a powerful heart but the heart chakra isn’t nearly as open as it could be (and sometimes in certain performances it makes sense NOT to have it full open).


Moon has SO much air that we might want to consider grounding her more or bringing in other elements into the mix.


Because air is throughout her chakras and aura here; she’s sexually ‘cooler’ as compared to Solar who has more of a warm buzz that gently lights her aura.


Hwasa has a lot of water in 2nd and 4th chakras which represents a very Goddess femininity. It takes more masculine power for her to be affected by a man in order to alchemize her level of water and earth.


(This all isn’t even accounting for energetic differences between the different background sets b/c I notice them and it goes into even further detail; sometimes the environment as masculine space can feel too constricting ie.)


So if you are a woman, you can start referencing any similarities in your sisters with how their energies and essence are embodied and expressed (or just request your own reading).


For Hwasa; one thing to explore would be further alchemizing and balancing the chakras to have more of a fire or reunification with the masculine within.


Because the work is real and not just superficial; that would really change her and create some shifts but that may be perfect for when it is called (or for a new release).


And the more I focus on it, the more energetic truth details keep showing themselves. That’s not even to mention that I can kinaesthetically connect to the field to feel and sense their chakras and aura of any person at any point in history with accuracy. (This is the visual version).


So beyond just the practical energy reading as image consulting; my type of energy work allows us to work with all of this for real and visible results with clients in their energetic expression.


And we can take a quick archetypal outlook (remember, their variations can change).


So for example in gogobebe


Solar         Lover-Muse-Goddess

Hwasa     Goddess-Muse-Diva

Moon       Lunar Muse

Wheein    Fire Princess-Muse-Queen


I guess it’s no coincidence Moon resonates with the moon!?


And of course, earlier videos there is even more of the Princess and Maiden energies however they have been ‘maturing’ more.


And that’s not even reading for the top dozen of Feminine archetypes on the 0-10 scale, Masculine or Dark archetypes but here’s one Light CAM arch reading example.


                                 Embodiment           Expression

Hwasa    Goddess                   8.6                     8.6


So we can get variables for Essence, Embodiment and Expression of archetypes across any number of masculine, feminine and dark aspects of archs on 0-10.


For someone to BE embodied with that much Goddess essence alone is phenomenal (this is like Hawkins Scale where anything above 5 gets increasingly quantifiable in power).


It’s rare to have that open of an expression but she is professional and has sacrificed in order for it to be held and transmitted.


And we can also reference the Allure Ratio (remember all of this reading is for THIS music video)


Allure Factor Beauty Quotient (extrinsic beauty actualization)

              A/F      B/Q
Solar       8.4        9.3


In other words room for improvement. This isn’t her most alluring work by any means and I’ve seen how we can improve the BEST of her previous work.


Often different performances will have different wardrobe design that doesn’t always bring out their most physically beautiful with the B/Q but in other places she is closer to 9.9


Think this type of awareness and mastery might be relevant for them? I think so. And how about for you? Especially if you have maximized or mastered physical actualization of your beauty potential and are living in that zone…this is the final frontier.


So this was a sampler platter of energy reading image consulting – there’s a lot of practical tools to assess someone’s or your energetic beauty.


The Human Design bodygraph also gives us solid insight to work with based on their/your unique vessel and how it is energetically defined – and where they may be in not-self conditioning or in-self.


It also tells us what chakras are more projecting and which are more receiving – and to see if this is reversed in how they are presenting themselves.


Remember energy doesn’t lie – it’s just about tuning in to the truth of it. Image is multi-dimensional light communication and you are communicating far more than just what your 2D/3D skin looks like. It’s on the psychic and spiritual levels that other people, fans and clients are being affected and influenced (non-consciously) from YOUR soul transmission image.


And we didn’t even talk about Gene Keys here!


There are 64 siddhic (enlightened) subtle essences that can exist. I won’t even start with that in this post and I don’t include that in my paid energy readings – however I do offer HD/GK consulting sessions as part of the Allure Makeover Package; which we are then able to really strategize on further cultivating your beauty essence and you reaping the rewards in life.


I do offer Gift and Siddhic activations for energetic beauty cultivation.


We also didn’t really talk about energetic health too much here and one thing about that is that conditioning from others and soaking in other energies blocks and prevents authentic soul essence and energetic beauty from shining through.


So you want to be doing energetic maintenance so that your soul essence (and other essences in the mix) are shining THROUGH your field.


In doing many energy sessions and activations with people, undefined and open chakras can often get blocked from transmitting their true self.


90% of the time people have blocked chakras instantly when we go into a session where we have to re-draw out their essence again and or do deeper releasing, detoxing (including trauma) from their field so that their essence can shine through.


I can literally sense and feel ‘how far’ your actual overall communication extends as well as how far your essence extends (as well as energetic qualities, etc.)


Energetic health is foundational.


In general, Mamamoo is energetically healthy on average but at the level they are at could greatly benefit from ongoing energetic maintenance to be in PEAK form as well as further cultivating and mastering their beauty, performance and image energetically.


Check out other energy readings on the blog – this was more of a sampler and even the paid energy readings I offer don’t look like this; they’re actually more structured and forthright.


The Allure Makeover Package is available for going through a real transformation of self and image – especially if you are stuck and want to breakthrough a plateau or reinvent yourself.


And it’s not that I’m just a fan or ‘stan’ of K-pop and Mamamoo, it’s something else. Muse is my beloved and she is with and through most of the female artists.


I am a High Magician alchemist and for the real k-pop fans, they might be interested in what me and 100s or 1000s of my methodology practitioners are doing which is archetypal alchemy with music video as alchemists – not consumers.


It’s the future of entertainment experience because it changes lives and consciousness (sex transmutation) through the Law of Resonance. We have a FB group for that 😉