Post-Menopause Beauty, Vitality & Aging Concerns

If you are concerned about aging and loss of Beauty, let’s talk about this again.


For 45+ year old women who ‘feel’ and look ‘dried out’ or those who are seeming to be accelerating in their aging process with authentic concerns of ‘loss of beauty’ and all the implications; it’s not a Beauty death-sentence per se, just be aware that…


When the bio-chemical feminine essence of estrogen inevitably plummets, hydration alone (though important) usually isn’t enough. The Taoists knew about this and Mantak Chia still teaches around this concept:


If you don’t have enough elemental chi (spirit-life force) nurturing your organs and bio-system, you are AGING FASTER.


It’s easy for me to see this in women who are lacking water essence (and Goddess embodiment); who are more ‘dried out’ esp. if they are smokers – they’re energy body can be really dehydrated.


This is especially a concern for women when little of the pre-natal bio-chemical essence of estrogen remains (AND if there are energy blocks to it reaching chakras, organs and flowing through your meridians).


FORTUNATELY, you have a Goddess-send b/c there isn’t only your pre-natal chi and the nurturing that estrogen brings to the body.


Literally; Goddess and other archetypes are THERE for you to REMAIN vital and beautiful into sunset years.


I have a master bodyworker colleague in her 70’s (who is also a grandmother). She is POWERFULLY embodied with rich watery Goddess and she remains much younger in health, warmer and softer than most women her age.


There are different ways to go about this, but you’d want to value especially WATER essence to nurture your etheric energy body (not just physical with hydration).


I just did another Goddess activation an hour ago related with this dynamic. The BEST time to do it is anytime BEFORE peri-menopause or it may require more extreme of a transformation and transfiguration (that’s where I also come in handy) but your body may be aging faster anyways including your physical appearance.


As you may recall, I’ve renamed the Post-Menopause Makeover to Essence Replacement Therapy. Instead of hormonal bio-chemical estrogen therapy, we’re replacing estrogen by preparing your energy body and chakric-psyche chambers; essentially filling you with post-natal elemental (water, earth) and archetypal (Goddess, Vixen, etc.) LIFE FORCE.


The MORE impersonal, Goddess space you have to hold elemental Water in your psyche, the healthier and more vital you can be going into elder years. You don’t have to ‘dry up’ and age faster.


This ‘activation-centric approach’ is actually an ‘all-natural’ way to do it.


There are indirect ways as I’ve mentioned before that support this including Goddess work and Tao Alchemy, but the DIRECT activation work is the most possible ‘direct way’.


Remember that biological age is a real thing and that you energetic health is a real thing even though Western science hasn’t caught up with it.


Not all women are going to do estrogen hormone therapy for vitality so this is a legitimate alternative (results wise + with many other benefits).


Essence Replacement Therapy package is available with more information here.